Ctenitis anniesii (Rosenst.) Copeland (1947: 124)

Viveros, Raquel Stauffer, Rouhan, Germinal & Salino, Alexandre, 2018, A taxonomic monograph of the fern genus Ctenitis (Dryopteridaceae) in South America, Phytotaxa 385 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.385.1.1

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scientific name

Ctenitis anniesii (Rosenst.) Copeland (1947: 124)


3. Ctenitis anniesii (Rosenst.) Copeland (1947: 124) View in CoL . Figs. 05D, 09B, 12E–J, 14C. Dryopteris anniesii Rosenstock (1906: 118) . Type:— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: Venâncio Aires, January 1904, Jürgens & Stier 158 (lectotype S- R-1699!, designated by Christensen 1913a, isolectotypes ICN 015359!, R 000109499!, NY 00099430!, S-R-1699!, UC 441704!); remaining syntypes:— BRAZIL. Paraná: Villa Nova, Lucena Strabe, Annies 42b (UC 441705!, NY 00099432!); BRAZIL. Santa Catarina: Itapocú, Haerchen s.n. (Herb. Rosenstock, not found).

Dryopteris anniesii var. ottonis Rosenst. ex Christensen (1913a: 100) View in CoL , syn. nov. Type: — BRAZIL. Santa Catarina, Müller s.n. (lectotype S-R-1748!, designated here); remaining syntype:— BRAZIL. Santa Catarina, Gerder 80a (BM 000937857!).

Stems erect, 2.5–2.8 cm diam., scales 7.3–13.8 × 1.2–2.0 mm, light castaneous, clathrate, lanceolate, entire, with or without some short fimbriae at base and laterally; leaves 94.5–187.3 cm long; petioles 18.3–65.8 cm × 3.6–7.3 mm, with 6 or 7 vascular bundles at base, brownish or tan, scales 2.5–13.6 × 0.6–2.0 mm, light castaneous, clathrate, tangled on petiole base, becoming patent or ascending towards distal portion, flattish, flaccid, lanceolate with cordate base and filiform apex, entire or slightly denticulate, with or without some short fimbriae at base and laterally, catenate trichomes absent abaxially, sparse glandular trichomes; laminae 76.2–125 × 22.6–41 cm, width 1/4–1/2 of length, 1-pinnate-pinnatisect basally, 1-pinnate-pinnatisect or almost medially and apically, lanceolate


Phytotaxa 335 (1) © 2018 Magnolia Press • 29 or linear-lanceolate, apex confluent; rachises tan or stramineous, scales like those on distal portion of petioles, sparse or absent catenate trichomes abaxially, sparse glandular trichomes; pinnae 29–37 pairs, the basal and medial ones stalked to 5.2 mm long, the apical ones stalked to 1.5 mm long or sessile, basal pinnae basiscopically and acroscopically somewhat equally developed, the medial 11.6–21.5 × 1.4–4.0 cm, lanceolate, incised more than 3/4 of the distance between the segment apex and costa, basal segments as long or longer than the next, apex attenuate; adaxial pinnae axes with sparse scales on costa, (1.5) 2.5–9.3 × 0.06–0.30 mm, light castaneous, filiform or linear-lanceolate, catenate trichomes dense on costa, sparse on costule, rare on veins, bacilliform trichomes absent; adaxial laminar surface between veins glabrous; abaxial pinnae axes with dense scales on costa and costule (basally), (0.9) 1.5–4.6 (6.8) × (0.2) 0.6–0.9 mm, light castaneous, clathrate, imbricate, flattish, flaccid, lanceolate with cordate base and filiform apex, denticulate, with or without some short fimbriae at base and laterally, proscales to 1.5 mm long sparse on costule, catenate trichomes sparse on costa, costule and veins, bacilliform trichomes sparse on costa, costule and veins, glandular trichomes sparse on costa, filiform trichomes absent; abaxial laminar surface between veins glabrous or with sparse catenate and bacilliform trichomes; segments 22–34 pairs, 1.6–4.2 mm wide, patent or subfalcate, entire or repand, generally broadest towards apex, apex acute or obtuse, margin with catenate trichomes, the distance from each other is somewhat the same width or wider than the segments width; veins simple, 10–20 pairs per segment, the basal ones from adjacent segments end at margin well above the sinus; sori inframedial, rarely medial, indusia cospicuous, ciliate, with bacilliform trichomes; spores with inflated folds and large tubercles.

Selected specimens examined:— BRAZIL. Espírito Santo: Alfredo Chaves, São Bento de Urânia , 900–1000 m, 19 October 2000, Hatschbach et al. 71426 ( UC) ; Paraná: Adrianópolis , Parque Estadual das Lauráceas, 352 m, 24°40' S, 48°32' W, 12 December 2006, Matos et al. 1301 ( CEPEC) GoogleMaps ; Campina Grande do Sul, Rio Tucum , 25 March 1970, Hatschbach 24065 ( UC) ; Ipiranga, 4 February 1904, Dusén 3625 (R); Morretes, Parque Estadual Pico do Marumbi, Kozera & Kozera 1228 ( BHCB) ; Paranaguá, Serra do Mar, Estação Marumbi , 25 January 1925, Frenzel s.n. ( RB) ; Rio de Janeiro: Rio Funil (perto do Estado de São Paulo), 08 November 1956, Handro 670 ( US) ; Itatiaia, Nova Picada , 1100 m, 21 March 1942, Brade 17237 ( RB) ; Rio Grande do Sul: São Leopoldo , 8 m, 1940, Reitz 98 ( RB) ; Santa Catarina: Anita Garibaldi , 922 m, 13 April 1963, Reitz et al. 14773 ( HB) ; Florianópolis, Itacorubi , 18 m, 26 February 1943, Reitz 275 ( RB) ; Hammonia (currently Ibirama ), June 1911, Luederwaldt s.n. ( BHCB, R); Morro Grande, Floresta Ombrófila Densa , 28º42’36’’S, 49º46’12’’W, 311 m, 23 November 2009, Verdi et al. 3151 ( BHCB) GoogleMaps ; São Paulo: Bananal, Serra de Bocaina, Sertão do Rio Vermelho , 1200 m, 5 October 1929, Brade & Duarte. 20105 ( RB) ; Mogi das Cruzes, Parque Natural Municipal da Serra do Itapeti , 880 m, 23º29’25’’S, 46º11’38’’W, 18 September 2005, Dittrich et al.1365 ( BHCB) GoogleMaps ; Serra da Cantareira , 999 m, June 1913, Brade 6533 ( HB) .

Habitat and distribution:—Terrestrial. Endemic to Atlantic Forest, 100–1500 m in southeastern and southern Brazil ( Fig. 14C View FIGURE 14 ; Tab. 01).

Notes:— Ctenitis anniesii can be recognized by the narrow segments (Figs. 05D, 12E), separated by a broad round sinus, somewhat the same width or wider than the segments width. This is one of the scaliest 1-pinnate-pinnatisect to 1-pinnate-pinnatifid South American species. The scales are dense on costa and costule abaxially and also easily seen on costa adaxially ( Figs. 12E – J View FIGURE 12 ). Ctenitis fenestralis and C. deflexa are the most similar species to C. anniesii . The three species can be distinguished by the stem, indusium presence and position of fimbriae on rachis and costa scales. The stems of C. anniesii and C. fenestralis are erect (Fig. 01A) or ascending (Fig. 01B), while C. deflexa stem is short-creeping (Fig. 01C). The indusium of C. anniesii is large and conspicuous ( Figs. 12F–G View FIGURE 12 ), while it is absent in C. fenestralis , which has in each sorus a tuft of many proscales among sporangia (Figs. 08E), and in C. deflexa , the indusium is small, often inconspicuous ( Fig. 13F View FIGURE 13 ). The rachis and costa scales of C. anniesii and C. fenestralis are with or without some short fimbriae at base and laterally, while C. deflexa scales are always with many short and long fimbriae throughout the margin ( Figs. 13G–H View FIGURE 13 ).

Christensen (1913a) cited the collection Annies 89 (Dr. E. Rosenstock, Filices austrobrasilienses exsiccatae—n. 89), which is in many herbaria kept as the type of Dryopteris anniesii . However, this collection is not mentioned in the protologue, thus it may not be considered as a type, besides it must probably be an uncited original material (Art. 9.3 of ICN — McNeill et al. 2012).

The form that Christensen (1913a) called Dryopteris anniesii var. ottonis View in CoL is a smaller and young plant, its segments are closer to each other, but the other characters are the same as the typical. For this name, Christensen (1913a) cited two collections (syntypes). Then we selected Müller s.n. in S, which is with a Rosenstock’s herbarium stamp, to be the lectotype (Art. 9.12 of ICN — McNeill et al. 2012).

30 • Phytotaxa 335 (1) © 2018 Magnolia Press



Upjohn Culture Collection




Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais


Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro


Herbarium Bradeanum














Ctenitis anniesii (Rosenst.) Copeland (1947: 124)

Viveros, Raquel Stauffer, Rouhan, Germinal & Salino, Alexandre 2018

Dryopteris anniesii var. ottonis Rosenst. ex Christensen (1913a: 100)

Christensen, C. 1913: )
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF