Theoborus amazonicus Petrov, 2020

Petrov, A. V., 2020, New species and records of Xyleborini (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) from Peru, Russian Entomological Journal 29 (4), pp. 402-409 : 406-409

publication ID 10.15298/rusentj.29.4.07

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Theoborus amazonicus Petrov

sp. nov.

Theoborus amazonicus Petrov , sp.n.

Figs 15–18 View Figs 15–18 .

MATERIAL. Holotype, ♀ ( ZMM): Peru: Loreto province, 58 km SW Iquitos, Itaya river , h~ 120m, 04°15´23.3´´S 73°27´59.1´´W, 12.03.2007, leg. A. V Petrov. Paratype (1 ♀ in APP): same place and date GoogleMaps .

DESCRIPTION. Female. Length 2.8 mm, 2.37 times as long as wide, reddish brown, body covered by abundant erect setae ( Figs 15–16 View Figs 15–18 ).

Head light reddish brown, dull, with dark brown eyes and mandibles. Frons weakly convex, in epistoma weakly transversely flattened with transversal row of abundant long yellow setae ( Fig. 17 View Figs 15–18 ); surface of the frons reticulate, with sparse long setae. Vertex, upper and lateral parts of the frons shagreened. Eyes shallowly emarginate, 1.87 as long as wide, flat, eyes widely separated above by 2.6 times their width. Antennal fossa very short, near middle of eye, antennal insertion not deep, without sclerotized ring. Antennomeres reddish brown, scape as long as wide as club, funicle 5-segmented, pedicel scyphoid, club subcircular, moderately flattened, thickened basally, anteri- or face with two separate sutures, both of which are continued on the posterior face of club, sutures ornamented by pale short setae.

Pronotum reddish brown, weakly shining, subsquare, 1.08 times as long as wide; the base straight, anterior part rounded from third of pronotal length; anterior margin irregularly armed by two large (in the middle) and four smaller (laterally) rounded serrations; anterior slope coarsely asperate, armed by rounded serrations, posterior area weakly shining, surface with numerous punctures; vestiture on pronotal disc of abundant erect reddish brown setae

Scutellum visible, triangular, dark brown, shining.

Elytra bicoloured, darker on posterior half of elytral length, while light reddish-brown elsewhere, weakly shining, 1.3 times as long as wide, 1.42 as long as pronotum. Disc occupying 65 percent of elytral length; striae not impressed, punctures small, distinct, uniseriate; interstriae about two times wide as striae, shagreened, weakly shining, interstrial punctures half as large as those of striae, moderately confused. Disc covered by sparse long erect setae. Declivity flat, weakly impressed in central part from striae1 to striae 4, base of declivity armed by rounded single tubercles, interstriae 1–2 with two and interstriae 3 with three tubercles at the base of declivity; interstriae 1–3 on the disc of declivity with minute granules ( Fig. 18 View Figs 15–18 ); striae 1–4 not visible on declivity. Vestiture of long abundant erect setae covering surface of elytral declivity, interstriae on elytral disc with short sparce setae, interstriae with long erect setae; erect yellow setae on declivity longer and more abundant.

Metepisternum and metasternite reddish brown with sparse erect yellow setae. Abdomen unicoloured reddish brown, ventrite 1 with short uniformly adjacent setae, ventrites 2–5 with long abundant erect setae. Legs unicoloured reddish brown, with errect yellow setae, pro- and metatibiae with six lateral socketed teeth on distal half and one-third.

Male: unknow.

DIAGNOSIS. The new species is closely related to Theoborus crinitulus (Wood, 1974) , but can be distinguished by microscopic granules on interstriae 3 of declivity disc, rounded posterolateral margin of declivity unarmed by a carina, and larger body size of female; from T. magnus sp.n. can be distinguished by flat declivity,long erect setae on elytral disc, and smaller body size.

BIOLOGY. The species was collected in rain tropical forest (Bosque de colina baja).

ETYMOLOGY. The name of the species refers to its type locality.

Theoborus magnus Petrov , sp.n.

Figs 19–22 View Figs 19–22 .

MATERIAL. Holotype, ♀ ( ZMM): Peru: Loreto province, 18 km NNW from Iquitos, Momon river, near Gen Gen village , 03°37´52.8´´S 73°19´53.2´´W, h~ 110m, 5–7.II.2007, FIT, leg. A. V Petrov. Paratype (1 ♀ in APP): 70 km SW Iquitos, h~ 130m, 04°20´35.6´´S 73°30´17.2´´W, FIT, 27.II.2008, leg. A. V Petrov GoogleMaps .

DESCRIPTION. Female. Length 3.1 mm, 2.17 times as long as wide, reddish brown, body covered by abundant erect yellow setae ( Figs 21–22 View Figs 19–22 ).

Head reddish brown, dull, with dark brown eyes and mandibles. Frons weakly convex; surface of the frons reticulate, with sparse long setae; in epistoma with transversal row of abundant long yellow setae ( Fig. 20 View Figs 19–22 ) Vertex, upper and lateral parts of the frons shagreened. Eyes shallowly emarginate, 1.87 as long as wide, flat, eyes widely separated above by 3.5 times their width. Antennal fossa very short, near middle of eye, antennal insertion not deep, without sclerotized ring. Antennomeres reddish brown, scape as long as wide as club, funicle 5-segmented, pedicel scaphoid, club subcircular, moderately flattened, thickened basally, anterior face with two separate sutures, both of which are continued on the posterior face of club, sutures ornamented by pale short setae.

Pronotum reddish brown, weakly shining, 1.03 times as long as wide; the base straight, anterior part rounded from third of pronotal length; anterior margin irregularly armed by two large (in the middle) and four smaller (laterally) rounded serrations; anteri- or slope coarsely asperate, armed by rounded serrations, posterior area weakly shining, surface with numerous minute punctures; vestiture on pronotal disc of abundant erect reddish brown setae.

Scutellum visible, very small, triangular, dark brown, dull.

Elytra bicoloured, reddish brown on disc, dark brown on declivity, dull, 1.25 times as long as wide, 1.16 as long as pronotum. Disc occupying 79.5 percent of elytral length; striae not impressed, punctures very small, distinct, uniseriate; interstriae about five times wide as striae, shagreened, dull. Disc covered by sparse short setae, striae with row microscopic hairs, interstriae with sparse confused erect setae. Declivity obliquely truncate; base of declivity armed by single minute tubercles, interstriae 1–4 with one minute tubercle and 1–2 microscopic granules ( Fig. 19 View Figs 19–22 ); striae 1–4 not visible on declivity, interstriae 1–4 with very small granules. Vestiture of short sparse setae covering surface of disc interstriae; erect yellow setae on declivity longer and more abundant.

Metepisternum and metasternite reddish brown with sparse erect yellow setae. Abdomen unicoloured reddish brown, ventrite 1 with short uniformly adjacent setae, ventrites 2–5 with long abundant erect setae. Legs unicoloured reddish brown, with errect yellow setae, pro- and metatibiae with six lateral socketed teeth on distal half and one-third.

Male: unknow.

DIAGNOSIS. The new species is closely related to Theoborus amazonicus sp.n., but can be distinguished by obliquely truncate declivity, short setae on elytral disc, and larger body size.

BIOLOGY. The species was collected in rain tropical forest (Bosque de colina baja).

ETYMOLOGY. The species name relates to the large body form of female, “magnus ” means a large form in Latin.

New records

Sampsonius sexdentatus Eggers 1933

MATERIAL. Peru: Junin region, Satipo province, 15 km NW from Satipo, near Rio Venado village , S11°11´35.2´´ W74°46´07.0´´, h~ 1300 m, FIT, 14.X.2017, leg. A. V Petrov (1 ♀) GoogleMaps

NOTE. The species was previously known from French Guiana only.

Taurodemus salvinii (Blandford 1898)

MATERIAL. Peru: Huanuco region: 20 km S from Tingo Maria, Cayumba village , S9°29´46.0´´ W75°57´13.9´´,h~ 780m, 22–24.XII.2018, leg. A. V Petrov (3 ♀♀ and 1 ♂) GoogleMaps ; 7 km SSW from Tingo Maria, near Las Pavas village , 9°21´71.7´´W75°58´57.5´´, h~ 670 m, 12.IV.2014, leg. A. V Petrov (1 ♀) ; Junin region, Satipo province, 15 km NW from Satipo, near Rio Venado village , S11°11´93.5´´ W74°46´22.7´´, h~ 1060 m, ex. Inga edulis , 18–22. V.2012, leg. A. V Petrov (3 ♀♀) , S11°11´35.2´´ W74°46´06.0´´, h~ 1300 m, 1–3.X.2015, leg. A. V Petrov (2 ♀♀) GoogleMaps , S11°11´39.8´´ W74°46´08.2´´,h~ 1195 m, 6–12.II.2019, leg.A. V Petrov (2 ♀♀) GoogleMaps ; Ene River , 5 km NNE Pichiquia Village, 520 m a.s.l., 11°23.3´S 74°06.4´W, FIT, 25–26.IX.2017, leg. A. V. Petrov (2 ♀♀) GoogleMaps ; Pasco region: 13 km NNE from Pozuzo ,nearStaRoza village, S09°41´36.6´´ W76°05´05.2´´, h~ 1150 m, FIT, 6–11.X.2017, leg. A. V Petrov (2 ♀♀) GoogleMaps .

NOTE.The species was previously known from Costa Rica.

Acknowledgements. The author expresses the most sincere gratitude to Harald Schillhammer (Natural History Museum, Vienna, Austria), Maxwell Barclay (The Natural History Museum, London, United Kingdom) for providing access to the collections. The author thanks Mikhail Yu. Mandelshtam ( Russia) for consulting and information on Taurodemus species. Special gratitude is addressed to Roger A. Beaver (Chiang Mai, Thailand) for proofreading the manuscript.


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