Aposphragisma brunomanseri Thoma, 2014

THOMA, MARCO, KRANZ-BALTENSPERGER, YVONNE, KROPF, CHRISTIAN, GRABER, WERNER, NENTWIG, WOLFGANG & FRICK, HOLGER, 2014, <strong> The new Southeast Asian goblin spider genus <em> Aposphragisma </ em> (Araneae, Oonopidae): diversity and phylogeny </ strong>, Zootaxa 3798 (1) : 20-25

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Plazi (2021-01-11 08:14:17, last updated by Donat 2021-01-11 11:03:39)

scientific name

Aposphragisma brunomanseri Thoma

sp. nov.

Aposphragisma brunomanseri Thoma , sp. nov.

( Figs. 9–12)

Type material. HOLOTYPE: male (PBI_OON 00031369), Sarawak ( MALAYSIA), Bako National Park [01°42′N 110°27′E; inf.], 29./ 30.III.1985, leg. C.L. & P.R. Deeleman, deposited at RMNH GoogleMaps . PARATYPES: 1 male & 1 female (PBI_OON 00015245), Sarawak ( MALAYSIA), 12 km E of Bau , 20 m [01°25′N 110°02′E; inf.], 14.V.1994, riverain forest, on fungi, leg. I. Löbl & D. Burckhardt, deposited at MHNG GoogleMaps ; 1 male (PBI_OON 00015254), Sarawak ( MALAYSIA), Santubong , 32 km N of Kuching, 0–100 m [01°44′N 110°20′E; inf.], 11.–16.V.1994, sifting of vegetational debris and fungi in mixed dipterocarp forest, leg. I. Löbl & D. Burckhardt, deposited at NMBE GoogleMaps ; 1 male (PBI_OON 00016214), Sarawak ( MALAYSIA), route Kuching to Matang , Gunung Serapi, 670 m [01°35′N 110°11′E; inf.], 9.XII.1987, prélèvement du sol dans la fôret le long de la route vers la station TV (Berlese à Kuching, Sarawak), leg. B. Hauser, deposited at MHNG GoogleMaps ; 1 female (PBI_OON 00031367), Sarawak ( MALAYSIA), Semengoh arboretum [01°21′N 110°21′E; inf.], 27.III.1985, leg. C.L. Deeleman, deposited at RMNH GoogleMaps ; 1 female (PBI_OON 00031368), Sarawak ( MALAYSIA), Semengoh arboretum, lower track [01°21′N 110°21′E; inf.], 23.III.1985, litter and humus, leg. C.L. Deeleman & P.R. Deeleman, deposited at RMNH GoogleMaps ; 1 female (PBI_OON 00031372; abdomen used for examination of internal genitalia), Sarawak ( MALAYSIA), Bako N.P. [01°42′N 110°27′E; inf.], 30.III.1985, litière, lowland forest, leg. C.L. Deeleman, deposited at NMBE GoogleMaps ; 1 female (PBI_OON 00031392), collected with male holotype, deposited at RMNH ; 1 female (PBI_OON 00031393), collected together with paratype (PBI_OON 00031372), deposited at RMNH .

Non-type material. 1 female (PBI_OON 00031347), Sarawak ( MALAYSIA), Semengoh [01°21′N 110°21′E; inf.], 6.IV.1985, litière, leg. C.L. Deeleman, deposited at RMNH GoogleMaps ; 1 female (PBI_OON 00031366; partly used for SEM), Sarawak ( MALAYSIA), Semengoh arboretum [01°21′N 110°21′E; inf.], 10.I.1984, litter, leg. C.L. Deeleman, deposited at RMNH GoogleMaps ; 1 male (PBI_OON 00031402; partly used for SEM), collected together with paratype (PBI_OON 00015254), deposited at MHNG .

Etymology. The species epithet is dedicated to Bruno Manser (*1954, missing, presumed dead), a Swiss environmental activist and ethnologist, most famous for his support of the nomadic indigenous Penan people against the destruction of pristine rain forest in the Malaysian state of Sarawak (see www.bmf.ch).

Diagnosis. A. brunomanseri sp. nov. belongs to the stripe-clade and can be distinguished from other species of this clade by the combination of the following traits: carapace with two pairs of spikes ( Figs. 9 E–F); carapace margin with pointed denticles (den) and sluice (slu) restricted to posterior margin ( Figs. 9F, 10A); epigastric scutum in females posterolaterally with a single curved ridge (cr) ( Fig. 11C). It resembles A. dayak sp. nov. and A. kolleri sp. nov., but A. dayak sp. nov. (only known from one female) lacks spikes and shows a row of longitudinal ridges on the epigastric scutum. Among other differences A. kolleri sp. nov. only has one pair of spikes, differs in sternum ornamentation and shows a pointed embolic spine.

Description. Description based on 5 males and 8 females.

MALE. With the characters of the genus except as noted. Body length 1.80–1.90 mm (n=5), carapace length 0.86–0.88 mm (n=5). Sclerotized parts uniformly coloured red-brown, approaching colour 32 ‘chestnut’; legs more orangish coloured, paler than rest of body. Habitus: Figs. 9 A–C.

CEPHALOTHORAX. Carapace: surface of elevated portion of pars cephalica smooth, sides strongly reticulate (dorsal part more striated; Figs. 9 D–F); posterior edge of pars cephalica with one pair of spikes (csp) ( Figs. 9 C–F); carapace margin with pointed denticles (den), sluice (slu) restricted to posterior margin, posterolateral corners with one pair of spikes (msp) ( Figs. 9 E–F, 10A). Eyes: posterior eye-row recurved from above, procurved from front ( Fig. 9E); ALE largest, separated by their radius to diameter; ALE-PLE separated by less than ALE radius; PME touching throughout most of their length; PLE-PME separated by less than PME radius. Sternum coarsely ornamented except smooth median stripe and broadly smooth edges (ornamentation arranged in an ovoid band; Figs. 9 G–H); posterior margin expands into narrow single extension, posteriorly with a knob-like apophysis (ka) ( Figs. 9H, 10C); setae appearing slightly plumose at SEM level. Pleura: (pl) surface smooth with pairs of large pits dorsally of each coxa I, II and III ( Fig. 10B). Mouthparts: chelicerae posterior margin of inner surface proximally modified to a ridge with grooved surface (ri), covering about 2/3 of margin length, distally ending in a rounded knob ( Fig. 10D); promargin with row of flattened setae (rfs) in combination with plumose setae, distally extending into a short inwards pointing tooth-like projection (tlp) ( Figs. 10 D–E); base of tooth-like projection posteriorly with a large plumose seta (lps) (about as long as fang; Fig. 10E). Endites: inner margin distally with a brush of special wing-like setae (ws) ( Figs. 10 G–H); outer margin subdistally with a pair of rather long, inward bent plumose setae (ebs) ( Figs. 10 F–G).

ABDOMEN. Book lung covers large, elongated elliptical to dumbbell shaped (i.e. sides concave), about 5–6 times longer than wide. Epigastric scutum dorsally with widely oval subterminal ridge (sr) ( Figs. 11 A–B, D). Postepigastric scutum long, semicircular, with short posteriorly directed lateral apodemes (lap) ( Fig. 11A). Setae appearing slightly plumose at SEM level ( Fig. 11C); dorsal abdominal setae very long (lds) ( Figs. 9 C–D, 11D).

GENITALIA. Epigastric region: sperm pore situated between anterior and posterior spiracles ( Fig. 11A). Palp: basal segments as well as bulb and cymbium lighter in colour than rest of body; bulb stout ( Figs. 12 A–B). Embolus tip spatulate ( Figs. 12 C–E); embolic spine with fringed tip (esp) ( Fig. 12C). Conductor (con) with pronounced lateral comb (lc) and broad tip ( Figs. 12C, E). Embolus-conductor-complex about as long as bulb.

FEMALE. As in males except as noted. Body length 1.88–2.21 mm (n=8), carapace length 0.88–0.97 mm (n=8). Epigastric scutum posterolaterally with a curved ridge (cr) ( Figs. 11 B–C, 12F). Postepigastric scutum almost semicircular ( Fig. 11B).

GENITALIA. Dorsal view ( Figs. 12 F–G): receptaculum (re) triangular shaped with rounded posterior edge, laterally framed by short almost rectangular sclerites (apodemes; lap) and containing a triangular sac-like structure (sa); globular appendix (gap) lying dorsally of receptaculum short, only about 1/4 of receptaculum length; lateral and median part of receptaculum dorsally covered with papillae (pap); a transverse sclerite (tsc) lies anteriorly to the receptaculum and bears medially a nail-like structure (na) (the latter being superimposed by globular appendix and therefore hardly visible on the figures).

Intraspecific variation. Body size variable (see above); except for two yellowish coloured females body colour shows only very slight variation; the following characters are slightly variable as well: size of ‘spikes’ at posterior edge of pars cephalica, number of denticles on carapace margin, extension of smooth median stripe on sternum.

Distribution. W-Sarawak, MALAYSIA ( Fig. 49).


National Museum of Natural History, Naturalis


Museum d'Histoire Naturelle


Naturhistorisches Museum der Burgergemeinde Bern













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