Paramycodrosophila viscondedemauaensis, Frech-Telles & Gottschalk & Valente-Gaiesky, 2024

Frech-Telles, Marcos Henrique, Gottschalk, Marco Silva & Valente-Gaiesky, Vera Lúcia da Silva, 2024, Shifting the known richness of Paramycodrosophila Duda, 1924 (Diptera: Drosophilidae): the description of nineteen new species in the Neotropical region, Revista Brasileira de Entomologia (e 20230105) 68, pp. 1-113 : 28

publication ID 10.1590/1806-9665-RBENT-2023-0105

publication LSID


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scientific name

Paramycodrosophila viscondedemauaensis

sp. nov.

Paramycodrosophila viscondedemauaensis n. sp.

( Figs. 31- 34 View Figure 31 View Figure 32 View Figure 33 View Figure 34 , 82E View Figure 82 , 85F View Figure 85 , 90B View Figure 90 )

Material examined: Holotype male, labelled as follows: “BRA [= Brazil] – RJ [= State of Rio de Janeiro] – PES [= State Park ] da Pedra Selada (22°20’0.45”S, 44°32’16.34”W) Data: 20.i.2021 - 04.ii.2021 Col.: Telles MHF OBS.: Armadilha [=Trap] Malaise”; “ Paramycodrosophila viscondedemauaensis n. sp. Frech-Telles, Valente-Gaiesky, Gottschalk, ♂ Holotype ” [ MZUSP] GoogleMaps . Holotype condition: Head missing.

Paratype: female, labelled as follows: “BRA [= Brazil] – RJ [= State of Rio de Janeiro] – PES [= State Park ] da Pedra Selada (22°19’58.42”S, 44°32’13.21”W) Data: 22.xii.2020 - 05.i.2021 Col.: Telles MHF; Vicenzi N OBS.: Armadilha [=Trap] Malaise” [ MZUSP] GoogleMaps . Paratype condition: Wrinkled, especially the head and abdomen.

Diagnosis. Flies yellow with several brown marks forming a mottled pattern; flagellomere 1 brown, basal half yellow, compressed, mango-shaped, with one distinct sub-apical pointy protrusion; scutum yellow, with several brown spots at the base of setulae and marks; legs yellow, femora with basal half brown and mid tibiae with dark ring medially wings infuscated with a large, black and apically round costal lappet; abdomen yellow with brown marks on the tergites. Phallus tubular and projected ventrally, the posterior half of the phallotrema margins are much wider, making it resemble a fan; the “fan” is micro-ornated with round structures; in lateral view the fan is projected dorsally; the anterior margin of phallotrema has two smaller inner spikes and two lager outer spikes; the spikes are projected anteriorly.

Description. Holotype ( Figs. 31 View Figure 31 , 32 View Figure 32 , 82E View Figure 82 , 90B View Figure 90 ). Head ( Fig. 31A View Figure 31 ): yellow with black and dark brown marks; eyes red, pubescent; face yellow with dorsal half black, ventral margin brown; carina large, narrow, prominent; scape brown; pedicel brown, apical half lighter; arista with six dorsal and one ventral branches, and terminal fork; fronto-orbital plate yellow, slightly darker at the base of setae; frons yellow with brown marks, reflecting silvery luster in some areas; fronto-orbital setae black; a rc frorb s anterior to pc frorb s; distance between pc frorb s and a rc frorb s = 0.03 mm, between pc frorb s and p rc frorb s = 0.07 mm, and between a rc frorb s and p rc frorb s = 0.08 mm; frontal vitta brown, yellow anterior to a rc frorb s; frontal triangle light yellow with brown marks from the lateral margins of ocellar triangle towards its external margins, large; ocellar triangle black, prominent; postocellar setae black, crossed near tip; genae yellow, black at the ventral margin and under the eye near the vibrissa; palps brown, very large; labellum brown. Thorax ( Figs.31B, C View Figure 31 ): yellow with brown marks; scutum yellow several brown marks, two longitudinal brown bands anteriorly parallel sub-medially abruptly converging medially at the height of the transverse suture, the band is replaced by brown spots at the base of the setulae; setulae are absent posterior to the height of the anterior dorsoventral setae thus the spots are replaced by two parallel longitudinal bands; transverse suture with a brown mark extended towards supra-alar area; fine gray line between the parallel brown marks; base of the setae with brown spots except in the postpronotum; postpronotum light yellow almost white; external margin of postpronotal lobe brown; four irregular rows of acrostichal setulae, absent posterior to the anterior dorsocentral setae; anterior dorsocentral setae smaller than posterior dorsocentral setae; scutellum yellow, dark spots at the base of the setae; basal scutellar setae divergent curved inwards; apical scutellar setae highly convergent, curved inwards; pleura dark brown with a transversal medial light yellow band interrupted in light brown at the anepisternum; proepisternum black with ventral half light yellow; anepisternum brown with large yellow spot medially at the posterior margin, ventral half light brown, anterior margin light yellow; anepimeron yellow brown marks; katepisternum dark brown; meron brown; legs yellow, coxae brown. Wings ( Fig. 31F View Figure 31 ): faint darker patch present bellow costal lappet; R 4+5 and M 1 parallel; halter light yellow; index: C = 2.25, ac = 2.95, hb = 0.59, 4c = 1.22, 4v = 2.39, 5x = 2.06, M = 0.80, prox. x = 0.65. Length = 2.21 mm, width = 1.02 mm. Abdomen ( Figs. 31D, E View Figure 31 ): T1 yellow, laterally and sub-laterally brown; T2 brown sub-laterally interrupted in yellow, faint yellow mark at anterior margin medially; T3 brown sub-laterally interrupted in yellow, yellow spot sub-laterally of the brown area; T4 brown interrupted sub-laterally in yellow, large round yellow marks sub-medially at the anterior margin, yellow round marks almost reaches the posterior margin; T5 brown interrupted sub-laterally in faint yellow, large round yellow marks sub-medially at the anterior margin, yellow round marks reaches the posterior margin, the medial brown area is triangle shaped pointing anteriorly; T6 yellow, laterally brown, faint brown triangle shaped medially; sternites brown; intersegmental membranes light. Terminalia ( Figs. 32 View Figure 32 , 90B View Figure 90 ): epandrium with approximately equal width and length, with microtrichia, with 11 (five on the right and six on the left) upper and one lateral setae; ventral lobe wide, glabrous, with two long apical setae. Cerci not fused to epandrium, with microtrichia, and with large setae, hypoproctal plate present. Surstylus connected to the epandrium, with large prensisetae arranged in many lines. Hypandrium longer than wide, squarish, about the same length as epandrium. Pregonites fused laterally to the hypandrium, with a seta near the fusion with postgonite. Postgonites slim and straight. Phallotrema is oval-shaped. Phallapodeme is slightly larger than the phallus, slightly curved ventrally. Body length: 2.08mm.

Paratype remarks: female ( Figs. 33 View Figure 33 , 34 View Figure 34 , 85F View Figure 85 ): Fly with darker coloration; arista with four dorsal branches, some appear to be missing. S7 with microtrichia and 8 setulae. Wing index: C = 2.03, ac = 3.41, hb = 0.66, 4c = 1.32, 4v = 2.41, 5x = 2.00, M = 0.77, prox. x = 0.52.Length = 2.05 mm, width = 0.92 mm; T7 appears to be yellow. Terminalia : T8 with microtrichia in the dorsal region; epiproct and hypoproct with microtrichia, with many long and some smaller setae; oviscapt vale, sclerotinized, long, roundish at the tip in lateral view; around 10 darker peg-like ovisensilla on the posteroventral margin, with six tiny pegs at the ventral margin; Spermathecal capsule sclerotized, dome-shaped, bare, roundish, with a sub-basal grove; introvert 3/4 of the total length of the capsule, with a small depression apically. Body length: 1.92 mm.

Etymology. Named in reference to Visconde de Mauá, where the types were collected.


Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo

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