Macrocheles hallidayi Walter and Krantz, 1986

Dwibadra, Dhian, Takaku, Gen, Ôhara, Masahiro & Ueda, Akira, 2014, Mites of the Family Macrochelidae (Acari: Gamasida) from Sungai Wain, East Kalimantan, Indonesia, Species Diversity 19 (1), pp. 43-57 : 45-46

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Macrocheles hallidayi Walter and Krantz, 1986


Macrocheles hallidayi Walter and Krantz, 1986

Macrocheles hallidayi Walter and Krantz, 1986a: 214–216 , figs 12, 13.

Macrocheles hallidayi: Walter and Krantz 1986b: 289 , fig. 1b; Takaku 1998: 30–36, figs 1–14; Takaku 2001: 501, figs 3, 9; Takaku and Hartini 2001: 325; Hartini and Takaku 2003a: 1264; Hartini et al. 2003: 308; Hartini et al. 2005: 202.

Material examined. SWPF: 1 female, 16 December 2006, ex residue in vial; 1 female, 20 December 2006, ex residue in vial; 2 females, 15 December 2007, ex Onthophagus schwaneri and Catharsius dayacus Lansberge, 1886 ; 1 female, 17 December 2007, ex residue in vial; 1 female, 5 December 2008, ex residue in vial. Km 12: 1 female, 15–20 December 2007, ex O. schwaneri ; Km 18: 39 females, 23 December 2006, ex O. schwaneri , O. liliputanus Lansberge, 1883 , Onthophagus sp., and residue in vials. Km 22: 2 females, 23 December 2006, ex residue in vials. Km 23: 5 females, Imperata cylindrica grassland, 17–22 December 2007, ex residue in vial; 8 females, Acacia mangium plantation, 17–22 December 2007, ex Catharsius renaudpauliani Ochi and Kon, 1996 and O. obscurior Boucomont, 1914 . Km 24: 29 females, 21 December 2006, ex C. dayacus , residue in vials; 7 females, 26 December 2006, ex O. limbatus , residue in vials; 2 females, burned ridge, 14–19 December 2007, ex O. schwaneri and Paragymnopleurus maurus ; 4 females, burned ridge, 6–11 December 2008, ex residue in vial; 16 females, A. mangium plantation, 7–12 December 2008, ex residue in vials; 4 females, I. cylindrica grassland, 7–12 December 2008, ex residue in vials. Km 29: 24 females, 22 December 2006, ex O. cervicapra , O. schwaneri , C. renaudpauliani , and residue in vials. Km 38: 1 female, secondary forest, 16–21 December 2007, ex Onthophagus sp.

Diagnosis. Female. Dorsal shield ornamented with punctate-reticulate pattern and with well developed procurved line; dorsal setae j1 pilose; z1 shorter than j1 and not reaching insertions of j2; j5, j6, z5, z6, and J2 simple; J5 serrate; other dorsal setae sparsely to strongly bipectinate. Sternal shield with strongly punctate margin along l. ang. and with two deeply punctate l. arc., well developed l. m. t., l. o. p., and l. ang.; l. o. p. bifurcate, with distinct a. p. p. and a. pf. Genu IV with 7 pectinate setae.

Habitat. This species has been collected from the scarab beetle genera Aphodius , Catharsius , Copris , Heliocopris , Microcopris , Oniticellus , Onitis , Onthophagus , and Paragymnopleurus .

Distribution. Indonesia (Java, Madura, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Bali, Sulawesi, Lombok, Sumbawa, Flores, and Sumba), Malaysia ( Sarawak), Thailand, Cambodia, Philippines, and India.














Macrocheles hallidayi Walter and Krantz, 1986

Dwibadra, Dhian, Takaku, Gen, Ôhara, Masahiro & Ueda, Akira 2014

Macrocheles hallidayi Walter and Krantz, 1986a: 214–216

Walter, D. E. & Krantz, G. W. 1986: 216

Macrocheles hallidayi: Walter and Krantz 1986b: 289

Hartini, S. & Takaku, G. & Kojima, J. & Katakura, H. 2005: 202
Hartini, S. & Takaku, G. 2003: 1264
Takaku, G. & Hartini, S. 2001: 325
Takaku, G. 1998: 30
Walter, D. E. & Krantz, G. W. 1986: 289
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