Pseudostilobezzia Wirth & Ratanaworabhan, 1973

Borkent, Art & Grogan, William L., 2024, A new species of Pseudostilobezzia Wirth & Ratanaworabhan (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) from Vietnam, Zootaxa 5448 (1), pp. 128-134 : 129-130

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5448.1.8

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Pseudostilobezzia Wirth & Ratanaworabhan


Pseudostilobezzia Wirth & Ratanaworabhan View in CoL

Pseudostilobezzia Wirth & Ratanaworabhan, 1973: 177 View in CoL . Type species: Pseudostilobezzia macclurei Wirth & Ratanaworabhan View in CoL , by original designation.

DIAGNOSIS: Female adult: the only genus of Ceratopogonidae with an elongate claw and basal tooth nearly or equal in length to the foretarsomere 5 and a short claw (with basal tooth) on the mid- and hind tarsomeres 5 ( Figs. 1D–F View FIGURE 1 ). Male, pupa and larva: unknown.

DESCRIPTION: Female adult: Head capsule: with or without transverse sulcus; frons extending from vertex to frontoclypeus; vertex with single seta located medially; posterior tentorial pit separated from postoccipital ridge by very narrow gap; antennal flagellomere 13 tapering gradually to apex; antennal scape with dorsomedial projection, with setae; antennal flagellum without sensilla coeloconica; frontoclypeus a single unit (no transverse suture); frontoclypeus dorsolaterally connected to eye by narrow bridge of cuticle; labrum apically bifid, with apical pegs directed ventrolaterally, small lateral teeth; base of labrum with 2 sensilla (on each side); mandible with 7–8 coarse teeth; mandibular arm originating on ventral margin of eye, articulating with base of mandible near apex of frontoclypeus; cardo and/or stipes fused medially; apex of cardo abutting but separate from posterior tentorial pit; with five palpal segments; palpal segment 3 with capitate sensilla arranged on surface or in small, round pit; prementum medial suture forked dorsally; anterior cervical sclerite triangular. Thorax: antepronotum with very slender transverse band medially; basisternal ventrolateral projection, from anterior view, broad, tapering to point; proepisternum, basisternum separate; lateral arm of prosternal apophysis of more or less constant width; postpronotum triangular; scutum with acrostichal setae, dorsocentral setae present, without modification on posteromedial margin, with scutal suture situated anterior to group of prealar setae, with three ventrally directed apodemes arising from well-separated bases, distinctly separated from one another; paratergite without setae; anterior anepisternum with dorsal point of suture posterior to anterior spiracle, with posterior margin more or less evenly curved, without setae; with broad anepisternal cleft, paratergite slender; anapleural suture short, extending to posterior margin of anepisternal cleft or just short of it; katepisternum without setae; katepisternal suture present, extending to anterior margin of katepisternum. Wing: length = 1.13–1.20 mm; margin with one or more costal setae set apart basal to level of the arculus; with 2 radial cells (r 1, r 2), first radial cell rhomboidal to elongate; radial vein with single seta just distal to the arculus, set apart from more apical setae on radial vein; with about four setae near apex of R 3 (observed only with P. curtitarsus ); without R 4+5; r-m moderately long; M 1, M 2 forking beyond crossvein r-m, with petiolate base; without or few macrotrichia restricted to apex of wing; microtrichia forming minute to somewhat elongate spicules, more or less evenly spaced. Legs: ratio of foretibia length/ hind tibia length 0.86–0.87; trochanter of fore-, midleg each with pair of thick, contiguous setae; forefemur slender, without ventral spines; hind femur with only slender or stout setae; midtibia lacking spur, with simple subapical setae; hind tibial comb with 6–7 spines; foreleg tarsal ratio (Ta1/Ta2)/ hind leg tarsal ratio 0.82–1.13; midtarsomere 1 without palisade setae; hind tarsomere 1 with two complete, at least partial third row of palisade setae, hind tarsomere 2 with (or without? not reported for P. wirthi , P. macclurei ) row of palisade setae; hind tarsomere 1 2.22–3.04 times longer than tarsomere 2; foretarsomere 5 nearly equal in diameter to midtarsomere 5; tarsomeres 4 cordiform; tarsomeres 5 with ventral setae; empodia absent; each leg with single claw and elongate tooth on fore-and midlegs, short or elongate tooth on hind claw. Abdomen: tergite 1 with dorsolateral longitudinal ridge; pigmentation of segments 7–10 more or less uniform; without tergal apodemes, eversible sacs; tergites 6–8 progressively shorter; sternites 7–8 similar in length, each shorter than sternite 6; sternite 8 with elongate, posteriorly directed, straight setae, more or less evenly spaced; sternite 8 with posteromedial cleft moderately U-shaped; without dorsally directed slender apodeme arising from posterior margin of sternite 8; sternite 9 with more laterally placed, elongate, slightly curved setae, directed posteriorly or posterolaterally; tergite 9 entire, undivided medially; without genital fork; sternite 9 discontinuous medially, forming two well-developed, expanded halves; with unmodified hypogynial valve; with more anteriorly placed hypoproct setae (not two posterior ones) tapering to, at most, a gently curved apex; with 3 spermathecae, 2 well-developed, one significantly smaller.

Eggs (in vivo): very elongate, slender.

Male, pupa, larva: unknown.












Pseudostilobezzia Wirth & Ratanaworabhan

Borkent, Art & Grogan, William L. 2024


Wirth, W. W. & Ratanaworabhan, N. C. 1973: 177
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