Pericalocephala, Anichtchenko, 2024

Anichtchenko, Alexander, 2024, To the knowledge of the subtribe Pericalina Hope, 1838 (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Lebiinae), with description of new genus, new subgenus and species from Oriental region, Zootaxa 5453 (3), pp. 369-378 : 376-377

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5453.3.4

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scientific name


subgen. nov.

Pericalocephala subgen. n.

Type species Acoptodera (Pericalocephala) paradoxa sp. n.

Diagnosis. In appearance it resembles nominative subgenus, but can be easily distinguished by elongated labrum, tapering towards the narrow and almost straight apex; strongly wrinkled head covered with short hairs, and lateral edge of elytra minutely serrate, with fringe of short and relatively dense setae, while Acoptodera s. str. has labrum with rounded sides and deeply incised apex; head without wrinkles and with very long, sparse hairs; lateral edge of elytra serrate, with long, thick and sparse setae.

Description. As for genus, but mandibles longer; labrum long and trapezoid, apical margin of labrum straight, with six apical setae, but two external ones are very long and strongly displaced to the sides, and situated just before the mid-length ( Fig. 8a View FIGURES 6–8 ); scape (first antennomere) with only 1–2 small additional setae ( Acoptodera s. str. has 9–10); head with 6–8 longitudinal wrinkles on each side and with short hairs; anterior emargination of pronotum entire; claws with 4 short teeth.

Etymology. The name refers to the similarity of head with the species of genus Pericalus .

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