Micromeria pedro-luisii Puppo, 2015

Puppo, Pamela & Meimberg, Harald, 2015, New species and new combinations in Micromeria (Lamiaceae) from the Canary Islands and Madeira, Phytotaxa 230 (1), pp. 1-21 : 13-17

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.230.1.1

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scientific name

Micromeria pedro-luisii Puppo

sp. nov.

Micromeria pedro-luisii Puppo View in CoL , sp. nov. Fig. 1–E View FIGURE 1 , Fig. 8 View FIGURE 8

Holotype:— SPAIN. La Gomera: Sobre Ayamosna , camino entre Ayamosna y Tagamiche, UTM 286523-3110078, Alt. 780–800 m, 16 June 2012, P. Puppo 568.2 ( TFC).

= Micromeria varia subsp. varia sensu Pérez de Paz (1978) View in CoL pro parte quoad plants from La Gomera.

Differing from M. gomerensis View in CoL in the larger habit, up to 50 cm high; leaves sessile, minutely pubescent adaxially, lanuginose abaxially; cymes sessile; larger calyx, 3–5 mm long., minutely pubescent; larger corolla, 4–6 mm long., white, lower lip projected downwards.

Subshrub, up to 50 cm high, highly branched; branches persisting and entangled, basal part of branches glabrous shedding bark, younger parts glabrate to velutinous, buds densely lanuginose. Leaves sessile arranged in fascicles in the upper parts of the branches; blades herbaceous less than 6 × 1.5 mm, linear, revolute, green sometimes tinged with red, minutely pubescent adaxially, lanuginose abaxially. Cymes sessile arranged on the tip of young branches, with few flowers. Calyx slightly campanulated, green tinged with purple, minutely pubescent, 3–5 mm long, calyx apices lanceolate to subulate, densely white-ciliate. Corolla white, 4–6 mm long, exerted, lower lip projected downwards. Anthers lilac, included or barely exerted. Style included.

Etymology: —This new species is dedicated to Professor Pedro Luis Pérez de Paz as a recognition for his contribution to the knowledge of genus Micromeria throughout the years.

Conservation Status: —This new species is abundant and has a wide area of distribution in La Gomera so it is considered as LC according to the categories of the IUCN (2012).

Paratypes: — SPAIN. La Gomera: Entre Ayamosna y Tagamiche, 16 June 2012, P. L. Pérez 705- G5 ( TFC) ; Puppo et al. 568.3 (TFC).

Other Specimens Examined: — SPAIN. La Gomera: Túneles de Aguajilva , Bco. de Aguajilva, 15 June 2012, P. L. Pérez 705- G1 ( TFC) ; Carretera Agulo-Las Rosas, 15 June 2012, P. L. Pérez 705- G2 ( TFC) ; Presa El Garabato, El Tion, 15 June 2012, P. L. Pérez 705- G3 ( TFC) ; Epina, 15 June 2012, P. L. Pérez 705- G4 ( TFC) ; Entrada Bco. de Benchijigua , desde Las Torres, 16 June 2012, P. L. Pérez 705- G7 ( TFC) ; Arure, 16 June 2012, P. L. Pérez 705- G11 ( TFC) ; Puppo et al. 580.2 ( TFC) ; Puppo et al. 580.5 ( TFC) ; El Rejo, 17 June 2012, P. L. Pérez 705- G12 ( TFC) ; Puppo et al. 582.3 ( TFC) .

Geographical Distribution: —This species grows throughout La Gomera island being especially frequent in the northern part where it grows from the sea level up to the higher parts of the Garajonay National Park.

Notes: —This species was formerly identified as M. varia subsp. varia in the revision of Pérez de Paz (1978) but molecular data shows that these Gomeran plants are different from M. varia from Tenerife so a new species is described. Morphologically, M. pedro-luisii posses leaves that are minutely pubescent adaxially and lanuginose abaxially, a calyx that is slightly campanulated with ciliate apices, and a style that is included, while in M. varia the leaves are puberulous throughout, the calyx is tubular, the apices are not ciliate, and the style is exerted.

At higher elevations, M. pedro-luisii can be found in sympatry with the other taxa present in the island: M. gomerensis , M. lepida subsp. lepida and subsp. bolleana . Intermediate specimen between some of these taxa and M. pedro-luisii have been observed. These hybrids are being formally described below.

Micromeria × garajonayii Puppo & P. Pérez , nothosp. nov. ( Micromeria lepida subsp. lepida × M. pedro-luisii ) Fig. 9–A, B View FIGURE 9

Holotype:— SPAIN. La Gomera: Parque Nacional del Garajonay , cruce de la Zarcita, 28º06’38,3’’N, 17º13’01,9’’W, Alt. 1170 m, 17 July 2012, P. Puppo & P. Pérez 585.1 ( TFC). GoogleMaps

Similar to Micromeria lepida subsp. lepida in velutinous or lanuginose indumentum and pedunculated cymes, and to M. pedro-luisii in secondary ramification and pauciflorous cymes.

Subshrub, 30–40 cm high, highly branched from the base; secondary branching present; branches semi prostrated or ascending, velutinous or lanuginose, basal part of branches shedding bark. Leaves subsessile, ericoids, arranged in young branches; blades 4–8 × 0.8–1.2 mm, sublinear, revolute, sparsely velutinous or lanuginose adaxially, abaxially lanose. Cymes pedunculated, loosely arranged on younger branches; peduncles 2–5 mm long; bracts up to 3 mm long, linear; flowers subsessile or shortly pedicelated, pedicels less than 1 mm long; bracteoles 1.5–2 mm long, linear. Calyx tubular, green tinged with violet, sparsely velutinous, 3–4 mm long, calyx apices subulate, straight. Corolla white to lilac, exerted, lower lip projected outwards. Anthers lilac, included. Style included.

Etymology: —The epithet of this new hybrid alludes the area it inhabits, Garajonay National Park.

Paratype: — SPAIN. La Gomera: Parque Nacional del Garajonay, Cruce de la Zarcita, 28º06’38,3’’N, 17º13’01,9’’W, 17 July 2012, P. Pérez 2012-G-13 (TFC).

Geographical Distribution: —This hybrid has been observed only in Cruce de la Zarcita in Garajonay National Park. It grows in rocky slopes, in the clearings of the forest, and border of roads above 1100 m.

Notes: — M. × garajonayii is easily recognized in the field because it shows intermediate morphological characteristics between both parents. Its habit is very similar to M. pedro-luisii ( Fig. 8 View FIGURE 8 ) presenting secondary branching, semi prostrated branches and leaves densely arranged in younger branches. Unlike M. pedro-luisii , this hybrid presents velutinous or lanuginose indumentum, pedunculated cymes, calyx apices subulate and inferior lip of the corolla projected outwards, characteristics that the hybrid takes from the other parent, M. lepida subsp. lepida ( Fig. 9–C, D View FIGURE 9 ). Micromeria × garajonayii presents normally developed stamens and styles. The hybrids were found growing next to specimens of M. lepida subsp. lepida . Even though specimens from M. pedro-luisii were not observed on the same locality where the hybrids grow, they were observed in nearby areas such as Mirador de El Rejo. Furthermore, small black bees were observed visiting the flowers from the parents and the hybrids, easily transporting pollen from one plant to the other among localities.

Micromeria × ayamosnae Puppo & P. Pérez , nothosp. nov. ( Micromeria lepida subsp. bolleana × M. pedro-luisii ) Fig. 10—A, B View FIGURE 10

Holotype:— SPAIN. La Gomera: sobre Ayamosna , camino entre Ayamosna y Tagamiche, 28º05´56,4’’N, 17º10’22,5’’W, Alt. 786 m, 16 July 2012, P. Puppo, P. Pérez & F. Faure 570.4 ( TFC). GoogleMaps

Similar to Micromeria lepida subsp. bolleana in pedunculated cymes and terebinthinaceous smell, and to M. pedro-luisii in few leaves and scattered pubescence.

Subshrub, 15–20 cm high, basal stem thick, highly branched from the base; branches ascendant or erect, sparsely velutinous, basal part of branches shedding bark. Leaves subsessile, ericoids, arranged in the upper parts of young branches; blades 5–8 × 0.8–1 mm, sublinear, revolute, sparsely velutinous or puberulous adaxially, abaxially strigose or densely velutinous. Cymes pedunculated, abundant, arranged on the upper parts of younger branches; peduncles 2.5–4 mm long; bracts up to 3 mm long, subulate, puberulous or velutinous. Flowers subsessile; bracteoles 1.5 mm long, linear, subulate, puberulous or velutinous. Calyx tubular, green tinged with violet, sparsely velutinous, 3–4 mm long, calyx apices acute, slightly projected outwards. Corolla white, exerted, lower lip projected downwards. Anthers white or lilac, included. Style slightly exerted.

Etymology: —The name of this new hybrid makes reference to the locality where the type was found, Ayamosna.

Paratypes: — SPAIN. La Gomera: sobre Ayamosna , camino entre Ayamosna y Tagamiche, 28º05´56,4’’N, 17º10’22,5’’W, 786 m, 16 July. 2012, P. Puppo, P. Pérez & F. Faure 570.1 ( TFC) GoogleMaps ; P. Puppo et al. 570.2 (TFC); P. Puppo et al. 570.3 (TFC); P. Puppo et al. 570.5 (TFC); P. Puppo et al. 570.6 (TFC).

Other Specimens Examined: — SPAIN. La Gomera: Barranco de Benchijigua , 28º04’48,3’’N, 17º12’33’’W, 758 m, 16 July 2012, P. Puppo, P. Pérez & F. Faure 575.1 ( TFC) GoogleMaps ; P. Puppo et al. 575.2 (TFC).

Geographical Distribution: —Other than the type locality, this hybrid has been found in Barranco de Benchijigua, where both parents grow in sympatry. It grows in rocky slopes between 750– 800 m.

Notes: —The habit of this hybrid resembles that of M. lepida subsp. bolleana ( Fig. 10–C, D View FIGURE 10 ): thick basal stem, erect, ascending branches, and terebinthinaceous smell. On the other hand, M. × ayamosnae presents shorter branches with fewer leaves, and less dense pubescence, characteristics coming from the other parent M. pedro-luisii (see Fig. 8 View FIGURE 8 ). Regarding the floral parts, the cymes are pedunculated as in M. lepida subsp. bolleana though the pedicels and flowers are not as long ( Fig. 10 View FIGURE 10 ) and the calyx apices are acute as in M. pedro-luisii . The hybrid specimens present normally developed stamens and styles.

Micromeria × ayamosnae was found growing among individuals from both parents in two localities in the SE of the island though their distribution might be wider. In the locality of Benchijigua, mosquitoes were observed visiting the flowers of the hybrid. Similarly, in the locality of Ayamosna, bees were found going through the flowers of the parents and hybrids alike. Some individuals from M. gomerensis were observed as well in Ayamosna though no morphological characters were observed from this species in the hybrids.


Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Vascular Plants


Universidad de La Laguna


Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Leiden University branch


Field Museum of Natural History, Botany Department














Micromeria pedro-luisii Puppo

Puppo, Pamela & Meimberg, Harald 2015

M. gomerensis

Puppo 2015

Micromeria varia subsp. varia sensu Pérez de Paz (1978)

sensu Perez de Paz 1978
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF