Encyclia replicata (Lindl. & Paxton) Schlechter (1920: 255)

Bastos, Cláudia A., Meneguzzo, Thiago E. C. & Berg, Cássio Van Den, 2018, A taxonomic revision of the Brazilian species of Encyclia (Orchidaceae: Epidendroideae: Epidendreae), Phytotaxa 342 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.342.1.1

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scientific name

Encyclia replicata (Lindl. & Paxton) Schlechter (1920: 255)


Encyclia replicata (Lindl. & Paxton) Schlechter (1920: 255) View in CoL . Basionym: Epidendrum replicatum Lindley & Paxton

(1852: 167). Type :― COLOMBIA. New Grenada: no locality, July 1851, Rucker s.n. (holotype: K-L!) ( Fig. 26G View FIGURE 26 ) .

Heterotypic synonyms:

Encyclia maderoi Schlechter (1920: 155) View in CoL . Type:― COLOMBIA. Antioquia: no locality, 1000 m elevation, no date, Madero s.n. (holotype: B†; lectotype designated by Bastos et al. (2015): illustration of Schlechter in Mansfeld (1929: t. 55, n. 212).

Encyclia expansa ( Reichenbach 1877: 115) Ortiz (1991: 99) View in CoL . Epidendrum expansum Rchb.f. View in CoL Type :― COLOMBIA. New Granada: no locality, no date, Wallis s.n. (holotype: W-R).

Encyclia edithiana Menezes (1996: 23) View in CoL . Type :― BRAZIL. Amazonas : Rio Madeira, no locality, September–October, Oliveira. s.n. (holotype: UB!).

Encyclia magdalenae Withner (2000: 91) View in CoL . Type :― COLOMBIA. No locality, no date, Withner s.n. (holotype: AMES).

Encyclia replicata View in CoL is a Colombian species. Encyclia edithiana View in CoL and E. maderoi View in CoL were recently indicated as synonyms of E. replicata View in CoL by Bastos et al. (2015), which clarified some nomenclatural questions regarding this species. Although the protologue of E. edithiana View in CoL described its origin as Amazonas State ( Brazil), there are doubts about its real origin due to the complete absence of Brazilian specimens except for the type. Furthermore, E. edithiana View in CoL was described from cultivated material, and confusion about the origin of specimens is common in private orchid collections (Bastos et al. 2015). Sauleda (2016) indicated two further synonyms that correspond to the same taxon, E. expansa View in CoL and E. magdalenae View in CoL . Encyclia replicata View in CoL is a species with brownish sepals and petals, a lip densely striped with pink, spatulate petals and lip midlobe round, although Sauleda (2016) included photographs of specimens with an acute midlobe that are likely introgressed forms with E. ceratistes ( Lindley 1844: 91) Schlechter (1919: 74) View in CoL .

Encyclia xipheroides (Kraenzl.) View in CoL Porto & Brade (1935: 29). Basionym: Epidendrum xipheroides Kränzlin (1896: 63) View in CoL . Type: — BRAZIL. No locality, June, Kränzlin s.n. (holotype: HBG).

The type of this name was probably destroyed in Berlin, and the protologue includes only a diagnosis with no illustration. It was described as plant with linear leaves, a few-flowered inflorescence and an oblong to subquadrate lip midlobe with undulate margins. The protologue indicated similarities to Epi. xipheres Reichenbach (1854: 98) , which today is considered a synonym E. nematocaulon ( Richard 1850: 238) Acuña-Galé (1938: 77) View in CoL ( Withner 1998, 2000), a Central American species with no records for Brazil. The description of this material is compatible with that presented for E. xipheroides View in CoL . The exact origin of the material for E. xipheroides View in CoL was not mentioned in the original description, and we could not find a Brazilian specimen compatible with this name. Therefore, we cannot confirm its occurrence in Brazil; its original locality is likely incorrect.

Doubtful Taxa

The following names were not included in this survey for several reasons. In some cases, the types were not examined because they were not available in the herbaria where they should have been deposited and no other specimen with the correct details was found in the other collections studied. Some names were not validly published, and in other cases the type material was so incomplete that it prevented us making an informed taxonomic decision on its application. For others, the type material was known to have been destroyed, the protologue did not include an illustration or sufficient description and diagnosis to support a taxonomic decision about their identity. In all the above cases, we decided to keep such names as doubtful taxa because any taxonomic decision about them would be inconclusive given these limitations.

Encyclia acuta Schlechter (1925: 104) View in CoL . Basionym : Epidendrum acutum (Schlechter) Hawkes (1956: 168) View in CoL . Type :— BRAZIL. Amazonas : Manaus , no locality, June, Hübner 49 (holotype: B†).

Types of almost all Schechter’s species were destroyed when the Berlin Herbarium was bombed in World War II. This putative Amazonian species and the two others below by the same author were not illustrated in Mansfeld (1928), and their application is based solely on the description. Encyclia acuta View in CoL was described as a 50−60 cm tall with oblong leaves and an acute apex. This name was indicated as a synonym of E. chloroleuca View in CoL by Castro Neto (1998) and applied to E. granitica View in CoL by F.G. Brieger in his living collections in Piracicaba. Considering the missing specimens and absence of an illustration, we consider the possibility that this is a mistaken synonymisation. We therefore opt to treat E. acuta View in CoL as a doubtful taxon in this paper.

Encyclia albopurpurea (Barbosa Rodrigues) Porto&Brade(1935:28). Basionym : Epidendrum albopurpureum Barbosa Rodrigues (1877: 51) . Type :— BRAZIL. Pará : Rio Tapajoz to Urycurytiba, September, no collector (holotype: RB †) .

This species was published by Barbosa Rodrigues , but he did not include an illustration, even though the protologue mentioned t. 263 ( Barbosa Rodrigues 1877 ). This plate, however, has been lost and was also not reproduced by Sprunger et al. (1996). Furthermore, most of Barbosa Rodrigues’ material was destroyed, and in this case we can consider only the diagnosis and locality data in trying to solve its identity. The protologue indicated that the flowers are large with brownish-yellow petals and sepals, a broad lip with white and purple and an inflorescence up to three times the size of the plant. These data contribute little to a definite taxonomic decision. Fowlie & Duveen (1992) included a photograph of a plant supposedly collected in the type locality of E. albopurpurea that they believed to be this species after using the key presented in Flora Brasiliensis (Cogniaux 1898) . In fact, the photograph of E. albopurpurea in Fowlie & Duveen (1992) corresponds to E. chapadensis , a narrow endemic that does not have an Amazonian record and occurs more than 1,500 kilometers away. For this reason we consider this issue to be unresolved, and we keep this as a doubtful name.

Encyclia ×alcardoi Castro Neto & Chiron (2002a: 154) View in CoL . Type:— BRAZIL. Tocantins: Porto Nacional, December 2001, Alcardo s.n. (holotype: SP 360195 !).

Encyclia ×alcardoi View in CoL was published as a hybrid between E. argentinensis View in CoL and “ E. flava View in CoL ”, but the E. flava View in CoL mentioned in the protologue was incorrectly applied in this case to material of E. linearifolioides View in CoL (the true E. flava View in CoL is a synonym of E. patens View in CoL ). Although the occurrence of E. linearifolioides View in CoL at the type locality of E. ×alcardoi View in CoL has been confirmed, there are no records for E. argentinensis View in CoL , which leads to some doubts regarding the parentage of this hybrid. Furthermore, the holotype consists of fragments of a flower thoroughly stuck to a black paper card, and the illustrations and description included in the protologue are not sufficient for a firm conclusion about the hybrid. For these reasons, we agree with Meneguzzo et al. (2012) and decided to exclude this name from our study.

Encyclia amazonica Brongniart ex Neuman (1845: 137) View in CoL . Type :— BRAZIL. Amazonas : Alto Amazonas, July 1845, Questel s.n. (holotype: P 407366 , photograph!).

The protologue of E. amazonica View in CoL consists of a short description without an illustration to help in identification of this species. The author only indicated that the pseudolbulbs of E. amazonica View in CoL are large in relation to other species in the genus, data of little use in ascertaining its application. The type was not indicated, but we found a specimen marked as the type of E. amazonica View in CoL at P. This specimen has a single, oblong leaf and part of an inflorescence with a flower 3.0 cm long. The petals are spathulate, midlobe round and lateral lobes linear. Certainly it corresponds to none of the species referred to Brazil or in the stated region of the upper Amazon. We also have concerns about its actual provenance, and we found we found only two other specimens without precise localities at P (P 407370) and Vienna (W 10662). Because on the label of the putative holotype there is also a reference to “Samario” in “Alto Amazonas”, a location not known in Brazil, whereas it could be a location in Alto Amazonas of Peru.

Encyclia delicata Menezes , in sched. Type:— BRAZIL. Goiás: Formosa, no locality, no date, Menezes UB 71 (holotype: UB!).

This name appeared on a specimen deposited at UB as a type, but we did not find a publication mentioning it. Furthermore, this specimen has no flowers, making identification impossible ( Meneguzzo et al. 2012).

Encyclia jucuranensis Pabst & Mello , in sched. Type:— BRAZIL. Bahia: Jucuruçu , no date, Pereira 9 (holótype, HB!).

This is another name to be excluded due to never being formally published. In HB, there is a specimen from Jucuruçu, Bahia, marked by Pabst as a holotype. However, it is incomplete and cannot be identified.

Encyclia huebneri Schlechter (1925: 105) View in CoL . Type :— BRAZIL. Amazonas : Campos Salles− Campina , September, Hübner 69 (holotype: B†).

No illustration of E, huebneri View in CoL is known, and our understanding of name is based only on the protologue, which is not useful for identification. The location mentioned is not specific, but it is probably from the outskirts of Manaus. The description indicates a plant 85 cm tall, flowers with spreading sepals and petals and a lip with triangular-oblong lateral lobes and an elliptic midlobe with an emarginate apex. Encyclia huebneri View in CoL was said by the author to be similar to E. diota (Lindley 1843: 65) Schlechter (1918: 472) View in CoL and E. trachycarpa (Lindley 1846: 172) Schlechter (1918: 474) View in CoL . Considering this comparison and the tall plant, it is likely to be another synonym of E. granitica View in CoL , for which the distribution includes the location where the type of E. huebneri View in CoL was collected. However the destruction of the type and the absence of an illustration of E. huebneri View in CoL is a great shortcoming, and we prefer to keep it among the doubtful taxa. A thorough examination of the exact area of origin might help clarify this name.

Encyclia oxyphylla Schlechter (1925: 106) View in CoL . Type :— BRAZIL. Amazonas : Boca do Rio Branco , January, Hübner 79 (holotype: B†).

Encyclia oxyphylla View in CoL is another Amazonian species described by Schlechter, and its type was also destroyed in Berlin. Therefore, to identify it we have only the description in the protologue and no illustration. It was also collected by Hübner and described as a plant of ca. 50 cm with inflorescence shorter than the leaves, an uncommon feature among Encyclia species. The flowers were described as having green sepals and petals and a white lip with lilac stripes and brownish lateral lobes. Because of confusion due to the similar names, we could conside it related to E. oxypetala (Lindley 1846: 8) Schlechter (1918: 277) View in CoL , but it differs from the latter in having larger flowers ( Schlechter 1925). The absence of an illustration and the type definitely hinders proper interpretation of this species.

Encyclia reflexa González (1993: 6) . Type:— BRAZIL. Tocantins: Ilha do Bananal , no date, Menezes UB 81 (holotype: G).

A specimen with this name is present at G and labelled as a nomenclatural type. However, it has no flowers ( Meneguzzo et al. 2012), which makes its identification impossible. Additionally, the original publication did not assign a type, and therefore the name is not validly published.

Encyclia tripartita (Vellozo) Hoehne (1952: 143) View in CoL . Basionym: Epidendrum tripartitum Vellozo (1831 View in CoL : t. 7). Type:— BRAZIL. Rio de Janeiro: no locality, no date, no collector (holotype: RB†; lectotype here designated: illustration in Vellozo (1831, t. 7).

Encyclia tripartita View in CoL has been compared with E. flava ( Withner 2000) View in CoL , a synonym of E. patens View in CoL , as stated in the notes under E. patens View in CoL . Despite the fact that the illustration of Vellozo (1831) superficially resembles E. patens View in CoL (in which case it would be a synonym), we have insufficient elements to establish this unequivocally. It is also not likely to be the correct name for E. linearifolioides (Hoehne 1952) View in CoL because the plants described by Vellozo come from the Rio de Janeiro coastline, far away from the distribution of the latter.


Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro














Encyclia replicata (Lindl. & Paxton) Schlechter (1920: 255)

Bastos, Cláudia A., Meneguzzo, Thiago E. C. & Berg, Cássio Van Den 2018

Encyclia magdalenae

Withner, C. L. 2000: )

Encyclia edithiana

Menezes, L. C. 1996: )

Encyclia expansa ( Reichenbach 1877: 115 )

Reichenbach, H. G. 1991: 115

Encyclia xipheroides (Kraenzl.)

Porto, P. C. & Brade, A. C. 1935: 29
Kranzlin, F. W. L. 1896: )

Encyclia acuta

Schlechter, F. R. R. 1925: )

Encyclia huebneri

Schlechter, F. R. R. 1925: )

Encyclia oxyphylla

Schlechter, F. R. R. 1925: )

Encyclia replicata (Lindl. & Paxton)

Schlechter, F. R. R. 1920: )

Encyclia maderoi

Schlechter, F. R. R. 1920: )

Encyclia amazonica Brongniart ex Neuman (1845: 137)

Neuman, L. M. 1845: )

Encyclia replicata

Schlechter, F. R. R. 1844: 91
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