Iorio, Osvaldo Di & Turienzo, Paola, 2011, Insects found in birds’ nests from the Neotropical Region: addenda, corrections, and the Subantarctic Region of Argentina and adjacent countries 2950, Zootaxa 2950 (1), pp. 1-108 : 29-38

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.2950.1.1

persistent identifier


treatment provided by


scientific name



HEMIPTERA View in CoL View at ENA

Reduviidae : Triatominae

Psammolestes coreodes (Bergroth, 1911)

[ ARGENTINA]: ( Martínez et al. 1985, following Lent & Wygodzinsky 1979).

Phacellodomus sp.


Scarabaeidae : Aphodiinae

Martineziella excavaticollis (Blanchard, 1843)

= Euparia excavaticollis: Bucher 1974 :

ARGENTINA: Tucumán: Cañete, “La Soledad,” in nests ( Bucher 1974).

Note: Materials of Bucher (1974) are supposely deposited in the collection FIML, apparently identified by M.J. Viana. “ Euparia excavaticollis (Blanch.) ,” effectively identified by Viana, was also found in nests of Iridomyrmex humilis Mayr, 1868 [ Hymenoptera : Formicidae ] ( Viana & Williner 1981), presumably from Córdoba at El Sauce, Los Molinos, La Falda, and Cabana ( Viana & Williner 1981). The species was also cited from Catamarca, Tucumán, Santiago del Estero, Córdoba, and Buenos Aires ( Viana & Williner 1981, following Bruch). According to Chalumeau (1983), Myrmecaphodius excavaticollis , auctorum nec Blanchard, 1843, represents a new species named Martinezia dutertrei Chalumeau, 1983 , distributed across the USA, CUBA, BRAZIL, PARAGUAY, ARGENTINA [Salta: Tartagal, XI-1923, Harrington leg.; Chaco: “Resistencia Plaza,” XI-1945, Martinez leg., coll. Martínez; Buenos Aires: San Fernando, I-1956, I-1965, XI-1961, Daguerre leg.], and CHILE. The true Martinezia excavaticollis (Blanchard, 1843) [= Oxyomus excavaticollis Blanchard, 1843 . Voy. Amer. Mér., 6(2): 184] is distributed across BRAZIL, BOLIVIA, PARAGUAY, and ARGENTINA [Salta: I-1959, P. Dor. leg., coll. J. Daguerre 1968; Rosario de la Frontera, XII-1950, Daguerre leg.; General Ballivian, 1927, coll. G.L. Harrington; Corrientes: “ Province de Corrientes d'Orbigny 1834,” “TYPE,” “G. 29,” “5 62834” [circular label written downwards], “9,” “ excavati co llis BI.” [green label], “ Martinezia excavaticollis (BI.) Dés. F. Chalumeau' 80,” “ Holotype ” [pink label], MHNP] ( Chalumeau 1983). Chalumeau (1986) proposes Martineziella Chalumeau, 1986 as an objective replacement name for the preoccupied genus Martinezia Chalumeau, 1983 [non Bolivar, 1881], including Martineziella dutertrei Chalumeau, 1983 and Martineziella excavaticollis (Blanchard,1843) , among other species. As Martineziella was also preoccupied, it was later replaced by Martineziana nom. nov. ( Chalumeau & Özdikmen 2006). According to Wojcik (1990), M. dutertrei is a myrmecophilous species found in the United States with the ants Solenopsis geminata and Solenopsis xyloni (native species from the USA), and Solenopsis invicta and Solenopsis richteri (introduced in the USA), probably introduced in North America with one or more of the imported ant hosts. With this antecedent, there are the following posibilities: 1) the taxon given by Bucher (1974) corresponds to M. dutertrei , not being a strict myrmecophile because it was found also in a bird’s nest; 2) the identification as M. excavaticollis of the taxon given by Bucher (1974) is correct, and this species is up until now only found in birds’ nests; 3) the excavaticollis of Viana & Williner (1981) belongs to M. dutertrei , and M. dutertrei is a strict myrmecophile.

Phacellodomus sp.

= “colgaditos”: Blaksley & Carcavallo 1968.

= “colgadito”: Martínez & Cichero 1972.

= “nidos de aves de la Familia Furnariidae ”: Bar et al. 1986: 14, Figure 1.

= Phascellodomus sp.: Martínez et al. 1985.

Note: The fig. 1 given by Bar et al. (1986) shows two superimposed nests of Phacellodomus in one tree branch. HEMIPTERA

Reduviidae : Triatominae

Psammolestes coreodes (Bergroth, 1911)

ARGENTINA: Córdoba ( Blaksley & Carcavallo 1968, following Cichero, Martínez & Cichero 1972).

Triatoma delpontei Romaña & Abalos, 1947

URUGUAY ( Martínez et al. 1985, following Lent & Wygodzinsky 1979).

Triatoma platensis Neiva, 1913

ARGENTINA: Corrientes ( Bar et al. 1986: 14, figure 1).

Phacellodomus spp.

HEMIPTERA : Pentatomidae

Chinavia musiva (Berg, 1878)

ARGENTINA: Corrientes: Dto. Paso de los Libres ( Quintanilla et al. 1975 -1976); Entre Ríos: Dtos. Concepción del Uruguay, Gualeguaychú, La Paz, Paraná, Tala, Villaguay , several specimens found inside the nests during winter, identified by A.A. Pirán ( Quintanilla et al. 1968).

Note: Found also inside the nests of A. annumbi , but the nests were not discriminated by provinces and/or provincial departments.

Phacellodomus striaticollis [ striaticollis (D’Orbigny & Lafresnaye, 1838) ]

DIPTERA : Muscidae

Philornis torquans ( Nielsen, 1913) View in CoL

= Philornis sp. : Manzoli et al. 2008.

= Philornis spp. : Antoniazzi et al. 2008, Saravia Pietropaolo et al. 2008.

ARGENTINA: Santa Fe: Espinal forest, near Esperanza, 2006-2007, 2007-2008 ( Manzoli et al. 2008); Esperanza, Reserva de la Escuela de Agricultura, Ganadería y Granja], one of four preferential hosts ( Antoniazzi et al. 2008); Santa Fe ( Saravia Pietropaolo et al. 2008, included in “tres especies de Phacellodomus ”); Reserva de la Escuela de Agricultura, Ganadería y Granja (31º 23’ S, 60º 55’ W), late III-2008, Antoniazzi leg., 1 adult [ MNRJ], # SF00061, found in nest ( Couri et al. 2009); 31º 23’ 08’’ S, 60º 55’ 00’’ W, IX-2006 to III-2007 and IX-2007 to III-2008, 41.7 % infested from 4 examined nestlings in 75 % infested from 4 examined nests; maximal intensity 21 larvae /nestling ( Antoniazzi et al. 2010).

Pseudoseisura cristata (Spix, 1824)


Reduviidae : Triatominae

Rhodnius neglectus Lent, 1954

[ BRAZIL Bahía: northern part of Curaçá] ( Gurgel-Gonçalves & Cuba Cuba 2009, following Emperaire & Romaña 2006).

Pseudoseisura lophotes [argentina Parkes, 1960]

= Pseudoseisura lophotes Reichenbach : Ceballos et al. 2009.

DIPTERA : Muscidae

Philornis pici ( Macquart, 1853) View in CoL

= Philornis View in CoL maggots: Proudfoot et al. 2006.

[ ARGENTINA: Córdoba] ( Dudaniec & Kleindorfer 2006, following Nores 1995); ( Proudfoot et al. 2006, following Nores 1995).

Philornis seguyi García, 1952 View in CoL

= Philornis View in CoL maggots: Proudfoot et al. 2006.

[ ARGENTINA: Córdoba] ( Dudaniec & Kleindorfer 2006, following Nores 1995); ( Proudfoot et al. 2006, following Nores 1995).

Philornis torquans Nielsen, 1913 View in CoL

= Philornis sp. : De la Peña 2005.

[ ARGENTINA] ( De la Peña 2005); Santa Fe: 31º 23’ 08’’ S, 60º 55’ 00’’ W, IX-2006 to III-2007 and IX-2007 to III- 2008, 14.3 % infested from 7 examined nestlings in 33.3 % infested from 3 examined nests; maximal intensity 1 larva / nestling ( Antoniazzi et al. 2010).

Note: Apparently specimens reared from P. lophotes were not sent to M. Couri for identification. According to Antoniazzi et al. (2010), “previous collections from the same area (De la Peña et al. 2004) and a subsample of the parasites submitted to M. Couri … suggest that the dominant species in this community is Philornis torquans (all the specimens collected in the area so far belonged to Phi. torquans ),” “the predominant (probably only) species in our system.” Because P. seguyi was reared in the same locality from other Furnariidae , Certhiaxis cinnamomea ( Couri et al. 2009) ,identification of P. torquans given by Antoniazzi et al. (2010) needs a further corroboration.



Psitticimex uritui (Lent & Abalos, 1946)

ARGENTINA: La Pampa: Toay, 5-I-2008, in a nest occupied and remodelled by Myiopsitta monachus catita (Jardine & Selby, 1830) [ Aves: Psittacidae ] (Di Iorio et al. 2008, following Turienzo & Di Iorio pers. obs.); Entre Ríos: Colonia Hughes, 32º 17’ S, 58º 14’ W, 2006, 1 female in one of two examined nests ( Aramburú & Campos Soldini 2008); (Aramburú 2009).

Note: Presence of P. uritui in a nest of P. lophotes remodelled and adopted by M. monachus was previously given by Turienzo & Di Iorio (pers. com. in Di Iorio et al. 2008).

Reduviidae : Triatominae

Psammolestes coreodes (Bergroth, 1911)

[ ARGENTINA]: ( Martínez et al. 1985, following Lent & Wygodzinsky 1979).

Triatoma sordida sordida (Stal, 1859)

( Lent & Wygodzinsky 1979).

Note: Erroneously included in the revision from Argentina ( Turienzo & Di Iorio 2007). Original citation was not found. Country and locality unknown

Schoeniophylax phryganophyla (Vieillot, 1817)

DIPTERA : Muscidae

Philornis sp.

= Philornis torquans: De la Peña et al. 2003 View in CoL .

= “larvas de moscas”: De la Peña 2006: 118 [fig.].

= Philornis: Antoniazzi et al. 2006 View in CoL .

[ ARGENTINA: Santa Fe]: Esperanza, Reserva de la Escuela de Agricultura, Ganadería y Granja ( Antoniazzi et al. 2006); ( De la Peña 2006).

Note: Apparently specimens reared from S. phryganophila were not sent to M. Couri for identification. Because P. seguyi was reared in the same locality from other Furnariidae , Certhiaxis cinnamomea ( Couri et al. 2009) , identification of P. torquans given by De la Peña et al. (2003) needs a further corroboration. S. phryganophila is not mentioned by Antoniazzi et al. (2010).

Synallaxis albescens Temminck, 1823

DIPTERA : Muscidae

Philornis deceptivus Dodge & Aitken, 1968

= Philornis sp. K : Couri et al. 2006: 57 [distr.; host]

TRINIDAD: Sangre Grande, 28-V-1958, T. Aitken leg., pupa # 1 sp. K, ex nest (Couri et al. 2006) .

Note: According to Dodge & Aitken (1968), the “sp. K” corresponds to P. deceptivus , but S. albescens was not mentioned among its hosts.

HYMENOPTERA : Chalcididae

Brachymeria podagrica (Fabricius, 1787)

TRINIDAD: Sangre Grande, 28-V-1958, T. Aitken leg., 1 ex. [ USNM], ex pupa # 1 Philornis sp. ‘K’, ex nest (Couri et al. 2006) .

Synallaxis albilora Pelzeln, 1856



Dolichoderus bispinosus (Olivier, 1792)

BRAZIL: Mato Grosso: Pantanal de Poconé, município de Nossa Senhora do Livramento , região do Pirizal (16°15’ S, 56°22’ W), Fazenda Retiro Novo, after 31-X-2005, one active nest occupied by ants ( Rubio & Pinho 2008) GoogleMaps .

Unidentified spp.

= “ants”: Rubio & Pinho 2008.

BRAZIL: Mato Grosso: Pantanal de Poconé, município de Nossa Senhora do Livramento , região do Pirizal (16°15’S e 56°22’W), Fazenda Retiro Novo, 21 abandoned nests (from previous breeding seasons) occupied by ants ( Rubio & Pinho 2008) GoogleMaps .

Synallaxis cinerascens Temminck, 1823

HYMENOPTERA : Formicidae

Camponotus sp.

[ BRAZIL: Minas Gerais]: one active nest invaded by the ants ( Rubio & Pinho 2008, following Simon & Pacheco 1996).

Synallaxis frontalis Pelzeln, 1859

DIPTERA : Muscidae

Philornis torquans Nielsen, 1913 View in CoL

= Philornis sp. : De la Peña 2005; Antoniazzi et al. 2006.

[ ARGENTINA: Santa Fe]: one nestling with larvae ( De la Peña 2005); Esperanza, Reserva de la Escuela de Agricultura, Ganadería y Granja ( Antoniazzi et al. 2006); 31º 23’ 08’’ S, 60º 55’ 00’’ W, IX-2006 to III-2007 and IX- 2007 to III-2008, 100 % infested from 3 examined nestlings in 100 % infested from 1 examined nest; maximal intensity 2 larvae /nestling ( Antoniazzi et al. 2010).

Note: Apparently specimens reared from S. frontalis were not sent to M. Couri for identification. According to Antoniazzi et al. (2010), “previous collections from the same area (De la Peña et al. 2004 [sic]) and a subsample of the parasites submitted to M. Couri … suggest that the dominant species in this community is Philornis torquans (all the specimens collected in the area so far belonged to Phi. torquans ),” “the predominant (probably only) species in our system.” Because P. seguyi was reared in the same locality from other Furnariidae , Certhiaxis cinnamomea ( Couri et al. 2009) , identification of P. torquans given by Dela Peña et al. (2003) and Antoniazzi et al. (2010) needs a further corroboration.


Hirundo rustica erythrogaster Boddaert, 1789

= “golondrina tijerita”: Aramburú & Campos Soldini 2008: 132 [hosts]

= “golondrinas”: Bentancourt et al. 2009: 285 [hosts]

HEMIPTERA : Cimicidae

Acanthocrios furnarii ( Cordero & Vogelsang, 1928) View in CoL

= Caminicimex furnarii: Aramburú & Campos Soldini 2008: 132 View in CoL [hosts]; Aramburú 2009: 61 [hosts]; Bentancourt et al. 2009: 285 [hosts]

= Caminicimex furnarii (Cordero y Vogelsang) View in CoL : Aramburú & Calvo 2009: 3-6 [distr.; host]

ARGENTINA: Buenos Aires: Mar Chiquita [37º 40’ S, 57º 19’ W] & Mechongé [38º 9’ S, 58º 13’ W], 1 female, 5 nymphs in 2 examined nests ( Carpintero & Aramburú 2007); Buenos Aires ( Di Iorio & Turienzo 2008, following Carpintero & Aramburú 2007); ( Aramburú & Campos Soldini 2008); (Aramburú 2009); in nests (Aramburú & Calvo 2009, following Carpintero & Aramburú 2007); ( Bentancourt et al. 2009).

Note: The mention of Bentancourt et al. (2009) was made in a general mode, and does not constitute an Uruguayan record.

Petrochelidon fulva (Vieillot, 1808)

= Petrochelidon View in CoL [= Hirundo View in CoL ] fulva View in CoL pallida: Tipton & Mendez 1968 View in CoL .

SIPHONAPTERA : Ceratophyllidae View in CoL

Ceratophyllus (Ceratophyllus) coahuilensis Eads, 1956

MEXICO: Cerro Potosi , 172- V-1964, 58 females, 50 males, from 5 nests ( Tipton & Mendez 1968) .

Petrochelidon fulva cavicola (Vieillot, 1808)

= Petrochelidon fulva: Lewis & Galloway 2001 View in CoL

SIPHONAPTERA : Ceratophyllidae View in CoL

Ceratophyllus (Ceratophyllus) celsus apricus Jordan, 1929

CUBA ( Costa Lima & Hathaway 1946); Soledad, 4-IV-1925, J.[C] Bequaert leg., 1 male Type [ USNM], # 41439, original designation by Jordan 1929: 37, from nest ( Adams & Lewis 1995, Lewis & Galloway 2001).

Progne chalybea [domestica (Vieillot, 1817)]

= “golondrina doméstica”: Aramburú & Campos Soldini 2008: 132 [hosts]

= “golondrinas”: Bentancourt et al. 2009: 285 [hosts]

HEMIPTERA : Cimicidae

Acanthocrios furnarii ( Cordero & Vogelsang, 1928) View in CoL

= Caminicimex furnarii: Aramburú & Campos Soldini 2008: 132 View in CoL [hosts]; Aramburú 2009: 61 [hosts]; Bentancourt et al. 2009: 285 [hosts]

= Caminicimex furnarii (Cordero y Vogelsang) View in CoL : Aramburú & Calvo 2009: 3-6 [distr.; host]

ARGENTINA: Buenos Aires: La Plata [34º 55’ S, 57º 57’ W], eggs, nymphs and adults in 3 examined nests, 13 males, 11 females,and 19 nymphs under the feathers of 2 adult swallows ( Carpintero & Aramburú 2007); Buenos Aires ( Di Iorio & Turienzo 2008, following Carpintero & Aramburú 2007); ( Aramburú & Campos Soldini 2008); (Aramburú 2009); in nests (Aramburú & Calvo 2009, following Carpintero & Aramburú 2007); La Plata, building of the Museo de Ciencias Naturales (34º 54’ 25” S, 57º 55’ 56” W), Autumn 2002, mean bugs per nest 613 ± 493 (n = 3 nests), range 210-1163; 32,5 % nymphs (range 30-33 %), 67,5 % adults (range 67-70 %); 38 % females (range 37-44 %), 62 % males (range 56-63 %); sex ratio male / female 1.61 (Aramburú & Calvo 2009); ( Bentancourt et al. 2009).

Note: The mention of Bentancourt et al. (2009) was made in a general mode, and does not constitutes an Uruguaian record, probably based on Carpintero & Aramburú (2007).

Progne modesta [ elegans Baird, 1865 ]

= Progne furcata Baird. : Wolffhügel 1910a: 369-370 [distr.; hosts]; Wolffhügel 1911 a: 11 [host]; Wolffhügel 1912: 28 [distr.; hosts]

= Alopochelidon fucatus (andorhina): Pinto: 1930: 370 [host]

= Alopochelidon fuscatus [sic]: Del Ponte & Riesel 1939: 548 [host]; Johnson 1957: 236 [distr.; host; ref.]; Capri & Capri 1959: 582 [host]

= Stelgidopteryx fucata: Autino & Lareschi 1998: 290 View in CoL [distr.; host]

= “Hirundinas”: Riet 1941: 505 [hosts]

= Progne modesta elegans View in CoL : Costa Lima & Hathaway 1946: 133 [host]

= Progne chalybea domestica: Pinto 1930: 370 [host]; Del Ponte & Riesel 1939: 548 [host]; Costa Lima & Hathaway 1946: 133 [host]; Johnson 1957: 236 [distr.; host; ref.]; Capri & Capri 1959: 582 [host]

= Progne chalybea: Autino & Lareschi 1998: 290 View in CoL [distr.; host]

= “golondrina negra”: Aramburú & Campos Soldini 2008: 132 [hosts]

= “golondrinas”: Bentancourt et al. 2009: 285 [hosts]


Hectopsylla narium Blank, Kutzscher, Masello, Pilgrim & Quillfeldt, 2007

ARGENTINA: Río Negro: El Condor near Viedma , 41º 03’ 23” S, 62º, 48' 10" W, 3/ 23-XII-2001, C. Kutzscher & J.F. Masello leg., 1 larva [ DEIM or PRLC], from nest ( Blank et al. 2007) .

Note: This flea is a parasite mostly on Cyanoliseus patagonus patagonus [ Aves: Psittacidae ]. P. modesta was nidificating in the burrows made by the parrots ( Blank et al. 2007).

Hectopsylla psitacii Fraunfeld, 1860

ARGENTINA: Buenos Aires: Coronel Suarez, foot of the Sierra de la Ventana, 23-XII-1905, 3 eggs, 2 females, between the beak and the ear + 12 females, in the throat of a first bird, 2 females, in the throat of a second bird, 1 female, in the throat of a third bird, 1 female with 7 eggs in the throat, and other females in the base of the beak, and the throat of a fourth bird [+ two other birds without fleas] ( Wolffhügel 1910a); ( Wolffhügel 1910b 1911); Sierra de la Ventana, “estancia del Sr. Ricchieri,” 23-XII-1905 ( Wolffhügel 1912); Argentina ( Pinto 1930); ( Riet 1941, following Wolffhügel); ( Del Ponte & Riesel 1939); ( Johnson 1957, following Del Ponte & Riesel 1939); ( Capri & Capri 1959); ( Autino & Lareschi 1998).

Note 1: Sclater & Hudson (1887) use the name Progne furcata (= “Purple Martin”), which includes Progne elegans . Progne furcata is also used by Dabbene (1910) and Hudson (1920). The nomenclature of the birds’ names used by Wolffhügel (1910b 1912) follows the catalogue of Dabbene (1910).

Note 2: Probably by the ambiguity of the host name (“ Progne furcata ”) given by Wolffhügel (1910b 1912), Del Ponte & Riesel (1939) use both Alopochelidon fuscatus and Progne chalybea domestica for H. psittaci . These names are repeated by Costa Lima & Hathaway (1946), Johnson (1957), Capri & Capri (1959), and Autino & Lareschi (1998).

Note 3: Costa Lima & Hathaway (1946) uniquely mention Progne modesta elegans , but no posterior citation includes P. m. elegans as a host of H. psitacii .

Note 4: Because of the confusion of H. psittaci with Hectopsylla pulex, Del Ponte & Riesel (1939) add “ Promops perotis de la provincia de Tucumán ” after all bird hosts of H. psitacii , and this province is erroneously attributed to all hosts by Johnson (1957).

HEMIPTERA : Cimicidae

Acanthocrios furnarii ( Cordero & Vogelsang, 1928) View in CoL

= Caminicimex furnarii: Aramburú & Campos Soldini 2008: 132 View in CoL [hosts]; Aramburú 2009: 61 [hosts]; Bentancourt et al. 2009: 285 [hosts]

= Caminicimex furnarii (Cordero y Vogelsang) View in CoL : Aramburú & Calvo 2009: 3-6 [distr.; host]

ARGENTINA: Buenos Aires: Carhué [37º 11’ S, 62º 45’ W], 12 eggs, 46 nymphs and 2 males in 2 examined nests ( Carpintero & Aramburú 2007); Buenos Aires ( Di Iorio & Turienzo 2008, following Carpintero & Aramburú 2007); ( Aramburú & Campos Soldini 2008); (Aramburú 2009); in nests (Aramburú & Calvo 2009, following Carpintero & Aramburú 2007); ( Bentancourt et al. 2009).

Note: The mention of Bentancourt et al. (2009) from swallows was made in a general mode, and does not constitutes an Uruguaian record, probably based on Carpintero & Aramburú (2007).

Progne sp.

= “andorinha ( Progne chalybea domestica )”: Pinto 1930: [distr. (Rio de Janeiro)]

= Progne chalybea domestica: Del Ponte & Riesel 1939 .

= “ Chalybea domestica (andorinha)”: Linardi & Guimarães 2000.


Hectopsylla psitacii Fraunfeld, 1860

BRAZIL: Rio de Janeiro: [city?], 7 females, collected on the bird ( Guimarães 1940); Rio de Janeiro ( Johnson 1957, following Guimarães 1940); ( Linardi & Guimarães 2000); Rio de Janeiro State, 1 female [ USNM] ( Blank et al. 2007). Note 1: The record of Progne chalybea domestica in Costa Lima & Hathaway was surely based on Pinto (1930), repeated by Del Ponte & Riesel (1939) and Linardi & Guimarães (2000).

Note 2: Among the other South American records of H. psitacii, Johnson (1957) wrote “ Brazil: State of Rio de Janeiro, La Plata, ex Progne sp. (Guim., 1940) . Ibid. but ex Columba livia (J. and R., 1906b),” mixing two different records.

Pygochelidon cyanoleuca cyanoleuca (Vieillot, 1817)

= Diplochelidon cyanoleucus (Vieill.) : Wolffhügel 1910a: 370 [host]

= Pygochelidon cyanoleuca (Vieill.) View in CoL : Wolffhügel 1911: 11 [host]

= Diplochelidon cyanoleucus (Wieill) [sic]: Wolffhügel 1912: 28 [distr.; host]

= Diplochelidon cyanoleucus (andorrinha): Pinto 1930: 370 [hosts]

= Diplochelidon cyanoleucus: Johnson 1957: 117 [distr.; host; refs.]

= Notiochelydon cyanoleuca (Vieillot, 1817) : Autino & Lareschi 1998: 290 [distr.; host]

= “Santa Rosita”: Hopkins & Rothschild 1953; Jordan 1950; Johnson 1957; Hastriter & Méndez 2000.

= Pygochelidon cyanoleucus: Jordan & Rothschild 1920 [distr.; host]

= “hirondelles du genre Notiochelidon View in CoL ”: Beaucournu & Castro 2003: 455 [distr.; host]

= swallows: Johnson 1957 [distr.; host; refs.]

Note: According to Goshima & Castro Izaguirre (2007), the common name “Santa Rosita” is applied in Peru to Pygochelidon cyanoleuca .



Dasypsyllus (Avesopsylla) lasius lasius (Rothschild, 1909)

= Ceratophyllus lasius Roth., 1909 View in CoL : Pinto 1930: 369 [distr.; host]

ARGENTINA: Buenos Aires: “foot of the Sierra de la Venturo,” 28-VII-1905, K. Wolffhügel leg., 1 male, 1 female [ BMNH], type series, on D. cyanoleucus (Rothschild 1909, Johnson 1957); Coronel Suarez, foot of the Sierra de la Ventana, 28-XII-1905, two fleas of the genera ( Wolffhügel 1910a); Sierra de la Ventona [erratum], Wolffhügel leg. ( Jordan & Rothschild 1920); Argentina ( Pinto 1930, following Rothschild 1909 & Jordan & Rothschild 1920); Sierra de la Ventana ( Del Ponte & Riesel 1939, Capri 1959, Capri & Capri 1959, Beaucournu & Castro 2003); ( Costa Lima & Hathaway 1946); ( Barrera & Díaz-Ungría 1957); ( Autino & Lareschi 1998); Sierra de la Ventana (Aramburú et al. 2009, following Del Ponte & Riesel 1939).


Echidnophaga gallinacea (Westwod, 1875)

PERU: Loreto: Hacienda Las Vegas, 30 km from Barranca city, 1 male, on a “Santa Rosita” swallow ( Jordan 1950); “swallow” ( Johnson 1957).


Hectopsylla psitacii Fraunfeld, 1860

PERU: Loreto: Hacienda Las Vegas, 30 km from Barranca city, 18 females, on swallows, a variety called “Santa Rosita” ( Jordan 1950), A. Macchiavello leg., 1 male, many females, # 1948.196 [ BMNH], in alcohol ( Hopkins & Rothschild 1953); Hacienda Las Vegas, 30 km from Barranca, ex swallows ( Johnson 1957, following Jordan 1950), 1943, 1 female [ BMNH], ex swallow “ variety called Santa Rosita” ( Hastriter & Méndez 2000).

Note: Johnson (1957) states that he also follows Macchiavello (1948) who do not mention swallows as hosts of H. psitacii .

ARGENTINA: Buenos Aires: Coronel Suarez, foot of the Sierra de la Ventana, 28-XII-1905, 1 female, 1 male, in the head of a bird ( Wolffhügel 1910a); ( Wolffhügel 1910b 1911); [apparently from Buenos Aires: Sierra de la Ventana], XII-1905, 1 male, 1 female ( Wolffhügel 1912); Argentina ( Pinto 1930); ( Del Ponte & Riesel 1939); ( Riet 1941, following Wolffhügel); ( Costa Lima & Hathaway 1946); ( Johnson 1957, following Del Ponte & Riesel 1939); ( Capri & Capri 1959); ( Autino & Lareschi 1998).

Note 1: Pinto (1930) also records H. psittaci on Diplochelidon cyanoleucus from Chile, but this record seems to be erroneus, although he cites “ Jordan e Rothschild. 1906. Thop. Yates & Johnston Lab. Rep. vol. VII part.I. p. 61.” [reference not found]

Note 2: After all bird hosts of H. psitacii, Del Ponte & Riesel (1939) add “ Promops perotis de la provincia de Tucumán,” and this province is erroneously attributed to all hosts by Johnson (1957).

Tachycineta leucorrhoa leucorrhoa (Vieillot, 1817)


Scarabaeidae : Aphodiinae

Ataenius stercorator (Fabricius, 1775)

= Aphodius sp. : Di Iorio et al. 2008: 5, 6 [Table 1]

ARGENTINA: Buenos Aires: Chascomús, Instituto Tecnológico de Chascomús , 35° 34’ S, 58° 01’ W, 11-XI-2005, 1 ex. [ ODI] in nest box # 70, 18-XI-05, 1 ex. [ ODI] in nest box # 49, from 42 nests extracted in November 2005 of a total of 78 examined nests (Di Iorio et al. 2008) GoogleMaps .

Note: The species was correctly identified by A.C. Cicchino.

Undetermined sp.

[swallow’s nests, “swallow”]

SIPHONAPTERA : Ceratophyllidae

Ceratophyllus (Ceratophyllus) gilvus Jordan & Rothschild, 1922

MEXICO: Facubaya , 1 male, 1 female, taken off a “swallow” ( Hubbard 1947) .

Note: “The occurrence of this specis [ C. gilvus ] on a migratory bird in Mexico suggests it may occur in the United States ” ( Hubbard 1947, following Jellison & Good 1942).

Dasypsyllus (Avesopsylla) lasius venezuelensis ( Fox & Anduze, 1947) View in CoL

= Avesopsylla venezuelensis Fox & Anduze, 1947: 107-110 View in CoL [descr.; distr.; types]

= Dasypsyllus lasius venezuelensis ( Fox & Anduze, 1947) View in CoL : Johnson 1957: 117 [comb. nov.; distr.; host; refs.]

VENEZUELA: Mérida: Apartaderos, 3300 m, IX-1944, P. Anduze leg., 1 male Holotype [ ECSJ], 1 female Allotype [ ECSJ], male & female Paratypes [ APJC], 1 Paratype [ USNM], 1 Paratype [ IOC], 1 Paratype [ BMNH] ( Fox & Anduze 1947); same data, 1 male Holotype [ ECSJ], 1 female Allotype [ ECSJ], male & female Paratypes ( Johnson 1957, following Fox & Anduze 1947), same data as type series, 20 males [Paratypes?], 8 females [Paratypes?], ex swallow’s nest ( Johnson 1957).


Oceanodroma castro (Harcourt, 1851)

= Oceanodroma: Lewis 1973 View in CoL [distr.; host]

SIPHONAPTERA : Rhopalopsyllidae View in CoL

Parapsyllus cedei Smit, 1970 View in CoL

ECUADOR: Galapagos Islands: Plaza (islet just to the east of Isla Santa Cruz), 12-II-1966, 3 males Paratypes, 1 female Paratype, 27-VII-1966, 1 male Paratype, 29-VII-1966, 1 male Paratype, 30-VII-1966, 7 males Paratypes, 8 females Paratypes, 31-VII-1966, 2 males Paratypes, 2 females Paratypes, all M.P. Harris leg., from nests ( Smit 1970); collected on [this bird] ( Lewis 1973).

Oceanodroma tethys (Bonaparte, 1852)

SIPHONAPTERA : Rhopalopsyllidae

Parapsyllus cedei Smit, 1970 View in CoL

ECUADOR: Galapagos Islands: Isla Genovesa , 18-V-1966, M.P. Harris leg., 1 female Paratype, from nest ( Smit 1970) .


Agelaioides badius [ badius (Vieillot, 1819) ]

DIPTERA : Muscidae

Philornis torquans Nielsen, 1913 View in CoL

ARGENTINA: Santa Fe: 31º 23’ 08’’ S, 60º 55’ 00’’ W, IX-2006 to III-2007 and IX-2007 to III-2008, 3.1 % infested from 32 examined nestlings in 11.1 % infested from 9 examined nests; maximal intensity 3 larvae /nestling ( Antoniazzi et al. 2010) GoogleMaps .

Note: Apparently specimens reared from A. badius were not sent to M. Couri for identification. Antoniazzi et al. (2010) assume that all birds in the area were parasitized, based on “previous collections from the same area (De la Peña et al. 2004 [sic]) and a subsample of the parasites submitted to M. Couri … suggest that the dominant species in this community is Philornis torquans (all the specimens collected in the area so far belonged to Phi. torquans ),” “the predominant (probably only) species in our system.” Because P. seguyi was reared in the same locality ( Couri et al. 2009), identification of P. torquans given by Antoniazzi et al. (2010) needs further corroboration.

Agelaius ruficapillus [ ruficapillus Vieillot, 1819 ]

[ DIPTERA : Muscidae ]

[ Philornis sp. ]

[ ARGENTINA]: the nestlings are affected by larvae of flies ( De la Peña 2005).

Cacicus cela (Linnaeus, 1758)

DIPTERA : Muscidae

Philornis deceptivus (Dodge e Aitken, 1968)

[ TRINIDAD] ( Luz et al. 2010, following Teixeira 1999).

HEMIPTERA : Reduviidae

Tagalis evavilmae Gil-Santana, Pinto Gouveia & Zeraik, 2010 View in CoL

BRAZIL: Amazonas: Marchantaria (3º 14’ 23” S, 59º 57’ 36” W), III-VI-2002, F.B.P. Gouveia & L.S. Aquino leg., 1 male Paratype, 1 nymph II [ MNRJ], in nest ( Gil-Santana et al. 2010) GoogleMaps .

Cacicus haemorrhous affinis Swainson, 1834

HEMIPTERA : Reduviidae

Triatoma infestans Klug in Meigen, 1834

BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: Carmo do Río Claro , II-1958, Lacombe leg., in nest ( Lent & Jurberg 1985) .

Cacicus sp.

HEMIPTERA : Reduviidae

Tagalis evavilmae Gil-Santana, Pinto Gouveia & Zeraik, 2010 View in CoL

BRAZIL: Amazonas: Xiborena (3º 12’ 22” S, 59º 56’ 48” W), III-VI-2002, F.B.P. Gouveia & L.S. Aquino leg., 1 nymph I, in nest; Marchantaria (3º 14’ 19” S, 59º 57’ 00” W), III-VI-2002, F.B.P. Gouveia & L.S. Aquino leg., 1 nymph I [ INPA], in nest ( Gil-Santana et al. 2010) GoogleMaps .

Gymnomystax mexicanus (Linnaeus, 1766)

= Oriolus mexicanus: Ribeiro 1901: 155 [ref.; host], 156 [= Gymnomistax melanicterus (Burm.) ]

DIPTERA : Muscidae View in CoL

Philornis pici ( Macquart, 1853) View in CoL

= Mydaea pici Macq. : Ribeiro 1901.

GUAYANE: 1 larva, C. Rangé leg., lenght 17 mm, width 8 mm [MHNP] ( Blanchard 1896); ( Ribeiro 1901, following Blanchard 1896).

Icterus cayanensis (Linnaeus, 1766)

= Oriolus cayanensis: Ribeiro 1901: 155 [ref.; host], 156 [= Xanthornus crysopterus (Burm.) ]

DIPTERA : Muscidae View in CoL

Philornis pici ( Macquart, 1853) View in CoL

= Mydaea pici Macq. : Ribeiro 1901.

[GUAYANE]: one adult fly and its puparium, C. Rangé, leg., labelled “Larve de Ver macaque. Du 31 janvier au février 1895. Éclosion de la Mouche” ( Blanchard 1896); ( Ribeiro 1901, following Blanchard 1896).

Note 1: After Blanchard wrote inquiring more data, he received on 2-VII-1895 a letter from C. Rangé, transcribed by Blanchard (1896) as follows: “La larve que vous avez reçue en avril, aprés sa transformation en Mouche, contenue dans un flacon sur lequel étaient inscrites les dates de son éducation (31 janvier au 11 février), cette larve a été recueillie sur un Oiseau, l’ Oriolus cayennensis , appelé encore Oiseau diable. Elle siégeait sur une plaie ou excoriation située au-dessous de la màchoire inférieure, et parallèlement au seus longitudinal du bec.”

Note 2: By the data sent to Blanchard, the pupal stage lasted aproximately 10-11 days (if the adult emerged at dawn of the 11th of February).

Note 3: The adult from Guayane was identified as P. pici by Blanchard with the description and figure given by Macquart (1853), although he states that this adult was different in some aspects.

Icterus nigrogularis (Hahn, 1819)

DIPTERA : Muscidae

Philornis deceptivus (Dodge e Aitken, 1968)

[ TRINIDAD] ( Luz et al. 2010, following Teixeira 1999).

Molothrus bonariensis (Gmelin, 1789)

DIPTERA : Muscidae

Philornis pici ( Macquart, 1853) View in CoL

PUERTO RICO: Rosevelt Roads, 3 parasitized (9 %) of 33 examined nestlings ( Snyder et al. 1987).

Philornis torquans Nielsen, 1913 View in CoL

= Philornis sp. : Mastropaolo 2007.

[ ARGENTINA: Santa Fe]: ( Mastropaolo 2007); 31º 23’ 08’’ S, 60º 55’ 00’’ W, IX-2006 to III-2007 and IX-2007 to III-2008, 15.4 % infested from 13 examined nestlings [% infested from examined nests not stated]; maximal intensity 3 larvae /nestling ( Antoniazzi et al. 2010).

Note: Apparently specimens reared from M. bonariensis were not sent to M. Couri for identification. Because P. torquans and P. seguyi are present in the area ( Couri et al. 2009), identification of P. torquans given by De la Peña et al. (2003) and Antoniazzi et al. (2010) needs a further corroboration.

Philornis sp.

[ ARGENTINA: Buenos Aires: Ea. La Candelaria]: ( Mastropaolo 2007, following Fraga 1984).

Molothrus oryzivorus (Gmelin, 1788)

= Scaphidura orizivora: Teixeira 1999 ; Luz et al. 2010.

DIPTERA : Muscidae View in CoL

Philornis deceptivus (Dodge e Aitken, 1968)

[ TRINIDAD] ( Luz et al. 2010, following Teixeira 1999).

Molothrus rufoaxillaris Cassin, 1866

DIPTERA : Muscidae

Philornis seguyi García, 1952 View in CoL

ARGENTINA: Buenos Aires: Magdalena, 2003-2006, greater mortality of the nestlings in nests of Troglodytes aedon ( De Mársico & Reboreda 2007) .


Museum d'Histoire Naturelle Perpignan


Museu Nacional/Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Colecao de Culturas de Fungos do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz


Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia











Iorio, Osvaldo Di & Turienzo, Paola 2011

Caminicimex furnarii: Aramburú & Campos Soldini 2008: 132

Bentancourt, C. M. & Scatoni, I. B. & Morelli, E. 2009: 285
Aramburu, R. M. & Campos Soldini, M. P. 2008: 132

Caminicimex furnarii: Aramburú & Campos Soldini 2008: 132

Bentancourt, C. M. & Scatoni, I. B. & Morelli, E. 2009: 285
Aramburu, R. M. & Campos Soldini, M. P. 2008: 132

Caminicimex furnarii: Aramburú & Campos Soldini 2008: 132

Bentancourt, C. M. & Scatoni, I. B. & Morelli, E. 2009: 285
Aramburu, R. M. & Campos Soldini, M. P. 2008: 132

Stelgidopteryx fucata:

Autino, A. G. & Lareschi, M. 1998: 290

Progne chalybea: Autino & Lareschi 1998: 290

Autino, A. G. & Lareschi, M. 1998: 290

Notiochelydon cyanoleuca (Vieillot, 1817)

Autino, A. G. & Lareschi, M. 1998: 290

Diplochelidon cyanoleucus: Johnson 1957: 117

Johnson, P. T. 1957: 117

Dasypsyllus lasius venezuelensis ( Fox & Anduze, 1947 )

Johnson, P. T. 1957: 117

Avesopsylla venezuelensis

Fox, I. & Anduze, P. J. 1947: 110

Progne modesta elegans

Costa Lima, A. & Hathaway, C. R. 1946: 133

Alopochelidon fuscatus

Capri, J. J. & Capri, N. A. R. de 1959: 582
Johnson, P. T. 1957: 236
Del Ponte, E. & Riesel, M. A. 1939: 548

Progne chalybea domestica: Pinto 1930: 370

Capri, J. J. & Capri, N. A. R. de 1959: 582
Johnson, P. T. 1957: 236
Costa Lima, A. & Hathaway, C. R. 1946: 133
Del Ponte, E. & Riesel, M. A. 1939: 548
Pinto, C. 1930: 370

Diplochelidon cyanoleucus

Pinto, C. 1930: 370

Ceratophyllus lasius

Pinto, C. 1930: 369

Diplochelidon cyanoleucus (Wieill)

Wolffhugel, K. 1912: 28

Pygochelidon cyanoleuca (Vieill.)

Wolffhugel, K. 1911: 11

Progne furcata

Wolffhugel, K. 1912: 28
Wolffhugel, K. 1910: 369

Diplochelidon cyanoleucus (Vieill.)

Wolffhugel, K. 1910: 370

Oriolus mexicanus:

Ribeiro, A. de 1901: 155

Oriolus cayanensis:

Ribeiro, A. de 1901: 155
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