Bosmina (Sinobosmina) fatalis Burckhardt, 1924

Sinev, Artem Y., Dadykin, Ivan A., Umi, Wahidah A. D. & Yusoff, Fatimah M., 2025, New data on Cladocera (Crustacea: Branchiopoda) of Peninsular Malaysia, Zootaxa 5604 (3), pp. 255-284 : 260

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Plazi (2025-03-16 17:36:46, last updated 2025-03-18 16:18:37)

scientific name

Bosmina (Sinobosmina) fatalis Burckhardt, 1924


Bosmina (Sinobosmina) fatalis Burckhardt, 1924 View in CoL

Figs. 3A–D View FIGURE 3 , 4A–B View FIGURE 4

Burckhardt 1924: 235–237, 240–241, Fig. 10 View FIGURE 10 (fatalis, fatalis var. cyanopotamia , fatalis var. megalolimnetis ); Chiang & Du 1979: 170–172, Fig. 112; Lieder 1983: 127, Figs. 2 View FIGURE 2 , 7b View FIGURE 7 , 8b View FIGURE 8 ; Kotov et al. 2009: 14–17, Figs. 6–8 View FIGURE 6 View FIGURE 7 View FIGURE 8 (fatalis, fatalis cyanopotamia); Kotov et al. 2012: 69–71, Fig. 15; Korovchinsky et al. 2021b: 247–249, Figs. 72, 7–11.

Material examined. Over 20 parthenogenetic females from Putrajaya Wetland , Putrajaya (2.94434° N, 101.6926° E), coll. in 24.01.2018 GoogleMaps .

This is the first record for Malaysia. The species was previously reported from the same locality by Umi et al. (2020) as B. (Bosmina) longirostris . Studied specimens have the morphology typical of the species ( Figs. 3A–D View FIGURE 3 , 4A View FIGURE 4 ), including characteristic position of lateral head pore ( Fig. 3C View FIGURE 3 ), and horseshoe-shaped frontal head pore ( Fig. 4B View FIGURE 4 ). The species clearly differs from other species found in Malaysia, B. (Liederobosmina) meridionalis , in position of the lateral head pore and shape of the frontal pore. B. (S.) fatalis is endemic to East and Southeast Asia, distributed in Thailand, Cambodia, the Philippines, eastern China, Korea and Japan ( Maiphae et al. 2008; Tanaka & Ohtaka 2010; Korovchinsky et al. 2021b). For detailed description of female see Kotov et al. (2012), for description of male see Kotov et al. (2009).

Burckhardt, G. (1924) Wissenschaftlishe Ergebnisse einer Reise um die Erde von M. Pernod und C. Schroter. III. Zooplankton aus ost und sud-asiatischen Binnengewassern. Zeitschrift fur Hydrologie, 2, 217-242.

Chiang, S. C. & Du, N. S. (1979) Fauna Sinica: Crustacea: Freshwater Cladocera. Science Press: Beijing, 297 pp. [in Chinese]

Korovchinsky, N. M., Kotov, A. A., Sinev, A. Y, Neretina, A. N. & Garibian, P. G. (2021 b) The water fleas (Crustacea: Cladocera) of North Eurasia. Vol. 2. KMK, Moscow, 544 pp. [in Russian]

Kotov, A. A., Ishida, S. & Taylor, D. J. (2009) Revision of the genus Bosmina Baird, 1845 (Cladocera: Bosminidae), based on evidence from male morphological characters and molecular phylogenies. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 156, 1-51.

Kotov, A. A., Jeong, H. J. & Lee, W. (2012) Cladocera (Crustacea: Branchiopoda) of the south - east of the Korean Peninsula, with twenty new records for Korea. Zootaxa, 3368 (1), 50-90.

Lieder, U. (1983) Revision of the genus Bosmina Baird, 1845 (Crustacea, Cladocera). Internationale Revue der gesamten Hydrobiologie und Hydrographie, 68, 121-139.

Maiphae, S., Pholpunthin, P. & Dumont, H. J. (2008) Taxon richness and biogeography of the Cladocera (Crustacea: Ctenopoda, Anomopoda) of Thailand. International Journal of Limnology, 44 (1), 33-43.

Tanaka, S. & Ohtaka, A. (2010) Freshwater Cladocera (Crustacea, Branchiopoda) in Lake Tonle Sap and its adjacent waters in Cambodia. Limnology, 11, 171-178.

Umi, W. A. D., Yusoff, F. M., Aris, A. Z., Sharip, Z. & Sinev, A. Y. (2020) Planktonic microcrustacean community structure varies with trophic status and environmental variables in tropical shallow lakes in Malaysia. Diversity, 12 (9), 322.

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FIGURE 2. Streblocerus spinulatus Smirnov, 1992 from Chini Lake, Pahang, Malaysia, parthenogenetic female. A, lateral view. B, dorsal view. C, ventral view. D, head in ventral view. E, antennule. F, postabdomen.

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FIGURE 3. Bosmina (Sinobosmina) fatalis Burckhardt, 1924 from Putrajaya Wetland, Putrajaya, Malaysia, parthenogenetic female.A, lateral view.B, posteroventralangle of valves.C, baseof antenna andlateral pore (indicated by arrow).D, postabdomen. Bosmina (Liederobosmina) meridionalis Sars, 1904 from Bukit Merah reservoir, Perak, Malaysia, parthenogenetic female. E, lateral view. F, posteroventral angle of valves. G, base of antenna and lateral pore. H, postabdomen.

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FIGURE 4. Bosmina (Sinobosmina) fatalis Burckhardt, 1924 from Putrajaya Wetland, Putrajaya, Malaysia, parthenogenetic female. A, lateral view. B, bases of antennule in frontal view, frontal head pore indicated by arrow. Bosmina (Liederobosmina) meridionalis Sars, 1904 from Bukit Merah reservoir, Perak, Malaysia, C, lateral view. D–E, head in lateral view, lateral head pores indicated by arrows. F, bases of antennule in frontal view, frontal head pore indicated by arrow.

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FIGURE 6. Anthalona spinifera Tiang-nga, Sinev & Sanoamuang, 2016, from Chini Lake, Pahang, Malaysia, parthenogenetic female. A, lateral view. B, posteroventral angle of valves. C, labrum. D, postabdomen. E, IDL and ODL of thoracic limb I. Anthalona vandammei Sinev, Tiang-nga, & Sanoamuang, 2023, from Bera Lake, Pahang, Malaysia, parthenogenetic female. F, lateral view (eyes not shown). G, ventral margin of valves. H, head pores. I, labrum. J, postabdomen.

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FIGURE 7. Coronatella (Coronatella) acuticostata (Sars, 1903) from roadside pond, Pahang, Malaysia. A. juvenile female of instar II. B, adult parthenogenetic female, lateral view. C, ventral margin of valves. D, postero-ventral angle of valves. E, head shield. F, head pores. G–I, labrum. J–K, postabdomen. L, postabdominal claw. M, antennule. N, antenna.

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FIGURE 8. Coronatella (Coronatella) acuticostata (Sars, 1903) from roadside pond, Pahang, Malaysia, parthenogenetic female. A–C, lateral view, D–E, dorsal view. F, ventral view. G, postero-ventral portion of valves. H–I, postro-ventral angle of valves.

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FIGURE 10. Coronatella (Coronatella) acuticostata (Sars, 1903) from a roadside pond, Pahang, Malaysia, thoracic limbs of parthenogenetic female. A, limb I. B–C, IDL and ODL of limb I. D–E, inner and outer parts of limb II. F, exopodite of limb III. G, exopodite of limb IV. H, limb V (inner setae not shown). Karualona serrulata Van Damme, Maiphae & Sa-adrit, 2013 from from a lake at Paya Indah Wetland, Selangor, parthenogenetic female. I, lateral view. J, posteroventral angle of valves, K, labrum. L, postabdomen.











