Fulgenta rwanda, Macgowan & Tschirnhaus, 2024

Macgowan, Iain & Tschirnhaus, Michael Von, 2024, Records of Lonchaeidae (Diptera, Cyclorrhapha) from Togo and other African countries, with descriptions of new species, Zootaxa 5514 (1), pp. 1-27 : 2-3

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5514.1.1

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scientific name

Fulgenta rwanda

sp. nov.

Fulgenta rwanda sp. nov. ( Figs. 1 & 2 View FIGURES 1–2 )

Description: Holotype male: Head: Eye bare. Frons black, dulled by grey dusting, ocellar triangle glittering black, frontal and interfrontal setulae very short. Orbital plate shining black, bare apart from orbital seta. Lunule covered in sparse silver pollinosity as is the upper face. Anterior genal setulae in a single row of 4–5 along mouth margin. Antenna entirely black, postpedicel length to depth ratio 2.5:1. Arista microscopically pubescent.

Thorax: Mesonotum, anepisternum and katepisternum shining dark emerald green. Anepisternum with one anterodorsal and one posterior seta, remainder of sclerite with a scatter of setulae which are approximately 0.5x length of anterodorsal seta. One seta on both proepimeron and proepisternum. Katepisternum with a single seta near dorsal margin, otherwise almost bare. Scutellum with disc shining emerald green, setae broken or missing but on margin between lateral and apical setae with at least one setula. Calypter white with a whitish fringe of uniform length. Wing clear with yellowish veins. Wing length 2.6mm. Legs black, all basal and second tarsomeres pale, apical segments slightly brownish.

Abdomen: Tergites shining light green, apical segment with a rather angular apical excavation.

Male terminalia: Cerci elongated laminate structures, each cercus long and narrow, approximately 4.5x as long as wide, narrowed apically, fused only for a short distance medially, covered with dense fine setulae on apical third. Phallus S-shaped, basiphallus rather square shaped, distiphallus more sinuous with a pair of long, thin, curved medial spurs, apically dilated into a large flattened process which bears minute setulae near the apex.

Female: Unknown. It is not possible at present to associate females with males of this genus by morphology only.

Diagnosis. Using the key to the genus provided by MacGowan (2017: 206) this species, with the basiphallus not cuboidal in shape, phallus sinuous or angled or with spine-like medial processes would key out to couplet 10 which includes Fulgenta pretoria MacGowan, 2017 and F. apicalis MacGowan, 2017 . However, with the apex of the wing clear and the phallus very distinctly dilated apically F. rwanda is easily distinguished from these two species.

Type material. Holotype: ♂. RWANDA, Préfecture Rusumu , Ibanda, Makera, 2.109S, 30.842E, 1,294m, canopy fogging on Tecla nobilis ( Rutaceae ) in gallery forest, 17.11.199 3, leg. Thomas Wagner (University KoblenzLandau). Specimen deposited in NMS; NMS- 10021645. GoogleMaps

Paratype: 1♂ with the same data as the holotype. Specimen deposited in NMS; NMS- 10021627 GoogleMaps .

Etymology. The specific epithet refers to country of origin of the type material.


National Museum of Scotland - Natural Sciences













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