Neonesidea caraionae, Maddocks, 2021

Maddocks, Rosalie F., 2021, Taxonomic applications of the esophageal flapper valve in the Genus Neonesidea (Bairdioidea, Podocopida, Ostracoda), including descriptions of new and poorly known species from the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico, Zootaxa 4903 (4), pp. 451-492 : 457

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4903.4.1

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scientific name

Neonesidea caraionae

sp. nov.

Neonesidea caraionae n. sp.

( Figure 2 View FIGURE 2 A–T, Graph 4)

Material. Two dry male carapaces with fragmentary dry soft parts.

Holotype. Male specimen 1028M from slide labeled “ Cuba 6.”

Etymology. For Dr. Francisca Elena Caraion, who donated the specimens.

Dimensions. Holotype male specimen 1028M, LVL 1.210 mm, LVH 0.692 mm, RVH 1.197 mm, RVH 0.646 mm . Paratype male specimen 1029M, LVL 1.186 mm, LVH 0.695 mm, RVL 1.182 mm, RVH 0.654 mm. See also Graph 4 .

Description. The carapace is large, smooth, translucent white; elongate-ovate in lateral view, with somewhat marked anterodorsal and posterodorsal angles and flared caudate posterior angle; streamlined in dorsal view, with greatest height and greatest thickness located slightly anterior to mid-length. The LV has numerous small posteroventral marginal denticles and a short, slender, posterior spine. The patch pattern consists of a large, diamondshaped median spot, with a circular spot at the posterodorsal angle, and smaller spots at the anterodorsal and posterior angles. The valves are coarsely hirsute, with thick, short, simple sensilla. A row of plumose setae is located above the posterior angle, as usual, but the cross-barbs are relatively short and sparse.

The antenna ends in a short, slender claw with a rather elongate bifid hook. The hemipenis is subcircular with a broad median segment. The terminal segment is a thin, subcircular lamella, with a textureless surface except for a few tiny setules along the edge. The hemipenis carries an extraordinarily long copulatory tube, three to four times as long as the median segment of the capsule. In both specimens it arises near the middle of the median segment and is unconfined throughout its length. It tapers continuously, is reflexed at about half-length, and may be coiled near the end. At its very tip, the tube bifurcates into two short, curved branches.

The plate of the esophageal valve has a distinct medial gap with a large conical tooth on either side, followed by a row of about five smaller teeth of more or less diminishing sizes, with rounded-conical shapes in a somewhat irregular array, and a more prominent, multilobate corner tooth.

Remarks. This species is distinctly larger than N. longisetosa , which it closely resembles in carapace shape. The carapace proportions are slightly more high-arched, and the anterodorsal and posterodorsal angles are more pronounced in lateral outline. The esophageal plate is similar to that of N. longisetosa , with large medial teeth followed by a series of small lateral teeth, but their arrangement is less regular and symmetrical than in N. longisetosa . The compact architecture of the hemipenis is unusual, the discoidal terminal appendage is perhaps unique, and the copulatory tube is exceptionally long. In details of the hemipenis, there are no similarities between N. caraionae , N. longisetosa and N. gerda .

Distribution. Cuba. The sample was probably collected in shallow coastal waters, but details of the sampling locality were not furnished.















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