Chlorocoris charluzae Thomas, 2024

Thomas, Donald B., 2024, Notes on the tribe Chlorocorini with the description of a new species of Chlorocoris Spinola (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) from Panama, Insecta Mundi 2024 (42), pp. 1-7 : 4-6

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.11450090

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scientific name

Chlorocoris charluzae Thomas

sp. nov.

Chlorocoris charluzae Thomas , new species

Description. Body elongate-oval, dorso-ventrally compressed ( Fig. 3 View Figure 3 ). Color pale yellow (green in life) with a red spot on disc of each corium, a diffuse red trans-humeral band on disc of pronotum, base of scutellum, humeri, anterolateral pronotum and head with narrow red margin. Each connexival segment with round black spot at posterior margin. Scutellum with pale irregular callus from base to apex at midline. Dorsum of humeri with a variable number of black punctations. Abdominal venter, coxae and legs pale yellow, concolorous with dorsum but lacking any black or red markings. Apices of femora obtuse, rounded. Length, from tip of anteclypeus to end of abdominal segment VII, 14–15 mm; width, across humeri, 7–8 mm (measurements from types, females unknown, are almost certainly larger).

Head flat dorsally; lateral margin of paraclypei sinuate in dorsal view, curving towards anteclypeus; anteclypeus and paraclypei subequal in length. Antennae yellow with reddish tinge on basal three segments. Ental side of antennal segment I with a thin, longitudinal dark line. Antennal segments narrowly cylindrical, segment I shortest about half length of V with its apex attaining, or just surpassing, end of paraclypeus; segment III slightly shorter than V; segment IV longest, slightly longer or subequal with segment II. Bucculae posteriorly evanescent; rostrum in repose nearly or just attaining posterior margin of second (first visible) abdominal sternite. Humeri angular but not produced; ostiolar sulcus short, extending about one-fifth distance to metapleural margin. Basal abdominal sternites at midline vaguely sulcate. Spiracles inconspicuous, rims concolorous with surrounding sternite.

Male genital cup (pygophore) opens postero-dorsally, lumen occluded by the large hypandrium, which is bilobate at its apex ( Fig. 4a View Figure 4 ). Ventral margin of pygophore strongly, obtusely carinate; inferior ridge bears a process on each side. Proctiger (segment X) saddle-shaped, without long processes. Parameres ( Fig. 4b View Figure 4 ) elaborately lobate as in other species, with terminus projecting over inferior rim and ectal to pygophoral lumen. Dorsal lobe has a distinctly sclerotized margin; ventral lobe has the margins undulate, but not lamellate nor spiculate as in related species. Phallus (aedeagus) ( Fig. 4c View Figure 4 ) has a thick, cylindrical vesica which is attended at its base by a collar (vesical process); a thecal shield covers dorsal side; conjunctiva obsolete, whereas partly sclerotized and partly membranous thecal processes are present ( Fig. 4d View Figure 4 ).

Holotype. Male, labeled (a): PANAMA: Chiriqui Prov. Santa Clara, Finca Hartmann MVL, 08.88N; 82.73W. 19-VIII-2023. C.M. Arocho & D.B. Thomas. (b) GoogleMaps HOLOTYPE Chlorocoris charluzae Thomas. Deposited United States National Museum, Washington D.C.

Paratypes. (4): One male labeled (a): PANAMA: Chiriqui Prov. Mount Totumas , 18-VIII-2023, 08.89N ; 82.68W, MVL, C.M. Arocho & D.B. Thomas. (b) PARATYPE Chlorocoris charluzae Thomas. Deposited in DB Thomas collection ( DBTC). One male labeled (a): PANAMA: Chiriqui, Boquete , El Velo. 8°49.47N ; 82°29.39W, El. 6547′ 3 June 2019, C. Arocho & D. Thomas. (b) PARATYPE Chlorocoris charluzae Thomas. ( DBTC). One male labeled (a) PANAMA: Prov. Chiriqui: Mt. Totumas cloud forest, 8.883°–82.683° April 24–25, 2019, UV + MV lights at lodge. WB Warner. Deposited J.E. Eger personal collection ( JEE). One male labeled,

PANAMA: Chiriqui, Mt. Totumas Lodge NW Volcan, 1900m elev. 9-13-VIII-2012, Malaise Trap. J.B. Heppner. Deposited Florida State Collection of Arthropods ( FSCA).

Diagnosis. The new species keys to Chlorocoris (Monochrocerus) hebetatus Distant at couplet 6 in Thomas (1985) and is similar in size to that smaller species. The new species has the midline callus only on the scutellum and not the pronotum, as does C. hebetatus . Also, the new species has a thin line on the ental side of antennal segment I, which is absent in C. hebetatus . However, the male genitalia are not at all like that of C. hebetatus , but rather are similar to that of Chlorocoris flaviviridis Barber , differing mainly in the form of the paramere. In C. flaviviridis , the margin of the ventral lobe is spiculate, whereas in the new species the margin is undulate. A larger species (19- 21 mm), C. flaviviridis has a black line or elongated spot at the end of the connexival segments and the rostrum is long, reaching the 3 rd visible abdominal sternite. The geographic separation is also notable with C. flaviviridis and C. hebetatus found in Arizona and northern Mexico. The new species is known only from Chiriqui province, Panama ( Fig. 2 View Figure 2 ).

Etymology. The specific epithet charluzae is a genitive patronym based on the first name of its discoverer, Charluz Marioli Arocho.


Departamento de Biologia de la Universidad del Valle


University of Montana Museum


Department of Bacteriology, University of Wisconsin


Florida State Collection of Arthropods, The Museum of Entomology













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