Erythroplatys boliviensis, Clarke, 2012

Clarke, Robin O. S., 2012, Bolivian Rhinotragini V: New Species Of Erythroplatys White, 1855, Rhinotragus Germar, 1824, Ornistomus Thomson, 1864, And Aechmutes Bates, 1867 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae), Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia 52 (5), pp. 55-79 : 56-59

publication ID 10.1590/S0031-10492012000500001

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scientific name

Erythroplatys boliviensis

sp. nov.

Erythroplatys boliviensis View in CoL sp. nov.

Figs. 1A, 1B View FIGURES 1‑2

Holotype male: 15.15 mm. Deposited at MNKM.

Diagnosis: Colour distribution (elytra black with orange to yellow spots) in E. boliviensis is similar to that of Erythoplatys corallifer White, 1855 and Erythroplatys rugosus (Lucas, 1857) , but very different from the other two species of the genus, as outlined under the description of Erythroplatys simulator Gounelle, 1911 .

In E. boliviensis the black fascia to the sides of pronotal disc are distinct and complete (reaching from front to basal margin), in E. corallifer rather indistinct, and falling well short of basal margin. In all three species part of the apical third of the sutural border of the elytra is yellowish; the position of this mark relative to the apical pair of spots on the elytral surface is diagnostic. In E. boliviensis the sutural mark lies opposite the pair of pre-apical spots, and falls well short of the apical pair. In E. rugosus the sutural mark is situated more posteriorly, between, and almost joining, both pairs of apical spots. In E. corallifer this sutural mark is more elongate, and less discrete than it is in the other two species, encroaching on to middle third of elytra, and extending as far as the apical spots. Moreover, in E. corallifer the sutural border is yellowish behind the scutellum, not so in the other two species.

Description of holotype: colour opaque scarlet, the following black: apex of mandible; antenna; two small, transverse fascia just behind superior lobes of eyes; pronotum with broad fascia to either side of midline (complete from apical to basal margins, united at apex, diverging to base); scutellum; and elytra. Each elytron with the following discrete, orange or yellow spots: one oblique and obovate between scutellum and humerus (this one constant in size and shape, those that follow variable); two subcircular ones centred on middle (one lateral, and one behind, centred on disc, the two always discrete); two on apical third (one lateral, one behind and centred on disc, discrete or joined to the other by narrow extension); and opposite the former, sutural border yellow (this mark is short to very short); and apical margin of elytron narrowly orange.

General pubescence: Upperside almost glabrous, except an oval patch of microscopic, setiferous punctures (the hairs white and recumbent) present on sides of pronotum. Underside with similar pubescence on the following: prosternum and mesosternum (including their processes); mesepimera; narrow patch on hind angles of urosternites I-IV. The following with moderately sparse, setose punctures (the hairs suberect and longer than the dense pubescence referred to above): orange hairs (when viewed laterally) on mentum-submentum; sides of pronotum; sides of metasternum; metepisternum; and abdomen (one transverse row of isolated hairs on urosternites I-IV, and apex of urosternite V). Scape, pedicel and antennomeres III to apex of VII with thick, orange setae ventrally. Legs generally covered with reddish setae, sparser on femora, denser on meso- and metatibia; dense and golden on protibia and tarsal pads.

Surface ornamentation: the puncturation dense and heavy on upperparts, as follows: on head confused, smaller and contiguous, semi-alveolate punctures, permeated by confused micro-carinas on frons (these larger, longer, and longitudinal at middle), on vertex separated by smooth, elongate carinae; on pronotum (only midline smooth and impunctate) large and semi-alveolate, becoming less dense laterally, not carinate; similarly, on entire surface of elytra, the punctures contiguous and alveolate, larger and rounder along line of evanescent humero-apical costae, smaller towards suture and sides, and on apical half becoming more confluent and scabrous. On the underside as follows: area of mentum-submentum multicarinate, with small individual punctures and rows of contiguous ones; pro- and mesosternal surfaces shagreened with isolated, small, shallow, rounded punctures; sides of metasternum, and most of metepisternum similar to preceding, but surface smooth (at centre of metasternum and base of metepisternum punctures mixed with larger ones, and denser); on abdomen very sparse and smaller, denser along midline, and very dense at centre of urosternite V.

Structure: moderately large and broad; elytra dilat- ed towards rounded apex; abdomen and forebody equal in length. Head with eyes (2.5 mm), distinctly narrower than width of prothorax. Rostrum long (1.00 mm), slightly wider at base, and weakly sinuate at middle. Labrum moderately large, projecting, rectangular (with slightly rounded sides and narrowly emarginate apex); nearly twice as wide as long; almost impunctate. Clypeus planar with frons at middle; laterally feebly declivous; only impunctate adjacent to apical margin. Eyes small; length of inferior lobes (0.65 mm) about two-thirds as long as genae; their proximal margins just lying on frons, distal margins oblique; width of one inferior lobe 0.85 times interocular space (1,00 mm). Superior lobes of eye with 13-15 rows of fine ommatidia, separated by (0.80 mm) about three times their own width. Antennal tubercles with rounded apices (but obtusely angled posteriorly); the distance between them more than twice width of scape. Antennae short, just passing apex of metepisterna; antennomeres moderately robust; V-X weakly serrate, the apical angles right-angled; scape subpyriform, as long as antennomere III; pedicel oval (0.25 mm); III cylindrical, longer (1.15 mm) than rest; IV short (0.55 mm); V-VII (0.65 mm) and VIII-IX (0.6 mm) equal; X (0.5 mm); XI (0.7 mm) relatively wide, with notch partially separating apical cone. Prothorax transverse, 1.18 wider than long (2.75 mm); sides irregular in profile, slightly sinuate to summit of anterior lateral callus (where prothorax is widest, just in front of middle), deeply sinuate to posterior lateral callus (on basal third), and sinuate to hind angle (which is almost right-angled); front margin narrower (2.2 mm) and more prominently bordered than hind margin (3.00 mm); apical constriction distinct (but not strong), basal constriction with deep narrow fovea laterally, narrow at sides, abruptly declivous with disc of pronotum. Pronotum irregularly convex; the following callose: midline (incrementally broader and more strongly elevated from basal constriction towards apex); three pairs of calli, each callus at some distance to either side of midline: anterior calli originating just behind front margin towards sides of disc (each one low, curved and triangular, anteriorly smooth, posteriorly granulate); median calli situated within the bounds of the black fascia, with its centre at apical third (each one low, round, and heavily punctured); posterior calli lying obliquely towards hind angles of pronotum (ovate, abruptly separated from hind edge of anterior lateral callus by deep sulcus, from centre of disc by moderate inclination, and posteriorly by basal constriction, which it slightly overhangs). Prosternum with front margin slightly prominent, then almost flat to middle of apex of prosternal process; the latter with raised sides, base short and moderately broad (0.45 mm), about half width of procoxal cavity; apex subtriangular, broad for basal half, for apical half upturned and strongly diverging into two narrow lobes (which touch apex of postcoxal process, just closing procoxal cavity behind); procoxal cavity ovate, and closed at sides. Mesosternum deeply and abruptly declivous. Base of mesosternal process strongly raised, rectangular (with tubercles surmounting basal angles), moderately broad (0.75 mm), narrower than coxal cavity (1.20 mm); apex of mesosternal process up-turned, bilobed (separated by short notch), the lobes divergent and overlapping inner margin of coxal cavities. Mesocoxal cavity narrowly open to mesepimeron; the latter rather narrow, hardly constricted at middle, depressed at midline. Scutellum short, rounded (slightly transverse), and slightly depressed at middle. Elytra 2.5 longer than width of humeri, reaching middle of urosternite V, broad, completely hiding sterna, and not dehiscent; sides parallel for basal third, distinctly widened for middle third, and for apical third round- ed and contracted to apex; apices broadly rounded, unarmed, not gaping, but modestly separated. Surface of elytron somewhat irregular, obliquely bisected (almost to apex) by change in curvature along line of obsolete humero-apical costa; mesally flattened and slightly depressed across middle; laterally strongly declivous to epipleuron for basal third, incrementally less declivous and more explanate towards apex. Humeri well demarcated, but rounded, weakly prominent, and not projecting. Sides of metathorax slightly sinuate, apical margin slightly oblique. Metasternum large, convex, slightly more so behind (and planar with mesocoxae); longitudinal suture almost complete (albeit very shallow and narrow to front, deep and broad behind); metasternal process broad and rather short, with thick, raised borders at apex, the latter acuminate. Metepisternum wide, widest at base, and moderately narrowed to apex. Abdomen robust, broad, and somewhat depressed, widest at base, gradually tapering to apex. All urosternites strongly transverse, with almost straight, slightly converging sides; length of urosternites II and III (1.15 mm) and IV and V (1.00 mm) equal; V trapezoidal, flattened on disc (more deeply at middle of apex), apical margin truncate. Abdominal process planar with abdomen, triangular, sides raised, intimately inserted between metacoxae; apex yellow in colour. Apical tergite trapezoidal, apex broadly and slightly rounded, and slightly overlapping apex of urosternite V. Legs short; ratio length front, middle, and hind leg 1.0:1.4:1.5; strongly pedunculate-clavate; peduncles moderately robust, claves robust; mesofemora longer (4.5 mm) than metafemora (4.2 mm). Profemoral peduncle very short (about one tenth length of clave); protibia (2.85 mm) nearly as long as profemur (3.00 mm), lateral side obliquely excised at apex, and apical margin raised at middle; protarsomere I quadrate, II transverse, III quadrate (the lobes narrow and well separat- ed, mesal lobe longer than lateral one). Mesofemoral peduncle curved and flattened latero-mesally, about half as long as clave; clave abrupt and more tumid mesally. Mesotibia (3.2 mm) much shorter than mesofemur, subcylindrical, curved, and steadily thickened to apex. Mesotarsus longer (3.5 mm) than mesotibia. Hind leg moderately long (11.6 mm); femoral peduncle cylindrical, about half as long as clave; femoral clave abrupt and tumid laterally; metatibia (3.70 mm) shorter than metafemur, hardly flattened, slightly curved, gradually, but not much thickened to apex; metatarsus as long as metatibia; metatarsomere I hardly elongate (widening slightly to apex, apical angles marked by prominent setiferous puncture); II trapezoidal and quadrate, III quadrate (but not widened, the lobes rather elongate and widely separated); I two-thirds length of II + III (1.2 mm).

Variation in males: among the six male paratypes colour variation appears to be negligible (but note elytral spots may be brownish, and in one male elytra broadly brownish across middle); sides of rostrum parallel in one paratype; ratio width of inferior lobe to width of interocular space variable (0.85-0.91); the depression across middle of elytra is less apparent in one male, stronger in two; apices of elytra may be rounded (as in E. corallifer ) to moderately truncate (as in E. rugosus ); and in one male apex of sutural border prolonged into blunt tooth.

Description of female ( Fig. 1B View FIGURES 1‑2 ): the single female examined shows no significant differences of colour or surface ornamentation from the male (including lack of sexual puncturation).

Structure: most structural differences limited to sexually dimorphic ones usual in species of this tribe. Large and broad; abdomen one third longer than forebody. Head with eyes (2.5 mm) distinctly narrower than width of prothorax; rostrum long (1.25 mm), widest at base, and sides not sinuate; eyes small; inferior lobes (0.80 mm) about two-thirds as long as genae, their proximal margins reaching sides of genae; well separated, width of one inferior lobe 1.80 times interocular space (1.35 mm). Antennae just reaching apex of metepisterna; antennomeres V-X less serrate than in male, the apical angles rounded; scape slightly longer (1.35 mm) than antennomere III (1.25 mm); V-VI equal (0.75 mm); VII shorter (0.60 mm). Prothorax 1.3 wider than long, slightly more transverse than in male. Prosternum flatter than in male, and apex of prosternal process more triangular (lobes less narrow). Mesosternal process almost planar with mesocoxae (in male, although the process is salient, the mesocoxae are more prominent); base of process broad (1.00 mm), almost as wide as mesocoxal cavity (1.25 mm); apical lobes separated by broad emargination. Scutellum oval and flat. Elytra show few differences from male; 2.3 longer than width of humeri; slightly more dilated behind; narrowly gape from middle to apex. Sides of metathorax not sinuate; apical margin more oblique than in male. Metasternum larger and flatter. Abdomen very similar to male, more robust, broader, segments incrementally shorter to apex; but urosternite V shows little difference. Apical tergite trapezoidal, apex more acuminate, about 2.5 narrower than base (in male about half as wide as base). Legs similar to male, but shorter; ratio length front to hind leg 1.0:1.2:1.4; mesofemora shorter than metafemora; protibia slightly longer than profemur; metatarsus distinctly shorter than metatibia).

Measurements (mm): 6 males / 1 female: total length, 14.00-15.85/20.40; length of pronotum, 2.50-3.00/3.20; width of pronotum, 3.00-3.40/4.20; length of elytra, 8.50-10.00/11.65; width at humeri, 3.60-4.35/5.00.

Type material: Holotype male, BOLIVIA, Santa Cruz, Hotel Flora & Fauna, 5 km SSE of Buena Vista , 17°29’96”S/ 63°39’13”W, 430 m, 12.XI.2005, flying to/on flowers of “Sama blanca”, Clarke & Zamalloa col. ( MNKM).

Paratypes with same data as holotype : 2 males, 25.XI.2005 ( RCSZ) ; 1 male 25.XI.2005 ( MZUSP) ; 1 male, 26.XI.2005 ( RCSZ) ; 1 male, 01.XII.2005 ( MNRJ) .

Paratype with same data as holotype, different host flower : 1 female, 27.X.2006 flying to/on flowers of “Sama blanca chica” ( RCSZ) ; 1 male, 16-30.XI.2002 ( ACMT) ; 1 male, 26.XI.2005 ( ACMT) .

Discussion: Monné & Fragoso (1990) discussed the subtle distinction between Rhinotragus Germar, 1824 and Erythroplatys White, 1855 ; and provided a generic description of the latter. Erythroplatys boliviensis sp. nov. conforms to this description in all respects; confirming its placement in this genus to be correct.

Monné & Hovore (2006) record E. corallifer from Brazil (Pará and Goiás) and Bolivia; and Wappes et al. (2006) include this species in the Bolivian list. All records of E. corallifer in Bolivia are almost certainly referable to E. boliviensis sp. nov., since all the specimens were collected in the same locality (near Buena Vista).

Apart from the differences between E. boliviensis and E. corallifer set down in the diagnosis, the following may be added; in E. boliviensis prothorax of both sexes strongly convex, but not tumid (as it is in females of E. corallifer ); pronotal calli distinctly to strongly raised (less so in E. corallifer ); basal third of elytra more parallel-sided, in consequence apical half of elytra more abruptly widened (basal third of elytra slightly diverging, and apical half less abruptly widened in E. corallifer ); basal spots of elytra obovate (irregular in E. corallifer ).

Etymology: Latin, boliviensis , meaning from Bolivia.


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