Oreo renmark, PLATNICK, 2002

PLATNICK, NORMAN I., 2002, A Revision Of The Australasian Ground Spiders Of The Families Ammoxenidae, Cithaeronidae, Gallieniellidae, And Trochanteriidae (Araneae: Gnaphosoidea), Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2002 (271), pp. 1-1 : 1-

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scientific name

Oreo renmark

sp. nov.

Oreo renmark , new species Figures 121–124 View Figs ; Map 9 View Map 9

TYPE: Male holotype taken in flight intercept trap 79 km NNW Renmark, 33 ° 31 ̍ S, 140 ° 24 ̍ E, South Australia (July 5–Aug. 10, 1995; K. Pullen), deposited in QMB .

ETYMOLOGY: The specific name is a noun in apposition taken from the type locality.

DIAGNOSIS: Males can be separated from those of O. muncoonie and O. kidman by the wide but not prolaterally expanded ridge situated on the tegulum, just posterior of the translucent median apophysis (fig. 121); females of the latter two species are unknown.

MALE: Total length 2.9. Carapace chestnut brown with black reticulations; abdomen black, dorsum with anterior and median pairs of lateral white spots, posterior white chevron, anterior pair of spots extending around sides to venter; legs chestnut brown except coxae pale yellow, patellae, tibiae, and posterior metatarsi and tarsi with proximal or­ ange rings, rings expanded on anterior metatarsi and tarsi, those segments yellow for most of their length. Chelicerae porrect, endites relatively long. Leg spination: metatarsi: III r0­1­0; IV v1p­1p­ 1p. Tarsi I–IV cracked at about half their length. Retrolateral tibial apophysis with two triangular prongs (fig. 122); tegular ridge situated proximally of median apophysis wide, occupying about half of tegular width, not expanded or highly crenulated prolaterally (fig. 121).

FEMALE: Total length 5.1. Coloration, chelicerae, and tarsi as in male. Leg spination typical for genus. Epigynum with long, triangular atrium containing anterior hood (fig. 123); spermathecae bipartite, posterior portion crenulate (fig. 124).

OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: New South Wales: Coleambally Irrigation Area , 34 ° 55 ̍ S, 145 ° 52 ̍ E, Dec. 14, 1998, pitfall (L. Wilkie, S. Priday, AMS KS58171 ), 1♀ ; Coleambally Irrigation Area, 34 ° 56 ̍ S, 145 ° 46 ̍ E, Dec. 14, 1998, pitfall (L. Wilkie, S. Priday, AMS KS68904 ), 1♀. Queensland: Gayndah, Burnett River , 25 ° 37 ̍ S, 151 ° 36 ̍ E, Nov. 22, 1998, litter, wooded area (D. Silva, AMNH), 1♀ ; Lake Broadwater, via Dalby , 27 ° 21 ̍ S, 151 ° 06 ̍ E, Jan. 26–Feb. 18, 1985, pitfall ( QMB), 1♀, Feb. 15–Mar. 25, 1985, pitfall ( QMB), 1♀, Mar. 25–May 16, 1985, pitfall ( QMB), 13, May 16–Nov. 24, 1985, pitfalls (M. Bennie, QMB S34511 View Materials , ex S34512 View Materials ), 53, 7♀, Nov. 24, 1985 – Jan. 3, 1986, pitfalls (M. Bennie, QMB), 3♀, Jan. 3–Feb. 25, 1986, pitfalls (M. Bennie, QMB), 13, 1♀. South Australia: 79 km NNW Renmark, 33 ° 31 ̍ S, 140 ° 24 ̍ E, May 3–June 6, 1995, flight intercept (K. Pullen, QMB), 1♀, June 6–Sept. 7, 1995, flight intercept (K. Pullen, QMB), 33, Sept. 6–Oct. 12, 1995, flight intercept (K. Pullen, QMB), 3♀ ; 3.5 km N St. Aubins Homestead , 36 ° 39 ̍ S, 140 ° 52 ̍ E, Dec. 4–8, 1995 ( SAM N1999 View Materials /142), 13 ; Scott Creek, Morgan, 34 ° 06 ̍ S, 139 ° 40 ̍ E, Sept. 18–21, 2000, pitfalls, leaf litter under acacia, sparse ground cover under lignum, leaf litter under red gum (T. Steggles, SAM NN9958–9961 View Materials ), 43. Victoria: Eyensbury , 38 ° 48 ̍ S, 144 ° 33 ̍ E, Nov. 13–20, 1991, pitfall, grey box woodland (B. Van Praagh, R. Kay, A. Kobelt, NMVS), 13 ; 12.1 km ESE confluence of Lindsay River and Mullaroo Creek , 34 ° 09 ̍ S, 141 ° 15 ̍ E, Nov. 1985, drift fence pitfall (A. Yen, NMVS), 13 ; Schwenkes Road, Cohuna , 35 ° 50 ̍ S, 144 ° 11 ̍ E, Nov. 16–21, 1996, pitfall (J. Shield, J. Hooper, CVIC 592 ), 1♀ .

DISTRIBUTION: Southeastern Australia (map 9).

Oreo muncoonie , new species

Figures 125, 126 View Figs ; Map 9 View Map 9

TYPE: Male holotype taken under cow dung at Lake Muncoonie , NW Birdsville, 25 ° 12 ̍ S, 138 ° 41 ̍ E, Queensland (Nov. 17, 1976; R. Raven), deposited in QMB .

ETYMOLOGY: The specific name is a noun in apposition taken from the type locality.

DIAGNOSIS: Males can be separated from those of O. renmark and O. kidman by the prolaterally expanded and crenulated tegular ridge (fig. 125).

MALE: Total length 3.4. Carapace light brown with black reticulations; abdomen dark gray with anterior and median pairs of lateral spots, almost conjoined, extending to sides but not to venter, posterior white chevron absent; coxae, trochanters, proximal three­quarters of femora, and tarsi yellow, remaining leg surfaces gray (except tibiae and metatarsi with proximal yellow rings). Chelicerae and tarsal cracking as in O. renmark . Leg spination: tibiae: III v2­1p­0, r0­0­1; IV v2­2­1r, r2­0­1; metatarsi: III p0­0­1, r0­1­0; IV p1­0­0, v1p­1p­1p, r1­1­0. Distal prong of retrolateral tibial apophysis more sharply pointed than subdistal prong (fig. 126); tegular ridge expanded, crenulated prolaterally (fig. 125).

FEMALE: Unknown.


DISTRIBUTION: Known only from southwestern Queensland (map 9).

Oreo kidman , new species Figures 129, 130 View Figs ; Map 10 TYPE View Map 10 : Male holotype taken in pitfall trap in clay site at Kidman Springs, 16 ° 07 ̍ S,

130 ° 57 ̍ E, Northern Territory (July 3–9, 1996; T. Churchill), deposited in CSID ( A0277 ) .

ETYMOLOGY: The specific name is a noun in apposition taken from the type locality.

DIAGNOSIS: Males can be separated from those of O. renmark and O. muncoonie by the narrow tegular ridge accompanying the base of the conductor (fig. 129).

MALE: Carapace length 1.5 (abdomen missing). Carapace yellow; coxae, trochanters, and femora yellow, distal segments gray, those of leg I darkest. Chelicerae and tarsal cracking as in O. renmark . Leg spination: tibiae: III p0­0­0, v1p­2­0, r0­0­0; IV p0­0­0, v1p­0­0, r0­0­0; metatarsi: III p0­0­ 1, v1p­0­1p, r0­0­0; IV p0­0­0, r0­0­0. Both prongs of retrolateral tibial apophysis short (fig. 130); tegular ridge narrow, crenulate, restricted to area near base of conductor (fig. 129).

FEMALE: Unknown.


DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the

Northern Territory (map 10).


Queensland Museum, Brisbane


American Museum of Natural History


South African Museum













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