Zelandostygolimnochares, SmitK & PešićK, 2024

SmitK, Harry & PešićK, Vladimir, 2024, New records of rare water mites from New Zealand, with the description of a new genus (Acari: Hydrachnidia), Acarologia 64 (2), pp. 602-611 : 603

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.24349/vyvt-zyw6

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scientific name


gen. nov.

Genus Zelandostygolimnochares n. gen.

Zoobank: FA8703A8-C78B-4447-9A69-FB758BF12C1B

Diagnosis — Characters of the subfamily Stygolimnocharinae . Dorsum with a series of symmetrically arranged platelets; unpaired elongated medial plate with the postoculara with a short anterior extension. Glandularia platelets enlarged. Coxae in four groups, the anterior groups well separated from the posterior group, coxae in each group somewhat separated. Acetabula on two pairs of genital platelets, not stalked.

Type species — Zelandostygolimnochares curtipalpis n. sp.

Etymology — The new genus refers to its occurrence in New Zealand and the similarity with the genus Stygolimnochares .

Remarks — The new genus shares many characters with the genus Stygolimnochares which includes two species, S. indica Cook, 1967 (Maharasthra State, India ; Cook 1967) and S. australica Cook, 1986 (Queensland, Australia ; Cook 1986). From the latter genus, the new genus from New Zealand differs noticeably in the presence of symmetrically arranged plates on the dorsum (absent in Stygolimnochare s) and an unpaired medial dorsal plate with the postocularia on a short anterior extension (anterior extenson lacking in Stygolimnochares ).

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