Polana (Hobemanella) arcana, Domahovski & Cavichioli, 2018

Domahovski, Alexandre Cruz & Cavichioli, Rodney Ramiro, 2018, Two new species of Polana (Hobemanella) (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Gyponini) and key to species, Zoologia (e 13882) 35, pp. 1-8 : 4-6

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.3897/zoologia.35.e13882

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scientific name

Polana (Hobemanella) arcana

sp. nov.

Polana (Hobemanella) arcana View in CoL sp. nov.

http://zoobank.org/ 0A54C6A7-81E9-4449-AF16-31BCBCB605CF

Figs 15–28

Diagnosis. Style ( Fig. 22) elongated; blade with ventral margin produced near base and serrated. Aedeagus ( Figs 23, 24) with pair of elongated processes arising at base, with acute apex, almost as long as shaft length and parallel to shaft.

Description. Male length 7.2–7.5 mm, female length 8.5–8.9 mm. Head ( Fig.17), in frontal view, with clypeus 1.1 times longer than wide, lateral margins slightly divergent apically, apex emarginated; frons approximately 1.2 times longer than wide; frontogenal suture distant from eye margin by distance two times wider than scape diameter. Head ( Fig. 16), in lateral view, with clypeus not inflated and frons rounded. Forewing ( Figs 15, 16) with appendix narrower than maximum width of first apical cell. Foreleg with profemur, in frontal view, 3.1 times longer than high; AV row with four or five setae and PV rows with two or three setae. Other characteristics as in the previous description.

Coloration. Head and thorax ( Figs 15, 16) dark brown. Crown ( Fig. 15) without maculae. Face ( Fig. 17) with frons brown, clypeus, lora and genae pale brown. Pronotum and mesonotum ( Figs 15, 16) without maculae. Forewings ( Figs 15, 16) dark brown with veins yellowish on apical portion; five black spots: one on base, near humeral angle; two on clavus, on apex of each anal vein; and two on corium, on each cross vein of discal cell. Legs pale brown; metatibiae with cucullate bases of macrosetae black.

Male terminalia. Sternite VIII ( Fig. 15) approximately 1.3 times wider than long; posterolateral corners rounded; posterior margin with middle portion slightly produced and rounded. Pygofer ( Fig. 19) about 1.6 times longer than maximum height; macrosetae dispersed on apical half; dorsal margin with short basal process; ventral margin rounded, without hair-like setae; posterodorsal and posteroventral margins almost straight and convergent apically; apex rounded. Subgenital plate ( Figs 19, 20) elongated, in lateral view, produced posteriorly almost as far as pygofer apex; in ventral view, approximately 3.3 times longer than wide; maximum width at mid-portion; internal margin rounded; external margin rounded and with short setae on apical half; apex rounded. Connective ( Fig. 21) Y-shaped, with rami shorter than stalk; stalk elongated, narrow on base and wider apically, approximately three times longer than wide. Style ( Fig. 21), in dorsal view, with outer lobe reduced and rounded, in lateral view ( Fig. 22), elongated, blade with ventral margin produced near base and serrated, apex curved dorsally, narrow and rounded. Aedeagus ( Figs 23, 24) with preatrium reduced; dorsal apodeme short and rounded, not developed laterally; with atrial processes bent dorsally, as long as shaft, in lateral view, narrow near base and wider on apex, apex rounded; shaft with pair of elongated processes arising at base, with acute apex, almost as long as shaft length and parallel to shaft, shaft curved dorsally, apex rounded with two short lateral processes directed basally.

Female terminalia. Sternite VII ( Fig. 25) approximately 1.6 times wider than long; posterolateral angles rounded; posterior margin slightly excavated laterally of median rounded lobe, which occupies median third and is slightly more produced posteriorly than lateral angles. Pygofer ( Fig. 26) about 1.8 times longer than maximum height, apex broadly rounded; macrosetae dispersed on dorsoapical fourth and ventroapical half. Internal sternite VIII membranous. First valvifer ( Fig. 27) twice higher than long; external surface without setae. First valvulae ( Fig. 27) slightly curved dorsally; basal portion developed anterad and with rounded lobe; apical third with dorsal sculptured area strigate; apex tapered abruptly and serrated laterally. Second valvulae ( Fig. 28) with greatest height posterior to middle portion; dorsal margin roundly excavated near mid-length and without teeth; apical portion gradually tapering to acute apex.

Material examined. Holotype male: “ Brasil, Paraná, S.[São] J.[José] dos\Pinhais, 25º36’18”S \ 49º11’37”W 880m \ 01–08. iii.2014 malaise\A.C. Domahovski leg.”, DZUP. Paratypes: 3♂, same data, DZUP ; 3♂, same data except 09–23.ii.2012, DZUP ; 1♂, 1♀, same data except 12.ii.2012, DZUP ; 1♂, same data except 02–09.xii.2012, DZUP ; 1♂, same data except 03–10.iv.2013, DZUP ; 1♀, same data except 04–18.v.2013, DZUP ; 1♂, same data except 11–14.i.2014, DZUP ; 1♂, same data except 08–15.ii.2014, DZUP ; 2♂, same data except 28.iii.2014, DZUP ; 1♀, same data except 05.iv.2014, sweep, DZUP ; 1♂, same data except 10–17. iv.2014, MZUSP ; 1♂, same data except 7–21.ii.2015, MZUSP ; 1♀, same data except 09.v.2015, DZUP ; 1♀, same data except 18–20.iv.2015, MNRJ , 1♂, same data except 23.XII.2015, sweep, MZUSP ; 1♀, same data except 09.III.2016, sweep, DZUP ; 1♂, same data except 19.III.2016, sweep, MNRJ ; 1♂, same data except 23.III.2016, sweep, MNRJ ; 2♂, same data except 01–30.XI.2016, DZRJ ; 1♂, same data except 05–12.XI.2016, DZRJ ; 1♂, same data except 01–31.I.2017, DZRJ ; 3♂, 1♀, same data except 25–28. II.2017, sweep, DZRJ ; 2♂, 1♀, same data except 01–31.III.2017, DZUP ; 1♀, same data except 08–22.IV.2017, sweep, DZUP .

Remarks. Polana (H.) arcana sp. nov. is similar to P. (H.) elabora , P. (H.) scela and P. (H.) alvarengai sp. nov. in having the pygofer without a conspicuous process as the one observed in the other species of Hobemanella. The new species is similar to P. (H.) bohemani , P. (H.) chelata and P. (H.) luteonota by the shape of style with ventral margin of blade higher near mid-portion and serrated, but differs by the ventral margin of blade higher more basally ( Fig. 22) compared with the others. Polana (H.) arcana sp. nov. can be easily distinguished from other Hobemanella species by the presence of a pair of elongated processes arising at the base of aedeagal shaft ( Figs 23, 24).

Etymology. The species epithet, arcana , comes from the Latin “arcanum” and means mystery. This name was chosen because almost all specimens were collected with malaise trap; all attempts to collect this species by sweeping the vegetation around the traps have failed. The ten specimens collected by sweeping were obtained far away from the malaise trap, approximately 500 m from it.


Universidade Federal do Parana, Colecao de Entomologia Pe. Jesus Santiago Moure


Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo


Museu Nacional/Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro













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