Monteiro, Thiago Cobra E, Iganci, João Ricardo Vieira, Miotto, Silvia Teresinha Sfoggia, Simpson, Beryl B., Vatanparast, Mohammad, Lewis, Gwilym P., Klitgård, Bente B., Pezzini, Flávia Fonseca, Vargas, Oscar M. & Fortuna-Perez, Ana Paula, 2024, Towards a Monophyletic Infrageneric Circumscription of Adesmia DC. (Dalbergieae, Leguminosae): a Taxonomic Revision in Adesmia series Adesmia, Phytotaxa 639 (1), pp. 1-69 : 9-10

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.639.1.1


persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Adesmia (Adesmia)



1. Solitary axillary flowers in all axils, sometimes ending in a terminal raceme not exceeding 5 cm long. ....................................... 2

- Solitary axillary flowers absent or present only on the two leaves before the inflorescence. Inflorescence a terminal or axillary raceme or panicule, rarely shorter than 5 cm long. .......................................................................................................................... 4

2. Fruit a lomentum; individual articles triangular .......................................................................................... Adesmia securigerifolia View in CoL

- Fruit a hemicraspedium; individual articles discoid or spherical ..................................................................................................... 3

3. Fruit articles orbicular; stipules 4–6 mm long. ................................................................................................. Adesmia bonariensis View in CoL

- Fruit articles discoid; stipules 2.5–3.5 mm long. ................................................................................................... Adesmia smithiae View in CoL

4. Stoloniferous decumbent and prostrate subshrubs, rarely ascendant, sometimes with adventitious roots from stem branch nodes .. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5

- Ascendant to erect subshrubs or shrubs; never with adventitious roots from stem branch nodes ................................................. 13

5. Stems and inflorescence rachis glabrescent to glabrous, glandular trichomes rarely present .......................................................... 6

- Stems and inflorescence rachis pubescent to hirsute or pilose, glandular trichomes commonly abundant ..................................... 7

6. Fruits with lenticular articles, laterally flattened; pedicels erect when plant in fruit .............................................. Adesmia bicolor

- Fruits with spherical articles, not laterally flattened; pedicels reflexed when plant in fruit .................................. Adesmia globosa View in CoL

7. Leaves 10 cm long or longer .................................................................................................................................. Adesmia latifolia View in CoL

- LeaVes ˂ 10 cm long. ........................................................................................................................................................................ 8

8. Calyx lobes twice the calyx tube length; calyx equalling the corolla in length ............................................................................... 9

- Calyx lobes shorter, equaling or slightly longer than the calyx tube (never twice as long); calyx shorter than the corolla .......... 10

9. Plants glandular trichomes exceeding 1.5 mm in length; seeds with a thin aril ............................................. Adesmia subtropicalis View in CoL

- Plants glandular trichomes shorter than 0.5 mm in length; seeds without an aril ................................................. Adesmia miottoae View in CoL

10. Plant indumentum pilose, with glandular trichomes abundant on stems, leaves, calyces, and fruits ................... Adesmia punctata View in CoL

- Plant indumentum incanous-pubescent, glandular trichomes scarce ............................................................................................. 11

11. Fruits muriculate, with adpressed thickened setules on each article .................................................................... Adesmia uruguaya View in CoL

- Fruits pubescent, with erect setules, never thickened on each article ............................................................................................ 12

12. Fruit a lomentum; adventitious roots absent ............................................................................................................. Adesmia grisea View in CoL

- Fruit a hemicraspedium; adventitious roots present ................................................................................................. Adesmia incana View in CoL

13. Leaflets with a lobed margin, rarely only dentate in A. pimpinellifolia View in CoL ......................................................................................... 14

- Leaflets with an entire margin ........................................................................................................................................................ 15

14. Leaflets strongly lobed, 1–3 mm wide; central Argentina....................................................................................... Adesmia gilliesii View in CoL

- Leaflets slightly lobed, 3–8 mm wide; northern Argentina, Bolivia, and Peru........................................... Adesmia pimpinellifolia View in CoL

15. Leaflets with apex retuse ............................................................................................................................... Adesmia riograndensis View in CoL

- Leaflets with apex truncate, obtuse, acuminate, or acute ............................................................................................................... 16

16. Inflorescence a panicule; restricted to the province of Neuquén, Argentina................................................. Adesmia neuquenensis View in CoL

- Inflorescence a raceme; and sometimes with axillary flowers ....................................................................................................... 17

17. Fruits with lenticular articles; restricted to Bolivian and Peruvian highlands ....................................................... Adesmia subnuda View in CoL - Fruits with orbicular or discoid articles; occurring exclusively in the Pampas grasslands and Patagonian steppes ...................... 18

18. Flowers> 9 mm long, or if exactly 9 mm then the standard petal strongly reflexed ..................................................................... 19

- Flowers ˂ 9 mm long, or if exactlY 9 mm, then the standard petal erect or slightlY reflexed ........................................................ 20

19. Flowers> 14 mm long; standard petal slightlY reflexed; fruit articles 2.5–3× 2.5–3 mm ................................ Adesmia grandiflora View in CoL

- Flowers ≤ 14 mm long; standard petal stronglY reflexed; fruit articles 3.5–4× 4–4.5 mm ................................. Adesmia retrofracta View in CoL

20. Fruit a lomentum with 1–5 discoid articles, covered with an incanous-pubescent indumentum ..................... Adesmia cordobensis View in CoL

- Fruit a hemicraspedium with 6–10 spherical muriculate articles ......................................................................... Adesmia muricata View in CoL













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