Pseudonannolene tricolor Brölemann, 1902

Iniesta, Luiz Felipe Moretti, Bouzan, Rodrigo Salvador & Brescovit, Antonio Domingos, 2023, A reassessment of the Neotropical genus Pseudonannolene Silvestri, 1895: cladistic analysis, biogeography, and taxonomic review (Spirostreptida: Pseudonannolenidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 867 (1), pp. 1-312 : 91-94

publication ID 10.5852/ejt.2023.867.2109

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scientific name

Pseudonannolene tricolor Brölemann, 1902


Pseudonannolene tricolor Brölemann, 1902 View in CoL

Figs 1 View Fig , 134–135 View Fig View Fig , 164L View Fig , 166N View Fig , 173C View Fig , 179C View Fig , 189 View Fig ; Supp. file 4: Figs 211E, 221B

Pseudonannolene tricolor Brölemann, 1902a: 122 View in CoL , pl. vi figs 134–141.

Pseudonannolene tricolor var. gracilis Brölemann, 1902a: 125 View in CoL . Syn. nov.

Pseudonannolene tricolor var. rugosus Schubart, 1945a: 313 . Syn. nov.

Pseudonannolene tricolor View in CoL – Brölemann 1909: 58. — Schubart 1944: 416, figs 77–78; 1945a: 294; 1952: 419. — Lordello 1954: 73. — Mauriès 1987: 177, figs 14–16 (lectotype and paralectotypes designations). — Fontanetti 1990: 698. — Penteado & Hebling-Beraldo 1991: 232. — Jeekel 2004:

91. — Miyoshi et al. 2005: 183. — Gallo & Bichuette 2019: 48; 2020: 36.

Pseudonannolene tricolor tricolor View in CoL [by implication] – Brölemann 1902a: 125.

Pseudonannolene tricolor var. gracilis View in CoL – Brölemann 1909: 58. — Jeekel 2004: 92.

Pseudonannolene tricolor var. rugosa View in CoL – Jeekel 2004: 92.

Justification of synonymy

Pseudonannolene tricolor rugosus and P. tricolor gracilis were described considering only the body color variation and number of transverse striae on metazonites. Through the examination of the type material, as well as the accurate exam of additional specimens, we conclude that there is no morphological difference to justify the separation of these taxa. Therefore, both subspecies are considered junior synonyms of P. tricolor .


Males of P. tricolor resemble those of P. longicornis by having the gonocoxa largely subcylindrical and a large shoulder ( Fig. 135D–F View Fig ), but differing by a shovel-shaped internal branch, slightly curved ectad at midlength, in anal view ( Fig. 135D View Fig ).


Although unspecified, the name is evidently referring to the pattern of coloration of the body rings of living specimens: black, white and red.

Material examined

Holotypes BRAZIL • 1 ♀, holotype of P. tricolor var. gracilis ; São Paulo, Piquete ; [-22.601629, -45.176698]; 642 m a.s.l.; Jan. 1897; R. von Ihering leg.; MZSP GoogleMaps .

BRAZIL • 1 ♂, holotype of P. tricolor var. rugosus ; São Paulo, Monte Alegre do Sul, Fazenda Santa Maria ; [-22.689959, -46.682377]; 779 m a.s.l.; 27 Feb. 1942; F. Lane leg.; MZSP GoogleMaps .

Paratypes (total: 1 ♀)

BRAZIL • 1 ♀, paratype of P. tricolor var. rugosus ; São Paulo, Monte Alegre do Sul, Fazenda Santa Maria ; [-22.689959, -46.682377]; 779 m a.s.l.; 27 Feb. 1942; F. Lane leg.; MZSP GoogleMaps .

Paralectotypes (total: 1 ♂, 1 ♀)

BRAZIL • 1 ♂, 1 ♀, paralectotypes of P.tricolor ; São Paulo, Santo André, Alto da Serra (= Paranapiacaba); [-23.777531, -46.299860]; Jan. 1897; Diego leg.; MZSP GoogleMaps .

Other material (total: 49 ♂♂, 65 ♀♀, 36 immatures)

BRAZIL – Tocantins • 1 ♂, 1 ♀; Miracema do Tocantins / Lajeado, U.H.E Luiz Eduardo de Magalhães ; [-9.754609, -48.380952]; 264 m a.s.l.; 2 Nov. 2001; IBSP 2031 View Materials GoogleMaps . – Minas Gerais • 1 ♂; Poços de Caldas ; [-21.797214, -46.559999]; 1216 m a.s.l.; IBSP 7885 View Materials GoogleMaps 3 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀; Monte Verde ; [-22.865145, -46.039188]; 1550 m a.s.l.; 21 Feb. 2018; B. Challupe leg.; IBSP 7880 View Materials . – São Paulo GoogleMaps 11 ♂♂, 4 ♀♀, 3 immatures; Barra Bonita, Hotel Estância Barra Bonita ; [-22.515267, -48.532787]; 485 m a.s.l.; 21–27 Nov. 2001; M.E. Calleffo leg.; IBSP 964 View Materials GoogleMaps 1 ♀; same collection data as for preceding; IBSP 7882 View Materials GoogleMaps 1 ♀; same collection data as for preceding; IBSP 7883 View Materials GoogleMaps 1 ♂; Jaú, Independência ; [-23.680577, -46.598126]; 766 m a.s.l.; 21 Dec. 2011; A.M. Giroti leg.; IBSP 7881 View Materials GoogleMaps 1 ♂, 1 ♀; Franco da Rocha ; [-23.323672, -46.729425]; 785 m a.s.l.; 30 Jan. 2002; A. Cazdorroa leg.; IBSP 954 View Materials GoogleMaps 1 ♂; same collection data as for preceding; IBSP 7884 View Materials GoogleMaps 3 ♀♀; Amparo, Fazenda São Bento ; [-22.708067, -46.772670]; 713 m a.s.l.; 8 Mar. 1943; F. Lane leg.; MZSP GoogleMaps 1 ♂; Sítio de Oliveira Pinto ; 21 Dec. 1949; O. Schubart leg.; MZSP 1 ♀ immature; Monte Alegre do Sul ; [-22.690558, -46.682531]; 779 m a.s.l.; 1 Nov. 1943; O. Schubart leg.; MZSP GoogleMaps 2 ♀♀; Analândia ; [-22.129316, -47.662849]; 663 m a.s.l.; 7 Mar. 1944; O. Schubart leg.; MZSP GoogleMaps 1 ♀; Anhembi, Barraco Rico ; [-22.788342, -48.131224]; 469 m a.s.l; 10 Dec. 1956; Travassos leg.; MZSP GoogleMaps 1 ♂, 1 ♀; same locality data as for preceding; Feb. 1990; C. Fontanetti leg.; MZSP GoogleMaps 1 ♀ immature; Araraquara, mata Mogi-Guaçu ; [-21.784967, -48.178945], 685 m a.s.l.; 28 Aug. 1944; O. Schubart leg.; MZSP GoogleMaps 3 ♂♂, 7 ♀♀; Corumbatá, Cerrado biome – FAPESP; [-22.222984, -47.623304]; 586 m a.s.l.; 1 Nov. 1985; O.A. Mesa leg.; MZSP GoogleMaps 2 ♂♂; Leme, Fazenda Graminha ; [-22.182038, -47.384897]; 621 m a.s.l.; 10 Dec. 1948; O. Schubart leg.; MZSP GoogleMaps 1 ♂, 1 ♀; Lindóia ; [-22.523300, -46.650246]; 703 m a.s.l.; 2 Feb. 1947; J. Schubart leg.; MZSP GoogleMaps 1 ♀ immature; Mogi Guaçu ; [-22.370451, -46.943508]; 602 m a.s.l.; 31 Jul. 1944; O. Schubart leg.; MZSP GoogleMaps 1 ♀, 1 ♂ immature, 1 ♀ immature; Monte Alegre do Sul, Fazenda Ponte Alta ; [-22.690149, -46.682657]; 767 m a.s.l.; 20 Jan. 1947; O. Schubart leg.; MZSP GoogleMaps 1 ♀; same locality data as for preceding; Dec. 1949; J. Schubart leg.; MZSP GoogleMaps 3 ♂♂, 1 ♀; same locality data as for preceding; 21 Jan. 1947; J. Schubart leg.; MZSP GoogleMaps 1 ♀; same locality data as for preceding; 21 Jan. 1947; D. Gaspar leg.; MZSP GoogleMaps 2 ♀♀; same locality data as for preceding; 25 Oct. 1948; O. Schubart leg.; MZSP GoogleMaps 2 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀, 1 ♂ immature, 1 ♀ immature; same locality data as for preceding; 26 Oct. 1948; O. Schubart leg.; MZSP GoogleMaps 1 ♂; same locality data as for preceding; 30 Oct. 1943; O. Schubart leg.; MZSP GoogleMaps 2 ♀♀; same collection data as for preceding; MZSP GoogleMaps 3 ♀♀ immatures; same collection data as for preceding; 31 Oct. 1943; MZSP GoogleMaps 2 ♀♀; same collection data as for preceding; 25 Oct. 1948; MZSP GoogleMaps 1 ♀; Piracicaba, Escola Superior de Agronômia Luiz Queiroz – ESALQ; [-22.715040, -47.629727]; 555 m a.s.l.; Nov. 1952; L.G. Lordello leg.; MZSP GoogleMaps 1 ♂; Piracicaba ; [-22.734558, -47.647966]; 533 m a.s.l.; 7 Nov. 1985; L. Gignoretti leg.; MZSP GoogleMaps 1 ♂, 2 ♀♀, 1 immature; Pirassununga, Baguassú ; [-21.996797, -47.426165]; 633 m a.s.l.; 27 Dec. 1938; O. Schubart leg.; MZSP GoogleMaps 1 ♀, 1 ♀ immature; Cachoeira ; 5 Dec. 1939; O. Schubart leg.; MZSP 1 ♂; same locality data as for preceding; 8 Jan. 1939; O. Schubart leg.; MZSP 1 ♂, 2 ♀♀, 1 ♀ immature, 3 immatures; same locality data as for preceding; 16–20 Dec. 1938; O. Schubart leg.; MZSP 1 ♀; same locality data as for preceding; 16–21 Nov. 1942; O. Schubart leg.; MZSP 1 ♂, 1 ♀ immature; same locality data as for preceding; 25 Dec. 1938; O. Schubart leg.; MZSP 1 ♀; Cupinzeiro ; Sep. 1943; O. Schubart leg.; MZSP 1 ♂ immature; Emas ; 1 Dec. 1940; O. Schubart leg.; MZSP 1 ♀; same locality data as for preceding; 28 Jan. 1940; O. Schubart leg.; MZSP 1 ♂ immature, 1 ♀ immature; Fazenda Campo Alegre ; 24 Feb. 1945; O. Schubart leg.; MZSP 2 ♂♂; Fazenda Pedra Branca ; 15 Feb. 1942; J. Gaspar leg.; MZSP 1 ♀; Laranja Azeda ; 5 Jan. 1939; O. Schubart leg.; MZSP 1 ♀, 1 ♀ immature, 1 immature; 28 Nov. 1940; O. Schubart leg.; MZSP 1 ♂; Jaguarí-Mirim River ; 16 Mar. 1945; N. dos Santos leg.; MZSP 1 ♀; same locality data as for preceding; 1940; A. Boggi leg.; MZSP 3 ♀♀, 1 ♀ immature; same locality data as for preceding; 4 Feb. 1941; O. Schubart leg.; MZSP 1 ♀; same locality data as for preceding; 4 Oct. 1941; H. Rosa leg.; MZSP 1 ♀ immature; same locality data as for preceding; 11 Jan. 1939; O. Schubart leg.; MZSP 1 ♀ immature; same locality data as for preceding; 11 Nov. 1947; O. Schubart leg.; MZSP 2 ♂♂, 1 ♀; 13 Jan. 1940; O. Schubart leg.; MZSP 1 ♀, 1 ♂ immature, 2 ♀♀ immatures, 3 immatures; same locality data as for preceding; 14–17 Feb. 1940; O. Schubart leg.; MZSP 1 ♀; same locality data as for preceding; 22 Nov. 1942; H. Rosa leg.; MZSP 1 immature; same locality data as for preceding; 25 May 1940; O. Schubart leg.; MZSP 1 ♀; same locality data as for preceding; 29 Dec. 1938; O. Schubart leg.; MZSP 1 ♀; same locality data as for preceding; Jan. 1941; Aguirre leg.; MZSP 1 ♂, 2 ♀♀; same locality data as for preceding; Oct. 1920; Aguirre leg.; MZSP 1 ♂, 3 ♀♀; Pitangueiras ; [-21.011223, -48.217526]; 520 m a.s.l.; 24 Oct. 1943; F. Lane leg.; MZSP GoogleMaps 1 ♀; Santa Rita do Passa Quatro ; [-21.707953, -47.479092]; 761 m a.s.l.; 24 Nov. 1949; O. Schubart leg.; MZSP GoogleMaps 1 ♂; Amparo, Fazenda São Bento ; [-22.707856, -46.774107]; 760 m a.s.l.; 18 Dec. 1942; B. Soares leg.; MZSP GoogleMaps 1 ♀; Piquete ; [-22.612999, -45.179019]; 642 m a.s.l.; Jan. 1897; MZSP GoogleMaps 1 ♂, 1 ♀ immature; Águas da Prata, Obelisque ; [-21.947598, -46.718978]; 830 m a.s.l.; 31 Oct. 1952; O. Schubart leg.; MZSP GoogleMaps .

Descriptive notes

MEASUREMENTS. 55–61 body rings (1–2 apodous + telson). Males: body length 79.3–81.9 mm; maximum midbody diameter 4.8–4.9 mm. Females: body length 68–81 mm; maximum midbody diameter 4.8– 5 mm.

COLOR. Body color brownish; head, collum, and antennae darker; prozonites anteriorly greyish; metazonites with a posterior band reddish; legs lighter brown.

HEAD. Antennae short ( Fig. 164L View Fig ), just reaching back to end of ring 5 when extended dorsally; relative antennomere lengths 1<2<3>4>5=6>7. Mandibular cardo with ventral margin narrow. Ommatidial cluster well-developed, elliptical; ca 35 ommatidia in 5 rows.

BODY RINGS. Collum with lateral lobes rounded, with 8 striae, curved ectad ( Fig. 134A View Fig ). Very faintly constricted between prozonite and metazonite; prozonites smooth; metazonites laterally with transverse striae slightly above ozopore in anterior body rings. Anterior sterna in midbody rings subrectangular, with shallow transverse striae ( Fig. 173C View Fig ).

FIRST LEG-PAIR OF MALES. Coxae (cx) short (less than half of remaining podomere lengths), subtriangular, with the base strongly arched and expanded, densely setose ( Fig. 135A View Fig ); prefemoral process (prf) as long as prefemur, subcylindrical, apically narrow, densely setose up to its median region ( Fig. 135B View Fig ); remaining podomeres with setae along the mesal region.

SECOND LEG-PAIR OF MALES. Coxa (cx) large and rounded; penis (pn) located at proximal region, rounded, not extended basally ( Fig. 135C View Fig ); prefemur compressed dorsoventrally; remaining podomeres setose.

GONOPODS. Gonocoxa (gcx) elongated, largely subcylindrical, with the base arched; antero-posteriorly flattened ( Figs 135D–F View Fig , 211E); with rows of papillae mesally. Seminal groove (sg) curved; arising medially on mesal cavity and terminating apically on the seminal apophysis (sa). Shoulder (sh) large, rounded. Telopodite (tp) almost as wide as gcx ( Fig. 135D View Fig ); solenomere (sl) with apicomesal process (amp) subtriangular, short; ectal process (ep) subtriangular, separating from amp by shallow notch; sa located at mesal portion, slightly visible apically. Internal branch (ib) shovel-shaped, narrow and foliaceous; slightly curved ectad at midlength; setae of ib exceeding seminal region of sl ( Figs 135D–F View Fig , 211B).

VULVAE. As typical for the genus. Bursa subtriangular, glabrous ( Fig. 179C View Fig ); internal valve subtriangular, with mesal region clearly rounded; operculum curved ectad; external valve wide, subtriangular.


The species is widely distributed in the São Paulo State, and intriguingly with a disjunct population from the Araguaia-Tocantins basin (ca 1500 km from São Paulo) ( Fig. 189 View Fig ).


The lectotype of P. tricolor from Paranapiacaba deposited at the Muséum national d’histoire naturelle, Paris, France (MNHN), was not examined during this study.


Sao Paulo, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo


















Pseudonannolene tricolor Brölemann, 1902

Iniesta, Luiz Felipe Moretti, Bouzan, Rodrigo Salvador & Brescovit, Antonio Domingos 2023

Pseudonannolene tricolor var. rugosus

Schubart O. 1945: 313

Pseudonannolene tricolor

Schubart O. 1944: 416
Brolemann H. W. 1909: 58

Pseudonannolene tricolor Brölemann, 1902a: 122

Brolemann H. W. 1902: 122

Pseudonannolene tricolor var. gracilis Brölemann, 1902a: 125

Brolemann H. W. 1902: 125
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