Euseius erugatus

Moraes, G. J. De, Ueckermann, E. A., Oliveira, A. R. & Yaninek, J. S., 2001, Phytoseiid mites of the genus Euseius (Acari: Phytoseiidae) from Sub­Saharan Africa, Zootaxa 3, pp. 1-70 : 20-21

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Euseius erugatus


Euseius erugatus View in CoL ( Van der Merwe & Ryke ) ( Fig. 11 View FIGURE 11 )

Amblyseius (Typhlodromalus) erugatus Van der Merwe & Ryke, 1964: 283

FEMALE (Specimens measured – South Africa: 2).

Dorsum – Dorsal shield with striations laterally and a few reticulation on posterior half of shield, 331­353 long and 221­233 wide. Setae j1 35­41, j3 41­44, j4 9, j5 9, j6 16, J2 16, J5 6, z2 25­27, z4 41­47, z5 9, Z1 16, Z4 20­21, Z5 63, s4 63­66, S2 19­22, S4 21­26, S5 22­25, r3 16­19, R1 13. Dorsal setae smooth, except Z5 which are serrated.

Peritreme – Reaching anterolateral to setae j1.

Venter – All ventral shield smooth. Distances between ST1­ST3 55­60, ST2­ST2 63, ST5­ST5 75­78. A single metapodal shield. Ventrianal shield 107­118 long, 54­57 wide at ZV2 level and 72 wide at anus level.

Chelicera – Movable digit 25­26 long, with one tooth; fixed digit 25­26 long, with 4 teeth.

Spermatheca – Calyx tubular, slightly bulged near atrium and slightly flared distally, 22­31 long; atrium distinct.

Legs –Macrosetae sharp­tipped: Sge II23­24, Sge III 32, Sge IV 49­50, Sti IV 41, St IV 63­66; chaetotaxy of genu II 2­2/0, 2/0­1, genu III 1­2/1,2/0­1.

MALE (Specimens measured – South Africa: 1).

Dorsum – Dorsal shield 268 long and 189 wide. Seate j1 35, j3 38, j4 9, j5 9, j6 13, J2 16, J5 6, z2 25, z4 38, z5 9, Z1 16, Z4 19, Z5 50, s4 50, S2 22, S4 25, S5 20, r3 16, R1 13.

Peritreme – Reaching to the level of z4.

Venter – Ventrianal shield 113 long, 151 wide at anterior corners.

Chelicera – Shaft of spermatodactyl 19 long.

Legs – Sge II 22, Sge III 25, Sge IV 38, Sti IV 35, St IV 47.

REMARKS: Euseius erugatus closely resembles E. addoensis ( Van der Merwe & Ryke ) and E. citri ( Van der Merwe & Ryke ) and only differs from them in that setae z2 and z4 are much longer.

SPECIMENS EXAMINED: South Africa: Sun Valley, Cape Town, Western Cape Province, on Viburnum tinus , 26­I­1980, E.A. Ueckermann; Pineapple Research Station, East London, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa, on Grevillea robusta , 28­XI­1975, M.K.P. Meyer.













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