Obesoconnus asymmetricus, Jałoszyński, 2023

Jałoszyński, Paweł, 2023, Discovery of Obesoconnus Jałoszyński in the Oriental Region (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Scydmaeninae), Zootaxa 5293 (2), pp. 371-378 : 372-375

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5293.2.10

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scientific name

Obesoconnus asymmetricus

sp. nov.

Obesoconnus asymmetricus sp. n.

( Figs 1–9 View FIGURES 1–2 View FIGURES 3–5 View FIGURES 6–13 , 14 View FIGURE 14 )

Material studied. Holotype: ♁ THAILAND: two labels: “ FIT(NHP-1): Lum Jangwat / Khao Ang Runai N.P. / [E-THAILAND] / 11-19.x.2005, S. Nomura ” [white, printed], “ OBESOCONNUS / asymmetricus m. / Jałoszyński, 2023 / HOLOTYPUS” [red, printed) ( NSMT].

Diagnosis. Aedeagus strongly asymmetrical, with curved apical projections almost as long as median lobe.

Description. Body of male ( Fig. 1 View FIGURES 1–2 ) stout and strongly convex, with moderately long appendages, glossy, BL 0.93 mm; pigmentation uniformly dark brown, appendages slightly lighter, vestiture of setae light brown.

Head short, broadest at eyes, HL 0.12 mm, HW 0.24 mm; vertex and frons confluent and weakly convex, posterior portion of frons with minute punctiform impression; supraantennal tubercles small and feebly elevated, but each accentuated by minute impression on its posteromesal margin. Eyes extremely large, oval with narrow posteromedian emargination, coarsely faceted and strongly convex. Punctures on vertex and frons fine, shallow and diffuse, inconspicuous; setae short and sparse, recumbent to suberect. Antennae slender but short, weakly thickened distally, AnL 0.40 mm; scape and pedicel strongly elongate, antennomere III indistinctly transverse, IV–VI each about as long as broad, VII–X each weakly transverse, XI subequal in length to IX–X combined, about 1.6 × as long as broad, indistinctly asymmetrical, with truncate apex.

Pronotum ( Fig. 3 View FIGURES 3–5 ) nearly semicircular, equally broad between base and middle, PL 0.25 mm, PW 0.30 mm; anterior margin broadly rounded, lateral margins nearly straight and barely discernibly microserrate, posterior margin nearly straight; base with shallow and diffuse transverse groove deepened at each end and with one pair of distinct, deep, elongate lateral impressions; pronotal disc covered with fine but distinct punctures separated by spaces subequal to their diameters, and with sparse, short, suberect setae.

Elytra oval, evenly convex, broadest slightly in front of middle, EL 0.55 mm, EW 0.45 mm, EI 1.22; humeral calli small, elongate, elytral apices separately rounded; punctures smaller and denser than those on pronotal disc, shallow and diffuse; setae sparse, short, suberect.

Legs moderately long and slender, unmodified.

Aedeagus ( Figs 6–9 View FIGURES 6–13 ) darkly sclerotized, AeL 0.30 mm; stout, strongly asymmetrical, in ventral view suboval with obliquely truncate apex; apical projections composed of three asymmetrical recurved elongate plates, one short and two (adjacent to each other) almost as long as median lobe; endophallic structures with sclerotized slender flagellum; parameres long and slender, asymmetrically bent toward one side of median lobe, exceeding apex of median lobe, each with one long apical seta.

Female. Unknown.

Distribution ( Fig. 14 View FIGURE 14 ). Thailand.

Etymology. The name asymmetricus refers to the remarkably asymmetrical aedeagus.

Remarks. Proportions of body parts (e.g., EI) were included in diagnoses of previously described Neotropical species. However, the addition of two more species demonstrates that the external morphology of Obesoconnus is extremely uniform ( Fig. 14 View FIGURE 14 ), and only the aedeagus offers unambiguous features to identify members of this interesting genus. The aedeagus of O. asymmetricus is oddly shaped and the most complex among nominal species of Obesoconnus , with extremely long and strongly asymmetrical apical projections, not similar to much shorter, or even barely discernible projections in all remaining species. The most unusual feature is the sclerotized flagellum, in the holotype projecting almost entirely from the ostium. In remaining species of Obesoconnus the flagella are not discernible.

The male holotype of O. asymmetricus was collected by a flight intercept trap set at ~ 5 m above the ground on a tree in forest (email from S. Nomura dated 06.04.2023).


National Science Museum (Natural History)













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