Luticola galapagoensis, Bąk & Kociolek & Lange-Bertalot & Łopato & Witkowski & Zgłobicka & Seddon, 2017

Bąk, Małgorzata, Kociolek, John P., Lange-Bertalot, Horst, Łopato, Daria, Witkowski, Andrzej, Zgłobicka, Izabela & Seddon, Alistair W. R., 2017, Novel diatom species (Bacillariophyta) from the freshwater discharge site of Laguna Diablas (Island Isabela = Albemarle) from the Galapagos, Phytotaxa 311 (3), pp. 201-224 : 203-205

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.311.3.1


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Luticola galapagoensis

sp. nov.

Luticola galapagoensis sp. nov. Witkowski, Bąk, Kociolek, Lange-Bertalot & Seddon

Figs 2–50 View FIGURES 2–33 View FIGURES 34–39 View FIGURES 40–43 View FIGURES 44–50

Description: —Light microscopy—Valves elliptical-lanceolate to elliptical, with broadly rounded and not protracted apices. Length 8–27 μm, breadth 5–8 μm (n=30). Axial area narrow, straight, expanded at valve centre to wide, rectangular fascia extended to valve margin ( Figs 34–39 View FIGURES 34–39 ). At valve margin fascia bordered by 3–4 areolae on either side, on one side an additional opening represents stigma foramen which is elongated transapically. Raphe filiform, straight, with external proximal ends distinctly deflected in same direction (away from stigma, Fig. 37 View FIGURES 34–39 —arrows) and external distal ends deflected in same direction as proximal ends, curved like a question mark onto valve mantle. Striae number 18–24 / 10 μm.

Scanning electron microscopy:—Internal distal raphe ends terminate as small helictoglossae. Striae radiate, strongly so towards the apices, distinctly punctate, with each stria comprised of 3–6 rectangular or dash-like areolae. Areolae density 20–24 in 10 μm. Single areola per stria is evident on valve mantle ( Figs 34, 37 View FIGURES 34–39 , 40 View FIGURES 40–43 —arrow). Internally, striae occluded by hymenes that run across all areolae, not localized to each opening ( Fig. 42 View FIGURES 40–43 —arrow and Fig. 46 View FIGURES 44–50 — arrowhead). Stigma foramen slightly differentiated from areolae and extends internally at an acute angle (see SEM views Figs 39 View FIGURES 34–39 , 41 View FIGURES 40–43 —arrows). Internally the stigma is positioned about half the way between the centre and the margin, the opening is indistinct, and bordered by a hemispherical lipped structure (see SEM views Figs 44, 45, 48, 49 View FIGURES 44–50 —arrows). Internal proximal raphe ends straight, simple, and just terminating on the stauros. Longitudinal canal is evident near valve margin, distinct, protruding into valve interior and occluded by hymens ( Figs 43 View FIGURES 40–43 , 46, 47, 50 View FIGURES 44–50 —arrows).

Type: — ECUADOR. Galápagos Islands: Isabela (Albemarle) Island, Diablas wetlands, 0.95731°S, 90.98685°W, 23 July 2012, holotype (designated here):—Slide no. 20779 (species code—7871 MCCDRS) in Coll. Herbarium ( CDS) of the Charles Darwin Foundation at Galapagos, represented by Fig. 27 View FIGURES 2–33 .

Type locality: —Floating moss, at the mouth of the stream to the lagoon in the Diablas wetlands—a permanent, brackish coastal lagoon located at sea level on the south side of Isabela Island.

Etymology: —The name refers to the type location at one of the Galápagos Islands—Isabela (Albemarle) Island.

Distribution: —Species so far found only in the type locality.

Comments: —By far the most morphologically similar species is Luticola permuticoides Metzeltin & Lange-Bertalot (2007: 158) , originating from tropical Brazil. The two taxa differ in terms of areola density with 16–19 in 10 μm for specimens from the type population of L. permuticoides from the Itatiaia mountains, Brazil, vs. 20–24 in 10 μm in the new taxon and in terms of position and shape of stigma. In L. galapagoensis the stigma is located close to the junction between valve face and mantle and in LM visible as elongated slit, vs. somewhat distant from the junction and less elongated in L. permuticoides .


Charles Darwin Research Station

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