Pseudolambrus incisus Takeda and Komatsu, 2015

Feng, Yaqi, Zhao, Wenjiang, Feng, Yawen & Dai, Wenli, 2023, Updated Checklist of the Crabs (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura) from the Sea around the Ogasawara Islands, Japan, Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science. Series A, Zoology 49 (4), pp. 161-178 : 167

publication ID 10.50826/bnmnszool.49.4_161

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scientific name

Pseudolambrus incisus Takeda and Komatsu, 2015


Pseudolambrus incisus Takeda and Komatsu, 2015 View in CoL [Jn: Ogasawara-hishigani] — Takeda & Komatsu (2015: Off Futami Bay, Chichi-jima I.)

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