Regalana jamari, Domahovski & Gonçalves & Takiya & Cavichioli, 2020

Domahovski, Alexandre Cruz, Gonçalves, Clayton Corrêa, Takiya, Daniela Maeda & Cavichioli, Rodney Ramiro, 2020, Description of two new species of Regalana and a new genus of Gyponini (Hemiptera: Cicadellidade: Iassinae), Zootaxa 4731 (1), pp. 89-102 : 90-92

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4731.1.6

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scientific name

Regalana jamari

sp. nov.

Regalana jamari View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figs 1 View FIGURES 1 −13, 65)

Diagnosis. Male pygofer (Fig. 7) with posteroventral margin produced posterad forming a rounded lobe. Style (Fig. 10) distinctly expanded at mid-length of blade; ventral margin smooth. Aedeagus (Figs 11−13) shaft with pair of short and robust lateral spiniform processes at apical third; apex with three pairs of processes: anteromedian (AM) absent, anterolateral (AL) elongate and directed anteriorly, laterodorsal (LD) elongated and bifurcated or trifurcated, and lateroventral (LV) directed ventrally measuring approximately with half-length of shaft.

Measurements (mm). Holotype male: total length 7.0.

Coloration. Male sternite VIII (Fig. 5) with median portion, lateral and posterior margins dark brown. Other characteristics as in generic description in Domahovski et al. (2014).

Description. Head ( Fig. 1 View FIGURES 1 ) with transocular width about 4 / 5 of pronotum humeral width. Clypeus (Fig. 2) about as long as wide; apical margin straight. Forewing (Fig. 4) approximately 3.2 times longer than wide. Other characteristics as in generic description in Domahovski et al. (2014).

Male terminalia. Sternite VIII (Fig. 5) in ventral view, subrectangular; approximately 1.5 times wider than long; lateral margins straight and parallel; posterior margin slightly sinuous. Valve (Fig. 6) in ventral view, slightly longer than wide; lateral margins sinuous and convergent posteriorly; posterior margin produced at middle portion. Pygofer (Fig. 7) in lateral view, subrectangular, approximately 1.3 times longer than high; posteroventral margin produced posterad forming a rounded lobe, with few striae; apex widely rounded. Subgenital plate (Fig. 7) in lateral view, not exceeding apex of pygofer; in ventral view (Fig. 8), widest at basal half; apex rounded. Connective (Fig. 9) in dorsal view, with rami shorter than stem; stem about three times longer than wide. Style (Fig. 9) in dorsal view, with outer lobe rounded; in lateral view (Fig. 10), distinctly expanded at mid-length of blade; ventral margin smooth; apex rounded. Aedeagus (Figs 11−13) shaft tubular and curved dorsally, with pair of short and robust lat- eral spiniform processes at apical third; apex with three pairs of processes: anteromedian (AM) absent, anterolateral (AL) elongate and adjacent to each other, directed anteriorly, laterodorsal (LD) elongated and branched, bifurcated or trifurcated (right and left processes respectively), directed anteriorly, and lateroventral (LV) measuring approximately half-length of shaft, directed ventrally. Other characteristics as in generic description.

Female unknown.

Etymology. The specific epithet alludes to the type-locality, Flona Jamari.

Material examined. Holotype male, “ Brasil, RO, Itapuã do\ Oeste, Flona Jamari \ 09°11’42”S 63°03’35”W \ 09.X.2014 Luz J.A.\ Rafael, F.F. Xavier, R.\ M.Vieira & R. H. Aquino ”, INPA. GoogleMaps

Notes. Regalana jamari sp. nov. resembles the type-species R. corona DeLong & Freytag, 1975 by the rounded apex of the pygofer (Fig. 7) and by the similar orientation of the aedeagal processes (Fig. 12). However, the shorter subgenital plate (Fig. 8); style expanded at mid-length of blade (Fig. 10), and longer aedeagal processes (Fig. 12) in R. jamari sp. nov. can easily distinguish it from R. corona .


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia

















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