Russula sp.

Adamčík, Slavomír, Caboň, Miroslav, Eberhardt, Ursula, Saba, Malka, Hampe, Felix, Slovák, Marek, Kleine, Jesko, Marxmüller, Helga, Jančovičová, Soňa, Pfister, Donald H., Khalid, Abdul N., Kolařík, Miroslav, Marhold, Karol & Verbeken, Annemieke, 2016, A molecular analysis reveals hidden species diversity within the current concept of Russula maculata (Russulaceae, Basidiomycota), Phytotaxa 270 (2), pp. 71-88 : 82-85

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.270.2.1

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Russula sp.


Russula sp. Figs. 5 View FIGURES 2–5 , 16–25 View FIGURES 16–19 View FIGURES 20–25

Short diagnosis. —Basidiomata medium to small, pileus with relatively thin context, surface of stipe, pileus and lamellae with yellow-brownish spots, pileus cuticle red and not discolouring distinctly to cream, spore ornamentation with low (up to 0.6 μm), amyloid warts often merged or connected by line connections, hymenial cystidia dispersed, hyphal terminations in pileipellis near the pileus margin sub-cylindrical or subulate, pileocystidia near the pileus margin frequently with more than two cells and 5.5‒7.5 μm wide.

Basidiomata small to medium sized, 40–45 mm tall. Pileus 27‒34 mm in diameter, convex, centrally slightly depressed, surface dry, smooth, matt, vivid red or strong red with centre reddish orange and rusty spotted with spots sometimes concentrically arranged; margin even, or slightly involute, without striations. Lamellae regular, adnate, crowded, light yellow, pale yellow or light orange yellow, brittle, edge entire, concolourous. Stipe 35‒40 × 8‒10 mm, central, cylindrical to subcylindrical, stuffed, slightly longitudinally wrinkled, white, towards base with light yellow-brownish or moderate yellow-brownish spots, without pinkish shades. Context compact, not firm, smell and taste not recorded.

Spores (7.4–)7.8–8.6(–9.4) × (6.2–)6.4–7.2(–7.7) μm, average 8.2 × 6.8 μm, Q = (1.13–)1.17–1.24(–1.29), average 1.21, ornamentation consisting of (4–)5–7, moderately large and distant amyloid warts in the circle of diameter of 3 μm on spore surface, warts 0.4–0.6 μm high, connected with occasional to frequent short or longer fine line connections [(0–)1–3(–5) line connections in the circle], occasionally fused in short or longer chains [(0–)1–3(–4) fusions in the circle], chains and crests often branched, but rarely forming a reticulate structure, isolated warts rare. Suprahilar plage amyloid, large. Basidia (30–)33–37.5(–40) × (10–)11–13 μm, average 35.4 × 12.1 μm, 4-spored, clavate, sometimes pedicellate; basidiola first cylindrical or ellipsoid, then clavate, ca. 5–10(–12.5) μm wide. Subhymenium pseudoparenchymatic. Lamellar trama mainly composed of large sphaerocytes. Hymenial cystidia on lamellar sides widely dispersed to dispersed, 300–400/mm 2, fusiform or rarely clavate, pedicellate, thin-walled, measuring (49–)52–65(–72) × (10–)10.5–14(–16) μm, average 58.6 × 12.3 μm, apically acute to acute-pointed and with (1–)2–7 μm long appendage, contents heteromorphous, granular-banded, yellowish, turning brownish-red to almost black in sulfovanillin. Lamellar edges covered with abundant marginal cells, occasional cheilocystidia and dispersed basidia; marginal cells not well differentiated, similar to the basidiola on lamellar sides, but smaller, mainly clavate to subcylindrical, sometimes constricted in half length, with obtuse tips, measuring (9–)12–17.5(–19) × (4–)4.5–7(–7.5) μm, average 15 × 5.8 μm; cheilocystidia narrower than pleurocystidia, clavate or fusiform, pedicellate, thin-walled, measuring (42–)48– 64.5(–73) × 8–10.5(–12.5) μm, average 56.5 × 9.3 μm, apically with mainly acute tips and usually with 1–6 μm long appendages, contents similar as in pleurocystidia. Pileipellis orthochromatic in Cresyl blue, 115–135 μm deep, sharply delimited from the underlying spherocytes of the context; distinctly divided in a 60–75 μm deep, strongly gelatinized suprapellis of loose, erect or ascending hyphal terminations and, near surface, with some repent, longer pileocystidia; and a 55–65 μm deep subpellis of less gelatinized, dense, irregularly, but near the trama horizontally oriented, intricate, branched, 2–5 μm wide hyphae. Acidoresistant incrustations absent. Hyphal terminations in pileipellis near the pileus margin slender and branched, thin-walled, with terminal cells measuring (14–)20.5–37(–48) × 2.5–3.5 μm, average 28.7 × 3 μm, mainly narrowly subulate or fusiform, partly subcylindrical, usually apically attenuated or constricted, often moniliform; near the pileus centre with mainly cylindrical, often flexuous terminal cells, measuring (13–)16.5– 27(–31) × (2–)2.5–4(–4.5) μm, average 21.7 × 3.2 μm, apically obtuse; subterminal cells mainly branched or not, often with lateral branches or nodules, equally wide as terminal cells. Pileocystidia near the pileus margin numerous, narrowly clavate or fusiform, mainly two or more-celled [1–5(–6) celled], thin-walled, with terminal cells measuring (18–)33.5–57(–67) × (4–)5.5–7.5(–8.5) μm, average 45 × 6.5 μm, apically obtuse, subterminal cells equally wide or narrower, often shorter, contents in Congo red heteromorphous, granulose or crystalline, turning dark reddish-brown to black in sulfovanillin; near the pileus centre smaller and narrower, with terminal cells measuring (30–)34.5–59.5(–81) × (3.5–)4–6(–7) μm, average 47.1 × 5.1 μm, more frequently one-celled, with more granular and yellow-coloured contents. Cystidioid hyphae in subpellis and pileus trama dispersed, with heteromorphous-granulose, yellowish, often oleiferous contents. Clamp connections absent in all parts.

Examined material. — PAKISTAN. Khyber Pakhtoon Khaw, Mansehra, Batrasi, under Pinus roxburghii , 3 August 2014, Malka Saba MAM 0077 (LAH, duplicate FH00304559).

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