Adesmia miottoae Cobra, Iganci & Fort.- Perez, Phytotaxa 521(1): 48–56 (2021)

Monteiro, Thiago Cobra E, Iganci, João Ricardo Vieira, Miotto, Silvia Teresinha Sfoggia, Simpson, Beryl B., Vatanparast, Mohammad, Lewis, Gwilym P., Klitgård, Bente B., Pezzini, Flávia Fonseca, Vargas, Oscar M. & Fortuna-Perez, Ana Paula, 2024, Towards a Monophyletic Infrageneric Circumscription of Adesmia DC. (Dalbergieae, Leguminosae): a Taxonomic Revision in Adesmia series Adesmia, Phytotaxa 639 (1), pp. 1-69 : 38-39

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.639.1.1


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scientific name

Adesmia miottoae Cobra, Iganci & Fort.- Perez, Phytotaxa 521(1): 48–56 (2021)


10. Adesmia miottoae Cobra, Iganci & Fort.- Perez, Phytotaxa 521(1): 48–56 (2021) View in CoL .

Type:— BRAZIL. Santa Catarina: São Joaquim , SC-114 [-28.225333°, -49.986972°], 01 December 2020, {fl./fr.}, Monteiro, T. C . & Monteiro , G. C . 344 (holotype: BOTU 35290 About BOTU !, isotypes ICN!; MBM!; PEL!; RB!; UEC!) .

Prostrate stoloniferous subshrubs with adventitious roots from stem branch nodes. Stem pubescent to glabrescent, white tector hairs and short ochraceous glandular setules on all plant parts. Stipules 3–5× 0.5–1.5 mm, linear to narrowlY lanceolate, pubescent to glabrescent. Leaves with (6–)8–12 pairs of leaflets; petiole 0.5–2.3 cm long, rachis 1.3–4.5 cm long, pubescent to glabrescent; leaflets 2.3–9.8× 1–3.6 mm, elliptic to oboVate, apex retuse to mucronate, base acute to rounded, margin entire, pubescent to glabrous on both surfaces. Raceme terminal, 7–40 cm long, pubescent; bracts 3–4 mm long, lanceolate, pubescent; pedicel 0–4.5 mm long, pubescent to pilose. Flowers 8.5–14 mm long; calyx 5.7–8.8 mm long, externally pubescent, internally hirsute on the lobes with white tector hairs; lobes 3.5–5.8 mm long, linear, the carinal lobe slightlY longer; standard petal 10.5–13× 7–8.5 mm, orbicular to wide-oboVate, apex emarginate to cuspidate, externallY pubescent, claw 4.5–6.5× 1–1.5 mm, internallY pubescent distallY; wing petals 9–10.5× 2.5–3.5 mm, oboVate, claw 3.5–4.5 mm long; keel petals 8–9.5× 2.5–3.5 mm, falcate, claw 3–4.5 mm long; stamens 8–10 mm long, anthers elliptical to orbicular; gynoecium 10–12.5 mm long, ovary 3–4.5 mm long, pubescent, 5–7-ovulate. Hemicraspedium 8.5–13 mm long, straight, light to dark brownish, pubescent to pilose, black-based glandular setules at the centre of each article, fruit with 3–6 articles, these 2–2.7× 2.5–3.5 mm, orbicular. Seeds brownish, 1.5–2× 1.5–2 mm, orbicular, without an aril. ( Figure 20 D–F View FIGURE 20 ).

Distribution and Habitat— Adesmia miottoae occurs throughout the Rio Grande do Sul state but is more abundant in the southeast of Santa Catarina state, Brazil ( Fig. 21 View FIGURE 21 ), growing in highland grasslands ( Fig. 6 View FIGURE 6 ). The species occurs in open grasslands and on rocky soils and is endemic to southern Brazil.

Phenology— Collected with flowers from September to January, and with fruits from November to February.

Conservation status— Least Concern (LC). The conservation status of the species was recently assessed ( Monteiro et al. 2021a).

Etymology— The epithet was selected to honour Prof. Silvia Teresinha Sfoggia Miotto, who is also a co-author of this study.

Notes— Adesmia miottoae is diagnosed by its short glandular trichomes (up to 0.4 mm) that cover almost all aerial parts of the plant, only the fruit having 1 mm long glandular trichomes ( Fig. 20 View FIGURE 20 ), and by its flowers (8.5–) 10–13 mm long (vs. flowers 8–10 mm long, and glandular trichomes longer than 1 mm in closely related A. punctata ) ( Monteiro et al. 2021a). The species also has more ovules (5–10) per ovary, and usually is sessile to subsessile both when flowering and fruiting (with a pedicel length of 0–3 mm) (vs. 4–5 ovules per ovary and pedicels up to 7 mm long in A. punctata ) ( Monteiro et al. 2021a). The species was found to be closely related to Adesmia punctata and A. uruguaya in the present phylogeny ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 ).

Additional Specimens Examined — BRAZIL. RIO GRANDE DO SUL: Bagé, estrada de Bagé para Serrilhada, em frente a fazenda Santa Genoveva , 06 December 1982, Valls, J. F. M. et al 6979 ( HAS 27109 About HAS ). Bom Jesus, fazenda dos Potreirinhos , 4 December 1977, Camargo, O. R. 5612 ( HAS 84725 About HAS ); rodovia para São Joaquim , km 5-8, 21 October 2004, Hatschbach, G. et al. 78316 ( MBM 298592 View Materials ); próximo ao povoado do Itaimbezinho , 05 January 1978, Abruzzi, M. L. 331 ( ICN 00019353 View Materials [photo!]); estrada de terra para Vacaria , 21 December 1991, Miotto, S. T. S. 1270 ( ICN 00019349 View Materials [photo!]); cerca de 30 km a partir do Rio Pelotas, ao longo da estrada de São Joaquim para Ausentes, perto de reflorestamento , 10 December 1986, Valls, J. F. M. et al. 10802 ( ICN 00019361 View Materials [photo!]). Lagoa Vermelha, 19 km a Sudoeste da Vila Tupinambá, ao longo da estrada Nova Prata para Barretos , 8 December 1986, Valls, J. F. M. 10758 ( UEC 55368 About UEC ); em direção a Barreto , 31 October 1995, Miotto, S. T. S. et al. 1487 ( ICN 00019333 View Materials [photo!]). Santana do Livramento, 2 km a leste do aeroporto e 7 km a oeste do acesso principal a Santana do Livramento , 03 December 1985, Valls, J. F. M. et al. 9636 ( UEC 55367 About UEC ); Área de Proteção do Ibirapuitã , 05 December 2020, Monteiro T. C. & Monteiro G. C. 401 ( BOTU). São JosÉ dos Ausentes, Morro do Chorão [−28.488611°, −49.801111°] 26 September 2014, Cordeiro, J. 5292 ( HUCS; MBM; FLOR; ICN [photo!]). São Sepé, BR- 392 próximo ao trevo Santa Maria–São Gabriel , 06 November 1990, Abruzzi, M. L. 2032 ( HAS 29204 About HAS ). Sarandi, a 1 km da divisa com Palmeira das Missões , 20 September 1981, Mattos, J. 22716 ( HAS 84552 About HAS ). Vacaria, estrada para Bom Jesus , 24 January 1990, Machado, L. A. Z. & Polking, A. 512 ( SMDB 3780 About SMDB ); fazenda da Ronda , 11 January 1947, Rambo, B. s/n ( PACA 35042 About PACA ); BR- 116 km 55, lado direito da estrada de São Marcos–Vacaria , 29 October 1985, Abruzzi, M. L. 1007 ( HAS 21082 About HAS ); BR-285, km 45 em direção a Lagoa Vermelha , 30 October 1985, Neves, M. 579 ( HAS 21380 About HAS ); ca. 20 km de Vacaria na rodovia para Lages , 02 January 1970, Mattos, J. 19674 ( HAS 84358 About HAS ); perto de Vacaria, na rodovia para Caxias , 29 November 1986, Mattos, J. 30486 ( HAS 84545 About HAS ); junto ao marco do km 65 da BR-116, entre Vacaria e o Vale do Rio das Antas , 29 October 1982, Valls, J. F. M. et al. 6885 ( UEC 55288 About UEC ); 11 December 1986, Valls, J. F. M. 10812 ( UEC 55388 About UEC ); em direção a Lages, km 22 a 200 m do pedágio Rota da Serra , 29 October 1999, Miotto, S. T. S. 1732 ( ICN 00019323 View Materials [photo!]) . SANTA CATARINA: Bom Jardim da Serra, proximidades da Cascata da Barrinha, 4 km a SE de Bom Jardim , 23 November 1984, Valls, J. F. M. et al. 7995 ( UEC 55391 About UEC ); cerca de 13 km após Várzea , 06 January 2000, Miotto, S. T. S. 1853 ( ICN 00019341 View Materials [photo!]); SC-438 final da subida da Serra do Rio do Rasto , 09 January 2006, Miotto, S. T. S. & Bortoluzzi, R. L. C. 2287 ( ICN 00019330 View Materials [photo!]); desfiladeiro do funil , March 1987, Sobral, M. 5429 ( MBM 153317 View Materials ); fazenda Santa Rita , 03 December 2003, Cervi, A. C. et al. 10173 ( MBM 385992 View Materials ); 5 km leste de Bom Jardim da Serra , 25 November 1980, Krapovickas, A. & Vanni , R. 36907 ( MBM 262327 View Materials ). Capão Alto, SC- 458 km 179 , 30 October 1999, Miotto, S. T. S. 1764 ( ICN 00019360 View Materials [photo!]). Lages, 9 km a noroeste do Rio Lava Tudo, na rodovia Lages–São Joaquim , 22 November 1984, Valls, J. F. M. et al. 7925 ( ICN 00019357 View Materials [photo!]). Painel, Estrada para São Joaquim , 14 January 2009, Iganci, J. R. V. et al. 647 ( RB 558615 ). São Joaquim, 5 , 3 km a sudeste de Cruzeiro e 3,1km a noroeste de Rio Mantiqueira , 30 November 1989, Valls, J. F. M. et al. 12126 ( UEC 181519 About UEC ); fazenda do Emílio Ribas , 02 Feb 1958, Mattos, J. 5482 ( HAS 84559 About HAS ); Taperinha , 29 October 1961, Mattos, J. 9405 ( HAS 84563 About HAS ); Invernadinha , 20 March 1965, Mattos, J. 12996 ( HAS 84564 About HAS ); Alvorada , 17 November 2008, Silva, J. M. et al. 7264 ( MBM 350887 View Materials ); entre Lages e São Joaquim , 22 October 1961, Pereira , E. 6349 ( RB 115687 ). Urubici, 17 November 2008, Iganci, J. R. V. et al. 475 ( CTBS 278 ); 3 km a NE do Rio Pericó, na estrada São Joaquim–Urubici, 24 November 1984, Valls, J. F. M. et al. 8028 (ICN 00019356 [photo!]); 7, 6 km a nordeste do Rio Pericó, ao longo da estrada São Joaquim–Urubici , 24 November 1984, Valls, J. F. M. 8044 ( ICN 00019350 View Materials [photo!]). Vacas Gordas, estrada de terra no Parque Nacional de São Joaquim , 01 December 2020, Monteiro, T. C. & Monteiro, G. C. 358 ( BOTU) .








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University of Copenhagen


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Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Museo de Historia Natural


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