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Miller, James S, 2009, Generic Revision Of The Dioptinae (Lepidoptera: Noctuoidea: Notodontidae) Part 2: Josiini, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2009 (321), pp. 675-1022 : 842-843

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Scea undefined-1



1. Hind wing uniformly charcoal gray to iridescent blue, without orange markings (pls. 34, 35) ............................ 7

– HW with orange markings from base, in central area or along anterior margin (pl. 33) ......................... 2

2. Hind wing with a thin, longitudinal stripe along anterior margin from base to beyond DC, stripe larger and more conspicuous on ventral surface (pl. 33); HW central area gray; Lp3 short, conical; eye large, gena absent; wings short to moderately long (FW length 5 14.0–18.0 mm)............. 3

– HW central area orange from base, either in basal third or in most of wing; HW anterior margin without a long thin orange stripe; Lp3 greatly elongate (fig. 346A), longer than one-half length of Lp2; eye small (fig. 346A–C, G), gena relatively wide; wings long (FW length 5 21.5–24.5 mm)............. 4

3. Ochreous orange FW triangle extending from base to well beyond fork of M 3 +CuA 1 (pl. 33), outer margin of orange area strongly convex; vesica with an enlarged spinelike cornutus at apex of ventral appendix (fig. 347E); female DB strongly coiled (fig. 347D); FW length 5 14.0–16.5 mm ( Peru and





8. Bolivia E to Paraguay and Brazil)........................ angustimargo Warren Ochreous orange FW triangle terminating at fork of M 3 +CuA 1 (pl. 33), outer margin of orange area barely convex; vesica with an enlarged, but delicate spine at apex of ventral appendix (fig. 353E); DB gently coiled (fig. 353D); FW length 5 17.0–18.0 mm (S Ecuador)............. torrida , sp. nov. Orange area of HW confined to basal two-thirds or less; FW ochreous orange in basal half or slightly more, distal half blue-gray..... 5 HW almost completely orange from base to outer margin (pl. 33), fringe iridescent blue gray; FW ochreous orange in basal two-thirds, apical third iridescent steely gray, veins lined with dark gray-brown scales; FW length 5 22.0 mm ( Colombia)......................... circumscripta (Hering) Orange are of HW large (pl. 33), extending beyond fork of M 3 +CuA 1 to outer margin in posterior half, extending beyond DC in anterior half; orange area of FW relatively large, extending from base to near apex of DC, or beyond; DB much longer than CB (fig. 351E)...................... 6 Orange area of HW small, confined to basal third (pl. 33), not extending beyond base of CuA 2; orange area of FW small, extending halfway out on DC; DB shorter than length of CB ( Colombia)....... grandis (Druce) Orange area of FW extending from base to well beyond distal margin of DC; upper discocellular of FW marked with black scales, forming a tiny, isolated spot (pl. 33); orange of FW extending well beyond base of CuA 2; distal portion of FW light steely gray ( Colombia).......... dimidiata (Walker) Orange area of FW extending from base to immediately short of DC distal margin; no tiny spot at UDC, this area purplish black; orange of FW barely crossing base of CuA 2 (pl. 33); distal portion of FW iridescent blue gray (W Venezuela).... discinota (Warren) Basal half, or more, of FW orange-yellow (pls. 34, 35), veins in orange area usually lined with black to varying degrees..... 9 Forewing almost entirely iridescent blue (pl. 35), with tiny orange basal dashes, occasionally an additional orange dash near apex........................... 8 Forewing with a single, small, orange basal dash in anterior half of wing (pl. 35), dash straddling radius, never with an additional dash behind anal fold; FW never with a distal orange dash; socii extremely narrow; crenulate sclerotized band of CB oriented longitudinally; FW length 5 15.0–19.0 mm (E Peru

N to Colombia)........................... necyria (Felder and Rogenhofer)

– FW with a large orange basal dash straddling radius, and an additional basal dash behind anal fold (pl. 35); FW with a distal orange dash between stem of Rs 1 –Rs 3 and base of Rs 4; socii relatively wide (fig. 349A); crenulate sclerotized band of CB oriented vertically (fig. 349C); FW length 5 20.0–24.5 mm (E Peru)................ bellona (Druce)

9. Hind wing uniformly blackish gray to iridescent blue-black................... 10













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