Lycipta, 1862

Weiler, Luciana, Ferrari, Augusto & Grazia, Jocelia, 2011, Contributions to the knowledge of Euschistus (Lycipta) with the description of E. (L.) riograndensis sp. nov. (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae: Pentatominae: Carpocorini), Zootaxa 3067, pp. 59-64 : 60

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.3067.1.5

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scientific name



Key to the subgenus Lycipta

1. Hemelytral veins reticulate.............................................................................. 2

- Hemelytral veins not reticulate.......................................................................... 10

2(1). Scutellum apex with callus, entire or subdivided in 1+1 calloused spot, or in a different color......................... 3

- Scutellum apex without callus, uniform in color............................................................ 4

3(2). Callus entire, luteous................................................................................... 5

- Callus or calloused spot subdivided in 1 + 1................................................................. 7

4(2). Humeral angles projected in short, obtuse spines (as large as the diameter of one eye or less), mostly castaneous; clypeus apex pointless................................................................................... aceratos Berg

- Humeral angles projected in longer spines (1,5x the diameter of one eye), mostly reddish; clypeus apex pointed cribrarius Stål

5(3). Clypeus longer than juga...................................................... longicornis Grazia & Hildebrand

- Clypeus and juga subequal in length....................................................................... 6

6(5). Antennal segments mostly reddish; humeral angles projected in acute spines; scutellum apex elevated............................................................................................... triangulator (Herrich-Schäffer)

- Antennal segments mostly black; humeral angles slightly spatulate; scutellum apex not elevated........... picticornis Stål

7(6). Calloused spots at scutellum apex luteous; abdomen with three longitudinal, irregular dark bands, one at middle and 1+1 at lat- eral thirds.................................................................................... illotus Stål

- Calloused spots at scutellum apex black; abdomen without dark bands........................................... 8

8(7). Humeral angles horn-like, apex truncate, directed forward; posterolateral angles of pygophore without bristles................................................................................................... cornutus (Dallas)

- Humeral angles distinct as above; posterolateral angles of pygophore with bristles tufts.............................. 9

9(8). Humeral angles spatulate, narrow at base (one time the eye diameter); antennal segments and humeral angles mostly reddish...................................................................................... .. machadus Rolston

- Humeral angles obtuse, wide at base (twice the eye diameter); antennal segments and humeral angles mostly castaneous....................................................................................... riograndensis sp. nov.

10(1). Humeral angles not projected; scutellum apex uniform in color................................................ 11

- Humeral angles projected in acute spine obliquely directed forward; scutellum apex dark at middle and luteous laterally.............................................................................................. imitator Berg

11(10). Anterolateral margins of pronotum yellowish; connexival segments entirely black or with lateral margins yellowish............................................................................................... circumfusus Berg

- Anterolateral margins of pronotum black; connexival segments entirely yellowish...................... sharpi Bergroth

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