Libnotes (Libnotes) changbaishana Xu and Zhang, 2022

Xu, Yuanyuan, Yao, Yilin, Zhang, Peifu, Zheng, Runze & Zhang, Xiao, 2022, A new crane fly species of the genus Libnotes Westwood, 1876 (Diptera, Limoniidae) from Jilin, China, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 87316-87316 : 87316

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Libnotes (Libnotes) changbaishana Xu and Zhang

sp. n.

Libnotes (Libnotes) changbaishana Xu and Zhang sp. n.


Type status: Holotype. Occurrence: recordedBy: Zehui Kang (collector); individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; occurrenceID: 70F5CFFF-C990-5D3B-90BC-15CD65795F92; Taxon: class: Insect; order: Diptera ; family: Limoniidae ; genus: Libnotes ; subgenus: Libnotes ; Location : country: China; stateProvince: Jilin; county: Antu ; locality: Mount Changbaishan , Erdaobaihe ; Event : year: 2014; month: September ; day: 11; Record Level : institutionCode: CAU; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen Type status: Paratype. Occurrence: recordedBy: Zehui Kang (collector); individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; occurrenceID: 9C58B9F7-6BC8-5F26-8EDD-046DFA95DC90; Taxon: class: Insect; order: Diptera ; family: Limoniidae ; genus: Libnotes ; subgenus: Libnotes ; Location : country: China ; stateProvince: Jilin; county: Antu ; locality: Mount Changbaishan , Erdaobaihe ; Event : year: 2014; month: September ; day: 11; Record Level : institutionCode: QAU; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen


Diagnosis. Antenna with scape dark brown, pedicel brown, first flagellomere brown and remaining flagellomeres brownish-yellow. Prescutum and presutural scutum uniformly dark brown. Pleuron variegated. Femora and tibiae yellow with tips brownish-black. Sc long, ending beyond fork of Rs; m-m 1.5 times as long as basal section of M3; m-cu about equal in length beyond fork of M and at about 1/7 of cell dm. Abdominal tergites with a dark brown longitudinal stripe at middle. Inner gonostylus slightly longer than outer gonostylus.

Male (Figs. 1A-D and 2). Body length 13.0 mm, antenna length 2.4 mm, wing length 17.0 mm, halter length 3.0 mm.

Head (Fig. 1 View Figure 1 B). Dark brown. Setae on head dark brown. Antenna with scape dark brown; pedicel brown; first flagellomere brown, remaining flagellomeres brownish-yellow. Scape long cylindrical, 4 times as long as wide; pedicel oval, widened distally; flagellomeres subcylindrical, apically tapering and elongated. Rostrum brownish-yellow with basal half dark brown; palpus dark brown. Setae on rostrum and palpus dark brown.

Thorax (Fig. 1 View Figure 1 C). Pronotum dark brown. Prescutum and presutural scutum uniformly dark brown. Postsutural scutum dark brown, paler medially and laterally. Scutellum dark brown, slightly paler medially. Mediotergite dark brown. Pleuron (Fig. 1 View Figure 1 A) variegated, middles of anepisternum and katepisternum dark brown, middles of metanepisternum and metakatepisternum brown. Coxae and trochanters brownish-yellow; femora and tibiae yellow with tips brownish-black; tarsi brownish-yellow, tip of each tarsus dark brown. Setae on legs brown. Wing (Fig. 1 View Figure 1 D) tinged with brownish-yellow, except yellow costal field; small, but distinct brown spots surround R2 and tip of R1 and distinct brown patterns surround sc-r, tip of Sc, fork of Rs, base of R2+3+4, r-m, base of dm cell, m-m, base of M3, m-cu, tip of CuA, distal half of A1 and sub-base of wing (just posterior to crossvein h). Veins at costal field yellow, remaining veins brown, but dark brown in darkened areas and at branching points. Venation: Sc long, ending beyond fork of Rs, sc-r close to tip of Sc; Rs slightly curved; m-m 1.5 times as long as basal section of M3; m-cu about equal in length beyond fork of M and at about 1/7 of cell dm. Halter pale brownish-yellow with knob brown.

Abdomen. Tergite 1 dark brown; tergites 2-7 yellow, tergites 8-9 dark brown; tergites 1-8 with dark brown lateral borders and a dark brown longitudinal stripe at middle. Sternite 1 pale brown; sternites 2-6 yellow; sternite 7 brown; sternites 8-9 dark brown. Setae on abdomen white.

Hypopygium (Fig. 2 View Figure 2 ). Yellow. Tergite 9 (Fig. 2 View Figure 2 A and C) nearly oval-shaped, transverse plate. Lateral margins darkened, narrowing, posterior margin provided with setae, with small me-dian emargination. Gonocoxite (Fig. 2 View Figure 2 A, B, D and E) stubby, with elongated, setose ventromesal lobe. Outer gonostylus (Fig. 2 View Figure 2 A and D) narrow, sclerotised, distally curved with acute tip. Inner gonostylus (Fig. 2 View Figure 2 A, B, D and E) slightly longer than outer gonostylus, nearly oval. Rostral prolongation arched, dilated at base, becoming narrow towards obtuse apex, basally bearing tubercle that is armed with two spines. Another nearly oval lobe starts near base of gonostylus, apically bearing six setae, that are at right angles to the lobe. Paramere elongated, wide at base, triangular distally, apex narrow. Aedeagus long, slightly narrowed at middle (Fig. 2 View Figure 2 A, B and F).

Female. Body length 16.0 mm, wing length 18.5 mm. Similar to male. Ovipositor with tergite 10 brownish-yellow, distal margin darker brown (Fig. 1 View Figure 1 E). Cercus brown, nearly straight, distal part slightly raised, tip acute, with dorsal pre-apical bump. Sternite 8 with basal third brown, rest of sclerite pale brownish-yellow. Hypogynial valve brownish-yellow with base dark brown.


The specific name Libnotes changbaishana (adjective, feminine) referring to the type locality, Mount Changbaishan.


Known only from the type locality (Jilin, China).

Taxon discussion

This species is somewhat similar to L. (L.) nohirai Alexander, 1918 from Russia, North Korea, South Korea and Japan in having similar wing venation and colourations of pleuron and leg, but it can be distinguished from the latter by the antenna with brownish-yellow flagellomeres, the uniformly dark brown prescutum and presutural scutum, the dark band just posterior to crossvein h and the inner gonostylus of the male genitalia being longer than outer gonostylus. In L. (L.) nohirai , the flagellomeres of the antenna are light yellow, the prescutum and presutural scutum are light brownish-yellow with four brown longitudinal stripes, there is no dark band just posterior to crossvein h and the inner gonostylus of the male genitalia is shorter than the outer gonostylus ( Alexander 1918, Savchenko 1983). This species is also somewhat similar to L. (L.) basistrigata from North Korea, South Korea and China in having similar wing pattern and colouration of leg, but it can be easily distinguished from the latter by the uniformly dark brown prescutum and presutural scutum, the variegated pleuron, the wing with the m-m 1.5 times as long as the basal section of M3, the inner gonostylus being longer than the outer gonostylus and sternite 8 of female being pale brownish-yellow with brown basal 1/3. In L. (L.) basistrigata , the prescutum and presutural scutum are uniformly pale yellow, the pleuron is uniformly pale yellow, the m-m of wing is twice as long as the basal section of M3, the inner gonostylus is shorter than outer gonostylus ( Alexander 1934) and sternite 8 of the female being uniformly brownish-yellow ( Podenas et al. 2015).

This species are closely related to L. (L.) longistigma Alexander, 1921 in the key to the Chinese Libnotes (s. str.) species in Men (2015), but it can be distinguished from the latter by the wing with the m-m as long as the basal section of M3 and the inner gonostylus of the male genitalia being longer than outer gonostylus. In L. (L.) longistigma , the m-m of wing is twice as long as the basal section of M3 and the inner gonostylus of the male genitalia is shorter than the outer gonostylus ( Savchenko and Krivolutskaya 1976, Podenas et al. 2015).











