Silba Macquart, 1851

Macgowan, Iain & Tschirnhaus, Michael Von, 2024, Records of Lonchaeidae (Diptera, Cyclorrhapha) from Togo and other African countries, with descriptions of new species, Zootaxa 5514 (1), pp. 1-27 : 19-20

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5514.1.1

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scientific name

Silba Macquart, 1851


Silba Macquart, 1851 View in CoL

This is the most speciose genus in the Afrotropical realm with some 42 species being recorded to date. In the majority of cases only males can be identified with certainty.

Silba akloa sp. nov. Locality: Région des Plateaux: Akloa, at creek Domi coming from the Cascades d’Akloa , 7.5127N 0.610E, 280m a.s.l., plantation (cocoa, avocado), 22.4.200 8, leg. M. Tschirnhaus, 1♂ GoogleMaps .

Silba sp. of Silba arcana McAlpine, 1960 View in CoL species-group ( Silba View in CoL ): Région des Plateaux: Ouvêtsévé near Kpélé Élé, 7.357N 0.8533E, 345m a.s.l., creek bank within forest, diverse herb vegetation 15.4.200 8, leg. M. Tschirnhaus, 1♂. Région des Plateaux: Zogbégan, Ortsteil Zogbégan-Carriére (SE of Badou), at river/creek Elèbè, shady Vshaped valley downstream of village, 7.5805N 0.6675E, 650 m a.s.l., cocoa-plantation, remains of secondary rainforest, dense bank vegetation, mud and sparsely running water, dead wood, Malaise trap, leg. Menzel, Ssymank & Tschirnhaus, 21– 26.4.2008, 1♂.

The specimens recorded and illustrated here are similar, but not identical, to the holotype from Zimbabwe illustrated by McAlpine (1960: 371). As a result, until the situation is clarified, they are placed in the S. arcana View in CoL species-group.

Silba bambesa sp. nov. Région des Plateaux: Otandjobo near Zogbégan (SE of Badou), at river Otandjoboli 7.5783N 0.6936E, 500 m a.s.l., at river, swept, cocoa plantation. 21.4.200 8, leg. M. Tschirnhaus, 1♂ GoogleMaps .

Silba figurata MacGowan, 2005 View in CoL ( Silba View in CoL ): Région des Plateaux: Zogbégan, village part Zogbégan-Carriére (SE of Badou), at creek Elèbè   GoogleMaps , V-shaped valley near cocoa-plantation downstream of village, 7.5805N 0.6675E, 650m a.s.l., remains of secondary rainforest, dense bank vegetation, dead wood, leaf litter, mud and sparsely running water near creek, 20– 25.4.2008, leg. M. Tschirnhaus, 1♂.

Previously known from a single male collected in the Budongo Forest, Uganda.

Silba kakamega sp. nov. Région des Plateaux: Cascade de Kpimé W of Huimé. 7.008N 0.6458E, 300m a.s.l., path to waterfall, road side, 16.4.2008.1 ♂ GoogleMaps . Région des Plateaux: Abriwa-Nko, about 5 km N of Badou, at creek Ègnulu-Agbadja 7.6216N 0.6036E, 310m a.s.l., plantation (cocoa, avocado). 24.4.200 8, leg. M. Tschirnhaus, 1♂ GoogleMaps . Région des Plateaux: 1 km distance from Adossou SE of Zogbégan (SE of Badou), at creek Olabè. 7.558N 0.6855E, 520m a.s.l., aspirated from fresh human excrement, 25.4.200 8, leg. M. Tschirnhaus, 1♂ GoogleMaps .

Silba otandjobo sp. nov. Région des Plateaux: Zogbégan, village part Zogbégan-Carriére (SE of Badou), at creek Elèbè , V-shaped valley near cocoa-plantation downstream of village, 7.5805N 0.6675E, 650m a.s.l., remains of secondary rainforest, dense bank vegetation, dead wood, leaf litter, mud and sparsely running water near creek, 20– 25.4.2008, leg. M. Tschirnhaus, 1♂ GoogleMaps . Région des Plateaux: Otandjobo near Zogbégan (SE of Badou), at river Otandjoboli 7.5783N 0.6936E, 500 m a.s.l., at river, swept, cocoa plantation. 21.4.200 8, leg. M. Tschirnhaus, 1♂ GoogleMaps .

Silba togoensis sp. nov. Région des Plateaux : N of Kessibo-Wawa, at the border to Ghana (N of Badou), at river Wawa, 7.703N 0.5905E, 180m a.s.l., forest understory, cocoa plantation, and sun exposed vegetable fields, some Cyperaceae , 24.4.200 8, leg. M. Tschirnhaus, 1♂ GoogleMaps .

Silba media sp. nov. Région des Plateaux: Kodjo-Kopé N of Badou, at creek Djodji , 7.6488N 0.5952E, plantation (cocoa, oil palm), 24.4.200 8, leg. M. Tschirnhaus, 1♂ GoogleMaps .

Silba tsifama sp. nov. Région du Centre: Tsifama W. of Diguina Konta (SW of Blitta), at creek Kpentsro. 8.1647N 0.8077E, 575m a.s.l., remains of secondary rainforest, aspirated from spittle droplets on Anubias gigantea ( Araceae ) near creek, 28.4.200 8, leg. M. Tschirnhaus, 2♂ 3♀ GoogleMaps .

Silba zogbegani sp. nov. Région des Plateaux: Zogbégan, village part Zogbégan-Carriére (SE of Badou), at creek Elèbè , V-shaped valley near cocoa-plantation downstream of village, 7.5805N 0.6675E, 650m a.s.l., remains of secondary rainforest, dense bank vegetation, dead wood, leaf litter, mud and sparsely running water near creek, 20– 25.4.2008, leg. M. Tschirnhaus, 3♂ GoogleMaps .

Silba virescens Macquart, 1851 View in CoL ( Silba View in CoL ): Région des Plateaux Atakpamé, edge of town, creek below Catholic Mission   GoogleMaps , 7.522N 1.1366E, 290m a.s.l., ruderal area and adjacent vegetable gardens, dense bank vegetation with rubbish ( Plate 3 View PLATE 3 ), Malaise trap, 9– 13.4.2008, leg. Menzel, Ssymank & Tschirnhaus, 1♂.

A widespread Afrotropical species with records extending into the Mediterranean area and the Middle East.












Silba Macquart, 1851

Macgowan, Iain & Tschirnhaus, Michael Von 2024

Silba figurata

MacGowan 2005

Silba arcana

McAlpine 1960

S. arcana

McAlpine 1960


Macquart 1851


Macquart 1851

Silba virescens

Macquart 1851


Macquart 1851
GBIF Dataset (for parent article) Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF