Cardiacephala guttata ( Walker, 1852 )

Ferro, Gustavo Borges & Marshall, Stephen A., 2018, A revision of the Neotropical ant-like genus Cardiacephala Macquart, including Plocoscelus Enderlein syn. nov. (Diptera: Micropezidae, Taeniapterinae), Zootaxa 4429 (3), pp. 401-458 : 427-429

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Cardiacephala guttata ( Walker, 1852 )


Cardiacephala guttata ( Walker, 1852) View in CoL

( Figs. 40–42 View FIGURES 40–42 )

Musca longipes Fabricius 1787: 348 (preoccupied, Scopoli 1763: 336).

Cardiacephala triluminata Cresson 1930: 330 View in CoL (nom. nov. for Musca longipes).

Calobata guttata Walker 1852: 394 View in CoL .

Cardiacephala guttata ( Walker, 1852) View in CoL , Steyskal 1967: 79.

Description: Body length 9 mm, wing 5 mm. Palpus dark brown. Clypeus dark brown, shiny. First flagellomere dark brown, covered with pale microsetulae. Fronto-orbital plates and frontal vitta dark brown. Paracephalon and epicephalon brown, shiny. Frontal vitta with a dark brown stripe extending to vertex. Row of katepisternal setae brownish, some of them shiny gold. Fore leg dark brown. Mid and hind femora brown, yellowish at apical third. Fore tarsus dark brown with gold/whitish pubescence ventrally at base of tarsomere one. Oviscape dark brown, apex yellow. Epandrium brown.

Head: Palpus broadened basally and gradually tapering to apex. Clypeus short, length less than half of width. Two frontal setae. Inner vertical seta insertion flat, without tubercle. Paracephalon swollen and conical, extending beyond the vertex and without clearly divisions with epicephalon. Vertex flattened. Black supracervical setae sparse, weak.

Thorax: Mesonotum whitish pruinose with sparse pale setulae. Scutellum upturned, triangular. Femora with sparse black setulae. Mid and hind tibia flattened, but sulcus on outer face weak. Wing stigmatal and discal band delimited, apical band darkened with three preapical hyaline rounded spots. Crossvein r-m with small dark spot. R4+5 and M1+2 meeting at the wing margin. A1+CuA2 as long as CuA2. Female cervical sclerite smooth, without swelling.

Abdomen: Tergites with brownish setulae. Female abdomen: Oviscape with sparse pale microsetulae. Single spermathecal duct uniformly thick, ending in a peanut-like cylindrical spermatheca. Paired spermathecal duct divided into a narrow basal half and a broader distal half. Paired spermathecal duct stems thin and smooth on basal third, followed by a small rounded swelling and a small appendix ( Fig. 41 View FIGURES 40–42 ). Paired spermathecae striate and saclike (distally swollen and tapered basally), deeply invaginated from apex to base. Male abdomen: Ejaculatory apodeme about same length as epandrium and with a broad blade, wider than sperm pump ( Fig. 42 View FIGURES 40–42 ). Phallapodeme extending to anterior limit of hypandrium. Distiphallus short, about same length as epandrium. Distiphallus ending in a phallic bulb, phallic bulb subequal in length and width.

Type material: Holotype (1 specimen, abdomen missing, sex unkown, BMNH, not examined): BRAZIL. No information about collector and date.

Material examined: BRAZIL. Paraíba, Forest near Areia, 630 m, 24.I.1981, Ginter Ekis (2 ♀, 3 ♂, CMNH); COLOMBIA. Magdalena, Tayrona Zaino, 50 m, 11º20’1” N 74º2’1” W, 20–29.IX.2000, R. Henriquez. (1 ♀, IAVH); Magdalena, Tayrona Zaino, 50 m, 11º20’1” N 74º2’1” W, 14–30.VIII.2000, R. Henriquez (1 ♀, IAVH); Magdalena, Tayrona Zaino, 50 m, 11º20’1” N 74º2’1” W, 29.V–14.VI.2000, R. Henriquez (1 ♂, IAVH); FRENCH GUIANA. Cayenne, Comm. Regina, Kaw Mt., Relais de Patawa, 4º33’N 52º10’W, 300m, malaise, I.2006, J. A. Cerda (1 ♀, DEBU 00280286); Montsinery, Carrefour Du Gallion, “Emerald Jungle”, Gelbschale, 5–16.XII.2003, M. Kotrba (3 ♀, DEBU); Rorota Wasserspeicher, Nahe Cayenne, 26.XII.2002, M. Kotrba (4 ♀, DEBU); PANAMA. Canal Zone, Summit, XI.1946, N. L. H. Krauss (1 ♂, USNM); TRINIDAD. Saint George Co., Curepe, 10º38’0” N 61º24’0 W, malaise, 1978, F. D. Bennett (1 ♀, DEBU 00151226); Tabaquite, 7.I.1903, H. D. Chipman (2 ♀, CMNH); VENEZUELA. Sucre, Puy-Puy, 32km E Carupano, plantations & 2º forest near beach, sweep, 31.III–2.IV.1988, M. von Tschirnhaus (1 ♀, 1 ♂, DEBU 0 0 256925, DEBU 00256926); Sucre, El Rincón, nr. Road between Carúpano & El Piler, along Rio El Rincón valley, 8–9.IX.1998, M. von Tschirnhaus (1 ♀, DEBU 00256943).

Distribution: Brazil, Colombia, French Guiana, Guiana, Surinam, Panama, Trinidad, Venezuela.

Comments: The holotype abdomen was missing when Steyskal (1967) examined it. C. guttata has a swollen paracephalon with no clear division from the epicephalon, and has a dark apical wing band with three preapical hyaline rounded spots. Illustrations of head, wing and genitalia of this species can also be found in Albuquerque (1989: 21, Figs. 2–8 View FIGURES 2–4 View FIGURES 5–8 ).


The Cleveland Museum of Natural History


Instituto de Ivestigacion de los Recursos Biologicos Alexander von Humboldt


Ontario Insect Collection, University of Guelph


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History
















Cardiacephala guttata ( Walker, 1852 )

Ferro, Gustavo Borges & Marshall, Stephen A. 2018

Cardiacephala guttata ( Walker, 1852 )

Steyskal, G. C. 1967: 79

Cardiacephala triluminata

Cresson, E. T. Jr. 1930: 330

Calobata guttata

Walker, F. 1852: 394
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