Pilaria Sintenis, 1889

Podenas, Sigitas & Byun, Sun-Jae Park and Hye-Woo, 2022, New record of Pilaria crane flies (Diptera: Limoniidae) from Korea, Journal of Species Research 11 (1), pp. 38-46 : 40-41

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.12651/JSR.2022.11.1.038

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scientific name

Pilaria Sintenis, 1889


Pilaria Sintenis, 1889 View in CoL

Pilaria Sintenis 1889: 398 View in CoL . - Ishida 1959: 2 (in key). - Alexander 1948: 523, 524, fig. 10. - Savchenko, Krivolutskaya 1976: 57 (in key), 70. - Savchenko 1983: 49 (in key), 61; 1986: 326-331, figs. 167-171; 1989: 108-109, figs. 35.3, 53, 54.

Limnophila (Eulimnophila) Alexander 1919: 917 (in key).

Limnophila (Pilaria) Edwards 1938: 63 (in key), 87, text figs. 12a, 13c, 14d, Pl. III figs. 11, 21.

Type species - Limnophila pilicornis Zetterstedt, 1851 ( = meridiana ( Staeger, 1840)) (Holarctic) .


Medium-sized crane flies with body length 7.0- 11.5 mm, wing length 7.5 mm to 9.0 mm. General body coloration from brownish yellow to brown and dark brown.

Head: Rounded posteriorly without neck-like extension. Eyes widely separated in both sexes, width of vertex approximately equals length of both basal antennomeres taken together. Male antenna long, reaching from base of wing to middle of abdomen, if bent backwards, female antenna shorter. If antenna shorter, then length of verticils up to four times that of respective segments, but if longer, then verticils missing and flagellomeres covered with dense erect whitish pubescence. Scape short, subequal to pedicel. Flagellum 14-segmented, flagellomeres elongate, nearly cylindrical. Rostrum short.

Thorax: Frontal margin of pronotum with wide but shallow emargination. Prescutum with small tubercular pits at frontal margin, pseudosutural fovea large and distinct, closer to anterior margin of sclerite, longitudinal stripes on prescutum and presutural scutum missing. Pleuron uniformly colored, often distinctly lighter than dorsum, katepisternum setoseless. Meron small, thus middle and posterior coxae close together. Wing ( Figs. 1B View Fig , 2A View Fig ) long and narrow, iridescent, brownish or yellowish, patternless or with darker areas surrounding cross-veins, stigmal area covered with macrotrichiae. Arculus present. Vein Sc long, reaching wing margin before branching point of Rs, sc-r close to the tip of Sc. R 1 elongate, R 3 and R 4 strongly diverging, R 2 at branching point of R 3 and R 4 or short distance on R 3 . Cell r 3 with long stem, that approximately equals to length of R 3 . Cell m 1 usually present and has long stem which is close to the half length of cell itself, but cell m 1 missing in type species. Discal cell elongate. Cross-vein m-cu close to the middle of discal cell. Vein CuP and anal vein diverging, both slightly arched before wing margin. Anal vein reaching wing margin beyond the level of Rs base. Anal cell long and narrow with widely rounded posterior margin. Calypter with few long setae. Halter long. Legs with well developed tibial spurs, single on fore, paired on middle and posterior leg. Claw simple, without spines. Arolium long and slender, reaching to about middle of claw.

Abdomen: Abdominal tergites without paired transverse sutures. Male terminalia approximately as wide as rest of the abdomen, slightly elongate. Ninth segment fused into complete genital ring. Ninth tergite shallowly emarginate at posterior margin, gonocoxite elongate, simple, without additional lobes. Two pairs of terminal gonostyli. Outer gonostylus long and narrow, strongly sclerotized, claw-shaped, inner gonostylus elongate, fleshy and setose. Interbase elongate, extended posteriorly, curved frontally. Aedeagus distinctly differs among species, straight, or strongly curved, seminal vesicle varies from very small to large. Ovipositor long with long and narrow cerci and hypovalvae.

Last instar larva.

Body: Covered with very short yellowish setae, which gives body a golden color.

Head capsule: Elongate oval in shape, depressed dorsoventrally and much reduced, especially on ventral side. Clypeolabrum large, as long as wide, pale, not sclerotized, square-shaped. Frons separated from clypeolabrum, sclerotized, fused into spatulate plate, widest posteriorly. Basal segment of antenna short, apical papilla elongated. Mandible two segmented with joint near mid-length. Maxilla elongated, slightly narrowing toward tip with apical part directed outward. Cardo reduced. Hypopharyngeal part of head capsule membranous. Posterior part of head capsule consists of one pair of rod-shaped internolateralia which are fused with frons and two pairs of rod-shaped externolateralia which are joined by membrane.

Terminal segment: Last abdominal segment (anal) constricted; penultimate abdominal segment inflated. Four cushions of long stout setae on posterior margin of sternite of penultimate segment, equidistant from each other. Spiracular field surrounded by four flattened elongate and sclerotized lateral and ventral lobes, dorsal lobe vestigial. Pigmentation of ventral lobe discontinuous, with transverse striations, coloration more continuous toward apex or reduced to narrow line. Spiracular field entirely fringed with setae. Apical setae of lobes more or less similar in length to other marginal setae. Spiracles large and circular. Anus surrounded by four short, oval-shaped white and fleshy anal papillae ( Gelhaus and Podeniene, 2019).


Body: Coloration brown.

Head and thorax much darker than the abdomen, pronotal horns light brown. Cephalic crest consists of several lobes. Pronotal horn elongate, tip split into flattened lobes. Abdominal segments II- VII with three or four pais of naked tubercles. Terminal segment of male pupa blunt and narrow, that of female elongate ( Alexander, 1920).

Check list of Korean Pilaria crane flies

Pilaria melanota Alexander, 1922

Pilaria simulans Savchenko, 1983

Key to Korean species of the genus Pilaria Sintenis View in CoL

1. Dorsum of thorax dark brown to black. Wing stigma present. Seminal vesicle of male terminalia elongate ···· ································ Pilaria melanota Alexander, 1922 View in CoL

- Dorsum of thorax light brown to brownish yellow. Wing stigma missing. Seminal vesicle of male terminalia globular ············· Pilaria simulans Savchenko, 1983 View in CoL












Pilaria Sintenis, 1889

Podenas, Sigitas & Byun, Sun-Jae Park and Hye-Woo 2022

Limnophila (Pilaria)

Edwards, F. W. 1938: 63

Limnophila (Eulimnophila)

Alexander, C. P. 1919: 917


Savchenko, E. N. 1983: 49
Savchenko, E. N. & G. O. Krivolutskaya 1976: 57
Ishida, H. 1959: 2
Sintenis, F. 1889: 398
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