Pogonortalis fulvofemoralis, Malloch, 1942

Mailoch, J. R., 1942, Trypetidae, Otitidae, Helomyzidae, And Clusiidae of Guam (Diptera), Insects of Guam I, Honolulu, Hawaii: Bernice P. Bishop Museum, pp. 201-210 : 205-206

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Pogonortalis fulvofemoralis

new species

Pogonortalis fulvofemoralis , new species.

Male and female. Head black, frons except triangle and upper orbits dull, lower orbits, parafacials, and postocular orbits white dusted; basal two segments of antennae brown; palpi blackish brown; face distinctly white dusted above and in foveae, dust thinning out at middle and lacking below. Frons about 1.5 times as long as wide, two pairs of orbitals short and fine, quite close to upper margin; ocellars minute, divergent; all four verticals strong and quite long; postocular of moderate length. Jowls of male quite variable, sometime~ prominently angularly produced and head then distinctly wider than length of thorax, angle rather densely haired, beard consisting of fine bristles that become longer behind; female without angulation of jowls and exceptional bristling. Aristae short haired on entire extent; palpi slightly spatulate, larger in male than in female. Thorax glossy black, with bluish or purplish tinge, with very little trace of dusting and no markings, surface rather closely piliferous punctate, pile and bristles black. Bristles as follows: 1 humeral, 2 notopleurals, 1 supra-alar, 2 postalars, 1 pair of dorsocentrals, no acrostichals, scapulars minute, 4 scutellars, and 1 mesopleural. Scutellum convex, without discal hairs. Legs fulvous yellow, all tibiae and tarsi blackish brown. Fore femur with one or two fine black bristles apically sloped on posteroventral surface apically, mid tibia with a strong straight apical ventral bristle; hind femur a little thicker than other pairs, with usual elevated keel-like ridge about one third from apex on anteroventral surface, and a group of fine short bristles on apical third above keel on anterodorsal surface; hind tibia with a series of very short anteroventral setulae centrally that are hardly distinguishable above the surface hairs. Wings brownish hyaline, with the following dark marks: all of anterior basal cell up to inner cross vein, a subquadrate mark from brown stigma to third vein across field of wing, a streak from apex of second vein along costa to apex of wing, widened apically, and narrow clouds over all cross veins, membrane except between costal spots distinctly brown tinged. Inner cross vein oblique, close to middle of discal cell; third vein curved downward at apex so that first posterior cell is narrowed apically; base of sec­ ond vein with a few short setulae below; first and third veins closely setulose on entire extent above. Halteres dark brown. Abdomen glossy black, with a bluish or purplish tinge. Hairs short and quite dense, third tergite elongate in male and with a number of fine apical bristles on sides, much as in Cleitamia . Length, 5-7.5 mm.

Guam, no other data, Fullaway , type male and allotype female ; paratypes: Yigo, Nov. 8, on corn, male,. Swezey; Yona, April 29, on dead Areca palm leaves, female, Bryan .













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