Karnyothrips submaculatus, Okajima & Masumoto, 2025

Okajima, Shûji & Masumoto, Masami, 2025, Review of the genus Karnyothrips (Thysanoptera, Phlaeothripidae) from Asia between India and Japan, Zootaxa 5578 (1), pp. 1-82 : 68-69

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Plazi (2025-01-29 12:17:49, last updated 2025-01-29 12:33:45)

scientific name

Karnyothrips submaculatus

sp. nov.

Karnyothrips submaculatus sp. n.

( Figs 36 View FIGURES 31–40 , 206–211 View FIGURES 206–211 )

Female (microptera). Distended body length: 1.9–2.0mm. Bicolored species ( Fig. 36 View FIGURES 31–40 ). Head, prothorax, mesothorax and tube brown, but tube with base yellowish; metanotum yellowish, slightly tinged with brown, much paler than mesothorax; each abdominal segment bicolored, segment I yellow with posterior portion brownish, segment II brown with posterior portion yellowish, segments III – VIII largely yellow, each segment with a median and a pair of lateral brownish markings along antecostal suture, segment IX yellowish. Fore femora brown, almost concolorous with head, with apices paler, mid and hind femora brownish yellow; fore tibiae brownish yellow, mid and hind tibiae yellow, scarcely shaded with brown basally; all tarsi yellowish. Antennal segments I and IV – VIII pale brown, a little paler than head, segments II and III yellow. Major body setae pale. Head 1.30-1.35 times as long as broad ( Fig. 206 View FIGURES 206–211 ), 1.32 times in holotype , dorsal surface almost smooth. Cheeks weakly rounded, weakly serrate. Postocular setae almost as long as eyes, expanded at apex, 97µm apart from each other, 12–13µm apart from eyes in holotype. Eyes small, about one-fourth as long as head, 0.24 times in holotype. Ocelli reduced, about 5µm in diameter in holotype; posterior pair 35µm apart from each other in holotype. Antennae about 1.8 times as long as head; segment VIII relatively long ( Fig. 210 View FIGURES 206–211 ), weakly constricted basally; segment VII a little longer than III ( Fig. 211 View FIGURES 206–211 ); segments III and IV each with two (1+1) sense cones, but often IV with additional small one (1+1 +1). Maxillary stylets barely reaching eyes, close together medially, closer than one-fifth of head width, 18µm apart from each other in holotype ; maxillary bridge very weak. Pronotum about 0.7 times as long as head, 1.54 times as wide as long in holotype, almost smooth; four pairs of prominent setae expanded; pa shorter than aa, aa and ml subequal in length. Notopleural sutures complete. Prospinasternum large, irregularly shaped, 45µm wide in holotype; mesopresternum completely divided into two lateral triangular plates ( Fig. 208 View FIGURES 206–211 ). Metanotum almost smooth; median pair of setae weak, short and acute, sometimes missing (the left one is missing in holotype). Pelta trapezoid ( Fig. 209 View FIGURES 206–211 ), sculptured weakly, 1.57 times as wide as long. Tergites without wing-retaining setae. Tergite IX S1 setae expanded, shorter than tube, S2 sharply pointed, much longer than tube. Tube 0.54 times as long as head, 1.72 times as long as wide in holotype . Terminal setae 1.9–2.0 times as long as tube, 1.94 times in holotype.

Measurements (holotype female in µm). Body length about 1900 (distended). Head length 182, from anterior margin of eyes 168, width across eyes 124, maximum width across cheeks 138; eyes length 43–44, width 33; diameter of posterior ocelli 5–6; postocular setae 45. Maxillary bridge width 35. Antenna total length 330, segments III–VIII length (width) as follows: 40 (26), 42 (26), 40 (23), 40 (21), 44 (19), 26 (10). Pronotum length 127, width 196. Setae on prothorax: aa 40–44, ml 40–45, pa 32–37, epim 45–46. Pelta length 67, width 105. Tergite IX setae: S1 85–87, S2 115–125. Tube length 98, maximum width 57; terminal setae about 190.

Male (microptera). Distended body length: 1.3-1.6mm. Very similar in color and structure to micropterous female. Head 1.33–1.39 times as long as wide ( Fig. 207 View FIGURES 206–211 ); postocular setae a little shorter than eyes. Prothoracic pa almost as long as ml. Metanotum often very wealy sculptured with polygonal reticulation. Tube 0.54–0.57 times as long as head.

Measurements (paratype male in µm). Body length about 1600 (distended). Head length 172, from anterior margin of eyes 158, width across eyes 118, maximum width across cheeks 124; eyes length 42–43, width 33–37; diameter of posterior ocelli 8–9; postocular setae 35–38. Antenna total length 320, segments III–VIII length as follows: 38, 42, 40, 37, 40, 30. Pronotum length 125, width 180. Setae on prothorax: aa 35–40, ml 33–35, pa 34–35, epim 40. Pelta length 55, width 83. Tergite IX setae: S1 80–84, S2 33 –35. Tube length 97, maximum width 54; terminal setae about 200.

Type material. Holotype: micropterous female, Taiwan, Nantou Hsien, Nanshanchi , on dead branches, 30.iii.1984, SO . Paratypes: Taiwan, 5 females (mic.) and 2 males (mic.), collected together with holotype; data very similar to holotype , 1 male (mic.), 24.iii.1984, 1 male (mic.), 25.iii.1984, 1 female (mic.) and 1 male (mic.), 27.iii.1984; 1 male (mic.), Nantou Hsien, foot of Mt. Nankao , nr. Wanta, on dead branches, 1.iv.1984 , SO; 1 female (mic.), Kaohsiung Hsien, Liukuei , on dead leaves and branches, 4.ix.1993 , TN.

Non-paratypic specimen. Taiwan, 1 male (mic.), Pintung Hsien , Kenting Nat. Park, on dead branches, 18.iii.1984, SO .

Comments. This species is described based on several micropterous females and males collected from dead branches in Taiwan, and is somewhat similar to K. insignis from the Ryukyu Islands, Japan, in appearance. However, it is easily distinguished by the following features: head and mesothorax brown, concolorous with head (head and mesothorax yellowish, in contrast with brown prothorax in insignis ); fore femora brown, mid and hind femora pale brown (legs largely yellowish in insignis ); antennal segment III almost as long as segment IV or a little shorter (segment III much shorter than IV in insignis ); antennal segment IV with two sense cones (with four sense cones in insignis ).

Gallery Image

FIGURES 31–40. Karnyothrips species. (31) K. quadriconus sp. n., female (mac.); (32) K. robustus, female (mac.); (33) K. semiflavus sp. n., female (mac.); (34) K. similis sp. n., female (mac.); (35) K. simpliceps sp. n., female (mac.); (36) K. submaculatus sp. n., female (mic.); (37) K. triconus sp. n., female (mac.); (38) K. triconus sp. n., male (mac.); (39) K. triconus sp. n., male (mac.); (40) K. variabilis sp. n., female (mac.).

Gallery Image

FIGURES 206–211. Karnyothrips submaculatus sp. n., microptera. (206) Head, female; (207) head, male; (208) prosternum & mesopresternum, female; (209) pelta, female; (210) antennal segments VI–VIII, female; (211) antennal segments III–IV, female.