Goniographa, Varga & Ronkay, 2002

Varga, Z. & Ronkay, L., 2002, A Revision Of The Palaearctic Species Of The Eugraphe Hübner, [1821] 1816 Generic Complex. Part I. The Genera Eugraphe And Goniographa (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 48 (4), pp. 333-374 : 338-344

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https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12587286

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scientific name


gen. nov.

Goniographa gen. n.

( Figs 1–14 View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig , 24–40 View Figs 24–29 View Figs 30–35 View Figs 36–42 , 51–65 View Figs 50–57 View Figs 58–65 )

Type species: Agrotis decussa STAUDINGER, 1897 , Dt.ent. Z.Iris 9: 367. Type locality: Alexander Mts .

Taxonomic remarks. BOURSIN (1954, 1963)noted that 3 species of Eugraphe are characterised by some shared genital characters: they have “a very strong pollex, making the distal part of the valva trifid ( marcida, decussa, funkei )”. More exactly: they can be characterised by the presence of an acute, subapical “pseudopollex”, originating from the dorsal sclerotised margin of the valva and by the presence of a well-developed lateral pollex, situated close to the basis of the harpe. The apical “pseudopollex” can be evidently derived from the reduced cucullus, a homologous but less strong and acute lobe is present in the genera Setagrotis , Eugraphe , Eugnorisma , Adelphagrotis , etc. However, we should suppose that this character can be considered only as a homoplasy, because it may occur in both of the group of Xestiini genera having spinulose sclerotised plate of the carina and also in those genera which have a (variably) dentate bar at the base of the vesica.

The new genus comprises three species-groups (the decussa-, the funkei-, and the marcida- groups)consisting of closely related sister species. (The taxonomic placement of “ Eugraphe ” versuta (PÜNGELER, 1909) has remained uncertain, therefore it was not included into Goniographa ). The external appearance of the species within these species groups are often confusingly similar but even certain species of the decussa - and marcida species-groups (for instance G. discussa and G. gyulaipeteri )can be surprisingly similar externally. The differences in the genitalia of both sexes, however, are easily recognisable not only between the three species-groups but also in the twin species of the given species-groups, too.

Synopsis of the species

Goniographa decussa ( STAUDINGER, 1897) comb. n.

Goniographa discussa sp. n.

Goniographa shchetkini sp. n.

Goniographa funkei ( PÜNGELER, 1901) comb. n.

Goniographa metafunkei sp. n.

Goniographa naumanni sp. n.

Goniographa marcida ( CHRISTOPH, 1893) comb. n.

Goniographa gyulaipeteri sp. n.

Diagnosis. The new genus shows a unical combination of three main autapomorphies in the male genitalia which are as follows: 1)The dorsally projected vesica with dentate eversible ventral bar; 2)The complete lack of any spinulose or

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specially modified surfaces on the vesica; 3)The characteristic tripartite appear - ance of the apical part of the valva, this unique character was already observed and commented by BOURSIN (1964), consisting of the pointed, cuneate valval apex, the also acute and usually strong pseudopollex and the well-developed, cuneate or thorn-like pollex.

The characteristic features of the female genitalia are the sclerotized, rather large, triangular, calyculate or infundibular ventral plate of ostium bursae, separated from the similarly sclerotised ductus bursae by a fine membranous collar; the sclerotized, flattened ductus bursae with stronger or weaker longitudinal suture at the ventral surface; the scobinate-wrinkled apical (posterior)third of the corpus bursae; the membranous, rather small main part of corpus bursae, having no signa.

Most of the related genera have either a strongly sclerotised, plate-like and spinulose carina but without a bar-shaped dentate processus ( Eugnorisma , Metagnorisma , Paradiarsia , Anagnorisma etc.)with ventrally or ventro-laterally pro - jecting vesica. Other genera show some different, often modified forms of the bar-shaped dentate processus, but also combined with ventrally projecting vesica ( Eugraphe , Coenophila , etc.). Those Xestiini genera which can be characterised with bulbed cornutus of the vesica (e.g. Eugraphe , “ Eugnorisma ” miniago , some Lycophotia spp. , Pseudohermonassa , etc.)usually have ventrally projected vesica. The externally most similar Anagnorisma spp. do not have any dentate processus onto the basal part of vesica but have a thorn-like, not bulbed cornutus and their vesica is projected ventrally. Some species of the highly diverse genus Xestia (s. l.)may have dorsally projecting vesica, but in these cases the dentate processus of carina is also dorsal, and the vesica has no cornutus.

The structure of the female genitalia shows close relationships of Goniographa with certain species-groups of Eugnorisma and Protognorisma while it is rather distinct from those of Eugraphe , Coenophila or Metagnorisma . The female genitalia of Eugnorisma is generally more robust than those of Goniographa , the ostium is larger, broader but less elongate and less triangular, being more strongly fused with ductus bursae, the ductus bursae is regularly folded (sometimes very strongly, in different directions)and the posterior part of the corpus bursae and the cervix bursae are more ribbed-wrinkled and usually more spacious. The ostiumductus complex of Protognorisma is rather similar to that of Goniographa at the first sight but the proportion of them is different, the ostium is smaller, shorter and the ductus is longer than those of Goniographa . In addition, Goniographa and Eugnorisma have no signa while Protognorisma (and Metagnorisma )have rib - bon-like ( Protognorisma ) or patch-like ( Metagnorisma ) signa.

The female genitalia of Eugraphe differ from those of Goniographa , besides their larger size and more spacious corpus bursae, by the characteristic structure of

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the ostium bursae with the long postero-lateral appendages (see above in the diagnosis of Eugraphe ) and the medially strongly folded ductus bursae.

Description ( Figs 51–65 View Figs 50–57 View Figs 58–65 ). Generally medium-sized species (wingspan 27–37 mm) with rather slender body, elongate, apically pointed forewings and relatively small, rounded hindwings. Head large, eyes large, globular; frons broad, smooth, finely convex, covered relatively sparsely with long hair-scales. Palpi slender, slightly upturned, second segment with longer or shorter scales laterally; third segment bar-shaped, longer (funkei- group), medium-long (decussa- group)or rather short ( marcida -group). Proboscis well developed. Male antenna fasciculate with rather long cilia, female antenna shortly, sparsely ciliate. Collar and tegulae large, distinct, pro-and metathoracic tufts well developed. Abdomen long, slender, dorsal crest weak or reduced. Fore tibiae with a full row of longer spines, meso- and hind tibiae with two incomplete rows of spines. Tarsi with rather three than four rows of spines.

Male genitalia ( Figs 1–14 View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig ): Uncus strong, digitiform, often spatulate, pointed or obtuse apically; tegumen high, trigonal; valva elongate, apex bifid apically, pollex long, cuneate, spiniform or sligthly curved; harpe strong, may be short or elongate, curved; juxta shield-shaped. Aedeagus long, straight or slightly curved, carina strongly sclerotised with bar-shaped dentate processus which can be modified into some strongly sclerotised teeth; vesica saccate or tubular, projecting dorsally, partly or fully recurved, armed with broad and most often short, bulbed cornutus in subbasal or medial position.

Female genitalia ( Figs 24–40 View Figs 24–29 View Figs 30–35 View Figs 36–42 ): The female genitalia can be characterized by the weak, relatively short ovipositor; the sclerotized, rather large, more or less triangular ventral plate of the ostium bursae; the strong, often heavily sclerotized, flattened ductus bursae, often with fine longitudinal suture at ventral surface; the well-developed, ribbed-wrinkled, subconical or semiglobular appendix bursae; the scobinate-wrinkled apical (posterior)third of the corpus bursae; and the membranous, elliptical-ovoid main part of corpus bursae, having no signa.

The common species-group features of the three species-groups are described hereunder.

G. decussa -group

Male genitalia ( Figs 1–4 View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig ): Uncus digitiform, of medium length, obtuse terminally; valva with convex dorsal margin, lateral apical extension horn-shaped, longer than the dorsal one; harpe reduced to its basal plate; pollex long, pointed apically, oxbow-shaped. Juxta broad, shield-shaped, with short, bar-shaped sclerotisation apically. Aedeagus long, nearly straight, carina serrate, extended into a long, terminally curved serrate ribbon-shaped bar onto the basal part of the vesica. Vesica bilobate, with a moderately strong bulbed cornutus subterminally.

Female genitalia ( Figs 24–29 View Figs 24–29 ): Ostium bursae with ventral plate shorter or broader triangular or calyculate, having variably strong medio-caudal incision. Ductus bursae variably long, flattened, strongly, sometimes heavily sclerotized, tubular, usually finely tapering towards posterior end, sometimes with large, rounded lateral angle at middle; junction of ventral plate to corpus bursae may be weakly or strongly arched and/or crenellate, or having long and deep, sometimes sinuously folded large crest running into a rather globular, big ventral pouch.

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G. funkei- group

Male genitalia ( Figs 5–11 View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig ): Uncus more or less spatulate, pointed terminally; valva very long with nearly straight dorsal margin, slender distally, lateral apical extension acute apically, slightly or essentially longer than dorsal one; harpe strong, curved; pollex strongly developed, pointed apically, with different shape in each species. Juxta relatively small, pentagonal. Aedeagus very long, straight with strongly dentate or finely serrulate carina; dentate bar more or less reduced. Vesica broadly tubular, unilobate, more or less recurved; position and size of bulbed cornutus different in each species.

Female genitalia ( Figs 30–35 View Figs 30–35 ): Ostium bursae with ventral plate triangular, trapezoidal or infundibular, caudal margin slightly convex, arcuate, with variably deep medial incision. Ductus bursae medium-long or long, broadly tubular or cask-shaped, proximal half of ductus bursae may have a long, strong lateral fold along left margin and a stronger lateral rib or a weak, short fold at anterior end. Appendix bursae relatively short, subconical-semiglobular; corpus bursae discoidal-globular.

G. marcida -group

Male genitalia ( Figs 12–14 View Fig View Fig View Fig ): Uncus thin, elongate, pointed apically; tegumen broader, triangular. Valva elongate, narrow, with slightly convex dorsal margin; apical processes thorn-shaped, acute apically; harpe strong, pointed apically; pollex straight, cuneate, pointed apically. Juxta relatively small, shield-like. Aedeagus rather long, carina finely serrate, extended into a finely dentate ribbon-shaped bar onto basal part of the vesica. Vesica tubular, recurved, with short, bulbed cornutus.

Female genitalia ( Figs 36–40 View Figs 36–42 ): Ventral plate of ostium bursae broadly triangular-calyculate, with convex, evenly arcuate caudal margin, without incision. Ductus bursae, long, broad, flattened, anterior end with short but strong medio-lateral crest and a large, rounded, verrucose proximo-lateral plate. Appendix bursae large, subconical, with membranous apex and wrinkled-ribbed, scobinate basal two-thirds or with large, sclerotized, more or less rounded dorsal fold.

Goniographa decussa ( STAUDINGER, 1897) comb. n.

( Figs 1–3 View Fig View Fig View Fig , 24, 25 View Figs 24–29 , 51, 52 View Figs 50–57 )

Agrotis decussa STAUDINGER, 1897 , Dt. ent. Z. Iris 9: 367. Type locality: Alexander Mts.

Type material examined: a syntype male, a colour picture of which and the photo of its genitalia (slide 127 BOURSIN, mentioned as “ holotype ”)are presented in Figs 1 View Fig and 51 View Figs 50–57 . This specimen is designated here as the lectotype of Agrotis decussa STAUDINGER (deposited in coll. STAUDINGER, ZMHU Berlin) .

Additional material examined: Uzbekistan: 9 males, 5 females, W Tien Shan, Chimgan Mts , 800–2000 m, 69°58’E, 41°32’N, 18–25.VII.1990, leg. GYULAI & HREBLAY (coll. B. HERCZIG, P. GYULAI, G. RONKAY, Z. VARGA) GoogleMaps ; 1 male, from the same Mts , 1600 m, 20.IX.1992, leg. L. MISKÓ ; 1 male, Tien Shan Mts , Maidantal Mts, Pskem valley, 2100 m, 42°11’N, 70°50’E, 28–31.VII.1994 GoogleMaps ; 1 male, W Tien Shan, Chatkal Mts , Besch-Aral, 2200 m, 71°27’E, 42°00’N, 27.VII.1993, leg. V. & A. LUKHTANOV GoogleMaps ; 1 male, Susamyr Mts , valley of Chickhan river, 1800 m, 29–30.VII.1994, leg. TOROPOV & SINIAEV (coll. P. GYULAI) . Kirghisia: Issyk-Kul (coll. P. GYULAI) ; 1 male, Alai Mts , Uzhgen ,

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2300 m, 20– 30.08.1999, leg. GURKO (coll. LEHMANN); 1 male, Alai Mts, 1800–2000 m, 10–20.VIII.

1999 (coll. BECHER); 1 male, Transili Alatau, 2500 m, Ak-tuz, 1–10.X.1997, leg. TOROPOV (coll. LEHMANN) .

Slide Nos RL 7545m, RL 7546m, 7041 VZ, 7156 VZ (males), RL 7531f (female).

Diagnosis. G. decussa resembles mostly the next, newly described species, G. discussa , the third species of the species-group, G. shchetkini is more similar externally to the small specimens of G. gyulaipeteri sp. n. having rounded forewing apex. The forewings of G. decussa are more triangular than those of G. discussa , apically more pointed, the orbicular, reniform and claviform stigmata are more regular, being defined finely by black scales and by fine ochreous contour-line; the dark intermacular patch in the cell, the basal dash and the subterminal chevron-spots are also more sharply marked. The hindwings are light brownish grey with darker suffusion along the veins.

The male genitalia of G. decussa can be distinguished from G. discussa by their more convex, “humped” dorsal margin of valva, the more reduced harpe, the broader juxta, the somewhat more slender, not spatulate uncus, the “broken” course of the ribbon-like extension of the carina and by the essentially shorter cornutus. The female genitalia of G. decussa have, comparing with those of G.

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discussa and G. shchetkini ( Figs 24–29 View Figs 24–29 ), the largest ostium bursae with the strongest medio-caudal incision. The configuration of the ductus bursae is similar to that of G. shchetkini but it is considerably longer, proximally less dilated, without prominent lateral angle and the anterior arch of the ventral plate of ductus bursae is significantly deeper. The characteristic structure of the anterior third of ductus bursae of the third species of the lineage, G. discussa , differs conspicuously from those of G. decussa and G. shchetkini (see also in the diagnoses of the two other species of the lineage).

Description. Wingspan 27–37 mm. The external features are described in detail by STAUDINGER in the original description, two typical specimens are illustrated in colour in Figs 51 and 52 View Figs 50–57 .

Male genitalia ( Figs 1–3 View Fig View Fig View Fig ): Uncus straight, obtuse; dorsal costa of valva humped. Distal, erect part of harpe reduced to a tiny protuberance; pollex moderately long, slighly curved; juxta very broad, with small, linguiform appendix apically. Aedeagus nearly straight, moderately long; dentate ribbon of ventral edge of carina “sickle”-shaped, broken medially; bulbed cornutus small, short, often bifid.

Female genitalia ( Figs 24, 25 View Figs 24–29 ): Ovipositor medium-long, rather weak; gonapophyses slender, fine. Ostium bursae sclerotized, its ventral plate broadly triangular, with broad, shallow medio-caudal incision. Ductus bursae strongly, rather smoothly sclerotized, long, broad, more or less flattened (its cross-section is flat triangular at proximal part), finely tapering towards posterior end. Ventral surface of ductus bursae with narrow longitudinal medial suture, junction of ventral plate to corpus bursae strongly arched and crenellate. Apical part of bursa copulatrix globular, wrinkled-ribbed, partly gelatinous and scobinate-verrucose. Appendix bursae relatively short, subconical, finely wrinkled; corpus bursae medium-long, elliptical-ovoid, weakly membranous, signa absent.

Bionomics and distribution. Goniographa decussa occurs in the Western Tien-Shan Mts, where it seems to be locally frequent in some lepidopterologically well-known localities, in medium elevations (between 800–2300 m!)of Kirghisia.


Zoologisches Museum der Humboldt Universitaet













Varga, Z. & Ronkay, L. 2002

Goniographa decussa ( STAUDINGER, 1897 )

Varga & Ronkay 2002

Goniographa discussa

Varga & Ronkay 2002

Goniographa funkei ( PÜNGELER, 1901 )

Varga & Ronkay 2002

Goniographa metafunkei

Varga & Ronkay 2002

Goniographa marcida ( CHRISTOPH, 1893 )

Varga & Ronkay 2002

Goniographa gyulaipeteri

Varga & Ronkay 2002

Goniographa decussa ( STAUDINGER, 1897 )

Varga & Ronkay 2002

Agrotis decussa

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