Myrcia subcordata De Candolle (1828: 253)

Santos, Matheus F., Sano, Paulo T. & Lucas, Eve, 2016, Lectotypifications of some Nineteenth Century names and other nomenclatural updates in Myrcia s. l. (Myrtaceae), Phytotaxa 257 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.257.1.1

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Myrcia subcordata De Candolle (1828: 253)


10. Myrcia subcordata De Candolle (1828: 253) View in CoL

Aulomyrcia subcordata (DC.) O. Berg (1855 View in CoL –1856: 62). Type:— BRAZIL. Minas Gerais (“Habitat in provinciae Minarum” on label), no date (fr.), Martius s.n. (lectotype M! designated here, isolectotype G-DC!). Figure 16 View FIGURE 16 .

= Calyptranthes cordata O. Berg (1857 View in CoL –1859: 48). Chytraculia cordata (O.Berg) Kuntze (1891: 238) View in CoL . Type:— BRAZIL (“Brasilia” on label). No date (fr.), Sellow s.n. (lectotype LE! designated here). Figure 17 View FIGURE 17 .

= Aulomyrcia breviramis O. Berg (1857 View in CoL –1859: 66). Myrcia breviramis (O.Berg) D. Legrand (1961: 294) View in CoL , syn. nov. Type:— BRAZIL (“Brasilia” on label). No date (fl.), Sellow s.n. (lectotype LE [LE00007032]! designated here, isolectotypes BR!, K!, P!). Figure 18 View FIGURE 18 .

= Aulomyrcia pulchra O. Berg (1857 View in CoL –1859: 68). Myrcia pulchra (O.Berg) Kiaerskou (1893: 65) View in CoL , syn. nov. Type:— BRAZIL (“Brasilia” on label). No date (fl.), Sellow s.n. (lectotype K [K000344081]! designated here, isolectotypes BR!, LE!). Figure 19 View FIGURE 19 .

= Aulomyrcia widgreniana O. Berg (1857 View in CoL –1859: 70). Myrcia widgreniana (O.Berg) Mattos (1968: 161) View in CoL , syn. nov. Type:— BRAZIL. Minas Gerais, 1845 (fl.), Widgren 545 (lectotype S [S05-2550]! designated here, isolectotypes S [S13-18121]!, SP!). Figure 20 View FIGURE 20 .

= Myrcia pilotantha Kiaerskou (1893: 64) View in CoL , syn. nov. Type:— BRAZIL. Rio de Janeiro: Mun. Petrópolis [“Brésil (Rio Jan.) Morro do Retiro, Petrópolis” on label], 20 January 1883 (fl.), Glaziou 13881 (lectotype C [C10015880]! designated here, isolectotypes BR!, F!, G!, IAN!, K!, LE!, P!, R!). Figure 21 View FIGURE 21 .

= Myrcia jaguariaivensis Mattos & D. Legrand (1975: 2) View in CoL , syn. nov. Type:— Brazil. Paraná: Mun. Jaguariaíva, Fazenda Chapada Santo Antônio, 26 November 1968 (fl.), Hatschbach 20387 (holotype MVM [image!], isotypes G!, MBM!, MO!, MU [image!], NY!, UEC!).

Myrcia subcordata View in CoL :—The typical morphology of Myrcia subcordata View in CoL is found almost exclusively in specimens from the Quadrilátero Ferrífero region (Minas Gerais state) but also in some specimens from the Serra do Caparaó and São Tomé das Letras (also in Minas Gerais), always from above 1,300 m elevation. These specimens have subsessile leaves and ovate to largely ovate leaf blades with cordate bases, usually with thicker structures and greater pilosity. However, analysis of multiple collections indicates a continuous gradient between this morphology and that of many specimens usually assigned to Myrcia pulchra View in CoL . In addition, both species share a set of distinctive characters within clade 7: sympodial branching, cataphylls at all internodes, young twigs that exfoliate and are not keeled, conspicuous reticulate venation on both leaf surfaces and turbinate floral buds. For these reasons the names are here considered synonymous and M. subcordata View in CoL is the oldest and therefore accepted name despite its unfortunate reference to the uncommon cordate leaf morphology. While Calyptranthes cordata View in CoL has been treated as a synonym of M. subcordata View in CoL , other names synonymised here have been considered synonyms of M. pulchra ( Govaerts et al. 2015) View in CoL .

The protologue of M. subcordata View in CoL cites material seen in Martius’ herbarium (“v. s. in h. Mart.”). As mentioned above, Martius’s Brazilian collections are mainly deposited at the M herbarium. Martius’ specimen of M. subcordata View in CoL at M includes De Candolle’s annotation (“ Myrcia subcordata View in CoL prod”). The G-DC herbarium also has a specimen of M. subcordata View in CoL collected by Martius. As in the case of Calyptranthes densa View in CoL (see above), this is a very poor specimen (a single leaf, a piece of the infrutescence and some loose fruits) and was probably removed from the collection at M. This material also bears the De Candolle’s handwriting in the label (“ Myrcia subcordata DC. View in CoL ”). Again, as both specimens were analysed by the species author, the material at M ( Figure 16 View FIGURE 16 ) was selected as the lectotype of M. subcordata View in CoL because it is the most complete.

A photo of the type collection of M. subcordata at the NY herbarium indicates that it is from B when in fact it is an image of the specimen at M. Regarding the type locality, the specimen at M bears “habitat in Minarum” on the label. This refers to Minas Gerais state ; a very large area to designate as the type locality. This locality does at least agree with the morphology of typical specimens, from the Quadrilátero Ferrífero region .

Calyptranthes cordata :—The specimen at the LE herbarium ( Figure 17 View FIGURE 17 ) is the only Sellow collection of Calyptranthes cordata located in the visited herbaria. The specimen morphology matches the protologue and bears the author’s handwriting on the label (“ Calyptranthes cordata Bg ”); it is here selected as the lectotype. While the locality on the label is vague (“Brasilia”), the protologue cites “Habitat in prov. S. Pauli”. No specimen matching the type morphology has been found in São Paulo state and, as in the case of Aulomyrcia subavenia , an erroneous locality appears to be a mistake of the species’ author.

Aulomyrcia breviramis :—As in the previous case, Sellow material at the LE herbarium ( Figure 18 View FIGURE 18 ) is designated as lectotype; the selected specimen bears the author’s handwriting (“ Aulomyrcia breviramis Bg. ”), matches the protologue and is representative of the species morphology. Duplicate collections in the BR, K and P herbaria also bear Berg’s annotation. Some collections show the number “4809” (K and LE).As in the case of Aulomyrcia pulchra , the localities in the labels (“Brasilia”, if present) and in the protologue (“Habitat in fruticetis ripariis prov. S. Pauli”) are vague.

Aulomyrcia pulchra :— A Sellow sheet at the K herbarium ( Figure 19 View FIGURE 19 ) is designated as lectotype as it bears the author’s handwriting (“ Aulomyrcia pulchra Bg. ”) ; this specimen matches the protologue and is representative of the species morphology. All type specimens bear Berg’s annotation and the number “5129”. Locality references in the labels (“Brasilia”, if present) and in the protologue (“Habitat in prov. S. Pauli”) are vague, but agree with the species distribution and Sellow’s route ( Herter & Rambo 1953).

Aulomyrcia widgreniana View in CoL :—The protologue of Aulomyrcia widgreniana View in CoL ( Berg 1857 –1859) cites the collection Widgren 545 and “v. in hb. Sonder”. Part of the collection of Otto W. Sonder was sold to the herbarium of the Swedish Museum of Natural History (S) ( Stafleu & Cowan 1985). For this reason, a specimen from S (the most complete; figure 20) was chosen as the lectotype of A. widgreniana View in CoL . The locality in the specimen labels (“ Minas Gerais ”) is vague, but information is congruent with the species distribution and Widgren’s route in Brazil ( Urban 1906).

Myrcia pilotantha View in CoL :— Kiaerskou (1893) cites two Glaziou collections in the protologue of M. pilotantha View in CoL (Glaziou 13881, 16991). Both collections were found in the C herbarium and bear the author’s annotation (“ Myrcia (Aulomyrcia) pilotantha View in CoL ”). Glaziou 13881 ( Figure 21 View FIGURE 21 ) is more appropriate as lectotype as it better matches the species morphology described in the protologue. Both collections were illustrated in the protologue ( Kiaerskou 1893): a leaf of Glaziou 13881 (Tab. IX, c) and a twig of Glaziou 16991 (Tab. IX, b)—the drafts are attached to the specimens. A duplicate of Glaziou 16991 was seen at P.

The localities cited in the labels of the specimens at P (“ Morro do Retiro , Petrópolis ”— Glaziou 13881, and “ Alto Macahé ”— Glaziou 16991) are congruent with the species distribution and Glaziou’s route ( Urban 1906) ; these are considered to be the type localities.

Myrcia jaguariaivensis View in CoL :—We agreed with the previous synonymization of Myrcia jaguariaivensis View in CoL in Myrcia pulchra ( Govaerts et al. 2008) View in CoL and it is also considered here a synonym of Myrcia subcordata View in CoL .


Harvard University - Arnold Arboretum


William and Lynda Steere Herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden


Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Zentraleinrichtung der Freien Universitaet


Botanische Staatssammlung München


Royal Botanic Gardens


Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Vascular Plants














Myrcia subcordata De Candolle (1828: 253)

Santos, Matheus F., Sano, Paulo T. & Lucas, Eve 2016

Myrcia jaguariaivensis Mattos & D. Legrand (1975: 2)

Legrand, C. D. & Mattos, J. R. 1975: )

Myrcia pilotantha

Kiaerskou, H. 1893: )
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF