Encyclia linearifolioides (Kränzlin) Hoehne (1938: 19)

Bastos, Cláudia A., Meneguzzo, Thiago E. C. & Berg, Cássio Van Den, 2018, A taxonomic revision of the Brazilian species of Encyclia (Orchidaceae: Epidendroideae: Epidendreae), Phytotaxa 342 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.342.1.1

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scientific name

Encyclia linearifolioides (Kränzlin) Hoehne (1938: 19)


24. Encyclia linearifolioides (Kränzlin) Hoehne (1938: 19) View in CoL . Basionym: Epidendrum linearifolioides Kränzlin

(1911: 55). Type :— PARAGUAY. No locality, 1894, Lindmann 3895 (holotype: HBG photo!) ( Figs. 15 View FIGURE 15 , 25J View FIGURE 25 ) .

Heterotypic synonyms:

Epidendrum flavum var. fuscosepalum Hoehne (1912: 19) View in CoL . Type:— BRAZIL. Mato Grosso: Juruena, December 1912, Hoehne 5319 (holotype: R 2818 !).

Encyclia bicornuta Brade (1943: 16) View in CoL . Encyclia bicornuta Brade (1943: 5) View in CoL , nom. superfl. Type :— BRAZIL. No locality, 7 October 1938, no collector (holotype: RB 46249 !).

Encyclia microxanthina Fowlie, (1991a: 90) View in CoL . Type:— PARAGUAY. No locality, 20 October 1990, no collector (holotype: UC FR90 P2, not found; lectoype designated by Meneguzzo et al. (2010): photograph published on the bottom right in Fowlie (1991: 90!).

Epiphytic herbs, 10.8−31.2 cm tall. Pseudobulbs conical, 1.5−3.0 × 1.0− 1.5 cm. Leaves 1−2, linear, 8.0−25.0 × 0.4−0.5 cm, apex acute. Inflorescence a 3−25-flowered, simple to weakly compound raceme; peduncle 6.0−7.0 cm long; rachis 4.0−13.0 cm long. Floral pedicel 2.2 × 0.2 cm, warty; sepals greenish, dorsal lanceolate, 1.8 × 0.4 cm, laterals lanceolate, 1.7−1.8 × 0.4−0.5 cm, reflexed, margin entire, apex acute; petals greenish, lanceolate, 1.5−1.7 × 0.4 cm, reflexed, margin entire, apex acute; lip with claw 0.15−0.25 × 0.20−0.30 cm, lateral lobes free relative to midlobe, 0.7−0.8 × 0.3−0.4 cm, yellowish, at an angle <45° to the midlobe (in the flattened lip), not overlapping it, margin entire, apex obtuse, midlobe rounded to elliptic, 0.5−0.7 × 0.6−0.8 cm, white, revolute, margin undulate, apex emarginate to obtuse, callus cymbiform, flabellate; column clavate, 0.8−1.0 × 0.2−0.3 cm, clinandrium apex tridentate, lateral teeth triangular, apex acute, arms of the column rounded, inconspicuous, apex obtuse; stigma rounded, with basal hooks; anther one, black, 0.2 × 0.2−0.3 cm.

Distribution and habitat:— This species occurs in Paraguay, Bolívia and Brazil ( Meneguzzo et al. 2012). In Brazil, the specimens come chiefly from the central west, southeast and north (only in Tocantins State, in cerrado vegetation). Here we record its occurrence for the first time in the Northeast, Maranhão State, also in cerrado vegetation ( Fig. 13 View FIGURE 13 ). There is a single record for Paraná State, in rainforest, but this seems an atypical habitat for E. linearifolioides . We think that the label might have incorrect collection data.

Phenology:— Flowering June–January.

Etymology:— In reference to the linear leaves.

Taxonomic notes:— Enyclia linearifolioides specimens can be confused with E. conchaechila , but differ in distribution, colour and shape of the lip, as mentioned in the notes for E. conchaechila . Moreover, it is a species typical of the cerrado biome, whereas E. conchaechila is from the Amazon Basin.

Encyclia linearifolioides was incorrectly synonymised under E. flava (Castro Neto & Chiron 2002b) , which actually is a synonym of E. patens , as explained under the notes for E. patens . Epidendrum flavum var. fuscosepalum , however, is a synonym of E. linearifolioides . The type of Epidendrum flavum var. fuscosepalum was found among the Encyclia specimens at R and fits the concept of E. linearifolioides adopted here.

Selected specimens examined:— BRAZIL. Distrito Federal: Brasília, Chapada da Contagem, 1025−1150 m, 19 October 2005, Salles et al. 3815A (HEPH); Fercal, 889 m, 12 October 1992, Bianchetti & Batista s.n. (CEN 26615). Goiás: Alto Paraíso de Goiás, Chapada dos Veadeiros, 1020 m, 27 September 1967, DeHaas et al. 402 (HB); Campinaçu, Serra da Mesa, 420 m, 28 January 1997, Walter et al. 3683 (CEN, SP); Campo Alegre de Goiás, Road Go-118, near the Paranã River, 18 October 1990, Hatschbach et al. 54733 (MBM); Cavalcante, bridge over the Carmo River, 340 m, 8 November 2000, Walter et al. 4589 (CEN, HUEFS); Colinas do Sul, river bank, 442 m, 11 December 1991, Bianchetti & Pereira-Silva 1188 (CEN); Goiânia, 739 m, 23 November 1964, Heringer 9955 (UB); Goiás, Serra Dourada, no date, Dawson 15176 (K); Iporá, Lage farm, 11 October 2008, Meneguzzo et al. 21 (UB); Minaçu, power plant of the Serra da Mesa, 291 m, 1 December 1998, Simon 86 (UB); Nova Roma, Ourominas− Nova Roma road, 472 m, 3 December 2003, Silva et al. 1211 (HUEFS, RB, SPF, UB); Novo Gama, no locality, 1093 m, 19 October 1963, Pires 51157 (UB); Niquelândia, between Uruaçu and Niquelândia, 480 m, 7 October 1992, Walter et al. 2033 (CEN, SP); Planaltina, 841 m, November 2008, Meneguzzo & Santos 26 (UB). Maranhão: Carolina, right bank of the Tocantins River, 150 m, 24 April 2008, Pereira-Silva et al. 13402 (CEN, HUEFS); Montes Altos, 11 November 1966, no collector (ESA 22505). Mato Grosso: Aripuanã, Dardanelos, 29 September 1975, Lisboa et al. 498 (INPA); Barão de Melgaço, Aldeia Perigara, São Lourenço River, 28 November 1973, no collector (ESA 31053); Cáceres, Jacobina farm, Jaurú River, September-December 1908, Hoehne 979 (R); Chapada dos Guimarães, 775 m, 5 October 1982, Kautsky s.n. (HB 75231); Cuiabá, Cuiabá− Santo Antônio, 171 m, 26 September 1996, Godinho 222 (CEN); Ipiranga do Norte, São Luiz Farm, 3 November 1976, no collector (ESA 31052); Nobres, 21 October 1995, Hatschbach et al. 63716 (INPA, MBM, SPF); Paranatinga, 15 July 1990, Macedo & Assunpção 16 (INPA); Paranaíta, Campo Teles Pires, 10 August 1950, Sick 550 (RB); Santo Antônio do Leverger, Córrego Grande Village, 24 September 1976, no collector (ESA 31031). Mato Grosso do Sul: Bonito, Bonito− Campo dos Índios road, 8 November 2002, Hatschbach et al. 73908 (MBM, SPF); Chapadão do Sul, Sucuriú River, 24 October 1967, no collector (ESA 22384); Corumbá, Morro Santa Cruz, 640−750 m, 30 July 1999, Rodriguez R09 (COR, SP); Sidrolândia, Água Rica, 27 January 1979, Vianna & Martins 1401 (R). Minas Gerais: Brasilândia de Minas, João Pinheiro road, 750 m, 11 November 1966, no collector (ESA 24204); Campina Verde, São José do Lajedo Farm, 494 m, 27 October 2003, Macêdo & Santos s.n. (HUEFS 176106, IAC 50794); Paraopeba, 731 m, 12 November 1960, Heringer 7741 (UB); Unaí, Unai− Samboril road, 650 m, 7 October 1966, no collector (ESA 23072). Paraná:Alto Paraíso, Vila Alta, Guarandi Woods, 7 November 2002, Kozera 1688 (MBM); Porto Rico, Mutum island, 14 September 1969, Hatschbach 22176 (MBM). Tocantins: Aguiarnópolis, woods of Mr. Francisco do Leite, 150 m, 22 October 2005, Pereira-Silva et al. 10277 (CEN); Babaçulândia, road to the mouth of the river, 155 m, 25 November 2009, Pereira-Silva et al. 14794 (CEN, HUEFS); Conceição do Tocantins, Teleste Stream, 408 m, 12 January 2003, Curcino 33 (HTO); Dianópolis, near the cave, 620 m, 29 September 2003, Cavalcanti et al. 3349 (CEN, HUEFS); Itacajá, Pedra Branca Village, 271 m, 15 October 2000, Santos et al. 800 (CEN); Lajeado, 205 m, 29 October 1998, Árbocz 6258 (HTO, IBGE); Miranorte, Miranorte− Abreulândia road, 300 m, 5 November 2005, Lombardi et al. 6202 (HRCB); Nazaré, 15 July 1991, Silva & Silva 134 (MG); Palmas, Serra Lajeado, Alta Floresta Farm, 245 m, 25 October 1993, Santos 551 (HTO); Palmeirante, Palmeirante− Tocantins old road, 160 m, 18 November 2010, Pereira & Amaral 301 (CEN, HUEFS); Palmeirópolis, lake of the UHE São Salvador, 290 m, 25 March 2009, Pereira-Silva et al. 14163 (CEN, HUEFS); Paranã, near the dam, 280 m, 6 June 2006, Pereira-Silva et al. 10427 (CEN, HUEFS); Porto Nacional, 841 m, 16 October 2000, Soares 1060 (HTO). PARAGUAY. San Pedro, 22 November 1956, Woolston 757 (K, SP); Juqueri River, January 1885 -1895, Hassler 2605 (K, P).


Hiroshima Botanical Garden














Encyclia linearifolioides (Kränzlin) Hoehne (1938: 19)

Bastos, Cláudia A., Meneguzzo, Thiago E. C. & Berg, Cássio Van Den 2018

Epidendrum flavum var. fuscosepalum

Hoehne, F. C. 1912: )
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF