Elampini, Dahlbom, 1854

Farhad, Afrouz, Talebi, Ali Asghar, Rosa, Paolo, Fathipour, Yaghoub & Hajiqanbar, Hamidreza, 2016, Contribution to the knowledge of the Chrysididae (Hymenoptera, Aculeata) in the south of Iran, with nine new records, Turkish Journal of Zoology 40 (2), pp. 202-214 : 203-212

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.3906/zoo-1502-6

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scientific name



3.1. Tribe Elampini

* Hedychridium virescens (du Buysson, 1908)

Material examined: Iran: Hormozgan Province, Bandar Abbas , Zakin I, 27°28′53″N, 56°18′27″E, 680 m, 23.IV.2011, 1♀, 25.IV.2011, 1♂, 20.VI.2011, 1♀ GoogleMaps ; Hajiabad, Tezerj , 27°17′1″N, 55°45′14″E, 867 m, 17.V.2011, 1♀ GoogleMaps ; Bandar Abbas, Genou , 27°24′16″N, 56°08′51″E, 1274 m, 30.V.2011, 1♀, leg. A. Ameri. GoogleMaps

Diagnosis: Body length 5.0–8.0 mm; subantennal space 1.7–2 MOD, clypeus long (2.7–3.2 MOD) ( Figure 2A View Figure 2 ); malar space very narrow (<0.5 MOD) ( Figure 2B View Figure 2 ); temples slightly divergent ( Figure 2C View Figure 2 ); dense punctures on head, mesosoma, and metasoma ( Figures 2C–2E View Figure 2 ); posterior margin of second metasomal tergite swollen and covering the anterior margin of third tergite, posterior margin of third metasomal tergite swollen ( Figure 2F View Figure 2 ); coloration: head green with violet scapal basin; pronotum green with cupreous reflection in some species, mesonotum green, metanotum and propodeum violet with blue reflection in some specimens, tegula green or blue; metasoma green with or without cupreous reflections on second tergite, metasomal sternites metallic.

Remarks: We here follow Linsenmaier’s (1999) interpretation of the species. In Kimsey and Bohart (1991) H. virescens is listed in the synonymic list of H. aheneum (Dahlbom) because the species was described as a variation of H. aheneum. Strumia (2004) designated the lectotype at the National Museum of National History in Paris. H. virescens is similar to H. aheneum (Dahlbom), H. incrassatum (Dahlbom), and H. zimmermanni (Balthasar); however, it can be separated by the combination of different characteristics: slightly divergent shape of temples, large clypeus, short TFC like on brow, elongated metanotal tooth S-shaped, plastic swelling reduced on the second tergite; uniform punctuation not deeply incised; sternites metallic; green to greenish body color, even if coloration may considerably change, being a variable characteristic.

Distribution: North Africa, Palestine ( Linsenmaier, 1968), Saudi Arabia ( Linsenmaier, 1999). New for the Iranian fauna.

* Hedychridium verhoeffi Linsenmaier, 1959

Material examined: Iran: Hormozgan Province, Bandarabbas , Zakin I, 27°28′53″N, 56°18′27″E, 680 m, 25.IV.2011, 1♂, leg. A. Ameri. GoogleMaps

FARHAD et al. / Turk J Zool

Diagnosis: Body length 4.7 mm; face triangular, subantennal space 1.1 MOD, clypeus 2.0 MOD ( Figure 3A View Figure 3 ); malar space 0.5 MOD ( Figure 3B View Figure 3 ); temples round and convergent ( Figure 3C View Figure 3 ); first metasomal tergite with depression arcuate anteriorly; punctures on metasoma finer than mesosoma and dense ( Figures 3D and 3E View Figure 3 ); coloration: head green-golden, occiput greenish blue; pronotum and mesonotum green-golden with cupreous reflection, metanotum greenish blue; metasoma green-golden, second and third metasomal tergites with cupreous reflection.

FARHAD et al. / Turk J Zool

Remarks: Thegreenishbodycolorationisquitedifferent from the specimens collected in the Mediterranean countries. The greenish or bronze coloration is commonly observed in most of the species collected in South Iran.

Distribution: North Africa, South France, Spain ( Linsenmaier, 1959), Turkey ( Yildirim and Strumia, 2006a). New for the Iranian fauna.

Hedychridium flavipes rugulosum Linsenmaier, 1959

Material examined: Iran: Hormozgan Province, Hajiabad, Tezerj, 27°17′1″N, 55°45′14″E, 867 m, 03.IV.2011, 1♂ GoogleMaps ; Bandar Abbas, Zakin I, 27°28′53″N, 56°18′27″E, 680 m, 18.IV.2011, 1♂, 24.IV.2011, 1♂, 25.IV.2011, 1♂, 23. V.2011 , 2♂♂ 12. VI.2011 , 1♂, 25. V.2012 , 2♀♀, 1♂; Bandar Abbas, Zakin II, 27°53′7″N, 56°19′58″E, 1020 m, 02. V.2012 , 1♂, 1♀; Bandar Abbas, Zakin III, 27°51′51″N, 56°18′34″E, 1630 m, 25. GoogleMaps V.2012, 2♂♂, 04. VI.2012, 1 ♂, leg. A. Ameri.

Distribution: Cyprus, Iran ( Linsenmaier, 1959), Palestine ( Linsenmaier, 1968).

* Hedychridium femoratum (Dahlbom, 1854)

Material examined: Iran: Hormozgan Province, Bandar Abbas, Zakin I, 27°28′53″N, 56°18′27″E, 680 m GoogleMaps ,

25.IV.2011, 1♂, 09. V .2011 GoogleMaps , 2♂♂; Bandar Abbas, Zakin   GoogleMaps III, 27°51′51″N, 56°18′34″E, 1630 m, 23. V .2011 GoogleMaps , 1♀; Minab   GoogleMaps , Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center of Minab, 27°8′39″N, 57°04′31″E, 28 m, 17.IV.2012, 1♀, leg. A. Ameri.

Diagnosis: Body length 4.0–5.0 mm; subantennal space 0.8 MOD ( Figure 4A View Figure 4 ), gena visible ( Figure 4B View Figure 4 ), temples round and slightly convergent ( Figure 4C View Figure 4 ); last flagellomere elongate ( Figure 4C View Figure 4 ), longer than F-X; punctures on metasoma fine and dense ( Figure 4D View Figure 4 ); coloration: pronotum and mesonotum green-golden, metanotum and propodeum blue to violet; metasoma metallic green-golden, basally on all tergites and medially on second metasomal tergite nonmetallic rosy-ferruginous ( Figure 4E View Figure 4 ).

Remarks: The specimens examined match the description of H. miricolor Morice, which turns out to be the greenish metallic form of H. femoratum . This species is characterized by the elongate last flagellomere compared with other similar species (e.g., H. gratiosum) ( Schmid-Egger, 1995). H. elegans (Mocsáry) and H. femoratum var. miricolor Morice have been registered in the Middle East, but they are currently synonyms of H. femoratum ( Linsenmaier, 1968; Kimsey and Bohart, 1991).

Distribution: Anatolia, Europe, North Africa, Turkey ( Linsenmaier, 1959; Kimsey and Bohart, 1991; Yildirim and Strumia, 2006a; Rosa and Soon, 2013). New for the Iranian fauna.

Hedychridium miramae Semenov, 1967

Material examined: Iran: Hormozgan Province, Bandar Abbas , Zakin I, 27°28′53″N, 56°18′27″E, 680 m, 25.IV.2011, 1♂, leg. A. Ameri. GoogleMaps

Distribution: Iran ( Semenov-Tian-Shanskij, 1967).

* Holopyga arabica Linsenmaier, 1994

Materialexamined: Iran: HormozganProvince , Minab , Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center of Minab, 27°8′39″N, 57°04′31″E, 28 m, 20.III.2012, 1♀ GoogleMaps ; Minab , Chelo, 27°10′30″N, 57°01′09″E, 16 m, 18.V.2012, 1♀, leg. A. Ameri. GoogleMaps

Diagnosis: Body length 6.4 mm, clypeus 2.5 MOD, scapal basin with fine horizontal lines ( Figure 5A View Figure 5 ), temples angular and parallel or slightly convergent ( Figure 5B View Figure 5 ), punctures on mesonotum scutellum and metanotum coarse, shallow and dense without smooth intervals ( Figures 5C View Figure 5 ), on pronotum more scattered with smooth intervals covered with small punctures ( Figure 5D View Figure 5 ); on metasoma moderately fine, deep and close ( Figure 5E View Figure 5 ); coloration: body blue and green ( Figure 5F View Figure 5 ), wings tanned on outer half.

Distribution: Oman, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia ( Linsenmaier, 1994; Strumia and Dawah, 2011). New for the Iranian fauna.

Holopyga fervida (Fabricius, 1781)

Material examined: Iran: Hormozgan Province, Bandar Abbas , Zakin I, 27°28′53″N, 56°18′27″E, 680 m, 25.IV.2011, 1♀, 11.IV.2013, 1♀, 16.V.2011, 1♀ GoogleMaps ; Roodan, Faryab , 27°28′58″N, 57°04′24″E, 313 m, 11.IV.2013, 1♂, leg. A. Ameri. GoogleMaps

Distribution: Iran ( Bischoff, 1910), Europe, North Africa, and Turkey ( Linsenmaier, 1959; Kimsey and Bohart, 1991; Yildirim and Strumia, 2006a).

* Holopyga vicissituda Linsenmaier, 1994

Material examined: Iran: Hormozgan Province, Minab, Agricultural and Natural Resources Research

Center of Minab , 27°8′39″N, 57°04′31″E, 28 m, 17.IV.2013, 1♀, leg. A. Ameri. GoogleMaps

Diagnosis: Body length 6.1 mm, body robust, evidently convergent anteriorly and posteriorly ( Figure 6A View Figure 6 ); clypeus 2.1 MOD, scapal basin with obvious horizontal lines curved toward the compound eye ( Figure 6B View Figure 6 ), temples angular and parallel to slightly divergent ( Figure 6C View Figure 6 ), punctures on head and pronotum not deep and with large smooth intervals, on the other parts bigger and deeper except in anterior part of mesonotum ( Figures 6C–6E View Figure 6 ), on first metasomal tergite fine, on second and third metasomal tergites very fine and very scattered except laterally; metasoma triangular ( Figure 6F View Figure 6 ); coloration: body color greenish with golden to cupreous reflections, especially on metasoma.

Distribution: Oman, Saudi Arabia ( Linsenmaier, 1994), UAE ( Strumia, 2014). New for the Iranian fauna. 3.2. Tribe Chrysidini Chrysidea pumila (Klug, 1845)

Material examined: Iran: Hormozgan Province, Bandar Abbas , Zakin I, 27°28′53″N, 56°18′27″E, 680 m, 20.VI.2011, 1♀ GoogleMaps ; Minab, Chelo , 27°10′30″N, 57°01′09″E, 16 m, 01.VI.2012, 1♂, leg. A. Ameri. GoogleMaps

Distribution: Afrotropical, Palearctic ( Kimsey and Bohart, 1991), Turkey ( Yildirim and Strumia, 2006b; Strumia and Yildirim, 2007), Iran (Rosa et al., 2013).

* Spintharina dubai Bohart, 1987

Material examined: Iran: Hormozgan Province, Minab, Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center of Minab , 27°8′39″N, 57°04′31″E, 28 m, 17.IV.2012 GoogleMaps ,

1♂, 1♀, 11. VI.2012, 1♀, 15. VI.2012, 1♀, 10.VII.2012, 1♀; Qeshm Island, Ramkan , 26°52′25″N, 56°01′7″E, 34 m, 17.VII.2012 GoogleMaps , 1♂, leg. A. Ameri.

Diagnosis: Body length 5.3–5.8 mm; malar space 1 MOD in female and 1.5 MOD in male ( Figure 7A View Figure 7 ); mesopleuron tridentate with polished omalus ( Figure 7B View Figure 7 ); propodeal angle emarginated at base, swollen at side, and keen at apex ( Figure 7C View Figure 7 ); preapical margin of third metasomal tergite with a round swollen lobe ( Figure 7D View Figure 7 ); coloration: body nearly all purple with green reflections in male ( Figure 7E View Figure 7 ).

Distribution: United Arab Emirates ( Bohart, 1987), Saudi Arabia ( Linsenmaier, 1994; Strumia and Dawah, 2011). New for the Iranian fauna.

* Spintharina integerrima Klug, 1845

Material examined: Iran: Hormozgan Province, Bandar Abbas , Zakin I, 27°28′53″N, 56°18′ 27″E, 680 m, 23.V.2011, 2♀♀, leg. A. Ameri. GoogleMaps

Diagnosis: Body length 5.5–6.6; malar space 1.5 MOD and slightly convergent ( Figure 8A View Figure 8 ); mesopleuron tridentate with two unequal teeth located at apex of omalus, omalus moderately polished in the middle (Figure

8B); propodeal angle not keen at apex; second metasomal tergite with large and fine punctures spread densely in the middle ( Figure 8C View Figure 8 ); preapical margin of third metasomal tergite with an angled swollen lobe ( Figure 8D View Figure 8 ); coloration: body golden green, middle part of mesonotum dark violet, third metasomal tergite with a weak cupreous reflection in some species ( Figure 8E View Figure 8 ).

Remarks: The coloration of the species in the Spintharina genus is very variable after death, excluding S. dubai , which is always more or less dark green to bluish. In all the other species the body color is usually red flame to coppery in living specimens, but later it turns to bronze or greenish, according to the different killing substances and preserving methods.

Distribution: Palestine, Sudan, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia ( Linsenmaier, 1994; Strumia and Dawah, 2011). New for the Iranian fauna.

Stilbum cyanurum (Forster, 1771)

Material examined: Iran: Hormozgan Province, Qeshm Island, Ramkan , 26°52′25″N, 56°1′7″E, 34 m, 13.VII.2012, 1♀, leg. A. Ameri. GoogleMaps

Distribution: Eastern Hemisphere, Iran ( Mocsáry, 1889; Kimsey and Bohart, 1991).

* Trichrysis scioensis (Gribodo, 1879)

Material examined: Iran: Hormozgan Province, Bandar Abbas , Zakin I, 27°28′53″N, 56°18′27″E GoogleMaps , 680 m, 20.VI.2011, 1♂; 26.VI.2011, 1♂, leg. A. Ameri.

Diagnosis: Body length 4.0 mm; the upper line of scapal basin covered with elongate punctures ( Figure 9A View Figure 9 ); punctures on forehead very large and impressed ( Figure 9B View Figure 9 ); punctures on the second metasomal tergite a little finer than the first tergum and notum ( Figures 9C and 9D View Figure 9 ); teeth intervals of third abdominal tergite straight or slightly concave, the middle tooth slightly prominent compared with the lateral teeth ( Figure 9D View Figure 9 ); spots of metasomal sternites fused; coloration: head and mesosoma green to gold green; metasoma green-blue, base of second metasomal tergite in the middle dark blue to purple.

Remarks: After type examination of the known species from the South Palearctic area, we could assign this specimen only to T. scioensis (Gribodo, 1879) , even if some differences can be observed in the body sculpture. We also observe that the pictures of T. scioensis and T. lacerta (Semenov-Tian-Shanskij and Nikol’skaya), replacement names for T. cypria (Mocsáry, 1902) in Strumia (2009), are inverted.

Distribution: Afrotropical Africa, Palestine, India ( Linsenmaier, 1959; Kimsey and Bohart, 1991). New for the Iranian fauna.

* Trichrysis longispina Mocsáry, 1912

Material examined: Iran: Hormozgan Province, Bandar Abbas , Zakin I, 27°28′53″N, 56°18′27″E, 680 m, 25.V.2012, 1♀, leg. A. Ameri. GoogleMaps

Diagnosis: Body length 5.2 mm; TFC with weak carina, angular in the middle and ends, on both ends with a weak carina toward the middle ocelli ( Figure 10A View Figure 10 ); punctures on most parts of body similar in size, third metasomal tergite with more scattered and less deep punctures ( Figures 10B and 10C View Figure 10 ); teeth on the anal margin triangular and elongate, completely prominent ( Figure 10C View Figure 10 ); black spots on the second sternite not fused with a narrow space ( Figure 10D View Figure 10 ); coloration: head green, ocelli area green-blue, darker blue in its center; mesosoma green, mesonotum and scutellum medially darker blue; metasoma green with darker bluish stripes latero-apically on second and third metasomal tergum ( Figure 10E View Figure 10 ).

Distribution: Saudi Arabia, Africa, Egypt, Palestine ( Mocsáry, 1912; Linsenmaier, 1994, 1999; Strumia and Dawah, 2011). New for the Iranian fauna.


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