Acoptodera (s. str.) piligera ( Chaudoir, 1883 ), 2024

Anichtchenko, Alexander, 2024, To the knowledge of the subtribe Pericalina Hope, 1838 (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Lebiinae), with description of new genus, new subgenus and species from Oriental region, Zootaxa 5453 (3), pp. 369-378 : 374-376

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5453.3.4

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scientific name

Acoptodera (s. str.) piligera ( Chaudoir, 1883 )


Acoptodera (s. str.) piligera ( Chaudoir, 1883)

Coptodera piligera Chaudoir, 1883: 20 View in CoL . Loc. Typ.: Moupin [ China].

Trichocoptodera piligera ( Chaudoir, 1883) View in CoL . Louwerens, 1958

Material. 2m: “ Doherty ”, “ Birmah Ruby Mes ”, “Fry Coll.1905.100”, “ NHMUK 010791033 View Materials and 010791034 ” ( BMNH) ; 1f: “ Upper Burma, Nam Tamal Valley , 25.viii.1938, R.Kaulback, B.M. 1938-741”, “Alt. 3000ft, lat. N. 27°42’, Long. E. 97°54’”, “ NHMUK 010791067 View Materials ” ( BMNH) GoogleMaps ; 1m: “ Above Tura, Garo Hills, Assam , 3500–3900ft, 15.vii–30.viii1917, S. Kemp ”, “ NHMUK 010791124 View Materials ” ( BMNH) ; 1m: “ Malay Penin., Pahang, F.M.S., Sungai Ringlet , 3500, at light, Feb. 27.1925, H.M. Pendlebury ”, “ NHMUK 010791014 View Materials ” ( BMNH) ; 1f: “ China, Yunnan, 1100m, 18.iv.1982 ”, “ NHMUK 010791076 View Materials ” ( BMNH) .

Description. Habitus ( Fig. 2 View FIGURE 2 ). Body length 6.7–7.5 mm. Body uniformly dark brown to black, antennae and mouthparts brown; elytral patches yellow. Anterior patch usually rounded, situated in intervals 4–7; the posterior patch usually consists of rounded spot in intervals 2–5, and obliquely connected small spots in intervals 6–8. Sometimes the spots may be reduced in size. Microsculpture on vertex, pronotal disc and elytra indistinct. Antennae moderately long, exceeding base of pronotum by four antennomeres; scape (first antennomere) with only 9–10 long additional setae.

Head. The mandibles relatively long, evenly tapering to a sharp, curved apex. Labrum 0.75 times as long as wide, anterior angles rounded, anterior margin deeply incised, with six apical setae placed near anterior margin and 12–14 small hairs in anterior third of labrum ( Fig. 7a View FIGURES 6–8 ). Clypeus with two long setae, sparsely and minutely punctate. Eyes large and strongly prominent. Frons with two very wide and shallow frontal furrows. Medial part of head with 9–12 large setiferous pores bearing very long setae.

Pronotum transverse, PW/PL = 1.73, broadest in anterior third, much wider than the head (PW/HW = 1.27); posterior margin as long as anterior margin; anterior margin straight between apical angles, these wide and slightly projecting forwards, strongly rounded, with 6–8 long setae; lateral margins rounded in anterior half, sinuate before posterior angles; lateral seta situated slightly before the middle; posterior angles nearly rectangular, projecting laterally, with a long seta a little before posterior angles; lateral expansions widely explanate and strongly reflexed; apical transverse impression shallow, basal transverse impression very wide and shallow; lateral fovea obsolete, para lateral lines shallow; apical emargination of pronotum widely interrupted in the middle, lateral bead obliterate in apical half, basal bead complete, very narrow in the middle; disc of pronotum flattened, evenly covered with setiferous pores bearing long hairs, sparsely and minutely punctate throughout; median line shallow, not reaching anterior and posterior margins.

Elytra widely ovate, flattened; EW/EL = 0.77; much wider than pronotum, EW/PW = 1.62; broadest in the middle; base truncate, humeri rounded; apical truncation weakly sinuated; outer apical angles widely rounded, indistinct; sutural angles right; striae deeply incised, punctate; sutural stria long, not connected with first stria; in all specimens first and second stria joined before the base and not connected with it; scutellar pore situated near the base of first stria; third interval with two setigerous pores, the first one close to base, the second close to apex; the first one adjacent to the third stria, the second close to the second stria; all intervals convex, with one row of large setiferous pores bearing long setae; lateral expansions widened at basal half; lateral edge sparsely serrate, with row of long and thick setae. Umbilical series consist of 15 pores. All ventral segments covered by short setae.

Tibiae and dorsal side of tarsa densely setose. Claws pectinate, with 5 long teeth and sixth one very small at the base.

Male genitalia ( Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4 ) with median lobe of aedeagus elongated, evenly curved, dilated after wide basal orifice, and gradually narrowed to elongate apical lamella; apical orifice 0.2 times as long as length of the median lobe, opened to the left; endophallus with fine spiniform scales all through length, larger in the basal half. Left and right parameres as in ( Fig. 4c–d View FIGURE 4 ). Genital ring with elongated, asymmetrical apex ( Fig. 2e View FIGURE 2 ).

Female genitalia. Gonocoxite 2 of ovipositor scimitar-shaped, roundly bent to the outer side at apical half; length approximately two times basal width; outer margin with two thick setae; inner margin with one dorsomedial ensiform seta near apex ( Fig. 7b View FIGURES 6–8 ).

Distribution. China (Fujian, Yunnan), India, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar.


United Kingdom, London, The Natural History Museum [formerly British Museum (Natural History)]














Acoptodera (s. str.) piligera ( Chaudoir, 1883 )

Anichtchenko, Alexander 2024

Coptodera piligera

Chaudoir, B. M. 1883: 20
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