Encyclia oncidioides (Lindl.) Schlechter (1914: 210)

Bastos, Cláudia A., Meneguzzo, Thiago E. C. & Berg, Cássio Van Den, 2018, A taxonomic revision of the Brazilian species of Encyclia (Orchidaceae: Epidendroideae: Epidendreae), Phytotaxa 342 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.342.1.1

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scientific name

Encyclia oncidioides (Lindl.) Schlechter (1914: 210)


27. Encyclia oncidioides (Lindl.) Schlechter (1914: 210) View in CoL . Basionym: Epidendrum oncidioides Lindley (1833: 1623) .

Type :— South America: no locality, no date, Harrison s.n. (holotype: K 79666 !; isotype: LE) ( Figs. 17 View FIGURE 17 , 26A View FIGURE 26 ) .

Heterotypic synonyms:

Encyclia quesneliana Henshall ex Withner (2000: 119) View in CoL = Epidendrum guesnelianum Henshall (1845: 113) , nom. nud. Type :— BRAZIL. No locality, no date, no collector (holotype: P 485103 , photo!).

Encyclia longifolia (BarbRodr.) Schlechter (1914: 210) View in CoL . Basionym: Epidendrum longifolium Barbosa Rodrigues (1882: 133) View in CoL . Type:— BRAZIL. Bahia: near Lençóis, December, no collector (lectoype designated by Meneguzzo et al. (2010): illustration of Barbosa Rodrigues (AMES) View in CoL published in Iconographie des orchidées du Brésil: t. 509, reproduced in Sprunger et al. (1996: 276, t. 13!).

Epiphytic or terrestrial herbs, 40.7−46.8 cm tall. Pseudobulbs conical, 7.1−8.5 × 1.0− 1.4 cm. Leaves 2−3, lanceolate, 30.7−38.5 × 1.4 cm, apex acute. Inflorescence a 20–25-flowered, compound raceme; peduncle 24.1−28.7 cm long; rachis 25.0 cm long. Floral pedicel 2.0−2.3 × 0.3 cm, warty; sepals yellowish with pink stain or greenish, dorsal lanceolate, 1.6−1.9 × 0.6−0.8 cm, laterals lanceolate, 1.6−1.9 × 0.6−0.7 cm, pendent, margin entire, apex acute to mucronate; petals yellowish with pink stain or greenish, spatulate, 1.6−1.9 × 0.7−0.9 cm, pendent, margin entire, apex obtuse to mucronate; lip with claw 0.2 × 0.2−0.3 cm, lateral lobes free relative to midlobe, 0.8−0.9 × 0.3−0.4 cm, yellowish, at a 90° angle to midlobe (in the flattened lip), not overlapping it, margin entire, apex obtuse, midlobe rounded to cordate, 0.7−0.8 × 0.9−1.0 cm, white with pinkish streaked, sinuous, margin undulate, apex emarginate to uncinate, callus cymbiform, acute; column clavate, 1.0 × 0.4−0.5 cm, clinandrium apex tridentate, lateral teeth triangular, apex acute, arms of the column elliptic, 0.15−0.20 × 0.15 cm, apex obtuse; stigma elliprtic, with basal hooks; anther one, intense yellow, 0.20−0.30 × 0.25−0.30 cm.

Distribution and habitat:— Widely distributed in several phytogeographical domains: Amazon Rainforest, caatinga, cerrado and Atlantic Forest ( Fig. 16 View FIGURE 16 ).

Phenology:— Flowering all year.

Etymology:— In reference to the compound inflorescence that is reminiscent of Oncidium due to the large number of flowers.

Taxonomic notes:— Among features that discrminate E. oncidioides we should mention the rounded to cordate midlobe with an emarginate to uncinate apex and sepals and petals yellowish with pink blotches or greenish and white lip with pink stripes. In the historical and recent literature, this species has a long list of synonyms, most of which are misapplications. This is due to the fact that the precise location of the type was not stated by Lindley (1833), and several species exhibit similar morphology ( Toscano de Brito & Cribb 2005), especially in herbarium specimens. Among the erroneous synonyms is E. cardimii (Campacci 2003) , a rupicolous species from Minas Gerais, for which the type in HB has no similarity whatsoever to E. oncidioides . Initially, we considered that the type of E. cardimii could be referred to E. alboxanthina due to the rupicolous habit; however, examination of the flattened lip in the type material of E. cardimii indicated that it is neither E. oncidioides nor E. alboxanthina . It is more likely a variatiant of E. osmantha with a deltoid midlobe and oval lateral lobes. Encyclia ensiformis ( Vellozo 1831: t. 2) Hoehne (1952: 151) is another name mistakenly associated with E. oncidioides ( Withner 2000, Govaerts et al. 2013). Originally published by Vellozo as Epidendrum ensiforme Vellozo (1831 : t. 2), E. ensiformis was transferred as a nomen novum to Encyclia as E. vellozoana by Pabst (1975: 22) because he thought that the combination E. ensiformis (Vell.) Hoehne (1952: 151) was illegitimate due to a pre-occupation of the epithet by E. ensiformis (Ruiz & Pav.) Mansf. The last, however, was never validly published, being only a name in sched. In addition to these nomenclatural complications, the illustration of Epidendrum ensiforme Vell. leaves no doubt that the flower corresponds to a species of Gomesa s.l. ( Vellozo 1831, Castro Neto 1998), whereas the vegetative parts with a terminal inflorescence seem like an Encyclia or maybe a Prosthechea . In this way, if the type of this name is not found a definite decision on the application of this name cannot be taken, but with certainty it no relevance on E. oncidioides .

After study of the type of E. quesneliana (the spelling in the original description was guesnelianum ), we concluded that E. quesneliana bears no relationship with E. dichroma or E. jenischiana . Although the literature often lists this name as a synonym of Encylia dichroma ( Withner 2000 considered this the correct name for the species we treat here as E. jenischiana ), the type material corresponds to E. oncidioides . The label in French reads that “it is not Epidendrum dichromum but a new species”.After Epidendrum quesnelianum was included as a synonym of Epidendrum dichromum by Henshall (1845), the error was reproduced in subsequent publications (Govaerts et al. 2013). Withner (2000) considered E. quesneliana as the correct name for E. ghillanyi , the latter here considered a synonym of E. jenischiana . There is a further complication because the name was originally published with no description or diagnosis, and thus it is a nomem nudum (McNeil et al. 2012). It should have never been combined by Withner (2000).

Encyclia oncidioides exhibits variation in the colour and morphology of the flowers between specimens from the interior and coast. In Bahia, for example, there are specimens collected in the Pratigi (municipality of Ituberá) that have lighter, greenish flowers compared to plants from Chapada Diamantina , in which sepals and petals are yellowish spotted with pink and the lip midlobe is densely purple-striped.

Selected specimens examined: BRAZIL. Alagoas: Chã Preta, Vera Cruz Reserve , 30 November 1997, Lemos & Rodrigues 4379 ( MAC) . Amapá: Porto Grande, Copran Farm , 15 October 1969, Celina s.n. ( ESA 26350 About ESA ) . Bahia: Abaíra, Abaíra− Catolés road, 900 m, 16 October 1992, Ganev 1235 ( HUEFS, SPF) ; Andaraí, road to Mucugê , 1163 m, 24 October 2000, Souza et al. 63 ( HUEFS) ; Barreiras, Rio Branco , 250 m, July 1963, Oliveira s.n. ( ESA 18087 About ESA ) ; Belmonte, Pratigi , van den Berg 2157 ( HUEFS) ; Cairu, Garapuá , 14 December 2004, Rigueira s.n. ( ALCB 67949 About ALCB , MBM 305942 View Materials ) ; Camaçari, Guarajuba , 2 November 1983, Bohrer 1 ( HRB) ; Catolés, Catolés− Abaíra road, 900 m, 16 October 1992, Ganev 1235 ( HUEFS, K) ; Conceição do Coité, Serra do Mucambo , 522 m, 7 September 2010, Carvalho 11 ( HUEFS) ; Cruz das Almas, 207 m, 20 January 1956, Heringer 5073 ( UB) ; Entre Rios, Rio do Negro farm, 10 February 2009, Popovkin 504 ( HUEFS) ; Ilhéus , 16 m, 15 February 1966, Belém 2033 ( UB) ; Ipirá, Recreio farm, 22 November 1986, Queiroz 1387 ( HUEFS) ; Itacaré, Monte Alegre farm, 12 January 2003, Jardim 4138 ( HUEFS) ; Ituberá, road to Pratigi Beach , 15 October 1998, Hatschbach et al. 68552 ( MBM, MG) ; Jequié , 671 m, 13 April 2007, Queiroz 12994 ( HUEFS) ; Maraú, Saquaíra− Campinhos road, 6 September 1999, Carvalh et al. 6791 ( CEPEC) ; Mata de São João, Sauípe coast, 17 October 2003, Loureiro et al. 750 ( ALCB) ; Morro do Chapéu, near the Pedro Bravo Waterfall , 5 March 2007, Bastos 156 ( HUEFS) ; Mucugê, Sempre-Viva Project Reserve , 955 m, 24 October 2000, Souza et al. 88 ( HUEFS) ; Paulo Afonso, Raso da Catarina Ecological Station , 1 December 2005, Moraes et al. 100 ( HUEFS) ; Rio de Contas, Rio de Contas− Marcolino Moura road, 1055 m, 18 January 2000, Juchum et al. 69 ( CEPEC) ; Salvador , Armação Dunes, 1959, Costa 407 ( ALCB) ; Serrinha, Barra do Vento , 17December 2004, van den Berg 1434 ( HUEFS) ; Três Morros , 750 m, 18 July 1963, Oliveira s.n. ( ESA 17375 About ESA ) ; Una, Una Biological Reserve , 40−50 m, 28 October 2001, Thomas et al. 12651 ( CEPEC) ; Vitória da Conquista , 21 November 1978, Mori et al. 11296 ( CEPEC, HB) . Espírito Santo: Domingos Martins , 4 March 1981, Kautsky s.n. ( HB75237 ) ; Guarapari, Cabeça Quebrada Mountain , 19 m, March 1971, Warras & Kautsky 334 ( HB) ; Linhares, CVRD Nature Reserve , 13 September 1995, Folli 2653 ( CVRD, RB) ; Santa Leopoldina, Caioaba farm, 150−400 m, 18 July 2007, Vervloet et al. 2933 ( MBML) ; Santa Teresa, Santa Lúcia Biological Station , 16 June 2001, Fraga 766 ( MBML) . Minas Gerais: Diogo de Vasconcelos, Miguel Rodrigues , 13 October 2000, Carvalho 751 ( VIC) ; Santa Bárbara, Areião , 24 November 1921, Hoehne s.n. ( SP 8141 ) ; Taquaraçu de Minas , 31 December 1988, Reis & Rocha 45 ( BHCB, UEC) . Paraíba: Areia , 397 m, 30 October 1944, Vasconcellos 356 ( HUEFS, RB) ; Barra de Santana, Pitombeira Farm, Serra Caturité , 26 January 1997, Félix et al. s.n. ( HUEFS 158823 About HUEFS , HST 9119) . Pernambuco: Bonito , 22 January 1966, Lima s.n. ( HB 40979 ) . Paraná: Antonina , 450 m, 26 November 1965, Hatschbach 13383 ( MBM) ; Guaratuba , 200 m, 18 January 1970, Hatschbach 23369 ( MBM) ; Morretes , top port, December 1958, Leining 68 ( HB) . Rio de Janeiro: Angra dos Reis, Ilha Grande , Araújo et al. 9050 ( R) ; Araruama, Arraial do Cabo , 13 January 1989, Ferreira 4075 ( R) ; Cabo Frio , near the bog of the thorn, 20 December 1982, Araújo 5310 ( R) ; Rio de Janeiro, 418 m, 11 February 1941, no collector ( RB 43790 ) ; Campos dos Goitacazes , 11 m, 10 December 1979, Pinto s.n. ( HB 70298 ) . Santa Catarina: Florianópolis, Morro da Cambriela , 14 December 1950, Rohr 2045 ( HB) ; Ibirama , 200 m, 6 December 1953, Gevieski 75 ( HB) ; Palhoça, Palhoça-Pilões , 25 m, 13 December 1987, Reitz 4261 ( HB) . São Paulo: Amparo , 27 May 1927, Hoehne 20559 ( SPF) ; Atibaia, Grota Funda , 18 June 2005, Breier 1271 ( UEC) ; Cananéia, Ilha do Cardoso , 18 October 2005, Romanini 240 ( SP) ; Iguape, Ilha Grande , 9 m, no date, Brade s.n. ( HB 8328 ) ; Jundiaí, Serra do Japi Municipal Biological Reserve , 985− 850 m, 23 October 2007, Lombardi & Hieda 6985 ( HRCB) ; Lorena , 535 m, no date, Delforge s.n. ( RB 199930 ) ; Piracicaba , 28 October 1992, G. F.M. 2 ( ESA) ; São José dos Campos , 27 December 1960, no collector ( ESA 1598 About ESA ) ; São Paulo, Cidade Jardim , 8 June 1931, Zoéga 27857 ( SP) ; Taubaté , July 1952, Welter s.n. ( HB 7631 ) ; Ubatuba, Picinguaba , 8 August 1988, Ribeiro et al. 543 ( HRCB) . Sergipe: Japaratuba , forest garden, 13 December 1996, Landim 1087 ( ASE, HUEFS) ; Riachuelo, Pocinhos Farm , 31 December 1962, Franco Filho 1 ( HB 20032 ) .


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Royal Botanic Gardens


Laboratoire de Biostratigraphie


San Jose State University, Museum of Birds and Mammals


Museum of Zoology




Universidade Federal da Bahia, Campus Universitário de Ondina


Herbarium Bradeanum


Reserva Natural da Vale


Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro


Museu de Biologia Mello Leitão


Universidade Federal de Viçosa


Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais


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Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Instituto de Botânica


Universidade Estadual Paulista


Universidade de São Paulo


Universidade Federal de Sergipe














Encyclia oncidioides (Lindl.) Schlechter (1914: 210)

Bastos, Cláudia A., Meneguzzo, Thiago E. C. & Berg, Cássio Van Den 2018

Encyclia quesneliana Henshall ex Withner (2000: 119)

Withner, C. L. 2000: )

Encyclia longifolia (BarbRodr.)

Sprunger, S. & Cribb, P. & Toscano de Brito, A. 1996: 276
Schlechter F. R. R. 1914: )
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