Elytrimitatrix (Grossifemora) cunninghami, Heffern, Daniel & Santos-Silva, Antonio, 2016

Heffern, Daniel & Santos-Silva, Antonio, 2016, New species and new record of Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) from Mexico, with updates to type depository for two species of Disteniinae, Zootaxa 4072 (5), pp. 569-578 : 575-577

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.4072.5.4

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scientific name

Elytrimitatrix (Grossifemora) cunninghami

sp. nov.

Elytrimitatrix (Grossifemora) cunninghami View in CoL sp. nov.

( Fig. 7–11 View FIGURES 7 – 13. 7 – 10 )

Type material: Holotype male. MEXICO, Jalisco: 2.6 km E Hwy 90, near Mixtlan (1845 m; 20º27’37”N / 104º21’46”W), 11-12.VII.2013, R. Cunningham and G. Nogueira col. ( CNIN). 5 Paratypes as follows: female: MEXICO, Jalisco: San Juan de la Montaña (1600 m), 08.VII.2010, G. Nogueira col. ( MZSP); female: (La Garita, 1835 m), 29.VI.2009, G. Nogueira col. ( DHPC); male: La Primavera (1600 m), 15.VII.1998, G. Nogueira col. ( MZSP); female: Los Masos (1970 m), 1.VIII.1994, G. Nogueira col. ( CNIN). male: Mexico: Temascaltepec (1780 m), 2–- 3.VII.1999, G. Nogueira col. ( DHPC).

Dimensions in mm (holotype / male / female). Total length, 19.5 / 18.8–19.4 / 21.6–24.4; pronotal length (centrally), 2.8 / 2.6–2.7 / 3.0–3.2; anterior pronotal width, 2.3 / 2.1–2.4 / 2.6–2.9; posterior pronotal width, 2.7 / 2.5–2.6 / 3.0–3.2; greatest prothoracic width, 3.3 / 3.1–3.5 / 3.7–4.0; humeral width, 4.5 / 4.2–4.3 / 4.9–5.4; elytral length, 13.6 / 13.0–13.2 / 16.0–16.5.

Description. Holotype male. Integument dark brown; scape mostly reddish-brown dorsally; antennomeres reddish-brown, darkened on apex of basal antennomeres; mouthparts light reddish-brown, more yellowish on some parts; ventral side of head, pro- and metasternum with dark reddish-brown areas; elytral regions under maculae with light pubescence, reddish-brown; coxae mostly reddish-brown; trochanters yellowish-brown; femora with dark and light reddish-brown areas, mainly ventrally (more yellowish-brown on peduncle and base of club of mesofemora and peduncle of metafemora); tibiae with reddish-brown areas; ventrites with reddish-brown areas, mainly on transverse, distal band (more yellowish on ventrites III–IV). Pubescence and setae yellowish (more brownish on part of elytra)

Head. Frons finely, abundantly punctate, except for smooth, wide band along longitudinal sulcus; pubescence abundant, not obscuring integument. Area between upper eye lobes moderately coarsely and abundantly, confluently punctate; pubescence moderately abundant, mainly close to eyes, interspersed with long, erect setae. Vertex moderately coarsely, abundantly punctate (punctures slightly finer than between upper eye lobes); pubescence shorter, sparser toward prothoracic margin. Area behind upper eye lobes with sculpture and pubescence as on vertex. Area behind lower eye lobes tumid close to eyes; coarsely, confluently, abundantly punctate on tumid region, finely and sparsely punctate on remaining surface; with short, moderately sparse setae on tumid region, glabrous on remaining surface. Area between lower eye lobes and gulamentum with short, moderately sparse setae interspersed with very long setae. Gulamentum with short, transverse striae on basal third; tumid, finely, sparsely punctate, with short setae interspersed with long setae on area between lower eye lobes; depressed, vermiculate, with short, moderately abundant setae on anterior region. Genae somewhat striatepunctate, with short, sparse setae. Antennal tubercles with sculpture and pubescence as on frons, except for narrow, glabrous, smooth area at apex. Longitudinal sulcus distinct from clypeus to near prothoracic margin. Postclypeus coarsely, abundantly punctate; with short, sparse setae interspersed with long setae. Distal segment of maxillary palpi fusiform, but notably enlarged about base of distal third. Distance between upper eye lobes 0.3 times length of scape; distance between lower eye lobes in ventral view 0.7 times length of scape. Antennae as long as 1.8 times elytral length; reaching elytral apex at basal fifth of antennomere IX; antennal formula based on antennomere III: scape = 0.91; pedicel = 0.18; IV = 0.96; V = 0.95; VI = 0.95; VII = 0.98; VIII = 0.95; IX = 0.91; X = 0.85; XI = 0.93.

Thorax. Prothorax, including lateral tubercles, slightly wider than long; lateral tubercles located near middle, large, conical, acute at apex (not distinctly spined). Pronotum with five gibbosities: two subrounded, partially fused on each side; one elongated, slightly elevated, centrally. Pronotal surface moderately finely, densely punctate, except on anterolateral and central gibbosities with sparse punctures; with short, moderately abundant setae interspersed with very long setae, except for glabrous area on anterolateral and central gibbosities. Prosternum finely, densely punctate close to procoxal cavities, centrally mostly smooth, coarsely, confluently striate-punctate on anterior third; with short, abundant setae on basal region, mostly glabrous centrally, with short and long, moderately abundant setae on anterior third. Mesosternal process ( Fig. 10 View FIGURES 7 – 13. 7 – 10 ) about as wide as mesocoxal cavity; apex deeply emarginated; laterally notably flap-shaped, with triangular projection on center of flap. Metasternum laterally densely, finely punctate (rough appearance), interspersed with sparse, moderately coarse punctures; finely and moderately abundantly punctate interspersed with coarse punctures centrally, except for narrow, smooth band close to longitudinal sulcus; with short, abundant setae, mainly laterally, interspersed with long, erect setae, except for glabrous central region. Scutellum with short, abundant setae, not obscuring integument. Elytra. Coarsely, deeply, abundantly punctate on basal half, distinctly sparser, finer on distal half; with short, brownish, slightly conspicuous setae throughout, except for yellowish, notably distinct pubescence on three regions: transverse band on basal quarter, not reaching suture; irregular area about middle, not reaching suture; transverse band on distal quarter, reaching suture; apex ( Fig. 11 View FIGURES 7 – 13. 7 – 10 ) obliquely truncate, with outer angle rounded and sutural angle with long spine. Legs. Profemora fusiform; meso- and metafemora slightly claviform; metatarsomere I about as long as II–III together.

Abdomen. Ventrites minutely, abundantly punctate, interspersed with fine, sparse punctures, except for smooth central area of base of II–V and apex of I–IV; with short, abundant setae (not obscuring integument), interspersed with long, erect setae (less conspicuous centrally on ventrite V), glabrous on smooth regions; apex of ventrite V truncate, centrally widely emarginated.

Female. Differs from male mainly: distal segment of palpi distinctly narrower and fusiform; antennae 1.6 times length of elytra, reaching elytral apex at basal third of antennomere X; mesosternal process slightly flapshaped laterally, and without triangular projection; apex of ventrite V subrounded.

Variation. Integument may also be blackish; nearly all reddish-brown or yellowish-brown areas may also be totally dark brown; outer elytral angle may be slightly projected.

Etymology. The new species is named after Richard Cunningham, co-collector of the holotype, and personal friend of the first author.

Remarks. Elytrimitatrix (Grossifemora) cunninghami is similar to E. (G.) mexicana Santos-Silva & Hovore, 2008 , but differs as follows: body slender; largest width of head equal to about 1.1 times length of scape; distance between upper ocular lobes shorter than the largest width of scape; anterior transverse bands of pubescence not fused and prolonged along the suture between middle transversal bands of pubescence; elytral sutural spine ( Fig. 11 View FIGURES 7 – 13. 7 – 10 ) longer. In E. (G.) mexicana the body is wider, the largest width of the head is equal to about 1.35 times length of scape; the distance between upper ocular lobes is larger than the largest width of the scape, the anterior transverse bands of pubescence are fused and prolonged along the suture between the middle transverse bands of pubescence, and the elytral sutural spine ( Fig. 13 View FIGURES 7 – 13. 7 – 10 ) is shorter. From E. (G.) hoegei (Bates, 1885) it mainly differs by the longer body, by the more slender protarsus, by the coarser elytral punctation, and by the wider elytral apex without a distinct spine at the outer angle. In E. (G.) hoegei the body is shorter, the protarsus are wider, the elytral punctation is finer, and the elytra is slender and with a distinct spine at the outer angle. It can be separated from E. (G.) trifasciata (Bates, 1892) , ( Fig. 12 View FIGURES 7 – 13. 7 – 10 ) mainly by the densely punctate pronotal surface (smooth or nearly so in E. (G.) trifasciata ), by the lateral sides of the metasternum densely punctate (in E. (G.) trifasciata minutely punctate), and by the elytral apex not bispinose (bispinose in E. (G.) trifasciata ). It differs from E. (G.) hefferni Santos-Silva & Hovore, 2008 , by the metasternum distinctly less pubescent centrally (uniformly pubescent in E. (G.) hefferni ), by the spine at sutural angle of elytra long (short in E. (G.) hefferni ), and by the meso- and metafemora slender.

The localities for this species are forests consisting mostly of Quercus sp. (G. Nogueira, pers. comm.).

Elytrimitatrix (Grossifemora) cunninghami can be included in the alternative of couplet “14” from Santos- Silva and Hovore (2008b) (translated; modified):

14(13). Ventrites not pubescent. Mexico (Veracruz, Guerrero, Yucatán, Jalisco, Oaxaca, Chiapas, Quintana Roo), Guatemala.......

............................................................................ E. (G.) trifasciata (Bates, 1892) - Ventrites pubescent................................................................................... 15 15(14). Distance between upper eye lobes equal to about width of one lobe........................................... 15’ - Distance between upper eye lobes at least 1.5 times width of one lobe.......................................... 16 15’(15). Elytral apex emarginate and with two distinct spines. Mexico (Guerrero, Vera Cruz, Chiapas, Jalisco, Nayarit and Yucatán).

.............................................................................. E. (G.) hoegei (Bates, 1885) - Elytral apex rounded at outer angle (at most, slightly projected) and with long spine at sutural angle. Mexico (Jalisco, Mexico)

............................................................................. E. (G.) cunninghami sp. nov.

Correction for type depository. According to Santos-Silva & Hovore (2008a), the holotype of Elytrimitatrix (Grossifemora) sauria Santos-Silva & Hovore, 2008 , is deposited in DHPC; and according to Santos-Silva & Hovore (2007b) the holotype of Novantinoe hefferni Santos-Silva & Hovore, 2007 , is deposited in DHPC. However, both holotypes are deposited in CNIN.


Coleccion Nacional de Insectos, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico


Sao Paulo, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo

















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