Neopetrosia subtriangularis (Duchassaing, 1850)

Ugalde, Diana, Fernandez, Julio C. C., Gómez, Patricia, Lôbo-Hajdu, Gisele & Simões, Nuno, 2021, An update on the diversity of marine sponges in the southern Gulf of Mexico coral reefs, Zootaxa 5031 (1), pp. 1-112 : 41-42

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scientific name

Neopetrosia subtriangularis (Duchassaing, 1850)


Neopetrosia subtriangularis (Duchassaing, 1850)

Tables 6, 7; Figs. 34A–C View FIGURE 34 , 45C View FIGURE 45

Synonymy and references: Spongia subtriangularis Duchassaing (1850: 26) , and de Laubenfels (1936: 43); Thalysias subtriangularis Duchassaing & Michelotti (1864: 85) , and van Soest et al. (1983: 199); Thalysias subtriangularis var. cylindrica Duchassaing & Michelotti (1864: 85) , and van Soest et al (1983: 199); Schmidtia aulopora Schmidt (1870: 44) ; Pachychalina rugosa Arndt (1927: 154) ; Pachychalina rugosa var. rubens Arndt (1927: 54) , and van Soest (1980: 72); Neopetrosia longleyi de Laubenfels (1953: 519) ; de Laubenfels (1954: 83), Green (1977: 88); Haliclona doria de Laubenfels (1936: 458) , Green (1977: 86), Díaz et al. (1985: 53), and Hechtel (1965: 18); Haliclona longleyi de Laubenfels (1932: 37) , de Laubenfels (1936: 44), and de Laubenfels (1949: 10); Haliclona subtriangularis de Laubenfels (1936: 43) ; Xestospongia subtriangularis: Green et al. (1986: 137) , Gómez (2002: 89), see references compiled in Muricy et al. (2011: 107); Neopetrosia subtriangularis, Muricy et al. (2011: 107) , and van Soest (2017: 36) ―other references therein.

Type locality. St. Thomas .

Material examined. CNPGG-2413, Isla Verde reef (19.19844°N, - 96.06863°W), 8 m depth, coll. Diana Ugal- de, 28 August 2018 GoogleMaps ; CNPGG-2435, Cabezo reef (19.05086°N, - 95.82388°W), 9 m depth, coll. Diana Ugalde, 30 August 2018 GoogleMaps .

Distribution. Mexico ( Green 1977 as Haliclona doria ; Gómez 2002, 2007 as Xestospongia subtriangularis ; Maas-Vargas 2004; González-Gándara et al. 2009; current records), the Bahamas, US (Florida), other countries in the Caribbean Sea, Brazil ( van Soest 2017).

Remarks. Neopetrosia subtriangularis , is a common and widespread sponge at Veracruz Reefs Systems ( Green 1977; Gómez 2007; González-Gándara et al. 2009). It is also reported in the northern GoM ( Rützler et al. 2009).

Genus Petrosia Vosmaer, 1885

Subgenus Petrosia (Petrosia) Vosmaer, 1885

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