Gonatopus bekilyanus ( Benoit, 1954 )

Olmi, Massimo, Copeland, Robert S. & Noort, Simon Van, 2019, Dryinidae of the Afrotropical region (Hymenoptera, Chrysidoidea), Zootaxa 4630 (1), pp. 1-619 : 487-489

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https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.4630.1.1

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scientific name

Gonatopus bekilyanus ( Benoit, 1954 )


65. Gonatopus bekilyanus ( Benoit, 1954)

( Figs 206B View FIGURE 206 , 219A View FIGURE 219 )

Neogonatopus bekilyanus Benoit 1954: 394 .

Gonatopus bekilyanus (Benoit) : Olmi 1984: 1612; 1994c: 11; 2004a: 369; 2006: 48; Guglielmino & Olmi 2006: 47; Azevedo et al. 2010: 895; Olmi et al. 2012: 716; 2015: 364.

Description. ♀. Apterous; body length 2.9–3.0 mm. Head black, except clypeus and mandible yellow; antenna brown, except scape and pedicel or only scape yellow; mesosoma and metasoma black; legs yellow, except coxae and clubs of femora brown-black. Head excavated, shiny, bare, unsculptured, except frons and occiput granulate. Palpal formula 3/2 or 4/2. Pronotum crossed by strong transverse impression, shiny, unsculptured. Mesoscutum shiny, with some longitudinal keels, without lateral pointed apophyses. Metanotum transversely striate. Metapectalpropodeal disc shiny, unsculptured; propodeal declivity transversely striate. Meso- and metapleuron transversely striate. Meso-metapleural suture obsolete. In two specimens from Mozambique, Cuamba, metapectal-propodeal disc with deep median longitudinal furrow (furrow not present in other specimens reared in same locality). Enlarged claw ( Fig. 206B View FIGURE 206 ) with small subapical tooth and 5–9 peg-like setae. Protarsomere 5 ( Fig. 206B View FIGURE 206 ) with inner side proximally serrate and one row of 15–24 lamellae; apex with 8–10 lamellae. Tibial spurs 1/0/1.

♂. Fully winged; body length 1.6 mm. Head black, except mandible testaceous; antenna brown; mesosoma black; metasoma brown; legs brown, except articulations and tarsomeres 1–4 testaceous. Antenna setose, filiform; antennomeres of ♂ from Mozambique, Cuamba, in following proportions: 4:3:4.5:4:3.5:4:3.5:4:3:6; antennomere 3 less than 3 × as long as broad: 4.5:2 (in ♂ specimen from Mozambique, Cuamba). Head dull, granulate; fron- tal line absent; occipital carina absent; in ♂ specimen from Mozambique, Cuamba, POL = 5; OL = 3; OOL = 4; greatest breadth of lateral ocelli shorter than OL (2:3). Vertex of head with two oval, dull, granulate areas situated between lateral ocelli and eyes (areas surrounded anteriorly by very high carina; posteriorly not surrounded by carina). Temple distinct, granulate, not crossed by carina. Palpal formula 4/2. Mesoscutum dull, granulate. Notauli complete, posteriorly separated; minimum distance between notauli slightly shorter than greatest breadth of lateral ocelli (1.5:2). Mesoscutellum and metanotum shiny, slightly punctate, unsculptured among punctures. Metapectalpropodeal disc dull, slightly reticulate rugose, without median longitudinal furrow; areolae of metapectal-propodeal disc small; propodeal declivity without longitudinal or transverse keels. Forewing hyaline, without dark transverse bands, with only costal cell surrounded by strongly pigmented veins (other basal cells surrounded by less pigmented veins); 2R1 cell open; 2r-rs&Rs vein regularly curved, with distal part longer than proximal part. Dorsal process of paramere ( Fig. 219A View FIGURE 219 ) short and slender, with apex pointed. Tibial spurs 1/1/2.

Material examined. Types: ♀ holotype: MADAGASCAR: Toliara, Bekily , III.1943, A. Seyrig leg. ( MNHN). Paratypes: same locality label as holotype, VII.1937, A. Seyrig leg., 11♀♀ (7 in MNHN, 4 in MRAC). Other material: KENYA: Central Prov., Mt. Kenya, 1♀ ( DEUW). MADAGASCAR: Toamasina, Tamatave, 1♀ ( FSAE); Toamasina, Rogez, 2♀♀ ( MRAC, AMNH). Toliara, Ifaty, 23°09’S 43°37’E, 17.IX.1993, under seaweed drift on sand beach, W.E. Steiner & R. Andriamasimanana leg., 1♀ ( USNM). MOZAMBIQUE: Niassa, Cuamba, Mo- zambique Catholic University Campus, reared from adults and nymphs of Exitianus capicola (Stål) and Exitianus taeniaticeps (Kirschbaum) , M. Olmi leg., C. 19.IV.2002, B. 21.IV.2002, Sf. 12.V.2002, 1♀ ( MOLC); same locality label, C. 19.IV.2002, B. 21.IV.2002, Sf. 12.V.2002, 1♀ ( MOLC); same locality label, C. 22.III.2003, B. 23.III.2003, Sf. 14.IV.2003, 1♀ ( MOLC); same locality label, C. 23.III.2003, B. 27.III.2003, Sf. 18.IV.2003, 1♀ ( MOLC); same locality label, C. 29.V.2007, B. 30.V.2007, Sf. 30.VI.2007, 1♀ ( MOLC); same locality label, C. 29.V.2007, B. 31.V.2007, Sf. 1.VII.2007, 1♀ ( SAMC); same locality label, C. 19.IV.2007, B. 20.IV.2007, Sf. 14.V.2007, 1♀ ( SAMC); same locality label, C. 3.II.2011, B. 4.II.2011, Sf. 23.II.2011, 1♀ ( MOLC); same locality label, C. 6.II.2011, B. 8.II.2011, Sf. 27.II.2011, 1♀ ( MOLC); same locality label, C. 3.II.2011, B. 4.II.2011, Sf. 23.II.2011, 1♀ ( MOLC); same locality label, C. 6.II.2011, B. 7.II.2011, Sf. 1.III.2011, 1♂ ( MOLC); same locality label, C. 6.II.2011, B. 10.II.2011, Sf. 1.III.2011, 1♀ ( MOLC); same locality label, C. 1.IV.2009, B. 7.IV.2009, 1♀ ( MOLC). SOUTH AFRICA: Gauteng, near Pretoria, Discovery, 28.IX.1961, Empey leg., 1♀ ( DJBC).

Hosts. Cicadellidae ( Guglielmino et al. 2013) : in Mozambique: Exitianus capicola (Stål) and Exitianus taeniaticeps (Kirschbaum) .

Biology. Biological cycle studied by Olmi in Mozambique (Niassa Prov., Cuamba): egg 27.V.2007, first instar larva 31.V.2007, second instar larva 1.VI.2007, third instar larva 3.VI.2007, fourth instar larva 5.VI.2007, fifth instar larva 6.VI.2007, cocoon from 7.VI.2007, ♀ adult emerged 30.VI.2007 (specimens in MOLC).

Distribution. Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, South Africa.


France, Paris, Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle


Musée Royal de l’Afrique Centrale


American Museum of Natural History


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Iziko Museums of Cape Town














Gonatopus bekilyanus ( Benoit, 1954 )

Olmi, Massimo, Copeland, Robert S. & Noort, Simon Van 2019

Gonatopus bekilyanus

Azevedo, C. O. & Madl, M. & Olmi, M. 2010: 895
Guglielmino, A. & Olmi, M. 2006: 47
Olmi, M. 2004: 369
Olmi, M. 1994: 11
Olmi, M. 1984: 1612

Neogonatopus bekilyanus

Benoit, P. L. G. 1954: 394
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