Zoogonidae, Odhner, 1902

Sey, O., Nahhas, F. M., Uch, S. & Vang, C., 2003, Digenetic Trematodes From Marine Fishes Off The Coast Of Kuwait, Arabian Gulf: Fellodistomidae And Some Smaller Families, New Host And Geographic Records, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 49 (3), pp. 179-200 : 196-197

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12587089

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scientific name



Family Zoogonidae View in CoL

Diphterostomum brusinae (STOSSICH, 1888) STOSSICH, 1903

( Figs 7 View Fig A-B)

Synonyms: (Refer to BRAY and GIBSON, 1986)

Host: Argyrops spinifer (FORSSKÅL) Sparidae (new host and geographic record)

Description based on one specimen. Length 1,160 × 300; fore-body 540, hind-body 400, tegument spiny, spines large, extending to mid level of ventral sucker, becoming sparse posteriorly. Eyespot pigment absent. Oral sucker 125 in diameter; ventral sucker 220 × 230, with ventral lips. Sucker ratio 1:1.8. Prepharynx absent; pharynx 45 × 55; oesophagus 113; intestinal bifurcation midway between suckers; caeca short, extending to about midlevel of ventral sucker. Testes two, slightly diagonal; right testis 115 × 63; posterior testis 123 × 73. Cirrus sac arcuate, sinistral to and anterior to ventral sucker, 250 × 90; containing bipartite seminal vesicle, distal segment 38 × 55, proximal 45 × 40; pars prostatica elongated, 150 long and cirrus about 100. Genital atrium marginal, pore sinistral. Ovary pretesticular, dorsal to and overlapping posterior edge of ventral sucker 100 × 88; seminal receptacle very small; uterus occupying all post-gonadal space; vitelline glands two, somewhat symmetrical, about 30 in diameter each. Eggs elongated-oval, thin-shelled, 37–40 × 12–18. Excretory poreterminal.

Remarks. BRAY and GIBSON (1986) placed 16 species, including some cercariae, among the synonyms of Diphterostomum brusinae . Also included are six species of Diphterostomum : D. sargus-annularis (VLASENKO, 1931) in Sargus annularis (BLEEKER) ( Sparidae ) from the Black Sea, D. spari (YAMAGUTI, 1938) in Sargus longispinnis ( Chrysophrys longispinnis = Acanthopagrus berda ) (CUVIER) ( Sparidae ) from Japan, D. macrosaccum (MONTGOMERY, 1957) in Neoclinus uninotatus HUBBS ( Chaenopsidae ) from California, D. anisotremi (NAHHAS e t CABLE, 1964) in Anisotremus virginicus (LINNAEUS) ( Sparidae ) from Jamaica, D. tropicum (DURIO e t MANTER, 1963) in Lethrinus spp. ( Lethrinidae ) from New Caledonia and Queensland, and D. israelense FISCHTHAL, 1980 in Diplodus sargus (LINNAEUS) , D. vulgaris (ST. HILAIRE) ( Sparidae ) and Saurida undosquamis (RICHARDSON) ( Synodontidae ) from the Israeli coast of the Mediterranean. The description and measurements of the Kuwaiti specimens fit into one or more of these species.


Acknowledgements — Theauthors wish to thank Professor J IAN HUA REN of theChemistry Department for the translation of the Chinese articles and Professor PAUL RICHMOND, chairperson of the Department of Biological Sciences of the University of the Pacific for his help in the use of the Nikon EclipseE800 microscope.

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