Myrcia subcordata De Candolle (1828: 253)

Santos, Matheus F., Lucas, Eve & Sano, Paulo T., 2018, A taxonomic monograph of Myrcia sect. Sympodiomyrcia (Myrteae, Myrtaceae), Phytotaxa 380 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.380.1.1

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Myrcia subcordata De Candolle (1828: 253)


17. Myrcia subcordata De Candolle (1828: 253) View in CoL ( Figures 2C View FIGURE 2 , 3F View FIGURE 3 , 4H View FIGURE 4 , 6D, 6G View FIGURE 6 and 45 View FIGURE 45 to 48)

Aulomyrcia subcordata (DC.) O. Berg (1855 View in CoL –1856: 62). Type:— BRAZIL. Minas Gerais, no date (fr.), Martius s.n. (lectotype M [barcode M-0265464]! designated by Santos et al. (2016b), isolectotype G-DC!)

= Calyptranthes cordata O. Berg (1857 View in CoL –1859: 48). Chytraculia cordata (O.Berg) Kuntze (1891: 238) View in CoL . Type:— BRAZIL. No date (fr.), Sellow s.n. (lectotype LE! designated by Santos et al. (2016b))

= Aulomyrcia breviramis O. Berg (1857 View in CoL –1859: 66). Myrcia breviramis (O.Berg) D. Legrand (1961: 294) View in CoL . Type:— BRAZIL. São Paulo, no date (fl.), Sellow s.n. (lectotype LE [barcode LE00007032]! designated by Santos et al. (2016b), isolectotypes BR [barcode 523896]!, K [barcode K000342645]!, P [barcode P00161315]!)

= Aulomyrcia pulchra O. Berg (1857 View in CoL –1859: 68). Myrcia pulchra (O.Berg) Kiaerskou (1893: 65) View in CoL . Type:— BRAZIL. São Paulo, no date (fl.), Sellow s.n. (lectotype K [barcode K000344081]! designated by Santos et al. (2016b), isolectotypes BR [barcode 523885]!, LE!)

= Aulomyrcia widgreniana O. Berg (1857 View in CoL –1859: 70). Myrcia widgreniana (O.Berg) Mattos (1968: 161) View in CoL . Type:— BRAZIL. Minas Gerais, 1845 (fl.), Widgren 545 (lectotype S [herbarium number S05–2550]! designated by Santos et al. (2016b), isolectotypes MEL [image!], S [herbarium number S13–18121]!, SP!)

= Myrcia pilotantha Kiaerskou (1893: 64) View in CoL . Type:— BRAZIL. Rio de Janeiro: mun. Petrópolis, Morro do Retiro, 20 January 1883 (fl.), Glaziou 13881 (lectotype C! designated by Santos et al. (2016b), isolectotypes BR!, F!, G!, IAN!, K!, LE!, P [three sheets]!, R!). Remaining syntypes:— BRAZIL. Rio de Janeiro: “Alto Macahé”, 6–19 February 1888 (fl.), Glaziou 16991 (C!, P!)

= Myrcia jaguariaivensis Mattos & D.Legrand ( Legrand & Mattos 1975: 2) View in CoL . Type:— Brazil. Paraná: mun. Jaguariaíva, Fazenda Chapada Santo Antônio , 26 November 1968 (fl.), Hatschbach 20387 (holotype MVM [image!], isotypes G!, MBM!, MO!, MU [image!], NY!, UEC!)

Subshrub, shrub to tree 0.2–15.0 m high. Epidermal peeling sometimes present in immature parts; trichomes ferruginous, brown to light brown, 0.1–0.8 mm long. Twig when immature brownish (when dry), flattened, sulcate, not keeled (rarely slightly keeled), tomentose, pubescent, puberulent or with scattered trichomes to glabrous; mature twig greyish (when dry), cylindrical, cortex cracked, peeling, glabrescent to glabrous; branching sympodial (sometimes monopodial), 2–7 branches per node, epidermal protrusion present at the nodes only in the sympodial branching, internode 1.0– 11.5 cm long; cataphyll scale-like to foliaceous, 2–23 × 1–10 mm, present in all internodes (rarely only at the basal one of a new branch), early deciduous, adnate, ovate or fusiform, externally tomentose to glabrous, internally with scattered trichomes to glabrous; terminal node with central and lateral buds developed or lateral ones undeveloped, tomentose, pubescent or puberulent. Leaf concolorous or discolorous, coriaceous (rarely chartaceous), blade 1.1–12.5 × 0.4–5.4 cm, narrowly elliptic to circular, oblong, ovate to very widely ovate or obovate, apex acute to rounded (rarely acuminate or caudate), base cuneate to rounded, attenuate, retuse to cordate or truncate, margin plane, secondary veins (1) 2–7 mm apart, held at an angle of 55–100° relative to the midvein, one or two marginal veins, the first 0.5–4.0 mm and the second 0.5–1.0 mm from the margin, tertiary veins conspicuous (rarely inconspicuous); adaxial surface minutely tomentose, puberulent or with scattered trichomes to glabrous when immature, glabrescent to glabrous at maturity, midvein sulcate (rarely flat) in the first half and flat in the second half, secondary veins raised (sometimes inconspicuous), pellucid dots conspicuous to inconspicuous, less than 5 to more than 15 per mm 2; abaxial surface tomentose, minutely tomentose, pubescent, puberulent or with scattered trichomes to glabrous when immature, pubescent, puberulent or glabrescent to glabrous at maturity, midvein raised, secondary veins raised (rarely inconspicuous), pellucid dots conspicuous to inconspicuous, less than 5 to more than 15 per mm 2; petiole 0–13 × 1–4 mm, canaliculate to semicylindrical, tomentose, pubescent, puberulent or with scattered trichomes to glabrous when immature, tomentose, pubescent, puberulent or glabrescent to glabrous at maturity. Inflorescence 2.5–12.0 × 1.5–8.0 cm, pyramidal (rarely corymbiform), axillar at the terminal node (sometimes at the subterminal node), terminal dichasia usually with three flowers, 6–137(237) flowers, rachis tomentose, minutely tomentose, pubescent, puberulent or with scattered trichomes to glabrous, 1–8 branching at the base (sometimes with vegetative branches), first internode of central rachis 1–3 mm wide, cylindrical to flattened, distal internodes flattened, opposite branching (rarely subopposite), 3–5(7) branching per node, epidermal protrusion present at the nodes (usually absent in the apical branches). Bract 0.8–4.0 × 0.6–2.0 mm, deciduous, oblong, lanceolate to widely ovate or obovate, concave, apex acuminate to obtuse, base truncate, adaxial surface tomentose, puberulent or with scattered trichomes to glabrous, abaxial surface tomentose, minutely tomentose, puberulent to glabrous. Pedicel 0–3.2 mm long, cylindrical, tomentose, pubescent, puberulent or with scattered trichomes to glabrous. Bracteole 0.8–2.0 × 0.2–0.8 mm, deciduous, lanceolate, ovate or oblong, concave, apex acuminate to obtuse, base truncate, adaxial surface tomentose, puberulent or with scattered trichomes to glabrous, abaxial surface tomentose, minutely tomentose, puberulent to glabrous. Floral bud 2–5 × 1–3 mm, turbinate. Hypanthium 0.8–1.6 mm extending above the summit of the ovary, not tearing at anthesis, externally tomentose, pubescent, puberulent or with scattered trichomes to glabrous, glabrescent towards the apex, pellucid dots conspicuous (sometimes covered by the indumentum), internally glabrous; calyx 4–5-merous, lobes 0.4– 2.0 × 0.4–2.6 mm, distinct from the hypanthium, deciduous, depressed ovate or widely depressed ovate, concave, apex rounded, base truncate, externally and internally tomentose, minutely tomentose, pubescent or puberulent (rarely with scattered trichomes to glabrous); corolla 4–6-merous, petals light brown to white, 1.0–3.2 × 1.0– 3.2 mm, depressed ovate to widely ovate (rarely obovate), concave, apex rounded, base truncate, externally pubescent, puberulent or with scattered trichomes to glabrous, internally pubescent, puberulent to glabrous; staminal ring 0.2–0.4 mm wide, glabrous, stamens 44–106(171), filament 1.6–5.8 mm long, white, glabrous (rarely scattered trichomes), anther 0.16– 0.56 × 0.16–0.56 mm, square, oblong or transversely oblong; ovary 0.6–1.0 × 0.6–1.4 mm, 2-locular, each locule with two ovules, style 3.2–7.2 mm long, glabrous (rarely with scattered trichomes), stigma punctiform, papillose. Fruit green when immature, reddish to vinaceous at maturity, 4–12 × 4–12 mm, depressed globose or globose, base rounded, glabrescent to glabrous, remnants of calyx lobes present or not; seeds 1–3.

Distribution and Habitat:— Myrcia subcordata is distributed in inland montane areas (Atlantic Forest and Cerrado domains), including: eastern Santa Catarina state; eastern and rarely central Paraná state; eastern and rarely central-southern São Paulo state; southern, southeastern (e.g. Serra do Caparaó, Serra da Mantiqueira ), central (Quadrilátero Ferrífero), and western ( Serra da Canastra and Poços de Caldas region) parts of Minas Gerais state; Goiás state (Chapada dos Veadeiros ); and Rio de Janeiro state (western escarpments of Serra do Mar). There are also few records in the eastern escarpments of Serra do Mar (mainly in Paraná state) ( Figure 48 View FIGURE 48 ).

The species inhabits many vegetation types, including: campo de altitude, campo ferruginoso (on Canga formation), campo rupestre, cerrado rupestre, mixed rainforest, montane semideciduous forest, submontane to high montane rainforest, riparian forest and rocky outcrops (quartzitic or sandstone). It is commonly found in edges of forest patches (e.g. capão de mata) surrounded by open vegetation.

Phenology:— It flowers from September to May and in July, with flowering peak from November to January. Fruits are found throughout the year (mature fruits in October and from March to July).

Conservation Status:— The species has a wide occurrence area (Extent of Occurrence ca. 897,900 km 2), is recorded from many protected areas and often forms population with many individuals (even in areas with anthropogenic impact). The relatively small Area of Occupancy (336 km 2) is probably due to low collection density. Thus, Myrcia subcordata is considered as Least Concern (LC; IUCN 2001).

Discussion:— Despite the great morphological plasticity, Myrcia subcordata is well characterized by sympodial vegetative branching ( Figure 3F View FIGURE 3 ), cataphyll scar usually present in all internodes, immature twig not keeled, mature twig with peeling (except few specimens), venation usually reticulate and conspicuous in both surfaces ( Figures 3F View FIGURE 3 , 4H View FIGURE 4 ), and turbinate floral bud ( Figures 6D, 6G View FIGURE 6 ). The species is similar to Myrcia bicolor (see comments in this species).

Available illustrations and images:— Berg (1857 –1859; as Aulomyrcia pulchra ); Kiaerskou (1893; as Myrcia pilotantha ); Legrand & Klein (1969; as Myrcia breviramis ); Morais & Lombardi (2006); Mazine & Souza (2008); Lucas et al. (2011; as Myrcia pulchra ); Rosa & Romero (2012; as M. pulchra and M. subcordata ).

Additional specimens examined:— BRAZIL. Goiás: Mun.Alto Paraíso de Goiás, 1109 m, 14 ° 37’0”S, 46 ° 29’0”W, 4 October 2009 (fl), B.A.S.Pereira 3623 (IBGE!, RB!); ibidem, 1560 m, 24 May 1994 (fr), B.M.T.Walter 2116 (CEN!); ibidem, 1420 m, 26 May 1994 (fl), B.M.T.Walter 2122 (CEN!, RB!); ibidem, 1348 m, 14 ° 4’23,3”S, 47 ° 30’36,6”W, 15 December 2010 (st), M.F.Santos 618 (K!, SPF!, UB!); Chapada dos Veadeiros, 1250 m, 22 March 1971 (fl), H.S.Irwin 32954 (MO!, NY!, UB!, US!); ibidem, 7 September 1994 (fr), F.C.A.Oliveira 74 (IBGE!); ibidem, 14 ° 8’35”S, 47 ° 49’9”W, 11 September 1996 (fr), R.C.Mendonça 2728 (IBGE!). Mun. Colinas do Sul, 549 m, 14 ° 13’37”S, 47 ° 55’20”W, 1 December 2009 (fr), B.A.S.Pereira 3660 (IBGE!). Minas Gerais: unknown municipality, 1842-3 (fl), Claussen 237 (K!); unknown municipality, 1845 (fl), Widgren 776 (K!). Serra do Caparaó, 9 March 1917 (fl), A.Lutz 1240 (R!). Serra do Caraça, no date (fl), Claussen 129 (BR!, M!, NY!); ibidem, 1843 (fl), Claussen 125 (BR!, LE!, M!, P!); ibidem, 10 December 1986 (fl), N.C.Attala 6 (BHCB!). Serra Negra, 1300 m, 21 April 2005 (fr), K.Antunes 158 (BHCB!, CESJ!). Serra da Piedade , no date (fl, fr), Warming s.n. (C!). Mun. Aiuruoca, Parque Estadual do Papagaio, 1900 m, 22 ° 6’0”S, 44 ° 46’0”W, 13 March 2008 (fl), P.L.Viana 4000 (BHCB!). Mun. Alto Caparaó, Parque Nacional do Caparaó, 20 October 1999 (fr), F.F.Mazine 216 (CESJ!, ESA!); ibidem, 11 April 2010 (fr), G.D.Colletta 485 (ESA!, SPF!). Mun. Barão de Cocais, Serra do Caraça, 1500 m, 28 January 1971 (fr), H.S.Irwin 29317 (MG!, MICH!, MO!, NY!, UB!, UEC!). Mun. Barroso, 16 February 2002 (fr), L.C.S.Assis 454 (BHCB!, CESJ!, ESA!, MBM!). Mun. Caeté, Serra da Piedade , 18 May 1984 (fr), L.Krieger s.n. (CESJ 20175!); ibidem, 10 January 2006 (fl), V.C.Souza 33805 (ESA!, SPF!); ibidem, 1620 m, 19 ° 49’3”S, 43 ° 40’27”W, 27 May 1997 (fr), M.L.Kawasaki 1003 (NY!, RB!, SP!, SPF!); ibidem, 27 October 1987 (fr), M.M.N.Braga 157 (BHCB!, MBM!); ibidem, 10 January 1982 (fl), N.Hensold CFCR2803 (SPF!); ibidem, 1 June 2001 (fr), R.C. Mota 348 (BHCB!, SPF!); ibidem, 1600 m, 20 ° 40’0”S, 43 ° 40’0”W, 20 July 1987 (fr), R.Mello-Silva CFCR11163 (SPF!); ibidem, 15 June 1987 (fr), T.S.M.Grandi s.n. (BHCB 17398!); ibidem, 1520 m, 19 ° 49’23,6”S, 43 ° 41’11,6”W, 11 January 1996 (fl), V.C.Souza 10085 (BHCB!, ESA!, HUEFS!, MBM!, SP!, SPF!). Mun. Caldas, 1874-75 (fl), Regnell 1816 (S!). Mun. Caparaó, Parque Nacional do Caparaó, 2000 m, 15 June 1991 (fr), G.Hatschbach 55519 (C!, MBM!); Serra do Caparaó, 5 July 1992 (fr), M.Brandão 19479 (PAMG!). Mun. Capitólio, 9 November 2007 (fl), R.Romero 8066 (HUFU!). Mun. Carrancas, 13 November 1998 (fl), A.O.Simões 537 (SPF!, UEC!); ibidem, 9 December 1983 (fl), H.F.Leitão-Filho 15414 (SPF!, UEC!). Mun. Catas Altas, 910 m, 20 ° 8’14,5”S, 43 ° 24’19”W, 6 December 2008 (fl), F.F.Carmo 3780 (BHCB!); Serra do Caraça, 2 December 1998 (fl), M.L.Kawasaki 1074 (MBM!, MO!, SP!). Mun. Ibitipoca, Parque Estadual do Ibitipoca, 21 ° 42’32,5”S, 43 ° 53’41,2”W, 24 June 2005 (fr), I.R.Costa 577 (SPF!, UEC!). Mun. Itabirito, Serra do Capanema, 1807 m, 20 ° 13’7,7”S, 43 ° 34’52,2”W, 18 March 2009 (fr), F.F.Carmo 4419 (BHCB!); ibidem, 5 October 1993, M.Brandão 22370 (PAMG!); ibidem, 5 October 1993 (fl), M.Brandão 22373 (PAMG!). Mun. Lavras, Reserva Ecológica de Poço Bonito, November 1992 (fl), M.L.Gavilanes 5534 (PAMG!). Mun. Lima Duarte, Parque Estadual da Serra do Ibitipoca, 29 March 2006 (fr), F.M.Ferreira 1099 (CESJ!, UB!); ibidem, 4 February 2004 (fr), L.Menini-Neto 102 (K!, RB!, SPF!); ibidem, 8 April 1987 (fr), P.Andrade 928 (BHCB!, RB!); ibidem, 21 ° 41’30”S, 43 ° 53’18”W, 26 July 2004 (fr), R.C.Forzza 3560 (BHCB!, RB!); ibidem, 1450 m, 21 ° 43’0”S, 43 ° 54’0”W, 23 November 2004 (fl), R.C.Forzza 3649 (CEPEC!, ESA!, RB!, SPF!); Serra do Ibitipoca, 1580–1600 m, 13 May 1970 (fr), D.Sucre 6771 (F!, RB!, SPF!); ibidem, 14 May 1970 (fr), L.Krieger 8542 (CESJ!, ESA!, RB!, SP!); ibidem, 12 May 1970 (fr), L.Krieger 8655 (CESJ!, ESA!, ICN!, RB!, SP!); ibidem, 29 September 1970 (fr), L.Krieger 9361 (CESJ!, ESA!, ICN!, MBM!, RB!, SP!, SPF!); ibidem, 16 April 1999 (fr), M. A.Manhães 11 (CESJ!). Mun. Mariana, 1200 m, January 2003 (fl), A.Salino 8251 (BHCB!); ibidem, 1 February 2007 (fl), R.C. Mota 3291 (BHCB!). Mun. Moeda, 1544 m, 20 ° 19’56,5”S, 43 ° 56’15,1”W, 2 February 2009 (fl), F.F.Carmo 183 (BHCB!). Mun. Nova Lima, Parque Estadual da Serra do Rola Moça, 1450 m, 20 ° 3’60”S, 44 ° 20’0”W, 2 February 2009 (fl), F.F.Carmo 5096 (BHCB!). Mun. Ouro Preto, 9 February 1884 (fl), Glaziou 14829 (C!, K!, P!); ibidem, 24 January 2008 (st), E.S.Ataíde 179 (BHCB!, OUPR!); ibidem, 12 January 1999 (fl), M.B.Roschel 551 (OUPR!); APA da Cachoeira das Andorinhas, 18 December 2002 (fl), A.L.C.Rochelle 55 (OUPR!, SPF!); ibidem, 1436 m, 20 ° 22’4,6”S, 43 ° 30’40,9”W, 10 November 2010 (st), M.F.Santos 586 (K!, SPF!); ibidem, Distrito de Santo Antônio Pereira, 13 December 1996 (fl), M.B.Roschel 393 (OUPR!, SPF!); ibidem, 4 December 1996 (fl), M.B.Roschel 356 (OUPR!, SPF!); Parque Estadual do Itacolomi, 14 January 2008 (st), M.Bünger 43 (OUPR!); 1600–1700 m, 30 March 1987 (fr), M.Peron 92 (RB!); Serra do Itacolomy, 11 August 1937 (fr), Mello-Barreto 9082 (BHCB!, F!). Mun. Poços de Caldas, 21 ° 50’20”S, 46 ° 33’53”W, 17 November 1980 (fl), G.J.Shepherd 427 (SPF!, UEC!); ibidem, 21 ° 50’20”S, 46 ° 33’53”W, 2 December 1981 (fl), S.C.Pereira 1542 (SPF!, UEC!); ibidem, 1 December 1980 (fl), W.H.Stubblebine 553 (UEC!). Mun. Rio Acima, Serra da Gandarela, 1624 m, 20 ° 5’37,7”S, 43 ° 40’59,2”W, 10 February 2008 (fr), F.F.Carmo 2255 (BHCB!). Mun. Rio Preto, 9 November 2005 (fl), K.Antunes 188 (CESJ!, SPF!). Mun. Santa Bárbara, 20 July 1990 (fl), M.Brandão 19981 (PAMG!); Serra do Caraça, 23 May 1987 (fr), D.C.Zappi CFCR10920 (SPF!); ibidem, 12 December 1978 (fl), H.F.Leitão-Filho 9523 (UEC!); ibidem, 1350–1500 m, 20 ° 6’18”S, 43 ° 29’40”W, 22 May 1997 (fr), R.Mello-Silva 1339 (BHCB!, MBM!, NY!, RB!, SP!, SPF!); ibidem, 25 May 1987 (fr), T.S.M.Grandi s.n. (BHCB 28360!, ICN!); ibidem, 14 March 1990 (fr), W.Marcondes-Ferreira 187 (SPF!). Mun. Santa Rita de Ibitipoca, 18 April 1987 (fr), L.Krieger s.n. (CESJ 21430!, MBM!, RB!). Mun. São Roque de Minas, Parque Nacional da Serra da Canastra , 17 October 1994 (fl), J.N.Nakajima 551 (HUFU!); ibidem, 17 April 1994 (fr), J.N.Nakajima 290 (HUFU!). Mun. São Thomé das Letras, 1360 m, 21 ° 37’8,29”S, 44 ° 55’43,9”W, 22 February 1999 (fr), E.M.Nic Lughadha 219 (K!, RB!, SP!, SPF!); ibidem, 1300 m, 1 July 1987 (fr), H.F.Leitão-Filho 19359 (S!, UEC!); ibidem, 2 November 1984 (fr), L.Rossi CFCR5770 (SPF!); ibidem, 1 July 1987 (fr), L.S.Kinoshita 19118 (UEC!); Serra de São Thomé, 30 October 1984 (fr), R.Mello-Silva CFCR5668 (SPF!). Paraná: unknown municipality, 1100 m, 5 November 1977 (fl), G.J.Shepherd 6136 (MBM!, RB!, SP!, UEC!); unknown municipality, 8 February 1904 (fl), P.Dusén 3459 (R!, US!). Mun. Balsa Nova, ibidem, 14 March 1968 (fr), G.Hatschbach 18705 (MBM!, US!); ibidem, 17 January 1986 (fl), J.M. Silva 74 (BHCB!, ESA!, G!, ICN!, MBM!); ibidem, 1100 m, 25 ° 30’S, 49 ° 40’W, 14 January 1965 (fl), L.B.Smith 14416 (HBR!, MICH!, NY!, P!, R!, US!); ibidem, 1100 m, 12 December 1965 (fl), P.R.Reitz 17443 (HBR!, US!); ibidem, 1152 m, 25 ° 28’12,1”S, 49 ° 39’34,2”W, 3 April 2011 (st), M.F.Santos 681 (MBM!, SPF!); Serra de São Luís do Purunã, 1193 m, 25 ° 28’24,9”S, 49 ° 38’35”W, 27 October 2003 (fl), E.J.Lucas 139 (K!); ibidem, 15 January 1993 (fl), J.M. Silva 1222 (BHCB!, CESJ!, HRCB!, MBM!, SP!, SPF!). Mun. Bocaiúva do Sul, Serra da Bocaina , 31 March 2001 (fr), E.Barbosa 649 (BHCB!, CESJ!, F!, HUEFS!, MBM!, PACA!, UB!); ibidem, 7 January 2000 (fl), J.M. Silva 3138 (HEPH!, MBM!, S!, SP!, SPF!); ibidem, 16 January 2001 (fl), O.S.Ribas 3151 (BHCB!, CESJ!, G!, HEPH!, MBM!, SPF!); Serra de Santana, 1110 m, 30 January 1996 (fr), J.T.Motta 1500 (ICN!, MBM!, SP!). Mun. Campo Largo, 3 December 1967 (fl), G.Hatschbach 17976 (F!, K!, MBM!, MICH!, SP!, US!). Mun. Campo Mourão, 1 November 1987 (st), J.T.Motta 1089b (MBM!). Mun. Castro, 950 m, 24 ° 30’S, 50 ° 2’W, 15 January 1965 (fr), L.B.Smith 14535 (HBR!, R!); ibidem, 950 m, 15 January 1965 (fr), L.B.Smith 14482 (B!, HBR!, MO!, R!, US!); ibidem, 950 m, 17 December 1965 (fr), P.R.Reitz 17867 (B!, HBR!, MICH!, P!, US!). Mun. Curiúva, 12 December 1998 (fl), A.L.Cavalheiro s.n. (FUEL 23855!, UB!). Mun. Guaratuba, 14 September 1982 (fl), R.Kummrow 2005 (C!, ESA!, MBM!, NY!, RB!, SP!); ibidem, 1286 m, 25 ° 53’11,6”S, 48 ° 57’6,5”W, 31 October 2003 (fr), E.J.Lucas 157 (K!). Mun. Jaguariaíva, 8 December 1910 (fl), P. Dusén 11320 (S!); Parque Estadual do Cerrado, 30 November 1993 (fl), A.C.Cervi 4199 (BHCB!, INPA!, NY!, UB!). Mun.Lapa, 20December 1979 (fl), P.I.Oliveira 198 (BHCB!,MBM!,UB!);ibidem, 959 m, 25 ° 42’59,9”S, 49 ° 41’15,6”W, 21 April 2005 (fr), R.Wasum 2896 (BHCB!); ibidem, 900 m, 11 December 1965 (fl), P.R.Reitz 17391 (B!, HBR!, P!, MICH!, NY!, US!). Mun. Morretes, 1100 m, 4 August 1966 (fr), G.Hatschbach 14562 (BHCB!, C!, MBM!); ibidem, 1539 m, 10 January 1996 (fl), O.S.Ribas 951 (MBM!, SP!). Mun. Palmeira, 14 February 2006 (fr), E.Barbosa 1169 (C!, CESJ!, G!, MBM!, SPF!); ibidem, 12 March 1990 (fr), G.Hatschbach 54093 (BM!, MBM!, SPF!, UEC!); ibidem, 12 February 1982 (fr), P.I.Oliveira 369 (MBM!, SPF!); ibidem, 1000 m, 12 November 1963 (fl), R.M.Klein 4586 (HBR!); ibidem, 5 November 1967 (fl), G.Hatschbach 17686 (K!, MBM!, US!). Mun. Paranaguá, 20 February 2002 (fr), O.S.Ribas 4310 (CESJ!, HUEFS!, MBM!); ibidem, 20 February 2002 (fr), O.S.Ribas 4340 (BHCB!, MBM!). Mun. Piraquara, 14 February 2004 (fr), O.S.Ribas 5889 (MBM!, RB!, SPF!, UB!); Serra do Emboque, 4 January 1969 (fl), G.Hatschbach 20681 (MBM!, SP!). Mun. Ponta Grossa, 21 December 1971 (fl), L.Krieger 11335 (CESJ!, RB!); ibidem, 17 January 1998 (fr), O.S.Ribas 2302 (ESA!, G!, MBM!, SP!, SPF!); 31 January 1999 (fr), S.R.Ziller 1729 (MBM!, SP!); Parque Estadual Vila Velha, 23 May 1999 (fr), S.R.Ziller 1890 (MBM!, SP!). Mun. Quatro Barras, 1100 m, 6 June 1989 (fr), O.S.Ribas 113 (BR!, C!, G!, MBM!, MO!, SP!, SPF!, UB!). Mun. Reserva, 11 November 1998 (fl), E.M.Francisco s.n. (UEC 157449!). Mun. Rio Branco do Sul, 5 December 1995 (fl), M.L.Kawasaki 937 (MO!, NY!, RB!, SP!). Mun. São Jerônimo da Serra , 5 March 1999 (fr), A.L.Cavalheiro 33 (UEC!). Mun. São José dos Pinhais , 15 December 1995 (fl), J.M. Silva 1611 (ESA!, G!, MBM!, SP!, SPF!); ibidem, 24 October 2006 (fl), J.M. Silva 5155 (BHCB!, MBM!); ibidem, 781 m, 25 ° 43’8,27”S, 49 ° 0’6,9”W, 25 October 2003 (fl), E.V.Lucas 113 (ESA!, K!, MBM!, SPF!); ibidem, 20 December 1967 (fl), G.Hatschbach 18160 (MBM!, US!). Mun. Sengés, 9 February 1991 (fr), C.A.M.Scaramuzza 2734 (ESA!, SP!). Mun. Tijucas do Sul, 8 November 1989 (fl), G.Hatschbach 53588 (SP!); ibidem, 5 March 1990 (fr), J.M. Silva 790 (B!, C!, G!, INPA!, MBM!, SPF!); ibidem, 18 September 1997 (fr), J.M. Silva 1984 (MBM!, SP!); ibidem, 29December 1998 (fr), J.M. Silva 2812 (SP!); ibidem, 20 November 1966 (fl), G.Hatschbach 15146 (B!, CESJ!, F!, INPA!, MBM!, MICH!, MO!, NY!, P!, US!); ibidem, 29 December 1987 (fl), R.Kummrow 2980 (MBM!, MO!, BR!). Mun. Vila Velha, 19 December 1903 (fl), P.Dusén 2806 (S!); Parque Estadual de Vila Velha, 18 December 1971 (fl), L.Krieger s.n. (BHCB!, CESJ 11207-A!, RB!, SPF!). Rio de Janeiro: Parque Nacional Itatiaia, 2000–2600 m, 22 ° 25’S, 44 ° 40’W, 18 October 1977 (fr), L.R.Landrum 2126 (MICH!, RB!). Mun. Nova Friburgo, 6 et 19 February 1888 (fl), Glaziou 16991 (C!, P!); ibidem, 1907 (fl), Glaziou s.n. ( US 1123397!). Mun. Paraty, 800–1100 m, 25 November 1992 (fl), C.Farney 2556 (RB!). Mun. Petrópolis, 28 February 1889 (fl), Glaziou 17663 (C!, F!, G!, K!, LE!, P!); ibidem, 22 ° 30’18”S, 43 ° 10’43”W, 28 April 1878 (fl), Glaziou 9428 (K!, R!, US!). Mun. Rio de Janeiro, 15 February 1827 (fr), Burchell 4275 (K!). Mun. Santa Maria Madalena, Parque Estadual do Desengano, 6 October 1988 (st), G.Martinelli 13159 (K!, RB!, SPF!); ibidem, 1700–1800 m, 20 December 1988 (fl), G.Martinelli 13237 (CEN!, CEPEC!, K!, MBM!, RB!, SP!, UB!). Mun. Sapucaia, 739 m, 22 ° 4’46”S, 42 ° 50’50”W, 5 January 2001 (fl), F.B.Pereira 21/61 (RB!). Santa Catarina: Mun. Blumenau, 900 m, 23 April 1960 (fr), P.R.Reitz 9625 (HBR!); ibidem, 900 m, 11 March 1960 (fr), R.M.Klein 2425 (HBR!). Mun. Campo Alegre, 1300 m, 10 January 1958 (fl), P.R.Reitz 6162 (HBR!, NY!, S!, US!); ibidem, 900 m, 4 February 1958 (fr), P.R.Reitz 6394 (HBR!); 900 m, 4 February 1958 (fr), P.R.Reitz 6406 (HBR!, US!); ibidem, 17 January 1996 (fr), O.S.Ribas 998 (ALCB!, BHCB!, C!, ICN!, MBM!, SP!, UB!); Serra do Quiriri, 29 December 1998 (fl), J.M. Silva 2734 (MBM!, SP!). Mun. Guaruva, 900 m, 21 December 1960 (fl), P.R.Reitz 10436 (B!, HBR!, MBM!, NY!, US!); ibidem, 900 m, 20 January 1961 (fl), P.R.Reitz 10695 (HBR!); ibidem, 1200 m, 24 March 1961 (fr), P.R.Reitz 10936 (HBR!, US!). Mun. Joinvile, 600 m, 26 May 1957 (fr), P.R.Reitz 4267 (B!, BR!, MBM!). Mun. Paulo Lopes, 500 m, 14 January 1974 (fl), A.Bresolin 1087 (PACA!, HBR!). Mun. Rio do Sul, 800 m, 29 December 1958 (fl), P.R.Reitz 6050 (HBR!, G!, NY!, US!); ibidem, 700 m, 21 January 1959 (fl), P.R.Reitz 8361 (HBR!, NY!, US!). Mun. São Francisco do Sul, 1300 m, 10 January 1958 (fl), P.R.Reitz 6108 (HBR!, NY!, US!). Mun. Vidal Ramos, 23 April 2007 (fr), L.Sevegnani s.n. (BHCB 110075!). São Paulo: unknown municipality, 1833 (fl), C.Gaudichaud 726 (P!); unknown municipality, 1888 (fl), Glaziou 16986 (P!). São Francisco dos Campos , 12 January 1897 (fl), A.Lofgren 3565 (SP!, SPF!). Mun. Águas de Santa Bárbara, Estação Ecológica Águas de Santa Bárbara, 22 ° 50’9”S, 49 ° 13’46”W, 24 September 2008 (fl), N.Guerin 200 (HUEFS!). Mun. Arandú, 27 September 1994 (fr), J.Y.Tamashiro 647 (ESA!, HRCB!, SP!, SPF!, UEC!). Mun. Assis, Estação Experimental de Assis, no date (fl), G.Durigan 230 (RB!). Mun. Bofete, 23 ° 2’S, 48 ° 11’W, 12 July 2004 (st), R.A.G.Viani 540 (ESA!). Mun. Bom Sucesso de Itararé, 21 October 1966 (fl), J.Mattos 14064 (SP!); ibidem, 13 November 1994 (fl), V.C.Souza 7177 (ESA!, HRCB!, IAN!, MBM!, RB!, SP!, SPF!, UB!, UEC!). Mun. Campos do Jordão, 22 ° 42’0”S, 45 ° 23’0”W, 16 February 1981 (fl), M.M.Santos 6740 (RB!); ibidem, 1900 m, 22 ° 43’0”S, 45 ° 27’0”W, 13 February 1981 (fl), Messias 5 (RB!); Parque Estadual de Campos do Jordão, 23 October 1974 (fr), J.Mattos 15939 (IAC!, MICH!, SP!); ibidem, 1800 m, 22 ° 42’7”S, 45 ° 20’45”W, 8 March 2012 (fl), M.F.Santos 842 (K!, RB!, SPF!, SPSF!); ibidem, 1900 m, 22 ° 42’44”S, 45 ° 28’9”W, 8 March 2012 (st), M.F.Santos 845 (K!, SPF!, SPSF!); ibidem, 1900 m, 22 ° 42’44”S, 45 ° 28’9”W, 8 March 2012 (fl, fr), M.F.Santos 846 (K!, NY!, RB!, SPF!, SPSF!); ibidem, 1 September 1987 (fr), M.J.Robim 464 (SP!, SPSF!); ibidem, 1 September 1987 (fr), M.J.Robim 465 (SP!, SPSF!); ibidem, 1900 m, 22 ° 43’0”S, 45 ° 27’0”W, 24 April 1981 (fr), Rubens 238 (ICN!, RB!). Mun. Itapeva, 700 m, 23 ° 57’34,5”S, 48 ° 47’11,4”W, 26 January 1996 (fr), V.C.Souza 19579 (ESA!, SP!, SPF!, UEC!); Estação Ecológica de Itapeva, 24 ° 4’30”S, 49 ° 4’16”W, 17 December 1997 (fr), S.I.Elias 298 (ESA!). Mun. Itararé, 2 October 1993 (fl), C.M.Sakuragui 367 (ESA!, M!, MBM!, SP!, SPF!); ibidem, 10 December 1966 (fl), J.Mattos 15276 (SP!, SPF!); ibidem, 27 November 1993 (fl), V.C.Souza 4766 (ESA!, RB!, SP!, SPF!, UEC!); ibidem, 24 ° 16’32”S, 49 ° 17’9”W, 19 May 1993 (fr), V.C.Souza 3518 (ESA!, RB!, UB!); ibidem, 24 ° 15’42”S, 49 ° 15’47”W, 14 November 1994 (fl), V.C.Souza 7362 (BHCB!, ESA!, HUEFS!, MBM!, UEC!). Mun. Jundiaí, Parque Municipal da Serra do Japi, 816 m, 23 ° 14’4”S, 46 ° 55’54”W, 19 October 2004 (fl), L.C.S.Assis 1063 (K!, SPF!). Mun. Piquete, 5 June 1995 (st), A.M.Giulietti 1120 (K!, RB!, UB!). Mun. Santo André, Estação Biológica de Paranapiacaba, 6 December 1961 (fr), J.Mattos 9071 (SP!); ibidem, 2600–2800 m, 6 December 1959 (fl), B.Maguire 44557 (MICH!, NY!). Mun. São Bento do Sapucaí, 22 ° 41’24”S, 45 ° 39’27”W, 13 April 1995 (fr), J.Y.Tamashiro 855 (ESA!, SP!, SPF!, UEC!). Mun. São Manoel, 3 October 2008 (st), G.H.Aguire 730 (ESA!). Mun. São Paulo, no date (fl), O.Handro s.n. (SPF 82272!); Jardim Botânico de São Paulo, 29 December 1960 (fr), J.Mattos 8694 (MBM!, SP!); ibidem, 14 December 1932 (fl), O.Handro s.n. (K!, SP!, SPF 199845!); ibidem, 18 March 1946 (fr), M.Kuhlmann 3345 (SP!, SPF!); Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar–Núcleo Curucutu, 2 December 1998 (fl), R.J.F.Garcia 1681 (SP!, SPF!); ibidem, 19 March 1999 (fr), P.Affonso 380 (PMSP, SPF!); ibidem, 800 m, 23 ° 59’0”S, 46 ° 44’0”W, 11 April 2001 (fr), L.D.Meireles 67 (ESA!, UEC!); ibidem, 23 ° 59’16”S, 46 ° 44’1”W, 18 December 1996 (fl), R.J.F.Garcia 931 (ESA!, HRCB!, SPF!, UEC!). Total: 209 specimens.














Myrcia subcordata De Candolle (1828: 253)

Santos, Matheus F., Lucas, Eve & Sano, Paulo T. 2018

Myrcia jaguariaivensis Mattos & D.Legrand ( Legrand & Mattos 1975: 2 )

Legrand, C. D. & Mattos, J. R. 1975: 2

Myrcia pilotantha

Kiaerskou, H. 1893: )
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