Phrynocepha kendrae Gilbert, 2011
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Phrynocepha kendrae Gilbert |
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sp. nov. |
Phrynocepha kendrae Gilbert sp. nov.
( Fig. 49 View Figures 47-50 , 58 View Figures 56-59 , 66 View Figures 64-71 , 76 View Figures 72-77 , 78 View Figures 78-79 )
Type Specimens. Holotype (male) [ CASC # 18541 ]: MEXICO. JALISCO: 16 km S Chamela Station along Cuitzmala River , 19°24.910´N / 104°09.375´W, 17 July 2003, 50ft., A. J. Gilbert GoogleMaps . Allotype (female): same data as holotype except 8 July 2003 GoogleMaps . Holotype and allotype deposited in the California Academy of Sciences.
Paratypes (27 males and 24 females) – same data as holotype (1) [ AJGC] GoogleMaps ; same data as allotype (12) [ AJGC], (2) [ ERGC], (2) [ BMNH] GoogleMaps ; 11 mi. N. Autlan on Hwy 80, 6 July 1984, J. B. Woolley [3,894ft.] (2) [ TAMU] ; San Mateo , 100’, 19°34.425´N / 105°05.165´W, 18 July 2003, Fred. G. Andrews (1) [ CSCA] GoogleMaps ; 48.7 km NE La Huerta , 4,200ft., 19°41.763´N / 104°23.016´W, 9 July 2003, A. J. Gilbert (1) [ AJGC] GoogleMaps ; nr. Chamela , 20 July 1984, B. K. Dozier Coll. (2) [ FSCA] ; 27.4 km S Chamela , 16 July 1987, R. Turnbow (3) [ TAMU] ; 5.5 mi. NE Tecolotlan , 13 July 1982, A. J. Gilbert collector (4) [ AJGC] ; 14 km E Malague [ Melaque ], 29 July 1990, W. F. Barr (1) [ WFBM] ; 7 km N Malacque [ Melaque ], 16, 19 July 1990, J. E. Wappes (1) [ USNM] ; COLIMA: 7 mi. SSW Colima on Hwy 110, 9 July 1984, J. B. Woolley [1,163ft.] (1) [ TAMU] ; 1.5 km W Los Ortices , 19°05.930´N / 103°44.009´W, 1,175ft., 16 July 2003 (2) [ AJGC] GoogleMaps ; 8 mi. S Colima, 10 July 1982, Fred G. Andrews (2) [ CSCA] ; 7 miles ssw. Colima, 9 July 1984, Carroll, Schaffner, Friedlander (1) [ TAMU] ; 27.4 km. S Chamela , 16 July 1987, R. Turnbow (8) [ RHTC] ; GUERRERO: Costa Azul , ACA, 18 May 1985, Hugo Miranda, on Acacia sp. [255ft.] (3) [ USNM] ; Acapulco, C. Azul , 27 June 1985, Jose Garcia B., on Acacia cochliacantha [255ft.] (1) [ USNM] ; NAYARIT: 3 km N Bucerias , 8 June 1984, Acacia, W. F. Barr [370ft.] (1) [ WFBM] .
Description. Male (holotype). Body length 5.71 mm; width at elytral humeri 2.41 mm; form elongate. Elytra greenish-black; head, pronotum, mesosternum, legs yellow-orange. Head elongate, with curved carina ventrally extending from behind eye to front edge of postclypeus, appearing “jowl-like;” genal length 1.79x longer than maximum length of eye; vertex shining, with a few scattered punctures near eye; postclypeus with prefrontal ridge shallowly, broadly emarginate; an acute, elevated frontal carina extends between antennal fossae, curving upward before descending to front edge of postclypeus; anteclypeus entire, same color as labrum; labrum orange, rounded with few scattered setae; labral notch indistinct; antennal fossae separated by frontal carina; antennal fossae separated by distance slightly less than width of antennal fossa (fossal width measured from inside edges); frontal tubercles flat, distinct, separated by coronal suture; area in front of antennal fossa with sunken appearance, bordered by acute lateral carina extending from eye to front edge of postclypeus; frontogenal suture indistinct; interocular distance 1.44x wider than width of both eyes combined; eyes nearly round, very small relative to head; antennae stout, 0.74x length of body; antennomeres 1-3 orange; 4-11 dark brown; antennomere 3 longest; antennomere 2 shortest; antennomere 4 slightly longer than 5-11; antennomeres 5-11 subequal in length. Pronotum shining, smooth, reticulate, obviously punctate; lateral margins tapering to apex, widest at middle; basolateral projections small, obtuse; anterolateral projections rounded, projected; basal depression poorly defined. Scutellum orange-brown, triangular, impunctate. Elytra distinctly reticulate, irregularly punctate; punctures inconspicuous; humeral costa absent, humeral depression indistinct. Prosternal intercoxal process elevated ventrally over plane of prosternum, even with plane of tip of procoxae, narrowly, distinctly separating coxae, rising to wedge-shaped knob midway between procoxae. Procoxae globose. Procoxal cavities open. Mesosternum orange. Legs orange; tarsi orange-brown, darker than femora or tibiae; pro- and mesofemora enlarged; tarsomere 1 of protarsi enlarged, heart-shaped, wider than 3; tarsomere 1 of mesotarsi enlarged, more elongate than tarsomere 1 of protarsi, but still wider than tarsomere 3 of mesotarsi; tarsomere 1 of metatarsi enlarged, more elongate than tarsomere 1 of pro- or mesotarsi, longer than 2-4 of metatarsi combined, wider than tarsomere 3 of metatarsi; all tibiae sulcate, expanded apically, with central longitudinal carina. Abdomen black, shiny, impunctate, sparsely pubescent; fifth ventrite broadly emarginate, with small, central, convexity. Aedeagus evenly arched ventrally from behind center point; basal piece about 26% total length of aedeagus ( Fig. 58 View Figures 56-59 ); ventral end flattened, with broad subapical notch, with distinct subapical lobe; tip with broad, obtuse point ( Fig. 66 View Figures 64-71 , 76 View Figures 72-77 ).
Female (allotype). Similar to holotype, differing in the following characters: size slightly larger (length 5.88 mm; width 2.47 mm); tarsomere 1 not broadly enlarged on pro- and mesotarsi; fifth abdominal ventrite not modified; elytra with short, distinct humeral costa and 3-4 additional very vague costae (light and angles must be right to observe the costae); “jowl” less pronounced laterally (in frontal view the margin of the “jowl” in the male is visible which gives the male a broader head than the female below the eyes); pro- and mesotibiae more expanded than metatibiae but less obviously than in male.
Variation. Male: length 4.88 – 6.47 mm; width at humeri 2.18 – 2.76 mm. Female: length 5.00 – 6.47 mm; width 2.18 – 2.65 mm. The stout or slender appearance of the antennae, as represented by the fourth antennomere (length to width ratio), varies. However, in this species, the ratio of the male fourth antennomere is relatively similar to the female, 2.4x and 2.5x respectively.
Remarks. Phrynocepha kendrae resembles P. capitata and P. pseudocapitata , but is generally smaller than both species. The aedeagi are unique for each species, although from the ventral perspective, P. capitata ( Figs. 64 View Figures 64-71 , 75 View Figures 72-77 ) and P. kendrae ( Figs. 66 View Figures 64-71 , 76 View Figures 72-77 ) are similar. They differ in lateral perspective, and the tip of P. kendrae is flattened and much shorter ( Fig. 76 View Figures 72-77 ). See “Remarks” for P. capitata and other species.
Distribution. Known from the Mexican states of Colima, Guerrero, Jalisco and Nayarit at elevations between 50 and 4,200 feet. This species and P. capitata are the only two species that occur at low elevations (see P. capitata ).
Host. Three specimens from Acapulco, Guerrero were collected from Acacia sp. (Fabaceae) and a single specimen from Costa Azul, Guerrero was collected from A. cochliacantha Willd. (Fabaceae) , commonly called boat thorn acacia. The single specimen from Nayarit was also collected from Acacia sp.
Etymology. Named for the youngest daughter of the author, Kendra Liane Gilbert; an author in her own right, although not of a biological nature.
Specimens Examined. See “ Type Specimens.”
Phrynocepha laevicollis Jacoby 1884
( Fig. 50 View Figures 47-50 , 55 View Figure 55 , 80 View Figure 80 )
Phrynocepha laevicollis Jacoby 1884: 293 (tab. 18, fig. 3). Heikertinger and Csiki 1939: 215. Blackwelder 1946: 699. Wilcox 1975: 107. Furth and Savini 1996: 64. Furth 2006: 233.
Type Specimens. Holotype. Male [ BMNH] labeled: “TYPE/ H.T.” [printed on circular white with red border], “S. Geronimo/ 3,000ft. / Champion.” [printed on white], “Type./ Sp. figured.” [printed on white], “B. C. A., Col. VI, 1./ Phrynocepha / laevicollis ,/ Jac.” [printed on white], “ Phrynocepha / laevicollis, Jac. ” [handwritten on blue].
Redescription. Male [BMNH, holotype]. Body length 4.41 mm; width at elytral humeri 1.94 mm; form elongate. Elytra bluish-black; head, pronotum, mesosternum, legs yellow-orange. Head elongate, with curved carina ventrally extending from behind eye to front edge of postclypeus, appearing “jowl-like;” genal length 1.81x longer than maximum length of eye; vertex shining, with scattered large, shallow, coalesced punctures behind eyes, with a vague central longitudinal ridge extending from front edge of pronotum to frontal tubercles; frontal tubercles distinct, elongate, separated by coronal suture; area in front of antennal fossa with shallow sunken appearance, bordered by indistinct lateral carina extending from eye to front edge of postclypeus, with distinct frontogenal suture; labrum orange, rounded; labral notch indistinct; postclypeus with prefrontal ridge truncate; an acute, elevated frontal carina extends between antennal fossae, with frontal carina divided by a small notch near antennal fossae (when viewed from lateral perspective), with section between antennal fossae raised slightly above anterior section; antennal fossae separated by distance slightly less than width of antennal fossa (fossal width measured from inside edges); interocular distance 1.96x wider than width of both eyes combined; eyes nearly round, very small relative to head; antennae 0.77x length of body; antennomeres 1-3 orange; 4-11 gradually darker to dark brown; antennomere 3 longest, barely longer than antennomeres 1 or 4; antennomere 2 shortest; antennomeres 5-11 subequal in length. Pronotum reticulate, impunctate; lateral margins uniformly curving to apex, widest behind middle; anterior corners with small, rectangular projections conforming to curvature of lateral margin; basal depression vague, poorly defined; posterolateral projections small. Scutellum dark orange, obtusely triangular, impunctate. Elytra shining, reticulate, distinctly, moderately punctate; punctures not coalescing; humeri prominent; humeral costa extending about 1/2 length of each elytron. Prosternal intercoxal process elevated ventrally over plane of prosternum and plane of tip of procoxae, narrowly, distinctly separating coxae, process grooved in anterior 1/2, projecting beyond coxae then turning toward mesosternum as a solid, narrow process terminating at mesosternum. Procoxae globose. Procoxal cavities open. Mesosternum orange. Legs orange; tarsi orange-brown, darker than femora or tibiae; protibiae with outer marginal ridge abruptly expanded from before middle to apex ( Fig. 55 View Figure 55 ), with distinct central carina and sulcate area between outer and central carinae; mesotibiae similar to protibiae only slightly more expanded with central carina less distinct; metatibiae not obviously expanded, a central carina along basal 1/3, a distinct comb of spines along distal edge of inner carina; tarsal claws appendiculate; pro- and mesofemora enlarged; tarsomere 1 of protarsi enlarged, heart-shaped, wider than 3; tarsomere 1 of mesotarsi enlarged, more elongate than tarsomere 1 of protarsi, but still wider than tarsomere 3 of mesotarsi; tarsomere 1 of metatarsi enlarged, more elongate than tarsomere 1 of pro- or mesotarsi, wider than tarsomere 3 of metatarsi. Abdomen dark brown, shiny, coarsely punctured, moderately pubescent; fifth ventrite obscured by debris but appearing to have a shape similar to that of other species of Phrynocepha .
Female. Similar to male, differing in the following characters: pro- and mesofemora not enlarged; tarsomere 1 enlarged on pro- and mesotarsi, but not broadly enlarged as in male; pro- and mesotibiae stout, gradually expanded, but not to the degree of the male; metatibiae slender, gradually expanded; fifth abdominal ventrite entire; “jowl” less pronounced laterally (in frontal view the margin of the “jowl” in the male is distinctly visible which gives the male a broader head than the female below the eyes); antennae not as stout, shorter, 0.66x length of body.
Variation. Male: length 4.12 – 4.41 mm; width at humeri 1.71 – 1.82 mm. Female: length 4.41 mm; width 1.82 mm. The stout or slender appearance of the antennae, as represented by the fourth antennomere (length to width ratio), varies. In the specimens selected, the ratio of the fourth antennomere of the male is stout, approximately 2.2x longer than wide, while in the female the ratio of the fourth antennomere is more slender, approximately 2.7x longer than wide.
Remarks. The male of this species is unique, with the protibiae abruptly expanded, in ventral perspective, from about the middle distally ( Fig. 55 View Figure 55 ). The female is also unique, with the pro- and mesotibiae stouter than the metatibiae and with first tarsomere on both of these legs expanded. These characters will differentiate the female from all other females of Phrynocepha . See also the remarks for P. capitata and P. deyrollei .
Distribution. Known from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. The Jacoby type is from San Geronimo [San Jeronimo], Guatemala [locality taken from the “Biologia Centrali-Americana” ( Jacoby 1884)]. The actual specimen label is S. Geronimo, 3,000 ft., Champion. Bechyné and Bechyné (1960) reported this species from El Salvador, as well as Guatemala. However, these specimens were not located for this study.
Host. Unknown.
Specimens Examined. In addition to the type, other specimens examined included 5 males and 1 female. HONDURAS. EL PARAISO: Yuscaran , mv + bl, 1 June 2003, R. Turnbow [2,388ft.] (1) [ RHTC] ; FRANCISCO MORAZAN: 25 km. S. Talanga (Hacienda Hachado), 11 May 1993, L. Stange and R. Miller [major roads leading in a southerly direction from Talanga travel SE and SW. Depending on which road was traveled to the collection site, the elevation would be between 2,300 and 3,200 feet.] (2) [ AJGC], (3) [ FSCA] .
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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Phrynocepha kendrae Gilbert
Gilbert, Arthur J. 2011 |
Phrynocepha laevicollis
Furth, D. G. 2006: 233 |
Furth, D. G. & V. Savini 1996: 64 |
Wilcox, J. A. 1975: 107 |
Blackwelder, R. E. 1946: 699 |
Jacoby, M. 1884: 293 |