Clepsydraphes nitidulus (Franz) Jałoszyński, 2024

Jałoszyński, Paweł, 2024, The ‘ curse of Horaeomorphus’ (almost) lifted. Revision of misplaced species from Madagascar, Comoros and Mascarenes (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Scydmaeninae), Zootaxa 5505 (1), pp. 1-96 : 85-87

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5505.1.1

publication LSID

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Clepsydraphes nitidulus (Franz)

comb. nov.

Clepsydraphes nitidulus (Franz) , comb. n.

( Figs 312–323 View FIGURES 312–320 View FIGURES 321–323 )

Euconnus (Anthicimorphus) nitidulus Franz, 1986b: 244 View in CoL .

Horaeomorphus nitidulus (Franz) View in CoL ; Jałoszyński (2014b): 12 (result of placing Anthicimorphus as junior synonym of Horaeomorphus View in CoL ).

Type material studied. Holotype ( Madagascar): ♂, four labels: “Madagaskar / Umg. Périnet / lg.H.Franz 1969” [white, printed], „ Euconnus / Anthicimorphus / nitidulus m. / det.H.Franz” [white, handwritten and printed], “Typus” [red, handwritten], “ CLEPSYDRAPHES / nitidulus / (Franz, 1986) / det. P. Jałoszyński, 2024 [white, printed] ( NHMW).

Diagnosis. As for genus; vide supra. Aedeagus ( Figs 317–320 View FIGURES 312–320 ) in ventral view broadest distally to middle, ventral apical wall forming subtriangular movable plate with distal margin rounded, dorsal apical wall forming elongate and narrow subtriangular process with rounded distal margin, each paramere with three extremely long apical setae.

Description. Body of males ( Fig. 312 View FIGURES 312–320 ) yellowish brown, appendages indistinctly lighter, setae yellowish; BL 0.95 mm.

Head ( Figs 313–315 View FIGURES 312–320 , 321–322 View FIGURES 321–323 ) almost as broad as prothorax, broadest at eyes, HL 0.15 mm, HW 0.20 mm; temple in lateral view ( Fig. 315 View FIGURES 312–320 ) subequal to length of eye; vertex and frons confluent, together weakly convex and strongly transverse; each eye small and weakly convex, with deep posteromedian emargination, weakly projecting from head silhouette. Frons and vertex virtually impunctate; setae extremely short, sparse and suberect (barely discernible under stereomicroscope, observable in SEM images; Fig. 321 View FIGURES 321–323 ); genae with sparse bristles directed posteriorly. Antenna ( Fig. 316 View FIGURES 312–320 ) slender but short in relation to body length, AnL 0.43 mm, antennomeres 1 and 2 each elongate, 3–8 each transverse, 9–10 each as long as broad, 11 only slightly longer than 10 and subequal in width, weakly elongate.

Pronotum ( Fig. 321 View FIGURES 321–323 ) oval, broadest distinctly in front of middle; PL 0.25 mm, PW 0.23 mm. Anterior margin nearly straight, lateral margins strongly rounded; posterior margin distinctly convex. Disc virtually impunctate; setae as fine as those on frons and vertex; bristles present on posterior regions of hypomera, directed posteriorly.

Elytra ( Fig. 312 View FIGURES 312–320 ) together oval, broadest distinctly behind middle and strongly narrowing towards base, less strongly so towards apices; EL 0.55 mm, EW 0.38 mm, EI 1.47. Punctures and setae as those on pronotal disc.

Hind wings entirely reduced.

Meso- and metaventrite ( Fig. 323 View FIGURES 321–323 ) with moderately long and sparse setae, except for densely setose procoxal rests.

Legs long and slender, unmodified.

Aedeagus ( Figs 317–320 View FIGURES 312–320 ) elongate, AeL 0.18 mm; in ventral view broadest distally to middle, ventral apical wall forming subtriangular movable plate with distal margin rounded, dorsal apical wall forming elongate and narrow subtriangular process with rounded distal margin, endophallic structures not sclerotized, each paramere slender, in lateral view distinctly curved, with three extremely long apical setae.

Female. Unknown.

Distribution. Central Madagascar (Alaotra-Mangoro Region).

Remarks. The holotype label reads only “Umg. Périnet”, but Franz (1986b) added the following collecting data: 15.04.1969, in forest at the forestry station of Analamazaotra near Périnet, sifted from leaf litter and rotten wood.


Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien














Clepsydraphes nitidulus (Franz)

Jałoszyński, Paweł 2024

Horaeomorphus nitidulus (Franz)

Jaloszynski, P. 2014: 12

Euconnus (Anthicimorphus) nitidulus

Franz, H. 1986: 244
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