Anolis brooksi Barbour 1923

Poe, Steven & Ryan, Mason J., 2017, Description of two new species similar to Anolis insignis (Squamata: Iguanidae) and resurrection of Anolis (Diaphoranolis) brooksi, Amphibian & Reptile Conservation (e 141) 11 (2), pp. 1-16 : 7-9

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.13226641

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scientific name

Anolis brooksi Barbour 1923


Anolis brooksi Barbour 1923 View in CoL

( Figures 2 View Fig , 5‒7 View Fig View Fig View Fig )


MCZ 16297 About MCZ Diaphoranolis brooksi , juvenile female, from Mt. Sapo , Darién, Panama, 2,500 feet elevation;

collected by Thomas Barbour and Winthrop Brooks, in April, 1922.

Examined specimens

Parque Nacional G.D. Omar Torrijos H., Coclé Province, Panama; 8.668, -80.593, 775 m: MSB 79924 View Materials , GoogleMaps MSB 79922 View Materials , GoogleMaps MSB 79923 View Materials , MSB 75647 View Materials , MSB 79925 View Materials . Specimens examined but not scored for quantitative analysis: Cerro Azul, Panamá, Panama : MVUP 2007 View Materials . Mt. Sapo , Darién, Panama : MCZ 16297 About MCZ (holotype) .


Anolis insignis , A. brooksi , and the two species described below are the only Central American Anolis to combine

Poe and Ryan large size (> 120.0 mm SVL), smooth scales on the upper thigh, and short limbs ( Savage and Talbot 1978). Anolis brooksi is diagnosed from the three other insignis - like anole species discussed here by its peach-tan male dewlap ( Fig. 2 View Fig ; orange-red in A. insignis ; white, pale pink with dark streaks, respectively by species, in the other two forms). It further differs from the Southwestern Costa Rican form in its lack of a postorbital blotch (present in the Southwestern Costa Rican form) and its female dewlap color pattern (white or brown with dark streaks; pale pink with dark streaks in the Southwestern Costa Rica form); from the Fortuna form in its prominent postcloacal scales in males (obscure in the Fortuna form) and its female dewlap color pattern (white or brown with dark streaks; patternless white in the Fortuna form); from A. insignis in some scale counts ( Table 1; e.g., fewer postrostrals) and details of color pattern ( Savage and Talbot 1978; e.g., presences of narrow black lines dorsally).

Description (measurements in mm) Snout–vent length to 176.0 mm male, 134.0 mm female; head length-SVL ratio 0.24–0.26, head width-SVL ratio 0.14–0.16; ear height-SVL ratio 0.023 –0.028; femoral length-SVL ratio 0.24–0.25; tail length-SVL ratio 1.9– 2.1. Dorsal head scales mostly smooth; frontal depression present, anterior half of snout raised in two faint parallel rows; rostral overlaps mental anteriorly; lateral edges of mental extend farther posteriorly than rostral; 10–11 scales across snout between second canthals; 3–4 scales between supraorbital semicircles; 2–4 scales separating interparietal and supraorbital semicircles; suboculars in contact with supralabials; 5–6 loreal rows; no elongate superciliaries, first superciliary is approximately equal in size to first canthal; row of small scales following canthals along edge of orbit; circumnasal scale separated from rostral by 1–2 scales; interparietal lengthSVL ratio 0.014 –0.015 (or absent); 7–9 supralabials to center of eye; 5–7 postmentals; 6–7 postrostrals; some enlarged scales present in supraocular disc (or all scales approximately equal), decreasing gradually in size; mental partially divided posteriorly, extending posterolaterally beyond rostral, with posterior border straight or in convex or concave arc; 1–2 keeled enlarged sublabials.

Dewlap reaches well posterior to axillae in males and females; dewlap scales in rows of multiple scales in both sexes; no axillary pocket; distinct, abruptly enlarged postcloacal scales present in males; dorsal scales smooth; zero enlarged middorsal rows, 11–12 longitudinal rows in 5% of SVL; pair of middorsal scale rows raised in largest specimen; nuchal crest present with slightly enlarged triangular middorsal scales; ventral scales in transverse rows, smooth, 8–9 scales in 5% of SVL; supradigitals multicarinate; toepads expanded; 25–28 lamellae under third and fourth phalanges of fourth toe; thigh scales smooth dorsally and ventrally, unicarinate anteriorly and multicarinate at knee; tail with a double row of middorsal scales.

Color pattern in life

Adult males from El Copé (MSB 75647) and Cerro Azul (MVUP 2007) appeared mainly tan dorsally, with diffuse banding of white, black, green, peach, and dark brown. The limbs and digits were banded with narrow double lines of black or dark green. The tail was patterned with distinct black and greenish bands. The dewlap was solid peach-tan. An adult female (MSB 79925) appeared similar to the males but possessed scant green dorsally, with a white dewlap with prominent dark streaking. A dark shoulder blotch is evident in individuals in some of our photos of adults, but not in others. The iris is red. The throat is light and the tongue appeared peach in an El Copé specimen but yellow in the specimen from Cerro Azul. Males from Cerro Azul and Santa Fé had dewlaps similar to the El Copé specimen, but slightly paler ( Fig. 7 View Fig ). An uncollected specimen from Isla Escudo de Veraguas, Bocas del Toro, that we tentatively allocate to this species had a dewlap similar to those figured here but with a brighter, slightly orange-yellow tint. An adult female dewlap figured by Lotzkat et al. (2013) was light brown with dark streaks.

Distribution and habitat

We collected Anolis brooksi in El Copé and Cerro Azul sleeping at night on saplings and tree branches from three to five meters above the ground. Specimens were collected in dense secondary forest (El Copé) and in dis- turbed habitat (Cerro Azul). Photographic evidence of male dewlap color pattern indicates the species is present at Santa Fé, Veraguas (see below) and, potentially, Isla de Escudo, Bocas del Toro (pers. obs.). Thus, A. brooksi appears to occur from sea level to 970 m from Darién north to Bocas del Toro.











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