Locheutis, Meyrick, 1883

Wang, Shuxia & Tao, Zhulin, 2021, The genus Locheutis Meyrick (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae) from the Palaearctic and Oriental regions, with descriptions of four new species, Zootaxa 4952 (3), pp. 561-570 : 562

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.4952.3.8

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Key to Oriental and Palaearctic species of Locheutis View in CoL based on the male genitalia

1 Saccular part of valva narrowed distally................................................................... 2

- Saccular part of valva dilated distally..................................................................... 3

2 Costal part longer than saccular part; saccular part lacking a spine on dorsal margin, rounded at apex ( Fig. 1b View FIGURE 1 )................................................................................................... L. tianmushana

- Costal part shorter than saccular part; saccular part with a spine on dorsal margin, pointed at apex ( Fig. 9 View FIGURES 7–11 ).............................................................................................. L. pingxiangensis sp. nov.

3 Ventral margin of saccular part sinuate basally, concave inward medially......................................... 4

- Ventral margin of saccular part obliquely straight basally, slightly arched inward beyond middle ( Clarke 1963: pl. 151, fig. 2).......................................................................................... L. empolaea View in CoL

4 Costal part of valva with basal 2/3 uniformly slender, distal 1/3 gradually narrowed toward apex...................... 5

- Costal part of valva gradually narrowed from base to before apex or distinctly narrowed from middle to pointed apex..... 7

5 Cornuti composed of two stout spines and a bundle of slender, easily shed long spines.............................. 6

- Cornuti composed of a bunch of short spines, costal part of valva slightly shorter than saccular part of valva ( Fig. 11 View FIGURES 7–11 )........................................................................................ L. spinellosa sp. nov.

6 Costal part of valva sharply narrowed from preapex, produced to an apical spine ( Fig. 8 View FIGURES 7–11 )............... L. jiangkouensis

- Costal part of valva gradually narrowed from distal 1/3 to narrowly rounded apex ( Fig. 10 View FIGURES 7–11 )....... L. similempolaea sp. nov.

7 Costal part of valva gradually narrowed to before apex, bent ventrad near apex ( Clarke 1963: pl. 78, fig. 3)...... L. iridias

- Costal part of valva distinctly narrowed from middle to pointed apex, bent ventrad from beyond middle ( Fig. 7 View FIGURES 7–11 )............................................................................................... L. elliptica sp. nov.











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